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Avatar 2 officially titled Avatar: The Way Of Water, releasing in NA on December 16


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I saw the movie thought it was fun but dumb, far too long. I don't know why we celebrate it making money when we have no skin in that game though. If I got a percent of the gross, then I want it to be amazing, if I don't then I have no vested interest. It can come and go like anything else.
My interest in it is getting all 5 movies. If this had flopped or done under $1 billion, disney wouldnt have greenlit the sequels.


My interest in it is getting all 5 movies. If this had flopped or done under $1 billion, disney wouldnt have greenlit the sequels.
Makes sense, but personally I would like Cameron to do something else. Maybe another documentary or some other film.




Gold Member
Avatar 2 becomes #10 on the highest-grossing films of all time list.


The 20th Century Studios/Disney sci-fi epic has also in the past day crossed Furious 7 worldwide. Today, it will pass The Avengers to claim the No. 9 spot on the all-time global chart.

What will all three of Joss Whedon's remaining fans think of this travesty?

And here’s NY Times bestselling author Don Winslow getting shitty with the haters. :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

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They filmed part 3 and some of part 4 at the same time as part 2. So they're currently working on all the special effects for part 3 and it's tentatively scheduled to come out December of 2024. However, there is concern that they may miss that December release date just due to the sheer amount and quality of the effects work that needs to be done to finish these movies.

So in theory, part 3 will be relatively soon, but there's rumors that there may be a decent gap for parts 4 and 5.
Is there enough in the sullies to produce 5 films?

I hope they do other stories after the 3rd one.


Gold Member
Yeah I saw. Going to have to finally shell out for ad free YouTube to avoid this mess.

Probably a good idea. I would imagine that Disney's ad campaign for Avatar 3 will make you long for the days of 2. Part 3 is going to be the profit monster for them because of how production costs are structured.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Probably a good idea. I would imagine that Disney's ad campaign for Avatar 3 will make you long for the days of 2. Part 3 is going to be the profit monster for them because of how production costs are structured.
One trick I have leaned is that when the ads pop up if you report them as inappropriate the YT algorithm won't show them again usually. It's how I avoided most of the A2 trailers lol

Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
Makes sense, but personally I would like Cameron to do something else. Maybe another documentary or some other film.

I would die pretty happy with a JC Terminator 3, or Alienss. Heck at least we might be getting that 4K blu-ray of The Abyss this year ... maybe.


Gold Member
I would die pretty happy with a JC Terminator 3, or Alienss. Heck at least we might be getting that 4K blu-ray of The Abyss this year ... maybe.

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I would die pretty happy with a JC Terminator 3, or Alienss. Heck at least we might be getting that 4K blu-ray of The Abyss this year ... maybe.
Cameron will be 74 by the time A5 releases (assuming he hits the 2 year per film cycle), and by that point i feel he will go back to doing exploring and research, while he's still young enough to do it.
I think Cameron sees AVATAR as his Star Wars, his legacy if you like. And you cant really blame him for thinking that when all 5 AVATAR films are probably going to gross around 10bil total.
Of course he could pull a Eastwood and Scott and make movies into his 80's, and possibly beyond. I just feel his heart is in exploring and science now, and he will go back to that once AVATAR is finished.



That is truly nice that Matt and Ross Duffer asked him that question. Hope that he will keep his promise and they will appear this year on 4K BDs.

Bonus question: When are you going to finally release 4K Blu-rays for The Abyss and True Lies??

James Cameron : Comin’ at ya soon.

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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
JC is all about Avatar, so I wouldn't waste too much energy hoping for otherwise.

I don't cry myself to sleep anymore, and more or less have accepted that the Avatar(s) will be his swansong.

Cameron will be 74 by the time A5 releases (assuming he hits the 2 year per film cycle), and by that point i feel he will go back to doing exploring and research, while he's still young enough to do it.
I think Cameron sees AVATAR as his Star Wars, his legacy if you like. And you cant really blame him for thinking that when all 5 AVATAR films are probably going to gross around 10bil total.
Of course he could pull a Eastwood and Scott and make movies into his 80's, and possibly beyond. I just feel his heart is in exploring and science now, and he will go back to that once AVATAR is finished.
Yep there's talk he might pass on directing A4 and A5.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
Makes sense, but personally I would like Cameron to do something else. Maybe another documentary or some other film.
I am ok with him staying in this universe for the next decade. He himself said it gives him an opportunity to tell any story he wants and I agree. SciFi, Futuristic apocalypse (once they get back to earth), epic war movies, disaster movies, etc.

