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Bonus Round - Is Time Running Out For Xbox?


Not only germany. The XboxOne has a hard time selling all over europe, maybe except the UK. I'd say the Ps4 outsells the XboxOne in europe by 4:1 or even 5:1 and it would be even higher if there were more Ps4s available. There are some shops who still haven't met all the preorders made back in 2013.
I'm still waiting for my Dec pre-order and will likely not get it before June. Think about it. JUNE! Meanwhile you can grab an Xbox One for ~450 on the reg.

I think microsoft is going to announce 4.5-5 million sold xboxes on Tuesday and refuse to clarify shipped vs sold while they load them into the trucks to store in major nelson's garage


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I think microsoft is going to announce 4.5-5 million sold xboxes on Tuesday and refuse to clarify shipped vs sold while they load them into the trucks to store in major nelson's garage


I wonder.

Surely MS can't honestly have thought they'd launch at $500 and be a runaway success? Maybe they be satisfied with fewer sales but higher value ones. More people signed up to the XBL ecosystem, using bing voice search etc.

They really had no idea what Sony was doing it seems. They didn't realize Sony had been shooting up steroids this whole time before they went back out to the plate for another at-bat.

They heard "8GB GDDR5" and probably shit bricks. They heard "$399 and used games are ok" and they probably shit even more bricks.

The MS leadership that knew how to forge ahead with cutting edge GAMING hardware had left and they really thought they'd carry on their popularity from the 360 as if Sony wasn't going to come back with a vengeance. As if they don't have over 20 years now of console history on their side and greater worldwide mindshare than MS has ever had for gaming.


The video articulated the system of choice per online focused titles pretty decently. Once you get someone on your "network" they are far less inclined to use the competitors even if they have both devices. When your PSN friendlist is larger than your X1 friend list multiplats will be preferred there, and that isn't even touching on the visual fidelity argument which most people agree PS4 won.

If Microsoft truly can't un-bundle the camera, then they need to find some way to get the price of the box down or they are gunna feel some pain.


Absolutely not. The Xbone had an amazing, record breaking launch and it outsold PS4 in Dec in North America. It still hasn't launched in many major countries. MS has nothing to worry about.

I absolutely wonder if you are joking or not for 90% of your posts.

Am I the only one, here? Is it something historical with GAF that I'm not privy to, and everyone else is in on the joke?


Absolutely not. The Xbone had an amazing, record breaking launch and it outsold PS4 in Dec in North America. It still hasn't launched in many major countries. MS has nothing to worry about.

Hilarious. Record breaking launch (if you discount PS4), consistently outsold by PS4 worldwide in every market in 2014, hasn't launched in markets that don't give a damn about the Xbox brand, price cut plus Titanfall bundle in UK and Titanfall free in US, the only markets Xbox has any chance of meaningful numbers. Yup, everything is a-ok.


Absolutely not. The Xbone had an amazing, record breaking launch and it outsold PS4 in Dec in North America. It still hasn't launched in many major countries. MS has nothing to worry about.

A company that paid a fortune for an exclusive game doesn't just give it away with new console purchases if everything is "a ok".
Marketing guys project that Titanfall has already helped sell around 1 million Xbox Ones.

I think this is something that's going to come up more and we'll hear a million times over in the next few months and what the story out of NPD numbers from March will be (no matter what the actual numbers are). Mind you all I can go on is anecdotal evidence and that this is far from an entirely reliable source, but let's go with Amazon US-- The PS4 hardware is outselling the XBO version of Titanfall. That's horrible if you're Microsoft. Disastrous. You need the high numbers for the game proper to cement what I'm sure is going to be an incredibly high attach rate but they do need to put up a larger number than Sony in some category somewhere. If the game needs to sell tons of consoles then the hardware bundle needs to be in that slot, not just the game.

