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Battlefield 2042 Reveal Trailer

Cao Cao



Writes a lot, says very little
How did they do that when we are bound by last-gen hardware?? I don't understand!!! Can someone help me figure this out??

You would lol

This is the one team I fully trust with cross gen stuff as BF4 was soooooo fucking good. DICE is looking to melt hardware with this one lol I can't wait to see everything they pull off with new hardware. Day 1.

Notice after a knife kill, taking dog tags have returned!!!!!


No C4-Quad attack on that chopper ?

anyway, see you in one year Dice when the game will actually be playable + netcode fixed as always

Ice warfare looked cool. Glad they finally ditched the fucking singleplayer and went back to the true bf roots
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Gold Member
How did they do that when we are bound by last-gen hardware?? I don't understand!!! Can someone help me figure this out??

Last gen is 64 players and smaller maps
Next gen 128 players, full scale maps

Just like bf4 was on ps3, compared to the ps4 version

Last gen is half the game
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Eh, an in-engine trailer that is not at all a representation of the game.

If there's no campaign I definitely won't be buying it. Battlefield online is the jankiest shit out there.

Hopefully it's better than the last handful of Battlefield games for those that care.


It's funny how many people are ignorant to the fact that someone actually did eject from a jet and shoot down a chasing plane and then got back in on BF4 and put the video online. This trailer was for Battlefield fans, not people who were always going to just go "it's a military shooter whatever!" This is the first modern Military shooter DICE has released since Hardline like 6 years ago.
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Writes a lot, says very little
My condolences. 1200+ hours for me for each BF3/BF4. Started since BF2. So I know exactly what I'm after, tyvm.

Hey np. I love the series and just never focused on any of that stuff. I've played the whole series and never really cared for the single player. I don't know why anyone would legit care about that shit in a MP focused game series. They are doing away from the SP with this entry and likely the series for good (for the better tbh).

Most won't give a shit, most don't play BF for that. Watch this one move record units, with zero SP and you'll see that BS regarding BFV was simply people being triggered over a mode MOST just don't play.


That looked like a lot of people in one place. Kinda like all maps will be Metro style.

Hmm I'm definitely interested, since I dont like Battle Royale games or CoD.

Will be interesting if 128 players is worth it. I already see 40 Snipers per team on certain kind of maps (since maps have to be bigger, Snipers might become more viable).
Personally I always thought the 32 player servers had the best mix of infantry combat, vehicle accessibility, playability and chaos. So I am sceptical about 128. At the very least a lot of vehicle types will be become more viable and Jet pilots wont get carpal tunnel from basically turning their plane every 2 seconds.


Nah I still think it's idiotic. In-engine cutscenes the entire thing, lame music and memes of the type "hey look look you can do that thing with the jet that everyone knows". I would probably have liked it if those same sequences were from actual first-person gameplay though. Have to wait for the MS show for that
Yea, we were all reserving judgement for gameplay when HFW showed it's first cinematic trailer. NOT!
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Also I low key love the shootout to that video in the trailer :

Trying to find the C1nt Beastwood ones where the guy just jumped out of his chopper to do some airborne TNT takedowns, shit was amazing
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Why not both? So I'm pre-ordering this bitch day 1, doesn't sound like that trailer is "worthless" to me if my reaction is to already look forward to playing it day 1. So....if you own a business and someone is saying "DAY 1" from a trailer of your rivals, I'm sure you'd also start looking to market that way too. This is still a business. I get how in engine footage can be used against consumers, but this publisher and developer has rarely ever done that to deceive or something, Ubisoft might be the biggest publisher to do that and even they don't do that anymore, so I don't see the harm as we still get a gameplay demo later anyway. Everyone wins.
I'm happy the trailer had a positive impact on you. It had the opposite impact on me. I've been gaming for too many years to be influenced by a content free trailer.


Oh so ok there are 7 maps with one to three sectors in each, meaning theres MAYBE 21 maps total. Im guessing the full version of a map is used for the 128 players battles ? man that wording will cause so much confusion, why haven't they said we have 7 locations each divided in multiple maps. My understanding is that if you capture a sector the battle is over (so its kinda a redo of grand operations). Do we know the other modes ? saw a reddit leak mentioning Hazard and some other stuff but no classic domination
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Yea, we were all reserving judgement for gameplay when HFW showed it's first cinematic trailer. NOT!
It's not that I think the game will not look like that. To me they were just random clips and noise. The only thing this trailer informed me of is that a new battlefield is coming and it will look pretty. Guess it could be my fault, I was expecting a trailer like this


I lol'ed when they started their "in-engine" CGI trailer with very obvious AA ghosting. Gotta be honest, it had all the elements of being a real hype-builder but it felt like it shot nothing but blanks. No idea what happened to DICE but they just can't evoke those spine-chilling emotions of the BF3&4 days. I think they overdid the soldier numbers and that made them feel too thrown together which underscored the magnitude of the action & destruction, plus the music was straight trash.

I'll still reserve judgement for actual gameplay footage, but this was surprisingly disappointing. Guess they'll stay playing second-fiddle to COD.

A shame, they used to know how it's done:


Gold Member
Oh so ok there are 7 maps with one to three sectors in each, meaning theres MAYBE 21 maps total. Im guessing the full version of a map is used for the 128 players battles ? man that wording will cause so much confusion, why haven't they said we have 7 locations each divided in multiple maps. My understanding is that if you capture a sector the battle is over (so its kinda a redo of grand operations). Do we know the other modes ? saw a reddit leak mentioning Hazard and some other stuff but no classic domination

Rush is back, I imagine the basic modes too, otherwise last gen will have no modes to play lol


Lol, MP games does not need a lackluster campaign... what generates more replay-ability? SP or MP?

thank god for games like early BF (1942, vietnam, BF2) Quake3, UT99 etc for understanding this.. rather put the recources on more maps, modes etc than a fucking useless SP

Theres zero f2p games done with the budget needed for a battlefield, and if this has levolution, 128 players battle and more than a dozen of maps the price tag is fine, especially if the graphics are up to snuff

Amazing that nobody complained about paying for Overwatch at full price back then. Where was your pve at launch ?
Lol, MP games does not need a lackluster campaign... what generates more replay-ability? SP or MP?

thank god for games like early BF (1942, vietnam, BF2) Quake3, UT99 etc for understanding this.. rather put the recources on more maps, modes etc than a fucking useless SP
Game with 8 hours campaign - Take my 70 dollars!
Game with infinite multiplayer replayability - It needs to be free to play!


Unconfirmed Member
This comment is so annoying lmfao. Battlefield has always shown in-engine trailers first and then gameplay shortly after. Boo hoo you gotta wait until the xbox conference.
The poster you quoted wanted those first comment upvotes. It's the reddit effect.


This that shit I don't want.

Honestly I'm surprised at how desperate that trailer felt. The climax with the dude ascending a tornado in a wing suit just screams in desperation to the fortnite audience. DICE has officially abandoned me with this.
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