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Bloomberg: latest Sony plan to make 10 million PS5s by the end of the year.


Okay... let's ignore everything you just said and focus on this idea of 1000% increase in demand, because it might help us shine some light on how good you are with numbers. Like... let's be clear... you've turned my argument into the idea that PS5 will sell 10 million units in a single day, correct? Because I've never said that.
Lol. Please learn to read. Please. It'll help you enormously on a text-based internet forum.

I didn't quote you. I wasn't replying to you. I was responding to someone claiming there will be a supply shortage at launch when Sony will apparently have around 10 Million units available in the launch window... requiring a 1000% increase in demand.


The US is not the world. The "unemployment rate" in the US is a famously unreliable metric for spending power, because an employee earning the minimum wage is counted as employed, when they can barely pay rent let alone purchase an expensive console on launch day. Nice try, though. And you're ignoring the global pandemic.

The people who buy consoles at launch prices are the ones who will be suffering least from the economic impacts of the pandemic.
Lol. Please learn to read. Please. It'll help you enormously on a text-based internet forum.

I didn't quote you. I wasn't replying to you. I was responding to someone claiming there will be a supply shortage at launch when Sony will apparently have around 10 Million units available in the launch window... requiring a 1000% increase in demand.

Okay, so launch window to you means the 1 million PS4 sold in 1 day even though it's been confirmed 10 million consoles will NOT reach retailers hands EVEN BY DECEMBER 2020. You're the one who needs to learn how to read and it doesn't matter who you quote if your disingenuous arguments remain the same.
I interpret this differently from other people; I read this as Sony being incredibly optimistic about the sales potential of PS5, which may mean they could actually be selling it for $399.

If they believe they are going to sell PS5 at a higher pricepoint, I would have expected Sony to make less consoles. This production goal reallymakes me believe the dream pricepoint being likely.

EDIT: Then again, it could also be caused by the existence of the Digital Edition forcing Sony to make more than usual in total, because they would not know which of the SKUs would be more popular. I would not be surprised if they are making 5 million each of both SKUs, just in case one or the other becoming the dominant version that people buy.
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The people who buy consoles at launch prices are the ones who will be suffering least from the economic impacts of the pandemic.
Cool. So... only the hard core will have the money to buy the console at launch, and Sony are expecting an increase in demand? Not likely, friend.

Okay, so launch window to you means the 1 million PS4 sold in 1 day even though it's been confirmed 10 million consoles will NOT reach retailers hands EVEN BY DECEMBER 2020. You're the one who needs to learn how to read and it doesn't matter who you quote if your disingenuous arguments remain the same.
You're responding in a thread titled "Sony plan to make 10 million PS5s by the end of the year". The year ends in December 2020. So, if they're making a console in 2020 with no plans to get it a retailer in the immediate future, then they'll be paying storage till then. We're back to my earlier post where I highlighted this, which you never addressed. Anyway, we're going in circles because you refuse to read or understand anything. I'm out.
Cool. So... only the hard core will have the money to buy the console at launch, and Sony are expecting an increase in demand? Not likely, friend.

You're responding in a thread titled "Sony plan to make 10 million PS5s by the end of the year". The year ends in December 2020. So, if they're making a console in 2020 with no plans to get it a retailer in the immediate future, then they'll be paying storage till then. We're back to my earlier post where I highlighted this, which you never addressed. Anyway, we're going in circles because you refuse to read or understand anything. I'm out.

Getting made does not mean getting into retailers hands and your argument hinges on 10 million sold in one day anyways, which isn't possible since they won't have 10 million in retailers hands on day 1. "muh storage prices" is a different (dumb) argument.
So what do we do with all the "PS5 will be $599 and up" guys?

Throw them into ovens yes? Or do we drown them in bathtubs?
$599 PS5 was always not happening in a universe where PS3 struggled for two years. People who want $599 don't care if it is viable or not. If Sony managed to reach $399, they basically won before next gen started. That is still only 50/50 odds to occur though.


The only solid analysis Sony's own profit forecast numbers I've seen shows $399 is very possible (pending a reevaluation next month due to new info). This latest news, if true, just further strengthens the possibility for me.

The pricing/value battle between Sony and Microsoft is going to be intense.


They sold around a 1 Million on launch day with the PS4, and stock was limited for a while. If they're aiming for 10x the output during a global pandemic, they're being very optimistic indeed.

I'm reading what you are saying in this thread and im scratching my head. This 1000% figure you keep spouting and that Sony are having 10m consoles at launch is gibberish

For a start, you keep talking about this 1m launch sales of the PS4. The Ps4 sold 1m at launch - in the US. And then sold about the same 2 weeks later in EU. And then sold 300k in Japan in February. So launch aligned that is a 2.5m launch (adding in some for rest of the world figures).

Also if you had read the article, you would have had it explained to you that these shipments take MONTHS to get across the US and EU. So 10m manufactured by the end of the year effectively means that many in stores by around the end of March. And Sony will want stock on shelves, so 10m in stores by the end of March will mean a possible 9m_9.5m atmost sold by then. We know PS4 surpassed , 5.3m sold in mid February time, but there were shortages . It's hard to put exact number on it, but it was likely around 7m or so end of March 2014 were sold or could have been sold. So you are really looking at around a 25% increase in demand compared to PS4. Not this nonsensical 1000% increase you inexplicably keep saying
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Cool. So... only the hard core will have the money to buy the console at launch, and Sony are expecting an increase in demand? Not likely, friend.

You're responding in a thread titled "Sony plan to make 10 million PS5s by the end of the year". The year ends in December 2020. So, if they're making a console in 2020 with no plans to get it a retailer in the immediate future, then they'll be paying storage till then. We're back to my earlier post where I highlighted this, which you never addressed. Anyway, we're going in circles because you refuse to read or understand anything. I'm out.