The Titanfall-included console bundle seems to be doing okay, but again that needs to better Sony numbers in some category somewhere. Anywhere. Otherwise Microsoft falls farther behind even during the launch of its flagship title. All it seems to be doing is reducing the rate that the gap is increasing. I think we'll find that the attach rate for Titanfall on the XBO is astonishingly high (in the 50% range) but all that shows is that people bought the thing at launch knowing Titanfall was coming. Meanwhile, Sony did not have any one specific thing to point at and say "here, look, we knows you want to drool all over this!". The initial sales were front-loaded toward the few exclusives but ongoing sales mean the interest is much more organic. People can argue all day about Microsoft having a better launch lineup if they'd like, but if you combine the hardware numbers with that it just means Microsoft is in even more trouble than it already seems to be.

March should be interesting. Every first-party game from Sony now doesn't really need to be a "system-seller" though they all will sell at least some. Every third-party game with a better PS4 version is thus automatically a system-seller. Curious to see if Second Son + Ground Zeroes bumps can match a possible Titanfall bump. If yes? That's panic mode time with no specific known thing in the future to point to to tip things toward Microsoft.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Time isn't running out. But if Microsoft's publishing schedule between Titanfall and this autumn is as barren as it seems at the moment, they're going to keep hearing stuff like this.


If Titanfall doesn't push the needle... I don't know what will. I don't mean to be doom and gloom, and will freely admit that there could be something that comes out that changes everything that we don't know about (I don't think anyone foresaw Monster Hunter saving the PSP, for instance). But, looking at the trajectories of both systems and the release schedules for both systems... Titanfall is the biggest exclusive this year for either platform. If it doesn't push the needle and keep the needle pushed for a sustained amount of time I think there's a real danger of Microsoft falling far behind (which... I don't think they are far behind yet, for the record).

Microsoft doesn't need to "win" to make money. Microsoft wants to sell services. They will make money with XBLG. They will make money with Skype. They will make money with NUADs. They will make money with the NFL deal. They will make money with TV stuff. They will make money with Forza/Halo/Gears/etc. They don't need to be in first to do that.

But... and this is where if I was microsoft I would start shitting myself a little bit. They aren't the "cool" console currently. The PS4 is sleeker. The PS4 is more powerful (and early adopters are making it known via social media to the more casual gamers that this is the case... something that didn't exist 10 years ago). PS+ is beloved. And the PS4 is $100 cheaper. The xbox one is a big, bulky box. The Kinect hasn't caught on (I like it far more than I would... but let's be serious, the gaming public's general sentiment about it is "i don't want it."). XBLG is looking like a rip off at $10 more for less stuff than PS+.

Microsoft has a very real image problem right now. And if Titanfall doesn't help correct that there isn't any reason to think anything will this year. Forza Horizon 2 will be awesome and I can't wait to buy that game but racing games are fairly niche. A big niche... 2 million sold, sure... but it's not going to move units. Halo 2 anniversary will be the biggest HD remake ever but as of yet there is no proof that a HD remake does much more than make a company some easy money.

The biggest problem is that when you add all of this stuff up, it's hard to think that MS will stay at the same trajectory. Like I said before, they don't need to win, but they do need to keep selling so they are a somewhat close second place. But when Watch_Dogs comes out and it's different resolutions that's another chink in the armor. I was told last night by a guy at MS that Batman is being preordered, in the US, to the tune of 4 to 1 in favor of the PS4 currently. If the xbox keeps getting the shit kicked out of it I think less people want to buy it as we go forward. It becomes so much more expensive for them to buy exclusives. The system is thought of as uncool (see: wii u).

Marketing guys project that Titanfall has already helped sell around 1 million Xbox Ones. This is based off of things like upticks in sales after every major titanfall announcements. They don't know if it will move 200k more at this point. The titanfall bundle is selling less than Microsoft projected (but they are still hopeful for a big swing come tuesday). If titanfall doesn't turn around the sales... and the image problem - what will? Direct X 12 unlocking the magic secret gpu when it releases in 1.5 years? Even if that bullshit is real the system would be buried by then.

As for "get rid of the kinect" i agree with Pachter that it won't be this year. Well, it can possibly be this year, but later this year. I think his reasoning is the same as mine... because the people I talk to say "We literally cannot unbundle it, we have contracts with parts suppliers that are yearly or multi-year." Mattrick really fucked them with that device. If you do see microsoft announce a kinect-less bundle early, like at e3, keep in mind that means they are eating A TON of money. And that has to be worrying for a division that certain people would like to see sold off...

