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Boxing: Floyd Mayweather vs. Victor Ortiz |OT| 9/17

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he's Virgin Tight™
What in the fuck.
What the fuck Cortez?

That was a fantastic fight! Yeah the headbutt was bad but... What the fuck Mayweather? WHAT? THE? FUCK?!?!


The ref should probably not get anymore title fights. Not saying that Victor didn't deserve a point deduction, but damn that was terrible.
Blackface said:
You do know Floyd elbowd him in the head three times and held his head down and uppercutted him right?

Just b/c you are to slow to catch it, doesn't mean that is LEGAL. It isn't. Flloyfd should have had a point taken away.

I never said Floyd's elbows were legal. He got away with those, sure. But Ortiz blatantly tried to do a Balrog style headbutt. That was one of the dirtiest attempts i have seen in ages. He had Floyd cornered and did not need to do that. Floyd did what winners do. He won


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I knew that this was worth watching live, and that it wouldn't go all the way - but hoooooooooly shit, wow.

Class went out the window on both ends there.


I'm happy with that outcome. No affiliations before the fight (although Mayweather is an impressive mofo) but, imo, justice of sorts has been done. Now if only Ortiz had put his hands up after that first left hook instead of looking to the ref.

Very interesting though!
Blackface said:
It was dirty, like the headbutt. But I guess it's legal.

It wasn't dirty at all. Ortiz had already apologized immediately after the headbutt, and after a blatant Bullshit dirty move like that, why should Floyd give a shit about being a good sport?
So what happened, Ortiz tried a headbutt, and when they went to touch gloves afterwards Mayweather unloaded immediately without stepping back first?


he's Virgin Tight™
There was no box call. WHat.. I mean....

Wow. HBO people don't even know what to say. There's no way anyone can defend that. Wow. It was such a fantastic fight. Fuck I am pissed.


Gary Whitta said:
So what happened, Ortiz tried a headbutt, and when they went to touch gloves afterwards Mayweather unloaded immediately without stepping back first?

Pretty much.
He committed a head-butt, so what. Ortiz should've just shook that off and got right back in there. Instead he got soft and started apologizing. smh


Gary Whitta said:
So what happened, Ortiz tried a headbutt, and when they went to touch gloves afterwards Mayweather unloaded immediately without stepping back first?

No, the ref told them to fight after deducting a point, they touched gloves, then Ortiz tried to hug PBF and PBF ktfoed him on the spot.
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