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Besty Devos splits Senate with 50/50 vote, VP Pence confirms nomation

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Aren't children suppose to be the untouchable holy grail in society? Aren't they the ones who are suppose to be the most well protected and looked out for?

How the fuck did this happen?

Grizzlies i guess?


In 2018 they need to nail some of these fuckers to the wall for basically saying "i know what the people in my state overwhelmingly want and I dont care"



Did the American people not vote for the Republicans to control the house and the senate?

This is what happens when you think the only vote that matters is the one for the President.
I certainly don't think that. I go out and vote every mid-term.

But yes you're right. Not enough people do and this is what happens.



Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Now watch her not do anything about the bears.

Don't worry the GOP will turn on her when she wants to implement her bear patrol.



Wait, I remember a YouTube video, isn't she the woman who had to answer every single answer with "no" when she was asked if she ever had to deal with high budget projects/new shit about public schools?

Holy shit unbelievable that she was nominated.

Stuff like this is vulnerable to the same dangers that every human-centric process is. The outcome is ultimately determined by opinion. We have people voting based on their own choices. A computer doesn't calculate a scientific outcome and select the objectively best choice. We've only got ourselves. So sometimes, you get Trump and you get the people he picked.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
The American people voted for this. What are you angry at me for? I'm not saying not to fight, but sadly people need to feel the consequences of their actions. Even their innocent children. That is our system and how it functions unless you want to allow children the right to vote. Which seems like something that will eventually happen.

You can always teach outside of the US.

no, no we did not. Aside from the popular vote which has already been pointed out. I know many teachers and other texas residents, both republican and democrat and trump supporters that have messaged, called, emailed, tweeted, faxed both Ted Cruz and John Cornyn saying to vote no on Devos. They're response was it was all "paid" nobodies muddying up the works or some shit like that.


At least America's schools will now be safer from grizzly attacks.
While American kids get even dumber on the world stage. Is such a thing even possible?

Remember, when public education is completely defunded and schools shut down, send your kids to burn down the private schools... that way the rich people suffer too.
Can someone give me the bullet points of what SoE's role actually is?

From Wikipedia:

The United States Secretary of Education is the head of the U.S. Department of Education. The Secretary advises the President on federal policies, programs, and activities related to education in the United States. As a member of the President's Cabinet, this Secretary is fifteenth in the United States presidential line of succession.

The current Secretary of Education is Betsy DeVos.

The Secretary is advised by the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, an advisory committee, on "matters related to accreditation and to the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education."


Why the fuck is Betsy DeVos the most controversial pick? People are exploding all over Twitter like this is the end of the world. Worse picks were already confirmed guys!


You look at the quality of education all over the world and the importance they place on it and you actively see why America is falling behind and at risk of losing its status as the world's power. Dumb fucks electing Trump at all is a reflection of the current educational system. And now it's only gonna get even worse for those who are most vulnerable.

This is arguably the worst pick of all. If you must have a hill to die on in terms of nominations, this would be it.


Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Why the fuck is Betsy DeVos the most controversial pick? People are exploding all over Twitter like this is the end of the world. Worse picks were already confirmed guys!

Because kids education is a huge part of our country. It isn't rocket science.
Did the American people not vote for the Republicans to control the house and the senate?

This is what happens when you think the only vote that matters is the one for the President.

Because most people vote straight ticket without realizing. So a vote for Trump is one for Republican


Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.

She has no idea what the fuck she is doing. She's literally only here because of pay2play. Refer to Brinbe's post above yours as well.


My wife and I bought our house specifically because it was in a district that would let our firstborn go to the school with the best autism program in the area. Now we're freaked out that it's all going to go away before we know it.

I wouldn't have graduated highschool in 4 years if it wasn't for special educational.

I hope you & you're family do alright.
Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.
Shes a private school lobbyist and actively belives in the privatization on public education.


Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.

She has absolutely zero experience in public education, and runs companies that aim to privatize education for profit and cut the legs out from under public education. She also got the position by donating 200 million to the GOP and Trump.
I hate this fucking country. Especially all the spineless, reckless bastards who voted to confirm knowing she wasn't qualified. Feel horrible for anyone with school age children who can't afford to put them in private school. Which includes my sister and her three year old son with autism.
Padded cells and solitary confinement! Cubicles stuffed with children parked in front of computers for hours on end! Fake Medicaid billing scams! $400,000/yr administrator salaries! Athlete and rap star sponsored private schools! 100 child classrooms! Zero public scrutiny! All paid for by your tax dollars! Woo-hoo!


I certainly don't think that. I go out and vote every mid-term.

But yes you're right. Not enough people do and this is what happens.


If there's any good to come out of this shit show of an administration is that people are realizing the importance of midterm voting.


Aren't children suppose to be the untouchable holy grail in society? Aren't they the ones who are suppose to be the most well protected and looked out for?

How the fuck did this happen?

Grizzlies i guess?

Not if they're out of the womb and not good little straight white Christian kids.

Fox Mulder

Republicans will own this mess, and party loyalty takes a backseat when people's kids get fucked over

No they won't.

Everything is always the liberals fault and even if Trump and Republicans are tossed out in 2020, it'll take too long to unfuck everything before the GOP benefits from being an obstructionist party again.

The right wants this shit. I'm glad I don't have kids for them to fuck up with their backwards bullshit.
Can someone explain the situation to me and why this woman is so bad?

I've kept an ear on certain political issues but not this one specifically...so I genuinely have no clue about her.

She knows nothing about public education (has never worked in education, or gone to a public school, or had children go through a public school). She is about to be in charge of public schools. Her only qualification is that she has donated a lot of money to replacing public schools with charter schools, and said charter schools have been pretty poorly run. She also has no idea about real issues in education, is not against having guns in schools, and will maybe push to cut major funding to public schools.

And she only got this nomination because she donated so much money to the GOP and Trump's campaign.
Aren't children suppose to be the untouchable holy grail in society? Aren't they the ones who are suppose to be the most well protected and looked out for?

How the fuck did this happen?

Grizzlies i guess?

You do realize public education in this country has been underfunded even in the best of times for decades? One of the reasons Devos is so frightening for teachers is that they are already under siege, and a brand new war machine just rolled onto the battlefield


Never in the history had this happened. This is only proves once and for all republicans are unethical and corrupted beyond fixing. Americans need to wake the fuck up.
Why the fuck is Betsy DeVos the most controversial pick? People are exploding all over Twitter like this is the end of the world. Worse picks were already confirmed guys!

If the ramifications of children's education isn't enough, then the optics of 'bribery' is another angle to this being so controversial.


Trump/Pence now has:
Regular old Democrats
Pro-Choice and Women's Rights Defenders
Public School Teachers and Administrators
LBGTQ Community
Government Agencies
Members of his own party
Most World Powers/Countries

against his administration. I mean, I have to applaud him for bringing so many people together under one cause.
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