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Bernie Sanders Campaign files procedural papers to continue lawsuit against DNC

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Man, he is good. This is actually pretty good politics. His core supporters hate the DNC. Now he is suing them, this just energizes his base even further. It further makes him the anti-establishment candidate. It also scares me. Now I'm convinced he won't support Clinton the way Clinton supported Obama. He's going out kicking and screaming.


So Bernie's staff takes advantage of a systems failure and copies Clinton's proprietary polling data. Bernie loses access to his data for 24 hours in response.

Can you explain to me how Bernie was wronged in this scenario because I just don't get it. And please, don't resort to very legalistic and technical justification because you are being very moralistic and ethical in your post right here.

As I understand it, the campaign did what they were supposed to do and turned off their access and fired the guy. Then they notified the DNC what had happened. Instead of confirming and acknowledging they had done right by the DNC, they just let them sit without access for a day. That basically stopped their campaign in its tracks.

It's unhelpful. And it's unlawful. It's a breach of contract. Sanders' campaign is doing the right thing, which is not always the best thing.

Any sane person gave up long trying to reason with who you quoted. Either they're an elaborate troll or highly deluded, don't even waste your time.

What a way to stifle conversation here.
Awhile back some of his staff hacked into the Hillary Campaign's database. Guy got fired. So the DNC decided to punish his campaign by not giving him access to their own voter database.

I mean, that was petty of the DNC, yeah, but it's pretty petty of him to get stuck on it.

For like 2 days
Sounds like something a Clinton would do.

Sounds like something any politician would do honestly, but it's a desperate claim nonetheless.

As I understand it, the campaign did what they were supposed to do and turned off their access and fired the guy. Then they notified the DNC what had happened. Instead of confirming and acknowledging they had done right by the DNC, they just let them sit without access for a day. That basically stopped their campaign in its tracks.

It's unhelpful. And it's unlawful. It's a breach of contract. Sanders' campaign is doing the right thing, which is not always the best thing.

What a way to stifle conversation here.

Serious question - what if Sanders' campaign were plotting to use Hillary's information, and had the person act as a scapegoat?


Can you imagine the shitfit that would be thrown if a Clinton staffer accessed the Sanders' campaign's data and copied it? I don't think we'd be hearing about how it's all the vendor's fault.

Those change.org petitions would be so signed!

Right after all of the ones over how Hillary has committed voter fraud in literally every state she's won.
Man some of you people are angry. I don't get it. Clinton is going to win the primary and the general, don't worry. Bernie is just a speedbump that she is slowly rolling over at this point.
As I understand it, the campaign did what they were supposed to do and turned off their access and fired the guy. Then they notified the DNC what had happened. Instead of confirming and acknowledging they had done right by the DNC, they just let them sit without access for a day. That basically stopped their campaign in its tracks.

It's unhelpful. And it's unlawful. It's a breach of contract. Sanders' campaign is doing the right thing, which is not always the best thing.

What a way to stifle conversation here.

Actually, what they were supposed to do is not access the data.

Though I can understand why you like to ignore that fact.


now he needs to use this, the arizona shit, and hillary's transcripts at the next debate

I don't see how the first two would help him in the slightest.

He already apologised to her over this and she accepted and wanted to move past it. Throwing it in her face that he's still suing the DNC after they've made amends accomplishes ??? And Arizona is the fault of the state GOP party.

Unless this is peak Tesseract cheekiness in which case yes the tide of people are going to tear down the false idols of HRC and DWS and Bernie will reclaim the American Dream.


Vocal Bernie supporters have derided superdelegates. Bernie and his campaign staff, as far as I know, have not. Can you point me to three instances of Sanders' campaign staff deriding superdelegates? I am legitimately curious.

Bernie spends the bulk of his speeches raging against the Establishment, including the Democratic Establishment.

Who do you think Superdelegates are?
Only for $75,000? I'm sure some bigwig in 'the establishment' will just laugh at that amount and mail him it. You need to dream bigger, Bernie.
Never forget that it was Clinton campaign members who created the racist "birther" movement against Obama.

actually, it was online supporters akin to today's "berniebros" (who also may or may not be supporting trump now, see hillaryis44). her campaign had absolutely zilch to do with that


Man some of you people are angry. I don't get it. Clinton is going to win the primary and the general, don't worry. Bernie is just a speedbump that she is slowly rolling over at this point.
So you're saying Hillary ran over Bernie in her car and then shifted into R to be safe.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Your quote selections were bent to your Anti-Sanders rhetoric which has fueled the responses here. The lawsuit was filed to pressure the DNC to act on the promised audit and the judge forced the campaigns hand on keeping the lawsuit or dropping it. The audit still isn't complete so they had to officially file.

It is as simple as that. When the issue is resolved to their liking with the audit or otherwise, it will go away.

75 grand is nothing compared to the optics of this situation. They should have dropped it. I don't know why they didn't


Um, a cursory Google search does nothing to fill one in on any immediate breakable news on this subject matter. The link in the OP is also a website I've never heard of. This thread is obviously just an attempt to bring the issue back in to the spotlight here on GAF for HilGAF to pass the ball around...