I dig my xbox one but they have serious hurdles to overcome. I also love my Vita and it had serious hurdles to overcome... and it didn't. It needed Gravity Rush or Soul Sacrifice to become a Monster Hunter-like phenomenon and it didn't happen. So for the rest of its lifespan it will be a niche device. Shit happens.

Thanks for this, very interesting insights. 4:1 preorder ratio lead for PS4 version of Batman is just a proof that current console userbase is already educated enough to know that games will run better on PS4, even before official unveil of the resolution/framerate. Sure, PS4 install base is larger, but not enough to justify 4:1 preorder lead. Public perception of what console is better for multiplatform game is very clear.

Sitaution is even worse with MGS GZ, which is viewed as Sony franchise. It manages to maintain incredible lead on Amazon. These kinds of preorder ratios must be very worrisome for MS. Rankings as of today:

PS4 - #7 in Video Games
Xbone - #60 in Video Games

PS4 - #4 in PC & Video Games
Xbone - #66 in PC & Video Games

In our own MGS GZ purchase intent thread, PS4 leads 12:1 as of now.


Xbox has never been in the lead.

Which makes for Microsoft's arrogance all the more amusing. At least Sony in 2006, had some excuse for being arrogant asshats, as they actually dominated the console space for almost 10 years running, being partially responsible for the demise of Sega consoles and beating Nintendo down for 2 straight generations like no one could before. MS has never done that, they are arrogant just because. If I was to guess, they are arrogant because Microsoft as a whole is one of the biggest and richest companies in the world, thus there is a aura of "nothing can stop us".

Xbox One is WCW with Eric Bischoff spending money out out the ass

PS4 is WWF with McMahon in his prime, less money, but far better management

They really had no idea what Sony was doing it seems. They didn't realize Sony had been shooting up steroids this whole time before they went back out to the plate for another at-bat.

They heard "8GB GDDR5" and probably shit bricks. They heard "$399 and used games are ok" and they probably shit even more bricks.

The MS leadership that knew how to forge ahead with cutting edge GAMING hardware had left and they really thought they'd carry on their popularity from the 360 as if Sony wasn't going to come back with a vengeance. As if they don't have over 20 years now of console history on their side and greater worldwide mindshare than MS has ever had for gaming.

I agree with both of you. Plus unlike Microsoft & the Xbox brand, the PS brand is still bigger worldwide compared to Xbox as a whole. Microsoft got lucky with the Xbox 360 because of Sony's constant foul-ups with PS3. Robbie Bach himself admitted this as well.

They also thought that people would forget about Sony & Playstation & come back to them once again after what happened with the last 4 years of the Xbox 360 with their constant Kinect & Media focus over gaming along with wanting to have DRM, kill the used gaming market, & tolerate the NSA scandals.

They were wrong. And now they're scrambling trying to get everything straight within their new console. Not even the original Xbox team that were previously in during the years of the Original Xbox & the early Xbox 360 years are there anymore. So why should gamers care about them now?

Absolutely not. The Xbone had an amazing, record breaking launch and it outsold PS4 in Dec in North America. It still hasn't launched in many major countries. MS has nothing to worry about.

You can't be serious, dude.


Absolutely not. The Xbone had an amazing, record breaking launch and it outsold PS4 in Dec in North America. It still hasn't launched in many major countries. MS has nothing to worry about.

The biggest problem with the Xbox is nobody owns it at MS. The division has changed hands a number of times and is now under one of the most undermining people in the industry (Elop). Say what you want about Mattrick but he had a vision. It was completely wrong but it was at least a consistant vision. Xbox has been left in the hands of a grabass collection of execs who haven't a clue how to sell any consumer hardware, much less a gaming platform. There's still no clear strategy other than Titanfall, Titanfall, Titanfall buy ads for Titanfall, give away Titanfall, Titanfall. They are pretty much fucked at this point with nobody to unfuck them.

It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.


