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C|NET: The most disappointing games of 2014


Watchdogs was fine, solid foundation get ready sequels are Ubis best efforts

AC Unity was the mess, now watch how the next AC coming next year be the true next gen.
Shadow of Mordor for me. That game got (somehow) great reviews and it was dull, repetitive and unoriginal (which isn't a bad thing per se), yet wasn't as good as the games it mimicked.

AC Unity wasn't completely terrible. It's not all bad but the games clunky controls, repetitive side missions/collectables and shoddy release condition meant the game felt old and tired and needs resting and brought back to the drawing board.

Watch Dogs gets a lot of hate but it was a pretty enjoyable game still. The best "AC"game this year.


Perhaps this would have gone over better for an unestablished franchise, but for Assassin's Creed loyalists, this was way below par for the course.
Thankfully I never experienced major bugs or glitches, and for me it's not below par at all, but instead the best entry in the series since Assassin's Creed II. The game gets so many things right, even beyond the beautifully crafted world and stunning graphics. Side activities are much improved over previous games, co-op is a lot of fun, the auto descend function or whatever it's called is great, the amount of customization for your character is great and so on. There are some annoying things of course, like how long the companion app takes to finish, but on the whole, great great game.

The Sims franchise has become synonymous with groundbreaking innovation in game design, but The Sims 4 seemed to hold back on everything we've come to love about the series. It's not that The Sims 4 is a poorly designed game, it just feels like it's more of the same game we've been playing for the better part of a decade.
I can definitely see why this would be the case for many, but for me, it's a better experience than the Sims 3 by far. I've played both this year, and the Sims 3's sluggishness (even on a PC many years newer than it) really gets in the way of my enjoyment. The Sims 4 meanwhile vastly improves the creation tools, and I've always enjoyed building houses more than anything in these games.

The years of hype leading up to the release of Watch Dogs frankly weren't fair. How could one game live up to so much buzz? Watch Dogs isn't a bad game, it just failed to deliver on some of the overblown drama that was created around it.

If anything, Watch Dogs taught us a few valuable lessons. Don't always buy into the hype; let the final version of a game do the talking. No demo or trailer is ever a true indicator of a game's quality, so for that, we thank you, Watch Dogs.
Correct, don't get so caught up in the hype, for anything, ever. It was a perfectly passable and entertaining Ubisoft genre game (fillin' bars and what not), and delivered pretty much exactly what I expected of it. Rather ridiculous that it took mods to make it look good though.

AC Unity was the mess, now watch how the next AC coming next year be the true next gen.

If AC: Unity isn't truly current gen, then I don't know what is. It's easily the most graphically impressive game I've ever played anyway. The scale, the detail, amazing.
What really? I was just about to bite the bullet on Dragon Age, thought consensus is that it was amazing :(

I very much enjoy DAI, and this is coming from someone that thought DAO was just okay and DA2 was an atrocity.
Its the best DA yet.

Play on hard mode or nightmare, though. Normal mode is way too easy.


Watch Dogs was everything I was hoping it would be, amazing game I thought and I expected a lot.

From the others on the list I've played Destiny and Unity and I agree with both.


If you liked other Bioware games you'll like DA:I. The combat, story, dialogue, characters and gameplay are bad in DA:I but no worse than in any other Bioware game.

ME2 combat being a Vanguard is fucking amazing up there with the best.

In fact I think ME2 is one of the best games of last gen.


Didn't know about the issues with NHL 15. If there were threads about it, I must have missed them.

I knew about them, but I completely forgot about them. Not many on GAF talk about sports games, but a few of my friends bought it bitched for a few weeks,and then stopped playing.


I agree with some of those.

I feel like Second Son should be on that list. Not a bad game by any means but disappointing due to what came before it.

Thin on content with a less interesting world to play in. I mean, only 2 or 3 good/evil missions, cmon Sucker Punch.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Watch_Dogs ahead of Destiny?

all my wuts
They actively misrepresented the game with an on stage demo. For better or worse, Destiny is no different than what people were readily given access to over the summer. It just falls way short on its ambitions.
What really? I was just about to bite the bullet on Dragon Age, thought consensus is that it was amazing :(

There are good fetch quests and bad fetch quests. DAI, IMO, is mostly full of good ones. They get you exploring new areas of the map, they have an impact on the area, and are somewhat relevant to the story.

GOTY for me, so far. I highly recommend it. I spent a few hours in the (huuuuuuuuuge) starting area alone doing quests and each one felt different. Some ARE tedious, though.


So EA, EA, Ubisoft, Ubisoft, Activision and Square-Enix should've left these games in the oven for a bit longer/not gouged consumers. I'm not really surprised. NHL was indeed really barebone. Tons of features missing. Kind of like what happened with NHL08.


NHL 15 is basically the sports version of Destiny. It plays extremely well for the most part, but it's the 'everything else' that's not there.
Only played Thief out of all those and yes it was very dull. Had to force myself to get though the whole thing I kept thinking it would get better but nope.