The only movies he cant really do in this universe are period pieces and horror. But even then, Aliens was more action horror and he can just have an alien type creature in the next movie that is hunting the Sullys. And this movie didnt feel very sci-fi tbh. over two thirds of the movie was spent in nature with just clans and family. Very little scifi jargon aside from the interrogation scene and the whale hunting. Movie felt more like dances with wolves than the first one which just shared the plot. This one actually feels far more grounded than the first.

I dont know. If he does a disaster movie like Titanic, it wont look as good as Avatar. If he does Terminator 3 or Aliens 2, his vision will be held back by having to shoot with real cameras on location. This series lets him go full CG and tbh, id rather he stay in the virtual world playground and just continue pushing it to the next level. I want Avatar in Space, Avatar Judgement Day, Avatar Blade Runner, Avatar Return Of the King. All those movies are possible in this universe.


SlimySnake SlimySnake i hear you, but I don’t think the world is that interesting or looks that amazing. To me the movie is bloated with a lot of filler. Here is 20 to 30 minutes of people swimming. And the story was just children obey your parents. Every bad thing that happened was because one kid would not obey. And the kid never learned.

Should have had jake spank his son and then the bad guys never find them because the kid obeyed.


SlimySnake SlimySnake i hear you, but I don’t think the world is that interesting or looks that amazing. To me the movie is bloated with a lot of filler. Here is 20 to 30 minutes of people swimming. And the story was just children obey your parents. Every bad thing that happened was because one kid would not obey. And the kid never learned.

Should have had jake spank his son and then the bad guys never find them because the kid obeyed.
Yuu clearly have no kids 😀
The fact Avatar 3 was filmed alongside the 2nd one probably means a lot of its budget is already being covered by the 2nd movie's theatrical run. It's incredible really. By the time that movie releases, most money spent by Disney will be for marketing since the movie will probably be already paid, lmao.


i saw it last night.

The effects were amazing but the movie was meh.
Is it just me or does this film have framedrops?

Question for the last hour:

Where the fuck did all the warriors go at the end? One scene there was a hell of a fight and in the next its only the family left lol
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Gold Member
And the story was just children obey your parents.

It really wasn't, evident by the parents needing their kids to help them through certain-death scenarios at the end of the movie:
  • Jake being physically drained from his fight with Quaritch and facing the prospect of drowning
  • Neytiri being overcome with grief and rage and in a state of panic inside the capsized ship
My takeaway from the film was that as a parent you're never going to stop caring about your kids, or harping on them when they do idiotic stuff, but that they're going to grow up and they need to be trusted and relied on to do the right thing, or be useful, when it matters. The theme of usefulness is mentioned overtly right before the final act is set into motion.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
i saw it last night.

The effects were amazing but the movie was meh.
Is it just me or does this film have framedrops?

Question for the last hour:

Where the fuck did all the warriors go at the end? One scene there was hell of a fight and in the next its only the family left lol
It makes no sense but Cameron did say that he cut ten minutes of shooting scenes because of gun violence.

I’m all for preachy climate change stuff but gun violence is mostly a u.s issue. The rest of the world watches the same movies, plays the same games and doesn’t go on killing sprees. Even when they do like they did in New Zealand, they immediately take action and do something about it.

I just hate that the rest of the world is being punished because America’s issues with Gun violence. I get the sentiment but It really hurt the movie imo.


does this film have framedrops?
Depends on the quality of the projection equipment and employees.
I had unsynched sound for 20 minutes at my local theater.
Planning a second viewing in the coming weeks, at a different cinema in town. Fingers crossed.


It really wasn't, evident by the parents needing their kids to help them through certain-death scenarios at the end of the movie:
  • Jake being physically drained from his fight with Quaritch and facing the prospect of drowning
  • Neytiri being overcome with grief and rage and in a state of panic inside the capsized ship
My takeaway from the film was that as a parent you're never going to stop caring about your kids, or harping on them when they do idiotic stuff, but that they're going to grow up and they need to be trusted and relied on to do the right thing, or be useful, when it matters. The theme of usefulness is mentioned overtly right before the final act is set into motion.

They were only in that situation because the son didn't listen. had to go warn loner whale.


Gold Member
Jake wouldn't have been there if the kids hadn't had gone.