Titanfall will move the needle a bit but the Xbone faces a huge, deathly drought after that. What's their holiday plan? What are they going to do when the Titanfall momentum runs out?


I think this is something that's going to come up more and we'll hear a million times over in the next few months and what the story out of NPD numbers from March will be (no matter what the actual numbers are). Mind you all I can go on is anecdotal evidence and that this is far from an entirely reliable source, but let's go with Amazon US-- The PS4 hardware is outselling the XBO version of Titanfall. That's horrible if you're Microsoft. Disastrous. You need the high numbers for the game proper to cement what I'm sure is going to be an incredibly high attach rate but they do need to put up a larger number than Sony in some category somewhere. If the game needs to sell tons of consoles then the hardware bundle needs to be in that slot, not just the game.

The Titanfall-included console bundle seems to be doing okay, but again that needs to better Sony numbers in some category somewhere. Anywhere. Otherwise Microsoft falls farther behind even during the launch of its flagship title. All it seems to be doing is reducing the rate that the gap is increasing. I think we'll find that the attach rate for Titanfall on the XBO is astonishingly high (in the 50% range) but all that shows is that people bought the thing at launch knowing Titanfall was coming. Meanwhile, Sony did not have any one specific thing to point at and say "here, look, we knows you want to drool all over this!". The initial sales were front-loaded toward the few exclusives but ongoing sales mean the interest is much more organic. People can argue all day about Microsoft having a better launch lineup if they'd like, but if you combine the hardware numbers with that it just means Microsoft is in even more trouble than it already seems to be.

March should be interesting. Every first-party game from Sony now doesn't really need to be a "system-seller" though they all will sell at least some. Every third-party game with a better PS4 version is thus automatically a system-seller. Curious to see if Second Son + Ground Zeroes bumps can match a possible Titanfall bump. If yes? That's panic mode time with no specific known thing in the future to point to to tip things toward Microsoft.

Sony never really had that though to be honest outside of maybe Gran Turismo. Sony's consoles are not "the system to buy to play that one single game series that everyone wants" like Halo, Gears of War, Mario/Zelda/Metroid, or Titanfall. It's a place with a bunch of games that sell 1-3 million seller and are of good quality. A place where so many games are available that it seems like a great purchase to make from a hardware perspective.

They've never had that "Super Mario World" or "Halo" type of HUGE game. They just have a shitload of good games that sell moderately well.
I think this is something that's going to come up more and we'll hear a million times over in the next few months and what the story out of NPD numbers from March will be (no matter what the actual numbers are). Mind you all I can go on is anecdotal evidence and that this is far from an entirely reliable source, but let's go with Amazon US-- The PS4 hardware is outselling the XBO version of Titanfall. That's horrible if you're Microsoft. Disastrous. You need the high numbers for the game proper to cement what I'm sure is going to be an incredibly high attach rate but they do need to put up a larger number than Sony in some category somewhere. If the game needs to sell tons of consoles then the hardware bundle needs to be in that slot, not just the game.

The Titanfall-included console bundle seems to be doing okay, but again that needs to better Sony numbers in some category somewhere. Anywhere. Otherwise Microsoft falls farther behind even during the launch of its flagship title. All it seems to be doing is reducing the rate that the gap is increasing. I think we'll find that the attach rate for Titanfall on the XBO is astonishingly high (in the 50% range) but all that shows is that people bought the thing at launch knowing Titanfall was coming. Meanwhile, Sony did not have any one specific thing to point at and say "here, look, we knows you want to drool all over this!". The initial sales were front-loaded toward the few exclusives but ongoing sales mean the interest is much more organic. People can argue all day about Microsoft having a better launch lineup if they'd like, but if you combine the hardware numbers with that it just means Microsoft is in even more trouble than it already seems to be.

March should be interesting. Every first-party game from Sony now doesn't really need to be a "system-seller" though they all will sell at least some. Every third-party game with a better PS4 version is thus automatically a system-seller. Curious to see if Second Son + Ground Zeroes bumps can match a possible Titanfall bump. If yes? That's panic mode time with no specific known thing in the future to point to to tip things toward Microsoft.