I think you are only out since what you wrote makes no sense. Sony sold 1 million consoles in the US on day 1, they sold 1.3 million between EU and Japan, plus whatever other territories bought, so let's say 2.5 million or so. If you don't remember last time around, the store shelves were empty for weeks, even after making the machine, they need to be shipped, and the great majority of those are by boat, which can take around a month. So no, it's not like the PS5s will be sitting in a warehouse and instantly teleport to the stores.


Gold Member
I still think it is 50% likely. That Sony had been pretending PS5 is going to be expensive, just to surprise us at reveal.
It's possible, besides the SSD (which Sony also consciously cut costs on with it being 825GB), nothing seems highly expensive.

But the Digital edition kinda kills that dream of 399 disc version.
It's possible, besides the SSD (which Sony also consciously cut costs on with it being 825GB), nothing seems highly expensive.

But the Digital edition kinda kills that dream of 399 disc version.
Your mistake is assuming the Digital edition is meant to cut costs. The Digital Edition is more profitable, but Sony can't push it too hard because they still want to sell consoles.

I think PSVR proved that Sony is not into pushing hardware against the tide. Sony promoted PSVR but did not go out of their way to oversell it, it had to stand on its own two feet. I expect Digital PS5 to also not be massively cheaper, and as you could tell they never actually made a big deal out of the Digital edition in the reveal.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Some very unique variables with these console launches:

1. Obviously the pandemic - people are definitely staying home and gaming more in general. They're spending much less disposable income on going out, buying clothes, travel, etc. than usual so have more available for other things.

2. Uncertain *to put it mildly* economic environment (tho the original Xbox and Gamecube, and the Atari 5200, also launched during recessions in the US)

3. People are playing service games like Fortnite that won't look much different on new consoles so why upgrade?

4. Lots of people invested in de facto gaming systems earlier this year in buying laptops to work/school from home that play virtually everything that will be available on the new consoles.
Maybe they were able to get the cost down to a level they know will sell. Here’s hoping.
I expected that they started out with $399 as the planned price, as that was the price for the PS4 Pro at launch. The hope is that despite all the problems in the real world, they were able to stick to the plan.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Hammering out that many PS5 seems difficult could be done just in time for the holidays


They must be expecting the production cost to go up next year, so they're hoarding supply chains while they can, choosing to stock up early rather than not be able to meet demand. Only logic I can see behind this.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
The article actually states they expect some of these to be 2021 "shipped" consoles.

While it feels like it means the price is low and Sony is expecting massive sales, couldn't this also be indicative of a high cost and Sony upping order numbers to get a better deal per unit?


There's massive demand and they still have bombs to drop. If they had 30 million, they would all sell.... it's just that way now.
All the old consoles are sold out of CEX because of this pandemic and there is massive demand for home entertainment, TV's are selling like crazy, people are spending on their home and comforts right now.

PlayStation making that deal with Epic will also bring concerts and other entertainment experiences to people. Will be massive.

Sony stock was at 95 billion two days ago, still over 90 now. highest in almost 20 years. expect strong growth.
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No matter how much they make, all will be sold out in few hours to few days max. Great news, those Japanese machines should be pretty efficient. Didn't expect less from the gaming leaders.

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This is a chicken or egg discussion. There is one very particular string of thoughts that I relate to this news and the end of it all is: Sony has finalized their pricing.
Prizing relates in almost all cases to a Price/Volume mix. According to most industrialized portfolio management tools there is not an easy way to determine final prizing without a relation to volume to "rank" within a spider-web.
Improving Sales to 10 Million is a Goal and the Prize will follow that goal. I take it for granted that Sony will release its prizing soon and the prizing will relate to that goal in quantity sold consoles.
It's getting serious.
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They must be expecting the production cost to go up next year, so they're hoarding supply chains while they can, choosing to stock up early rather than not be able to meet demand. Only logic I can see behind this.

Or more than likely they have analyzed the data they collected from PS5 event reception, what buyers are thinking about PS5 and PS5 DE, how much they are willing to pay for each, and Sony has run the numbers and concluded that demand is higher than they anticipated.

Another conclusion could be they have managed to keep costs down and will reach the target price they wanted.

Prices going up next year would imply the contracts are constantly revised, which they aren’t.

The article actually states they expect some of these to be 2021 "shipped" consoles.

While it feels like it means the price is low and Sony is expecting massive sales, couldn't this also be indicative of a high cost and Sony upping order numbers to get a better deal per unit?

Yes these will be units meant to be shipped until March of 2021.

High cost would actually force Sony to produce less, as it would mean a high retail price and less demand as consequence. Would make more sense to meet demand and work on the manufacturing side to lower costs where possible as time moves on.

Producing more only means one thing, and that is more demand.
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The article actually states they expect some of these to be 2021 "shipped" consoles.

While it feels like it means the price is low and Sony is expecting massive sales, couldn't this also be indicative of a high cost and Sony upping order numbers to get a better deal per unit?

I doubt that, because there be no need to buy that much supply to save an extra 5%.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
High cost would actually force Sony to produce less, as it would mean a high retail price and less demand as consequence. Would make more sense to meet demand and work on the manufacturing side to lower costs where possible as time moves on.

I think you missed my point.. I'm suggesting they could be increasing orders to get a lower cost per unit.


I think you missed my point.. I'm suggesting they could be increasing orders to get a lower cost per unit.

I didn’t miss the point, it’s just that the logic doesn’t hold water. Predicted demand drives orders. Getting a better price is a consequence of higher volume orders, but the industry isn’t exactly lacking in clients so don’t expect something crazy there.

Sony expects to get these consoles in retail until March. They mean to sell them, not hoard them.
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