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Bioware ends SP patches and content for ME Andromeda, multiplayer will continue


This is what I have heard as well.

I'm not sure single-player DLC has been profitable for many game companies in recent years, which is why you're seeing publishers trend toward standalone expansions like Uncharted Lost Legacy and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

I'd love if you wrote an article about this phenomenon. It'd be really interesting to learn even more about these trends.


I know someone who has connections to the studio, and apparently story DLC was never planned in the first place.
This is... Interesting.

Bioware DLC often is the BEST part of the experience. So was the Quarian ark stuff planned for a full-on sequel or stand-alone then?


Really sad to see, They could of just did the Quarian ark dlc just to finish off the story and put a proper ending to the game. Also who was the benefactor?

They could have wrapped everything up in a bow and then placed the IP in a drawer.

If they go back to Mass Effect they might jump a few generations in Andromeda and start fresh again.

Since there is no DLC EA won't see a penny of my money until the next Dragon Age. I am cancelling all my preorders for EA's games.

This is... Interesting.

Bioware DLC often is the BEST part of the experience. So was the Quarian ark stuff planned for a full-on sequel or stand-alone then?

To me it felt like that whole part was cut from the game. It was like they ran out of time and just added a line that the Ark was running behind the others and it would be DLC once the main game shipped.
It's crazy how overextended Bioware had become leading up to this. I remember that one E3 where they had announced like 5 projects. Now they're basically on the verge of irrelevance.
This is... Interesting.

Bioware DLC often is the BEST part of the experience. So was the Quarian ark stuff planned for a full-on sequel or stand-alone then?
It might be that they didn't have time to plan anything out due to the whole "we're making the game in 18 months" thing, but they stuck the story hook in there in the hopes that the game would sell enough to justify a DLC.


I can only figure that this IP is dead. Probably should've stayed in last-gen.

Yup. After the end of 3 this series was dead to me. I bought the first 3 games as a collectors edition, bought all comics, books and all kinds of other Mass Effect related merchandise. Played through the first game 9 times and 6 times for the second. Only ever played 3 once and man was I salty at the end. Haven't even thought of buying Andromeda.


This is what I have heard as well.

I'm not sure single-player DLC has been profitable for many game companies in recent years, which is why you're seeing publishers trend toward standalone expansions like Uncharted Lost Legacy and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

You know the AAA bubble is about to burst when DLC which was being shoved into our throats to make more money, now becomes unprofitable.
It might be that they didn't have time to plan anything out due to the whole "we're making the game in 18 months" thing, but they stuck the story hook in there in the hopes that the game would sell enough to justify a DLC.

This. Had the game been well recieved critically and sold more copies they probably would've gone ahead with the DLC.

I think that the studio being disbanded is the most likely reason why they completely wrote it off, seeing as even DA2 had DLC. No way Edmonton has either the time to finish or willingness to associate themselves with Andromeda at this point.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
This is what I have heard as well.

I'm not sure single-player DLC has been profitable for many game companies in recent years, which is why you're seeing publishers trend toward standalone expansions like Uncharted Lost Legacy and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

You're a pretty famous guy nowadays in BSN board, especially with this news, hahaha. Don't expect to meet many friendly folks there though, lol.

Many crow eating are being held there right now.


It's amazing that I once thought that mass effect would become the best rpg series ever, its become a disgrace to the genre.
it's a fascinating transition of one of the best RPG of all time to what it becomes when it kind of whores itself out,

I still got red dead redemption 2 and cyberpunk to be excited about and a crap ton of indies which i hope end up being good.


So in its current state is it worth getting into?

Did they fix enough of the day 1 mess for an enjoyable game?

I am playing it on PC and i only had a couple of annoyances but no technical problems at all. Some of the problems have been solved however you can still see the Pengu influence when people speak and there is the immersion breaking problem of Asari and, to a lesser extent, Salarian and Angara clones. Same models with different paint on occasion.

Combat is good but repetitive and if you do not care much about the story you will have some fun. I believe now it is sold for $ 20 so it is not a bad bargain.


It's crazy how overextended Bioware had become leading up to this. I remember that one E3 where they had announced like 5 projects. Now they're basically on the verge of irrelevance.
Anthem is make-or-break for them, I think they are done if it even mildly disappoints.


This is what I have heard as well.

I'm not sure single-player DLC has been profitable for many game companies in recent years, which is why you're seeing publishers trend toward standalone expansions like Uncharted Lost Legacy and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Interesting. But why the sequel/dlc bait at the end tho? It just seemed like they were setting up dlc or a second game with that ending. Makes that ending look even worse than it already did if they never had any dlc singleplayer plans.


ME: Andromeda is not bad. It isn't great either, but not bad.

Sure, has glitches, the face expressions are horrible, etc etc, but the story isn't half bad. I have seen way worse out there.

If this statement is a foreshadowing of "no more ME games" I am seriously disappointed: there are still a lot of things to be said and I believe they have material for another 2 games at least. It is just a shame to see it die like this.