That's the reason I'm not bullish on Titanfall doing huge hardware numbers for MS in March. All of the data available shows that the vast majority of people that want the game have already bought the system.

Now... Titanfall can become some sort of phenomenon and have really long legs and help push hardware for a good chunk of the year. That's not impossible by any means. It's also really hard to predict something like that. In fact, you can't predict it, you can only guess. And I'm guessing no.


Microsoft needs to open the retail console up as a Debug unit sooner, rather then later. Indie devs registered with ID@XBOX using Unity will probably be able to do some really cool things with Kinect. Hopefully this is something they address at GDC this month, with a huge focus being on Indies for them.

Why would they though?

Indie games have, historically, sold significantly worse on the platform than on PC. Developing Kinect features would make it more difficult to port to other platforms.
2015 is too late for the Kinectless SKU. They really need to announce it at E3 and have it available in the Fall.

We still need to see Feb, but at current trajectories you're still talking at least a million unit deficit by then. It really depends on where both One and PS4 level off at, but by this fall MS could be looking at a 1.5-2 million unit deficit in their largest market.
This has too be a troll post. No poster can be this delusional.

Haha...I'd consider myself a fan of the Xbone, I've been enjoying mine since Nov., but one would have to be delusional to consider the product in "good shape" in any form. The OS is half-baked and Sony is pretty much eating their lunch, at least in terms of good press and presumably in sales.


Why would they though?

Indie games have, historically, sold significantly worse on the platform than on PC. Developing Kinect features would make it more difficult to port to other platforms.

I had speculated that once Sony was able to move their system from 4GB GDDR5 to 8GB GDDR5, the PS Camera was removed from the box. If their camera had still been there, this whole "indie devs using Kinect" could have been more of a reality since they could have the game on both major consoles.

But without it? Kinect won't see much indie support most likely.
When you have to give away your new exclusive game that everyone ia hyped about you know you're in trouble. MS don't seem focused at all and they haven't even released the console in most of the world. I don't think they have even given release dates for those territories yet.

I think MS is in panic mode right now. This early lead matters as it's the hardcore gamers that will spread the word on what console to get. Their friends will most likely follow them and this could increase Sony's lead over the year. Unless MS can get the price down and/or remove kinect thwn I don't think they have a prayer of catching up


I really would not be surprised if we saw a Kinectless bundle next year. Regardless of what Phil Harrison has said, when new people like Elop come in, plans can change. Pachter pretty much covered this but the new Boss may not be as enthusiastic about the last Boss's project and will probably be more interested pushing their own ideas through. If they want to start pushing the Xbox One in a different direction and Kinect isn't important to that, it will get cut.
Now... Titanfall can become some sort of phenomenon and have really long legs and help push hardware for a good chunk of the year. That's not impossible by any means. It's also really hard to predict something like that. In fact, you can't predict it, you can only guess. And I'm guessing no.
...And with a single line, 90% of GAF now feels much more confident about what they were already thinking. But indeed, of course it's possible. The mere fact that Microsoft is so kindly throwing in its signature game for free with every console means it'll end up in the hands of more people than it would have otherwise.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Microsoft doesn't need to "win" to make money. Microsoft wants to sell services. They will make money with XBLG. They will make money with Skype. They will make money with NUADs. They will make money with the NFL deal. They will make money with TV stuff. They will make money with Forza/Halo/Gears/etc. They don't need to be in first to do that.

But... and this is where if I was microsoft I would start shitting myself a little bit. They aren't the "cool" console currently.

Not undeserved. They designed the console as a trojan horse for Microsoft's other products and services, instead of focusing on why the brand got popular in the first place. When they realized that consumers noticed, they tried to hide and spin the facts through unprecedented PR nonsense. In the age of social media where bullshit is exposed faster than ever, their PR strategy was an incredibly ignorant one.
I went to Costco today........tons of Xbox Ones and zero PS4s. Is PS4 serious selling that fast? Or is MS just producing faster?


Sony ate so much humble pie during last gen.

They have been pulling all the right moves, where as MS blundered hard in the beginning, and are still suffering for it.