Quaritch was making his way around the villages and tagging the whales, so we're talking about delaying the inevitable here because Jake was going to be roped into conflict no matter what. Solidifying that is Jake's realization at the end of the film that running isn't an option, which is in stark contrast to his behavior throughout the film.

There's no doubt the kids were a catalyst (they generally are in life), but I just have to disagree that theme was "kids need to obey adults."

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Quaritch was making his way around the villages and tagging the whales, so we're talking about delaying the inevitable here because Jake was going to be roped into conflict no matter what. Solidifying that is Jake's realization at the end of the film that running isn't an option, which is in stark contrast to his behavior throughout the film.

There's no doubt the kids were a catalyst (they generally are in life), but I just have to disagree that theme was "kids need to obey adults."
The theme was clearly that Pandora has to mount their own resistance. The main point of the movie is that the whales are pacifists, but now the one whale willing to fight was the only one correct. The theme will be nature fighting back. Jack is going to slowly transitioning into more of a passive observer I think, since his kid was born on Pandora and is clearly moving into a leadership role. Or Jake is going to die at the end. The theme is that even nature can't run.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Yeah, I was surprised to see just how many times that kid got them in trouble on my second viewing. It was like 5 times.

- Train Robbery
- Took his young sister to see the shack where his parents murdered Quattrich. Got Spider captured.
- Picked a fight with the Chief's son AFTER everything had calmed down
- Bonded with Payakan and continued to defend him after hearing his backstory.
- Went back to rescue the whale despite his brother telling him not to
- Went back to rescue Tarzan getting his brother killed.

Cameron lingers on a shot of his bloody hands after his brother dies. I was like very subtle Jim. lol

I say surprising because i didnt HATE the kid like I did Loki in GOW. Despite everything he does, he's still likeable. He doesnt call his dad an asshole. Doesnt constantly act like a spoiled brat like Loki. Doesnt keep secrets and comes out and tells everyone about Payakan. Even in the jungle, he calls his dad and tells him about the new Avatars. And finally, his whale friend saves the day. I am still not sure what Loki did in GOW to benefit the team. The whole payoff for the mask was ridiculous.

God I hate that game's story the more i think about it.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Quaritch was making his way around the villages and tagging the whales, so we're talking about delaying the inevitable here because Jake was going to be roped into conflict no matter what. Solidifying that is Jake's realization at the end of the film that running isn't an option, which is in stark contrast to his behavior throughout the film.

There's no doubt the kids were a catalyst (they generally are in life), but I just have to disagree that theme was "kids need to obey adults."
Yeah, Id say the theme of the movie is that you cant run from your problems. Jake tries to do the right thing. He leaves his tribe because he doesnt want them to suffer. He convinces the ocean tribe not to attack even after their spirit brothers and sisters are attacked. He's basically Gandhi or MLK when he needed to be Malcolm X. Neytiri kept telling him to stand his ground and fight but he dragged his entire family to another place just to delay the inevitable.

Of course, all of this is a very flimsy excuse for James Cameron to take this movie to the ocean and this is the best the writers could come up with lol


Gold Member
Yeah, I was surprised to see just how many times that kid got them in trouble on my second viewing. It was like 5 times.
My takeaway was that those kids (except maybe the youngest one) were COMPLETELY ready for independent life on this paradise planet and shoulda been kicked out of the nest far earlier. No real reason for Jake to keep his thumb on them, seemed like they all could survive quite well at the incredibly austere and subsistence level of Nav'i existence on Pandora.

Think about it. They all seem to live in a temperate zone, they require almost no clothing, seem to own nothing but some baskets or containers, a knife, a bow, some animal riding harnesses. That's basically it. So seems like middle kid could have just fucked off with little Jake could have done about it and found himself a new tribe.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
My takeaway was that those kids (except maybe the youngest one) were COMPLETELY ready for independent life on this paradise planet and shoulda been kicked out of the nest far earlier. No real reason for Jake to keep his thumb on them, seemed like they all could survive quite well at the incredibly austere and subsistence level of Nav'i existence on Pandora.

Think about it. They all seem to live in a temperate zone, they require almost no clothing, seem to own nothing but some baskets or containers, a knife, a bow, some animal riding harnesses. That's basically it. So seems like middle kid could have just fucked off with little Jake could have done about it and found himself a new tribe.
This is a good point. Jake was raising them like a human dad living in a 21st century city when they are clearly tribal people who probably shouldve moved out as soon as they got their own banshees.