Bernie spend the bulk of his speeches raging against the Establishment, including the Democratic Establishment.

Who do you think Superdelegates are?

Supers care about electability math, that's why Bernie will steal the nomination.

Love always wins, Clinton cannot beat trump. The polls have spoken.


Man, he is good. This is actually pretty good politics. His core supporters hate the DNC. Now he is suing them, this just energizes his base even further. It further makes him the anti-establishment candidate. It also scares me. Now I'm convinced he won't support Clinton the way Clinton supported Obama. He's going out kicking and screaming.

You don't have to convince your core supporters to vote for you, but the people who would otherwise vote for Hillary.

This only polarizes more the democratic primary, which doesn't help Bernie.
Bernie is a shit politician that wants a revolution without actually helping anyone but himself achieve it.

And now his delusions of grandeur because of the success he has had in the primary is leading to him refusing to bow out quietly and only ramping up this crap. He's trying to drag the Democrats, the party he refused to join until it benefited him(how oddly political), down with him.

What success? Hillary is kicking his ass.


Man some of you people are angry. I don't get it. Clinton is going to win the primary and the general, don't worry. Bernie is just a speedbump that she is slowly rolling over at this point.

I remember someone once said something about how a 75-year-old white guy being more liberal than their preferred candidate was making people who were convinced they were on top of the liberal pecking order salty. That may or may not be the case, but the knee-jerk contempt for Bernie sure makes you wonder.

Anyway, I agree that this is a bad and unhelpful move on Bernie's part.


Sounds like something any politician would do honestly, but it's a desperate claim nonetheless.

Serious question - what if Sanders' campaign were plotting to use Hillary's information, and had the person act as a scapegoat?

I'm sure there would have been more implications and shady business discovered (like weird things happening in the primaries) that would indicate this.

Like you ignoring pigeon, eh?

I haven't responded to his stuff because unlike him I'm not trying to put words in others' mouths.


You don't have to convince your core supporters to vote for you, but the people who would otherwise vote for Hillary.

This only polarizes more the democratic primary, which doesn't help Bernie.

It helps real progressives

We're ready to move on, we don't want 8 more years of neoliberalism. We don't need babies, working class deserves a break. Healthcare and education are human rights. Hillary is afraid of Bernie's optimism. Sad!
Man, if he went independent for the GE, I'd be sooooo conflicted. On one hand, the Dems have the best shot at beating the Republicans, but on the other hand, I'd feel internally obligated to vote for the candidate I most believe in. Bernie would not be an insignificant spoiler to Hillary if he ran independently. And beyond that, I would looooove for a viable far-left party to exist in American politics. I'd probably vote Dem if Trump got the Republican nomination, but if Trump were to also go third-party, Bernie all the way. I'm not loyal to the Democrats--only averse to the Republicans.

Can you imagine? A four-way GE between Hillary, Sanders, Trump, and whoever the Republicans put up? Two independents with sizable bases supporting them? I can't even imagine what that would be like. Fantasy scenario, but it's not completely outside the realm of possibility.

It would look like the GOP House of Reps picking the President.
Your quote selections were bent to your Anti-Sanders rhetoric which has fueled the responses here.
They are the fuel, and I am the match.

The lawsuit was filed to pressure the DNC to act on the promised audit and the judge forced the campaigns hand on keeping the lawsuit or dropping it. The audit still isn't complete so they had to officially file.

It is as simple as that. When the issue is resolved to their liking with the audit or otherwise, it will go away.
And what if the audit is not resolved? Are they not going to sue? If yes, it's still a lawsuit.
I'm sure there would have been more implications and shady business discovered (like weird things happening in the primaries) that would indicate this.

Well, since you implied that the DNC and/or Hillary planted someone in his campaign to get him in trouble, you would surely supply me with implications and shady business of that like?


Gold Member
rhetorical questions....

how do you access a database that is outside of your own without it being fully intentional?

how does a database's authentication mechanisms get bypassed without formal authorization?

how does one obtain unauthorized credentials?

and locked out for 24 hours? A slap on the wrist considering he is running for president.

You gotta be some kind of mother fucker to sue the party your campaign breached and stole from for political gain.


I'm a Hispanic, so...

And I'm assuming you're actually of the mindset that if Bernie isn't the nominee we deserve to have President Trump/Cruz? If not, then I wasn't actually referencing you, and I apologize if you thought I was.


rhetorical questions....

how do you access a database that is outside of your own without it being fully intentional?

how does a database's authentication mechanisms get bypassed without formal authorization?

how does one obtain unauthorized credentials?

and locked out for 24 hours? A slap on the wrist considering he is running for president.

You gotta be some kind of mother fucker to sue the party your campaign breached and stole from for political gain.

The [voter database] Agreement does not permit the Defendant to suspend or terminate service to Plaintiff in the absence of ten days’ written notice to Plaintiff, and Plaintiff’s failure to cure any breach or default within a period of ten days.
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