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'Blue Lives Matter" sign put up near site where Walter Scott was killed by the police



CHARLESTON, S.C. — Less than a week after a white former South Carolina police officer pleaded guilty to a civil rights charge in the 2015 death of an unarmed black man who ran from a traffic stop, a "Blue Lives Matter" billboard was installed on the road where the shooting happened.

The sign expressing support for police was installed Friday about a mile (1.6 kilometer) from where Walter Scott was killed, The Post and Courier of Charleston reported Monday (http://bit.ly/2q16MIt). On May 2, former North Charleston police officer Michael Slager pleaded guilty in federal court to violating Scott's civil rights by shooting him without justification.

Scott Garland, a resident of Charleston's West Ashley community, sponsored the billboard that bears its message on a black background with a blue line through it. He has held a cardboard sign with the same words outside Slager's hearings and would not comment on whether the billboard's placement was purposeful.

"It's nothing negative against anybody," Garland said. "It was intended as a show of support to the men and women in blue."

The message on the billboard in North Charleston discourages scrutiny of police-involved shootings, local activist Thomas Dixon said.

"There is no dispute that officers' lives matter," Dixon said. "But this just drives another wedge between law enforcement and the community."

A fundraising effort that began two weeks ago for the billboard raised roughly $500 in donations through GoFundMe.com, according to The Post and Courier.

In April 2015 Slager pulled over Scott's car, and after a struggle the former officer shot Scott. A video showed the man running away while Slager fired shots.

As if there was any doubt what the message means. "We can kill you niggers, and be worshiped for it"
Glad to know people will celebrate my death if I get killed for walking or driving down the street today.

God knows I wasn't some angel *shows image of me in 8th grade making Wu Tang signs* "What a fucking gangsta thug right guys?"


This blue matter lives matter things don't make sense because the cause of death of police officers isn't shooting it accidents.
Blue Lives Matter drives me up the wall, not only for the obvious well-trodden reasons, but the fact that it's just a job. You're not a "blue life", you're a guy with a job. You signed up for the job. Do the job, do a little less murdering and abuse of the authority that your uniform represents, and quit worshiping yourself.
Blue Lives Matter drives me up the wall, not only for the obvious well-trodden reasons, but the fact that it's just a job. You're not a "blue life", you're a guy with a job. You signed up for the job. Do the job, do a little less murdering and abuse of the authority that your uniform represents, and quit worshiping yourself.


Same for the military. Sure I get it's not an easy job, but it's not like you were born a police officer.

You can't just choose to be white or black like you can choose to be a police officer or engineer.


Blue Lives Matter drives me up the wall, not only for the obvious well-trodden reasons, but the fact that it's just a job. You're not a "blue life", you're a guy with a job. You signed up for the job. Do the job, do a little less murdering and abuse of the authority that your uniform represents, and quit worshiping yourself.

You're acting like they can take off that uniform after hours.


How it usually seems to go:

"We have specific grievances with how the police are abus-"



"Man, racism sure would be over if 'the blacks' just stopped talking about it, am I right?"


You're acting like they can take off that uniform after hours.

That's what I do with clothes yes.

Building your identity on the crutch of a uniform and what you think it symbolizes leads to the ingrained culture of silence that makes police brutality such a problem.


Come on now...

I keep on looking for the Blue Lives matter thing, but other than Chris Pratt praising a good deed a cop did like helping a driver who can't afford car seats roughlly 1 and half year ago, i can't find it.

Anyway, this guy is a scum bag for putting a sign for a murderer.
I keep on looking for the Blue Lives matter thing, but other than Chris Pratt praising a good deed a cop did like helping a driver who can't afford car seats, i can't find it.

From what I can tell Republicans think Chris Pratt is on their side because he hunts and goes to church, but the guy is pretty liberal from what I can tell.
Blue lives matter or All Lives matter

which is it?????

Both directly translate to "white lives better."

My neighbors gardener has blue lives matter plastered across his rear windshield, every time I see it I want to key it or something. Also makes me assume my neighbors are racist for hiring the dude, but what do I know.


Police is really the best gang of the US, you get cool perks and if you kill or rape someone for sports you even have the population supporting you.
I don't get how gangsta rap doesn't use this imagery more often.
Seriously move over the Godfather or Walter white, the coolest gang is clearly the guys in blue.


