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Biomutant - World Trailer


Beuatiful looking enviroments, with nice variety. They've clearly put a lot of love into that side of the game. It's unfortunate they weren't able to hire a decent animator. From the clips I saw, this is sub PS1 era basic janky stuff, the kind of anim that would've been produced on 3D Studio 4 without IK controls back when 3D games were in their infancy and so few animators were about that had made the transistion from 2D.

But my main issue with the trailer is I don't really know what kind of game it is. Is it a BOTW type clone or something else? Very few gameplay mechanics were revealed.


No it's definitely a small team. Not sure on the details but its true

– We started development with 4 people.

Damn, that put things into perspective.

Bill And Ted Reaction GIF


The rating said profanity, alcohol and what not.
The trailer on the other hand was mellow af

edit: In a good way. No human NPCs is best NPCs
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So its out in a month and we know almost nothing about the game. The trailer is strange, why not show action/combat and real gameplay.


Gold Member
Here is an interview that Angry Joe did with one of the devs. Even if you don't like him, it's a pretty good interview that answers good questions and reveals more details.

Details from video:

Creative Director Interview
  • It’s a big game, and they are a small team. That’s why it’s taken so long.
  • Started with the main version of the game in May 2016.
  • Originally 4 person team. 13 in 2017 and currently 20
  • Guy being interviewed has a background in open world games and has done that for many years. Worked at Avalanche (and others I think).
  • Also a background in pen and paper RPGs
  • Originally started as a top-down game with Diablo-esque environments. The 6 devs at the time in 2016 took a vote to change it and pull the camera down.
  • Various combat styles including guns and melee with mention of lightning attack based weapons and the ability to switch between them quickly in combat.
  • Weapons shown have rarities, qualities, damage number range, add-ons, weight classes, attack speed, armor pierce, critical chance, required attribute, and required skill. Not all weapons have requirements.
  • World is square kilometers in size and nothing procedurally generated. All handcrafted
  • Character is customizable and can be “mutated”. Characters you make are given a genetic code so they can be shared/recreated.
  • Character stats shown were:
  • Strength (Damage), Vitality (Health, Health Regen, Armor, Power Resist), Charisma (Persuasion, Barter), Intellect (Power, Energy, Energy Regen, Power Resist, Power Pierce, Cooldown Reduction), Agility (Move Speed, Attack Speed, Range, Dodge Energy, Dodge Deduct), Luck (Loot Chance, Critical Chance).
  • HUD seems fairly minimal and non-intrusive
  • Huge focus on customization including what you can craft. You can craft your jacket, shoulder pads, pants, headgear. Can put ridiculous things on the things you craft and make it crazy.
  • Weapons range from crush, slash, one handed, two handed, etc. You make the weapons from stuff you find in the world. Such as a candle holder combined with a rolling pin and then putting glass shards on the rolling pin. Not all weapons are wacky or super crazy.
  • You can get vehicles to explore with such as a mech or jetpack. There is an air balloon too.
  • Collectible aren’t the style of 100 feathers, but exploring and finding things is rewarding in a different way. Such as finding rare gadgets or tools to use.
  • Did their best to fill the world with interesting things to find or characters to meet.
  • Many characters aren’t related to the main story at all, but have their own stories and quests. One example was this lone character with a briefcase that leads to you helping him and if successful you can “fly away” on his briefcase.
  • You can customize your vehicles.
  • There are underwater areas including underwater vehicles, bosses, and combat. A squid like vehicle was shown fighting a turtle looking boss.
  • There is a sort of morality system, but it’s called the aura system and is more light vs dark. This isn’t called out in dialogue. Ties into your powers in a way (inFamous was referenced), but it’s not completely gated (like no longer being able to use power B if too far Dark)
  • World is post-apocalyptic and dying.
  • 6 tribes in the world, 3 of which are “Dark” and 3 of them are “Light” and all have different goals. Tribe leaders can ask you to help/reject other tribes at times.
  • Last year has been mostly working out bugs and glitches. THQ supported them greatly throughout development and with QA testing.
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But my main issue with the trailer is I don't really know what kind of game it is. Is it a BOTW type clone or something else? Very few gameplay mechanics were revealed.

It's a world trailer, it's about the environments and the world. There are plenty of gameplay videos out there with combat etc.
Looks really cool. The art reminds me a little of Ghost of a Tale, realistic setting with little critters as the population. I'll definitely keep an eye on this one.
15 y/o me would slap me for saying this, but I wish it had a more cel-shaded look. The quasi realism would look much better with that art direction with a nice cel-shaded look.