But when one of your blunders is in the engineering of the box when they made 8GB RAM a mandate before they even got to step one, that gimps the console for its entire life since they went with DDR3 and ESRAM which takes up die size and forced them to gimp the GPU portion to make room for the ESRAM.

Decisions like that haunt you for an entire generation when your chief competitor was able to squeeze out 8GB GDDR5 and a faster GPU from their die size savings, while costing LESS than your APU due to no ESRAM usage.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
But "cocky" Sony brought us the PS2.


Yes, it brought us the worst PlayStation home console.
My genuine opinion. PS2 was awesome, but it's definitely my least favourite PS home console. My favourite is the least popular one, the PS3. But I will admit the PS3 took its sweet time getting there. It certainly wasn't as good as the PS1 or PS2 in the early years of the system. But it got there in the end. All thanks to eating that humble pie.
I went to Costco today........tons of Xbox Ones and zero PS4s. Is PS4 serious selling that fast? Or is MS just producing faster?
Few factors...

A. PS4 Launched in more territories than xbox one. So there is less hardware because of that.

B. Ps4 IS still outselling Xbox in the territories where they launched together.


The biggest problem with the Xbox is nobody owns it at MS. The division has changed hands a number of times and is now under one of the most undermining people in the industry (Elop). Say what you want about Mattrick but he had a vision. It was completely wrong but it was at least a consistant vision. Xbox has been left in the hands of a grabass collection of execs who haven't a clue how to sell any consumer hardware, much less a gaming platform. There's still no clear strategy other than Titanfall, Titanfall, Titanfall buy ads for Titanfall, give away Titanfall, Titanfall. They are pretty much fucked at this point with nobody to unfuck them.

It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets better.

And with Stephen Elop in charge, it'll get even worse. The guy has absolutely no clue about gaming whatsoever, nor does he have any experience with the gaming industry, & is no better than the suits that have taken over the Xbox brand from the Original Xbox team.


If Titanfall doesn't push the needle... I don't know what will. I don't mean to be doom and gloom, and will freely admit that there could be something that comes out that changes everything that we don't know about (I don't think anyone foresaw Monster Hunter saving the PSP, for instance). But, looking at the trajectories of both systems and the release schedules for both systems... Titanfall is the biggest exclusive this year for either platform. If it doesn't push the needle and keep the needle pushed for a sustained amount of time I think there's a real danger of Microsoft falling far behind (which... I don't think they are far behind yet, for the record).

Microsoft doesn't need to "win" to make money. Microsoft wants to sell services. They will make money with XBLG. They will make money with Skype. They will make money with NUADs. They will make money with the NFL deal. They will make money with TV stuff. They will make money with Forza/Halo/Gears/etc. They don't need to be in first to do that.

But... and this is where if I was microsoft I would start shitting myself a little bit. They aren't the "cool" console currently. The PS4 is sleeker. The PS4 is more powerful (and early adopters are making it known via social media to the more casual gamers that this is the case... something that didn't exist 10 years ago). PS+ is beloved. And the PS4 is $100 cheaper. The xbox one is a big, bulky box. The Kinect hasn't caught on (I like it far more than I thought I would... but let's be serious, the gaming public's general sentiment about it is "i don't want it."). XBLG is looking like a rip off at $10 more for less stuff than PS+.

Microsoft has a very real image problem right now. And if Titanfall doesn't help correct that there isn't any reason to think anything will this year. Forza Horizon 2 will be awesome and I can't wait to buy that game but racing games are fairly niche. A big niche... 2 million sold, sure... but it's not going to move units. Halo 2 anniversary will be the biggest HD remake ever but as of yet there is no proof that a HD remake does much more than make a company some easy money.

The biggest problem is that when you add all of this stuff up, it's hard to think that MS will stay at the same trajectory. Like I said before, they don't need to win, but they do need to keep selling so they are a somewhat close second place. But when Watch_Dogs comes out and it's different resolutions that's another chink in the armor. I was told last night by a guy at MS that Batman is being preordered, in the US, to the tune of 4 to 1 in favor of the PS4 currently. If the xbox keeps getting the shit kicked out of it I think less people want to buy it as we go forward. It becomes so much more expensive for them to buy exclusives. The system is thought of as uncool (see: wii u).