O well, RIP.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Can't blame EA for this.

Bioware shot themselves here.
Yeah, this is one instance where I cannot blame the publisher. Bioware's games always get big reveals and better than average marketing. They can't keep misfiring on huge budgets.

This is what I have heard as well.

I'm not sure single-player DLC has been profitable for many game companies in recent years, which is why you're seeing publishers trend toward standalone expansions like Uncharted Lost Legacy and Dishonored: Death of the Outsider.

Considering companies want all of these games to have a retail presence, not burning everything a customer needs to play a game onto a Blu-Ray makes next to zero sense anyway. It would also cost them the customers that traded the base game in already.
The downfall of this series is one of the most interesting gaming stories of the past couple generations.

What's the downfall?

The first three were good games. The latter not so and we all know why. Now that Casey is bavk, I'm hoping they just let him start another trilogy and forget Andromeda ever existed.


What's the downfall?

The first three were good games. The latter not so and we all know why. Now that Casey is bavk, I'm hoping they just let him start another trilogy and forget Andromeda ever existed.

I wonder what sort of offer Casey got from EA. Must have been pretty good.


Can't blame EA for this.

Bioware shot themselves here.

Err, not sure how?

Bioware's last game was ME:3, before working on Anthem.

EA is the one who decided to open new studios and use the Bioware name on them.

The first one, Bioware Austin, which was headed by Gordon Walton and Richard Vogel, which were EA developers who had worked on mmo's in the past, NOT Bioware developers from Bioware Edmonton.

Then EA decided after ME3 to open yet another new studio using Bioware's name, this one located in Montreal, they were tasked with making ME:A.

Bioware Edmonton did help on both in various ways but neither game was really "their" game to fully develop, it was EA running the show on both games and studios behind them.

Also EA even changed some of their studios to use Bioware's name.

EA2D (who made Mirror's edge 2d and then they were renamed Bioware: San Francisco and made Dragon Age Legends)

Mythic which became Bioware Mythic but dropped the name a few years back.

Bioware Victory which was working on a new C&C game but it got canned.

It would be really unfair to blame Bioware Edmonton or to say that Anthem is the "last straw" when they were not the main ones behind ME:A or SW:TOR or many of the other projects that EA was behind using their name for.


Then EA decided after ME3 to open yet another new studio using Bioware's name, this one located in Montreal, they were tasked with making ME:A.
Art thou sure? By right any new Bioware subsidiary still has to go through Bioware top management first, and not something decided unilaterally by EA.

I strongly doubt the management of Bioware Montreal was under EA's direct purview.

I wonder what sort of offer Casey got from EA. Must have been pretty good.
Here's a theory:

He was working on HoloLens, presumably because he wanted a 40 hour a week, never any overtime job where he got to explore future tech while he could focus on spending time with his family.

Presumably he got over his burnout (the Mass Effect leads used to do months at 16+ hours a day every other year), and wanted to come back, similar to how Drew Karpyshin (Mass Effect 1's lead writer) left and came back later after he got to write some novels.

EA's projects have endlessly longer development cycles now, so they're less likely to have that kind of abrasive schedule anymore.


What's the downfall?

The first three were good games. The latter not so and we all know why. Now that Casey is bavk, I'm hoping they just let him start another trilogy and forget Andromeda ever existed.

The third game released to an incredible backlash thanks to an ending so bad that it ruined the story of the trilogy for some people. Then after a long development time, the game that was meant to bring the series into the next generation was a critical and commercial bust to the point where the series is now dead for quite some time.


Art thou sure? By right any new Bioware subsidiary still has to go through Bioware top management first, and not something decided unilaterally by EA.

I strongly doubt the management of Bioware Montreal was under EA's direct purview.

Here's a theory:

EA owns Bioware, you really think Bioware could tell EA : "No don't use our name for other studios" or "that game is probably not a good idea"

Also my main point was that those studios weren't Bioware Edmonton, so blaming Bioware Edmonton for how the games of other studios that they do not run turned out seems rather strange to me.


EA owns Bioware, you really think Bioware could tell EA : "No don't use our name for other studios" or "that game is probably not a good idea"
I just need info that Bioware Montreal is an entirely EA construct whose minute-to-minute operations are answerable directly to EA and not Bioware upper management. Who oversaw BM's creation, staffing and direction?

Also my main point was that those studios weren't Bioware Edmonton, so blaming Bioware Edmonton for how the games of other studios that they do not run turned out seems rather strange to me.
At least some are blaming Bioware as a whole, not Edmonton specifically. So this goes back to Bioware Montreal's setup and reporting structure.
This is what gets me the most, the fact they're having to rely on Dragon Age as their premier IP besides whatever Anthem ends up becoming, shows just how hollowed out their talent pool is at Bioware. It's unfortunate that I have no other big name Sci-Fi RPG besides Cyperpunk to look forward to.

And seriously, Cyberpunk won't even be the same style of game. ME fans will have to be looking more towards Beyond Good and Evil 2 and who the fuck knows when that will come out.
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