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Bethesda cant let go of the Creation Engine because it's both a blessing and a curse

Does your beard grows with time in Bethesda games?
Oh what's that? You need mods to actually make their games good?
I'm about 15 hours into my first Skyrim playthrough in close to 10 years. The only mods I installed were textures and meshes. I'm having a good time with it. When it came out we all wanted more, but the RPGs that released afterward have kinda proven that we're no longer capable of really making more. It's got the Crysis 2 effect were it's kinda disappointing at first, but in hindsight it's really good because gaming as a whole has not met the expectations we had years ago.


Gold Member
There's historically zero evidence this is ever a proper correlation.

I think Rockstar is literally the only dev company that applies too. Call of Duty has something like 3,000+ people working on it and its still a buggy mess. Same with pretty much any modern western AAA game. Meanwhile, smaller studios like Insomniac, i.d., and Valve (when they feel like it) make consistently great games.

Size has zero correlation with quality, just look at EA or Ubisoft. Ubisoft hasn't released a single interesting game since Rayman Legends (which was also made with a small studio, mind you) and they are huge.
Ok it's not always related but the discussion started because someone said that bethesda like to be a small team because of some (imo) bullshit reason, but you can't really achieve a game like starfield with a small team unless you don't care about optimization etc. because modders are gonna fix the game for you or because your many fanboys are ok with f4 or worse level of gunplay and even worse melee (if there is any)

Just by hiring full time some of the most famous modders (because they clearly showed their value along the years) and some betatester would make a world of difference, you add some animation and combat specialist and that's how having more people in your squad can help.
I never said that they need a 2000 men team, but hiring someone to help where you are weak now that you are under M it's only logical and what people expected after the acquisition.

Not even the greenest fanboy is gonna tell you that he didn't expected some M polish for bethesda games after the acquisition, and if he tells you the opposite, he is lying or he is just one of those crazy "bethesda junk and shit animations add to the experience" folks. (of course even this people are gonna install any mod that improve the game 5 min after release)
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Not even the greenest fanboy is gonna tell you that he didn't expected some M polish for bethesda games after the acquisition, and if he tells you the opposite, he is lying or he is just one of those crazy "bethesda junk and shit animations add to the experience" folks. (of course even this people are gonna install any mod that improve the game 5 min after release)
You are literally the first person I'm hearing this from. When has any company acquired under Microsoft seen more polish? I think you are getting some unrealistic expectations for the game, MS is not Sony, they have much less interference with development which should be very obvious with Halo Infinite's development problems.
It's still going to be a Bethesda game, jank and all. And yes some people do find their jank charming, it's not a crazy thing.


Gold Member
You are literally the first person I'm hearing this from. When has any company acquired under Microsoft seen more polish? I think you are getting some unrealistic expectations for the game, MS is not Sony, they have much less interference with development which should be very obvious with Halo Infinite's development problems.
It's still going to be a Bethesda game, jank and all. And yes some people do find their jank charming, it's not a crazy thing.
If you really think that it's illogical to expect some more polish when someone like M buy you especially when you have an history of releasing broken games then we can stop discussing dude.

People never talk about that because usually the big acquisitions that we discuss in forum are about decent\good teams that release acceptably polished games already, but you can return reading the bethesda acquisition topic and you are gonna read a lot of people hoping for more polish\animations\production values after the fact was announced.
And even if we don't talk about it, even stevie wonder noticed the improvements in production values in housemarque latest game compared to their oldest titles, if you think that sony money has nothing to do with it, then thing again...

Sony has the Ice team that share improvements from one team to another, guerrilla even helped a non-first party studio like the kojima one by gifting an entire new graphical engine just because he was making a game for ps4.

If you buy a studio who has some problems that can be partially solved by pouring some money to hire more people and you don't do that, then you have a management problem or you just don't care about improving the games in your portfolio, and everyone and their mother know that bethesda games can be improved A LOT.

Not saying that it always work, but it CAN work and that's already a step forward compared to do nothing except waiting for the modders.
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