Still, looks great, this game has been cooking for a long time and it seems they may have learned a few lessons from Breath of the Wild. I look forward to seeing more of it.


Gold Member
Looks empty. Are there ANY NPC's in the game? Or even enemies?

It's a walking simulator...
I already posted about this, but there are plenty of NPCs around. There are also 6 tribes around the map. Many NPCs offer quests outside of the main story. The map is about 8km x 8km or 64 km^2 and that's about the size of Far Cry 5's map.


This is the first Biomutant trailer that has really sold me. The previous ones seemed too frantic and busy to me, but this one feels serene and relaxed. I'm sure the actual game isn't all tranquility and peace, but it's nice to see that element featured. It gives me hope that the game will have a varied pace, rather than constant action. I also appreciate the quirkiness of the character and world design. Looks like an interesting world to inhabit.


Not sold on this yet, cant really tell if it looks fun. But am definitely keeping an eye on it, is it a $70 game?


Was sold on they styling alone when I first saw it back then and hadn’t looked it up since. Pleasantly surprised with the gameplay and variety to it. Hype level +1


CliffyB's Cock Holster
This game gives me a really strong "Beyond Good and Evil" vibe, which is worrying as despite its quality it didn't sell well at all.


Here is an interview that Angry Joe did with one of the devs. Even if you don't like him, it's a pretty good interview that answers good questions and reveals more details.

Details from video:

Creative Director Interview
  • It’s a big game, and they are a small team. That’s why it’s taken so long.
  • Started with the main version of the game in May 2016.
  • Originally 4 person team. 13 in 2017 and currently 20
  • Guy being interviewed has a background in open world games and has done that for many years. Worked at Avalanche (and others I think).
  • Also a background in pen and paper RPGs
  • Originally started as a top-down game with Diablo-esque environments. The 6 devs at the time in 2016 took a vote to change it and pull the camera down.
  • Various combat styles including guns and melee with mention of lightning attack based weapons and the ability to switch between them quickly in combat.
  • Weapons shown have rarities, qualities, damage number range, add-ons, weight classes, attack speed, armor pierce, critical chance, required attribute, and required skill. Not all weapons have requirements.
  • World is square kilometers in size and nothing procedurally generated. All handcrafted
  • Character is customizable and can be “mutated”. Characters you make are given a genetic code so they can be shared/recreated.
  • Character stats shown were:
  • Strength (Damage), Vitality (Health, Health Regen, Armor, Power Resist), Charisma (Persuasion, Barter), Intellect (Power, Energy, Energy Regen, Power Resist, Power Pierce, Cooldown Reduction), Agility (Move Speed, Attack Speed, Range, Dodge Energy, Dodge Deduct), Luck (Loot Chance, Critical Chance).
  • HUD seems fairly minimal and non-intrusive
  • Huge focus on customization including what you can craft. You can craft your jacket, shoulder pads, pants, headgear. Can put ridiculous things on the things you craft and make it crazy.
  • Weapons range from crush, slash, one handed, two handed, etc. You make the weapons from stuff you find in the world. Such as a candle holder combined with a rolling pin and then putting glass shards on the rolling pin. Not all weapons are wacky or super crazy.
  • You can get vehicles to explore with such as a mech or jetpack. There is an air balloon too.
  • Collectible aren’t the style of 100 feathers, but exploring and finding things is rewarding in a different way. Such as finding rare gadgets or tools to use.
  • Did their best to fill the world with interesting things to find or characters to meet.
  • Many characters aren’t related to the main story at all, but have their own stories and quests. One example was this lone character with a briefcase that leads to you helping him and if successful you can “fly away” on his briefcase.
  • You can customize your vehicles.
  • There are underwater areas including underwater vehicles, bosses, and combat. A squid like vehicle was shown fighting a turtle looking boss.
  • There is a sort of morality system, but it’s called the aura system and is more light vs dark. This isn’t called out in dialogue. Ties into your powers in a way (inFamous was referenced), but it’s not completely gated (like no longer being able to use power B if too far Dark)
  • World is post-apocalyptic and dying.
  • 6 tribes in the world, 3 of which are “Dark” and 3 of them are “Light” and all have different goals. Tribe leaders can ask you to help/reject other tribes at times.
  • Last year has been mostly working out bugs and glitches. THQ supported them greatly throughout development and with QA testing.

Deserves hype.


Gold Member
I'm never quite sure what this game is, and I'm starting to suspect it doesn't know itself. That said, I'm defo planning to pick it up now. Even if it's janky as hell those environments and the systems we've seen look really fun to tool around in.

I hope it runs okay on the Switch, otherwise I'll wait to pick up new hardware. Definitely on my list though.
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