Marketing guys project that Titanfall has already helped sell around 1 million Xbox Ones. This is based off of things like upticks in sales after every major titanfall announcements. They don't know if it will move 200k more at this point. The titanfall bundle is selling less than Microsoft projected (but they are still hopeful for a big swing come tuesday). If titanfall doesn't turn around the sales... and the image problem - what will? Direct X 12 unlocking the magic secret gpu when it releases in 1.5 years? Even if that bullshit is real the system would be buried by then.

As for "get rid of the kinect" i agree with Pachter that it won't be this year. Well, it can possibly be this year, but later this year. I think his reasoning is the same as mine... because the people I talk to say "We literally cannot unbundle it, we have contracts with parts suppliers that are yearly or multi-year." Mattrick really fucked them with that device. If you do see microsoft announce a kinect-less bundle early, like at e3, keep in mind that means they are eating A TON of money. And that has to be worrying for a division that certain people would like to see sold off...

I dig my xbox one but they have serious hurdles to overcome. I also love my Vita and it had serious hurdles to overcome... and it didn't. It needed Gravity Rush or Soul Sacrifice to become a Monster Hunter-like phenomenon and it didn't happen. So for the rest of its lifespan it will be a niche device. Shit happens.
Perfectly put.
I'm starting to wonder if Titanfall will even shift Xbox Ones to be honest, I haven't heard much hype from casual people that I know and have constantly heard 'isn't it coming out on 360?' or 'wont it be out on PS4 soon?'.

It'll be interesting, it'll probably shift one or two consoles
in Germany

I'm more interested in how many PS4 sales are attributed to inFamous: Second Son.


I went to Costco today........tons of Xbox Ones and zero PS4s. Is PS4 serious selling that fast? Or is MS just producing faster?

Xbox hasn't even announced when tier 2 countries will get theirs. So while Sony is sending their production out everywhere, MS is focused on fewer markets currently. So even if their production capacity was at parity, you will see more XBO's in the US each month for example.
I think MS is in panic mode right now. This early lead matters as it's the hardcore gamers that will spread the word on what console to get. Their friends will most likely follow them and this could increase Sony's lead over the year. Unless MS can get the price down and/or remove kinect thwn I don't think they have a prayer of catching up

Clearly they are not, because like Patchter points out, some of the stuff they're doing (UK price cut, Titanfall bundle) is "good, not good enough."

I thought Patch's idea of giving away Xbox Live for a year w/ the Titanfall bundle was an excellent one. ATM the Xbox division is too addicted to the Live profits to do this but I think it would have been a great play; get those people locked in to the network now, you can always take their $50 later on down the line.
Why would they though?

Indie games have, historically, sold significantly worse on the platform than on PC. Developing Kinect features would make it more difficult to port to other platforms.

For smaller teams, like two or three people, it would be a perfect platform. The barrier to entry would be very low considering the retail unit is the debug unit. Being registered with ID@XBOX gives Indies free Xbox One deployment tools for Unity. We already see people (usually just one person) making cool things with Kinect 1.0.
So can we put down Pachter for ~600,000 Xbox one March NPD? A 500k boost with Titanfall he said, the majority must be from USA right?


For smaller teams, like two or three people, it would be a perfect platform. The barrier to entry would be very low considering the retail unit is the debug unit. Being registered with ID@XBOX gives Indies free Xbox One deployment tools for Unity. We already see people (usually just one person) making cool things with Kinect 1.0.

Where is the return though?

Indie games have historically sold much worse on the Xbox Platform.
Proprietary Kinect development would make it difficult or impossible to port to other platforms.
Lowest install base of any next-gen platform (PC/PS4/XBO) means you are already at a distinct disadvantage, before taking the other factors into account.

These are all legitimate concerns for a developer.
Edit: nvm.

Do you seriously believe that? Any evidence of that?

The PS4 is selling faster than the xbone. Microsoft's decision to focus on a limited number of markets has led to oversupply and a general availability that is seen as a negative due to the popularity of the PS4
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