I'm in the Unity Love club.

I feel that websites are now basing reviews around the opinions of games pre release, just for the clicks.
If AC: Unity isn't truly current gen, then I don't know what is. It's easily the most graphically impressive game I've ever played anyway. The scale, the detail, amazing.

I'm sorry, but if the tradeoffs are terrible frame rate, graphical glitches and some of the worst bugs in a full release game in a long time, then no, its not the most graphically impressive game.

Its actually embarrassing.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm in the Unity Love club.

I feel that websites are now basing reviews around the opinions of games pre release, just for the clicks.
Nobody knew how bad some of these games could be until matchmaking didn't work or faces started disappearing. Given the review embargoes, most people were not sharing an opinion until after some of these games went on sale.

I wonder how Ubisoft would fare in the 2015 Consumerist poll if they were eligible. Just one fuckup after another all year long.


I'm sorry, but if the tradeoffs are terrible frame rate, graphical glitches and some of the worst bugs in a full release game in a long time, then no, its not the most graphically impressive game.

Its actually embarrassing.
Well, I can't judge by anyone else's experience obviously, but thankfully none of those are applicable for me.


Solid list, surprised MCC and Driveclub aren't on there. I'd put Destiny joint top with Unity though. Although I guess Unity is getting patched.


Halo MCC needs to be on this list. Waited since getting an Xbox One in June for it and it ended up being a shit job led by what is now in my eyes the worst developer working today. Incredibly dissappointing.


It's a decent list but I would probably flip the order and add the MCC. Destiny takes the #1 spot for 3 factors alone:

1) The Pedigree of the developer (my personal favorite shooters of all time)

2) The amount of time it has been in development (Easter egg seen in ODST which released 5 years earlier)

3) The massive budget

That doesn't even include the nonexistent story and characters, terrible level design, lack of worlds, and annoying RNG loot.

If AC: Unity isn't truly current gen, then I don't know what is. It's easily the most graphically impressive game I've ever played anyway. The scale, the detail, amazing.
Absolutely. As much as the game may get wrong, nobody can deny how much of a technical achievement the game is. Easily the best looking game available right now, a surprise considering its scale. That alone should keep it from the top 5 considering other games this year. It's just a shame that everything else turned out the way it did.
I think Watch Dogs cemented this idea in my head that if Ubisoft is marketing a AAA game with some kind of unique and amazing sounding idea, then prepare to be disappointed. Not because that idea is bad, but because it has to be mashed up and stomped to fit into Ubisoft's assembly line method of making AAA games (access/climb tower to unlock side quest busy work, get collectibles, etc).

I haven't played it so I could be wrong, but what I saw of what turned out to be the end result of the "players invading your world, everyone is connected" feature seemed really disappointing. Like I said, I haven't played it, so there could totally be some kind of foundation that breaks the mold of Ubisoft big budget game design, but I really doubt it.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I think Watch Dogs cemented this idea in my head that if Ubisoft is marketing a AAA game with some kind of unique and amazing sounding idea, then prepare to be disappointed. Not because that idea is bad, but because it has to be mashed up and stomped to fit into Ubisoft's assembly line method of making AAA games (access/climb tower to unlock side quest busy work, get collectibles, etc).

I haven't played it so I could be wrong, but what I saw of what turned out to be the end result of the "players invading your world, everyone is connected" feature seemed really disappointing. Like I said, I haven't played it, so there could totally be some kind of foundation that breaks the mold of Ubisoft big budget game design, but I really doubt it.
It seems like they want to create GTA V level games on a Call of Duty production schedule. It isn't working.


I think Watch Dogs cemented this idea in my head that if Ubisoft is marketing a AAA game with some kind of unique and amazing sounding idea, then prepare to be disappointed. Not because that idea is bad, but because it has to be mashed up and stomped to fit into Ubisoft's assembly line method of making AAA games (access/climb tower to unlock side quest busy work, get collectibles, etc).

I haven't played it so I could be wrong, but what I saw of what turned out to be the end result of the "players invading your world, everyone is connected" feature seemed really disappointing. Like I said, I haven't played it, so there could totally be some kind of foundation that breaks the mold of Ubisoft big budget game design, but I really doubt it.

Nope, it's very much a Ubisoft game. That said, the players invading your world stuff is a really neat multiplayer feature.
How is Destiny and Thief lower then AC:U? I can't agree with that list.

For all their problems, Destiny and Thief worked like they were supposed to at launch. And in the case of Destiny, there was a lot that could go wrong iwth its launch because it was an online only game. Yet they pulled it off without any issues. I can't think of another online only game that's launch was as smooth as Destiny's.


Neo Member
Destiny gets a lot of crap for stuff it should get a lot of crap for (story, levels, repetitive structure etc.) but as first person shooters go it's at least more ambitious and has more replay value than Titanfall, a game that somehow got a pass despite it's (even more) shallow story and limited game modes.
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