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Bloodborne's Frame Pacing still isn't fixed, it never will be, and that sucks

For those unaware of this issue or uncertain of what it is exactly, see this thread and Digital Foundry's analysis of the game.

We're now just days away from the release of The Old Hunters expansion, which is confirmed to be the final piece of content to be made for Bloodborne, and this problem is still just as present as it was at release. It sucks. It really hurts the experience of playing, especially in a game so reliant on precisely timed actions. Coming from a smoothly running game back to Bloodborne is almost painful because of how pervasive this issue is, as many players returning to the game for The Old Hunters are about to discover. I deal with it because I love the game, like everyone else, but there's no denying that it's a real problem.

Other recent high profile games have had this issue and dealt with it quickly (Destiny and The Witcher 3 being prominent examples), but this appears to be an issue From Software is unwilling or unable to solve. Console players can look forward to it in their future games as well, judging by the Dark Souls III beta.

With the presumably final patch 1.07 now released and the problem still fully present, it's clear that there is no plan to ever fix it. I still care though, and I don't think I'm alone, so let's complain about it together.
Oh, and chromatic aberration, that sucks too. :p

Have at it.
It honestly hasn't affected my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.

Me either. I notice it and know exactly what everyone has been talking about, but it doesn't affect my ability to time my attacks, and actual frame slogs were rare for me. Of course 60 FPS is always ideal, but From isn't the most technical developer. Hopefully Sony can help them more on it if there is a BB2.
It never bothered me in the slightest, I found more enjoyment in yelling at the TV because I kept dying too much throughout the game.


Can't say that I've died because of frame pacing messing up my timing. I only notice it when I pan the camera around slowly. Still, sucks for you guys that it never got fixed.


It really is a bummer. Game is far from being on a unplayable state, but still, it constantly bothers me every time i give it a shot, one of the reasons I've never had the will to make progress on it, despite the game having so many aspects that deeply interests me. Oh well, what can we do aside from complaining on the net *shrugs*
I can't really tell what frame pacing is and haven't noticed it, so I'll continue in blissful ignorance and enjoy the game anyway.
It honestly hasn't affected my enjoyment of the game in the slightest.
It, plus the garbage image quality and chromatic aberration gives me a headache.

It's this generations Dragon Dogma for me. Game I want to shower with praise, but can't because it physically hurts to play.


It's an issue that should be addressed, but it personally hasn't dampened my enjoyment of it. I do notice it from time-to-time, though.


I probably wouldn't have even known this existed if it weren't for GAF. Still, sucks that they won't fix it for the people that are bothered by it.

I'd still say you're crazy for not picking up the DLC if you loved Bloodborne though.


Love the game. But it does detract from an almost perfect experience otherwise..

On a positive note: At least framedrops are infrequent (in singleplayer). Frame pacing is annoying but does not affect the controls nearly as much as low framerate since the game still refreshes @30fps on an average


I feel sorry for the people bluntly claiming "no Problem"..its an issue with the game that is affecting many and if fixed will render a smoother experience.

Its 2015 .....how incompetent are the developers that they are not listening to the community.

FYI, the same issue was in Destiny Beta on PS4 which was quickly fixed.


I noticed terrible framerate issues in multiplayer immediately at launch, but never since. Have played all the console Souls games as well as the same games on PC at 60fps. I'm usually a pretty pro-framerate guy, but I can't say that whatever you're alleging to be a huge issue here has ever hindered my enjoyment of the game or been noticeable.

This seems like a whole lotta manufactured outrage.


I have not even noticed this at all and I'm dozens of hours in..odd, I usually pick up on quirks like this. Is there a video that shows this in action?


I can notice the stuttering but it doesn't bother me much. Sucks for those who are sensitive to that.

The chromatic aberration still bothers me, though.



I'd be in the dick
It's probably not something they can easily fix. Let's face it, From aren't exactly the most technically proficient studio around.
Many other games have had it corrected relatively quickly. I'd imagine that From would be able to by now if they had any intent to.


I'm going to be honest and say it didn't hamper my experience or enjoyment at all. Not saying that it's not an issue, but the game is very playable in its current state.
It's a shame. I notice it but regardless, I also echo other posters in that it hasn't really impacted my enjoyment of the game.

Ever since Blighttown, I feel like I can pretty much handle anything From throws at me FPS wise. And that makes me kinda sad.


Wasn't there an easy fix to this FPS issue in coop where you just had to stop the search/cancelled the bell buff with the silencing shot (ofc after you had found your coop partner)? Most players found it was the online searching causing mass FPS drops.
It sucks but truth be told I only notice it in a couple particular locations. I adjusted to it pretty quick and I didn't even know what frame pacing was until BB lol.


I guess now that pretty much all the other issues with the game are being fixed this the last thing to latch on to?

It's annoying but better than actual frame drops. Plus the actual quality of the game is so consistently high it hardly detracts from it.


I won't continue to support devs that either don't give a shit or can't fix their issues. Have fun pretending there aren't plenty of other games out there.

That's a super entitled opinion you've got there.

From has made efforts to improve the game they've shipped through multiple patches. They haven't fixed every problem, but that's true of just about every game patched or otherwise throughout the years.


I've played the game for 50 hours, got the platinum, and never noticed it.

Neither have I. Everyone was whining on about how it was apparently really bad. so I went in expecting the worst and have no idea what they were all moaning about. Seems smooth to me. Meh
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