This is so fucked up. Like...how?

I don't get it. What happened? Why would he be a fan of this?

He said this:
This story really moved me. At the end of the day we’re all human. And although there are some bad cops no doubt, these Texas cops remind us of the real service we’re provided by our men and women in blue. I felt like they deserve recognition. Alright. Have a good weekend everyone!

About a story where two cops helped someone back i 2015. Which, as you know, means he'd be totally down with this.

it all depends on how you percieve the comment - that a 'real service is being provided by our men and women in blue' equates him supporting the systematic targeting of PoC by police officers, or that by ignoring that and praising two cops, he's ignoring black lives matter. It could come down to: 'why is he highlighting this story and his' reaction to it, and not, say, denouncing an incident where a cop killed an innocent black man.

I think suggesting he'd like this incident is kinda misguided, but i can understand where the sentiment originates from, if nothing else because this subject intrinsically is emotional and the anger stemming from it and incidents like this case is completely justifiable.


This is so fucked up. Like...how?

He said this:

About a story where two cops helped someone back i 2015. Which, as you know, means he'd be totally down with this.

it all depends on how you percieve the comment - that a 'real service is being provided by our men and women in blue' equates him supporting the systematic targeting of PoC by police officers, or that by ignoring that and praising two cops, he's ignoring black lives matter. It could come down to: 'why is he highlighting this story and his' reaction to it, and not, say, denouncing an incident where a cop killed an innocent black man.

I think suggesting he'd like this incident is kinda misguided, but i can understand where it originates from, if nothing else because this subject intrinsically is emotional and the anger stemming from it and incidents like this case is completely justifyable.

Yeah i found this when i was looking..that is some weak evidence i think especially when he says there are bad cops. If someone said that, i would hardly raise an eyebrow, but i guess seeing how he is a celebrity, one needs to blow it up even when it hardly worth blowing up.

Switch Back 9

a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
Well, that's fucking gross. I don't understand the effort some people put into being shitty. Like this took work.


Yeah i found this when i was looking..that is some weak evidence i think especially when he says there are bad cops. If someone said that, i would hardly raise an eyebrow, but i guess seeing how he is a celebrity, one needs to blow it up even when it hardly worth blowing up.

I don't disagree, making this about Pratt is reaching. I just think the context is important, so people can make their own mind up. Hot takes just muddle the discussion, and since you mentioned the comment i dug it up.


If they really believed that, then they wouldn't have such a problem with Black Lives Matter, they'd agree with the statement. Me-tooism at its finest.

Sometimes when I see someone spouting the "All Lives Matter" excuse I want to ask them if they can then say "Black Lives Matter Too". Since that's essentially what BLM is saying, and it shouldn't be hard to say if you have no problem stating that every life matters.
Somehow I get the feeling that I'd mostly just get another "All Lives Matter" repeated back to me at best though.
This is so fucked up. Like...how?

He said this:

About a story where two cops helped someone back i 2015. Which, as you know, means he'd be totally down with this.

it all depends on how you percieve the comment - that a 'real service is being provided by our men and women in blue' equates him supporting the systematic targeting of PoC by police officers, or that by ignoring that and praising two cops, he's ignoring black lives matter. It could come down to: 'why is he highlighting this story and his' reaction to it, and not, say, denouncing an incident where a cop killed an innocent black man.

I think suggesting he'd like this incident is kinda misguided, but i can understand where the sentiment originates from, if nothing else because this subject intrinsically is emotional and the anger stemming from it and incidents like this case is completely justifiable.

Ahhh, I see. Thank you very much for clarifying it. I'd say he was just sharing positive news and not taking the side of cops who have wrongfully killed or injured minorities, but I can see people getting their feathers ruffled over it.
So dumb. Not much to say here. Fuck racist people.

This feels like southern people post-civil war. Cant get over the reality of the situation, having to cling on to their dying ideals one way or another.

It's the behavior of a child not getting their way. Racists are small-minded, weak, self-centered, devoid of empathy, cowardly, and never going to change.


Why single out police? All lives matter. Are blue lives more special than regular lives?
Yes. Both by the general public perception and in terms of punishment when it comes to assaulting one--the consequences are steeper. You kill a police k9 and probably get just as stiff sentencing, but police can come kill your dog all willy nilly with no recourse. They could kill me with impunity.
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