Resident Crybaby
Per James Cameron: Avatar 2 is profitable and all sequels are full steam ahead:


"It looks like just with the momentum that the film has now that will easily pass our break even in the next few days, so it looks like I can't wiggle out of this, I'm gonna have to do these other sequels," Cameron said (with presumably some feigned reluctance, given his obvious dedication and enthusiasm for his franchise). "I know what I'm going to be doing the next six or seven years. The point is we're going to be okay. I'm sure that we'll have a discussion soon with with the top folks at Disney about the game plan going forward for Avatar 3, which is already in the can – we've already captured and photographed the whole film so we're in extended post-production to do all that CG magic. And then Avatar 4 and 5 are both written. We even have some of 4 in the can. We've begun a franchise at this point. We've begun a saga that can now play out over multiple films."
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Gold Member
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Resident Crybaby
They're going to rope him in a bit, which I see as a good thing. I heard he demanded that all VFX work for his 9 hour cut of Avatar 3 be completed before he made any cuts, which is patently absurd.

I think Bob Iger *might* be the good counterbalance that Cameron needs to keep him on track.

I don't think that "9 hour cut/full VFX" rumor was true.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
They're going to rope him in a bit, which I see as a good thing. I heard he demanded that all VFX work for his 9 hour cut of Avatar 3 be completed before he made any cuts, which is patently absurd.

I think Bob Iger *might* be the good counterbalance that Cameron needs to keep him on track.

I don't think Cameron is THAT crazy, but on the other hand, it would make creating longer versions of the Avatar sequels with cut content spliced in much easier. I'd love a 30 minutes longer version of The Way of Water with much more character development.


Gold Member
I don't think Cameron is THAT crazy, but on the other hand, it would make creating longer versions of the Avatar sequels with cut content spliced in much easier. I'd love a 30 minutes longer version of The Way of Water with much more character development.
Very much this.

Cameron is smart, he knows the likelihood of going back years later to tweak cuts for a never ending series of "new edition!!" is FAR harder if fx work needs to be done. So getting it all up front gives him the maximum flexibility for a theatrical cut, expanded cut, directors cut, enthusiast cut, etc etc so his numerous kids and numerous ex-wives can live comfortably forever.

I think he also knows that maximizing studio investment up front will give him revenue streams down the road that he can use for new projects. There is ZERO guarantee that A2 doing gangbusters will ensure A3, A4, A5, etc. Disney could EASILY swallow all the profits from A2 and shitcan the other sequels, so if he has ways of generating another couple mill for each released film via re-issues ('paid for' by money long since spent) it can help with any new execs (though I feel this is overall unlikely, A3 is likely locked in for sure, A4 probably as well)

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Id love a 12 minute longer version of The Way of Water with much more gun violence.
Kind of interesting when you think about it. If it's guns, it's either gotta be Jake or the enemy. Maybe he actually gave the marines a few more scenes that got cut. He definitely didn't hold back on the Neytiri killstreak lol.


It makes no sense but Cameron did say that he cut ten minutes of shooting scenes because of gun violence.

I’m all for preachy climate change stuff but gun violence is mostly a u.s issue. The rest of the world watches the same movies, plays the same games and doesn’t go on killing sprees. Even when they do like they did in New Zealand, they immediately take action and do something about it.

I just hate that the rest of the world is being punished because America’s issues with Gun violence. I get the sentiment but It really hurt the movie imo.
He should have cut a lot more, like about an hour. Run time was way too long for the story he was telling IMO. James Cameron can do what he wants; he has earned it but I would not not sit through that again.


Gold Member
Kind of interesting when you think about it. If it's guns, it's either gotta be Jake or the enemy. Maybe he actually gave the marines a few more scenes that got cut. He definitely didn't hold back on the Neytiri killstreak lol.

Or guns were flown in and given to the tribes, and the gun porn that was cut would also explain why they suddenly left.


Saw it in imax 3d last night. Looks great to be sure but the plot was meh and it was just so goddamn long. If it was 135 minutes instead of 195 or whatever it is, it’d be a better experience

It also just takes itself so seriously. There’s like 4 minor jokes in the entire 3+ hours and you’re left with the feeling that it needs to get over itself and have a little fun


Gold Member
Got my 4DX tickets set for Sunday. Can't wait to get sprayed in the face with water and amrita.


Just saw it, IMAX/3D, really a gorgeous movie.

But, I could easily have sat 3 hours and just watched underwater scenes with the girl swimming around, that was really pretty.

They story was ok, but dang it's a looker!
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