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Call of Duty: World War II has a season pass


Ugh, you guys. Stop defending a poor corporate pricing structures. You are so conditioned to "gotta have my Call of Duty maps" that you don't even care whether they're giving you good value.

It logically makes zero sense that a full game can be had for $60, yet all you get from a Season Pass are some maps for $50. A tiny fraction of the time and effort went into that Season Pass compared to the full game, yet it is 83% of the cost for consumers?
You can ask for better pricing. You don't have to agree to buy what Activision is selling. That would be the market at work, and I guarantee Activision would reduce the price of the Season Pass or eliminate it entirely consumers required so.

This defeatist attitude of "but that's what it costs" is why they keep charging $50 every year for it, because you'll keep happily paying it.

If you want to keep paying it, that's fine, but understand why others don't see the value there, and why they don't appreciate the $50 pricing of the Season Pass.

Man step off your high horse.

Sorry but until Free DLC gives more value than paid then to me, it's worth it.

Maybe the price could be better, but I easily get $50 worth of my time with the DLC. Hell, I spend more time with the DLC sometimes than games I paid more for.

I don't enjoy getting an extremely little amount of free content over the year. Hell it's worse when in something like Titanfall 2 some of the free maps are just re-release of the previous games maps.
Im not surprised as long as they keep making money they'll keep it going. All my CoD PSN friends are hooked on this, same with BF premium.
I hoped to be more like Titanfall 2 and the new Battlefront II but I guess that the revenue stream in those Maps DLC are too attractive and the "free maps" is still an unproven business or some stuff like that.



Neo Member
Only problem is Call of Duty is - since Advanced Warfare - stuffed to the brim with both season pass content and microtransaction lootboxes. Only game where it is not this or that, but both.

Had they remained cosmetic only, it wouldn't have been a problem. I'm hoping they're able to right the ship in that regard.


It does not and people really should learn that. Matchmaking for any mode like team deathmatch or hardpoint will throw you in a DLC lobby if it can find enough players with DLC to create such a lobby, else matchmaking creates a vanilla lobby. the experience is seamless and no trouble for both kinds of players (with or without DLC).

This is not a game where DLC maps are dead shortly after arrival (Battlefield) or vanilla players have issues without DLC. Watch any stream of Black Ops 2 backwards comp. to confirm.

Sony has the franchise looked up for many, many years.

It still fragments players between DLC and Original no matter what.


Call of Duty has a Season Pass...

...in other news water is wet





Although I am looking forward to some screenies and gameplay for this one. Happy they are going back to WW2 finally.


Ugh, you guys. Stop defending a poor corporate pricing structures. You are so conditioned to "gotta have my Call of Duty maps" that you don't even care whether they're giving you good value.

It logically makes zero sense that a full game can be had for $60, yet all you get from a Season Pass are some maps for $50. A tiny fraction of the time and effort went into that Season Pass compared to the full game, yet it is 83% of the cost for consumers?
You can ask for better pricing. You don't have to agree to buy what Activision is selling. That would be the market at work, and I guarantee Activision would reduce the price of the Season Pass or eliminate it entirely consumers required so.

Adding 16 maps is a tiny fraction of time and effort?


Ugh, you guys. Stop defending a poor corporate pricing structures. You are so conditioned to "gotta have my Call of Duty maps" that you don't even care whether they're giving you good value.

It logically makes zero sense that a full game can be had for $60, yet all you get from a Season Pass are some maps for $50. A tiny fraction of the time and effort went into that Season Pass compared to the full game, yet it is 83% of the cost for consumers?
You can ask for better pricing. You don't have to agree to buy what Activision is selling. That would be the market at work, and I guarantee Activision would reduce the price of the Season Pass or eliminate it entirely consumers required so.

This defeatist attitude of "but that's what it costs" is why they keep charging $50 every year for it, because you'll keep happily paying it.

If you want to keep paying it, that's fine, but understand why others don't see the value there, and why they don't appreciate the $50 pricing of the Season Pass.

Ok, so you can make an argument that a full Call of Duty release shouldn't be $60. They make a hefty profit, so why shouldn't it be cheaper? Hell, why shouldn't it be more expensive? Because "that's what it costs"?

Your premise is based on $60 being justified by the initial release, which is debatable. You're also comparing apples to pears - Seasons Passes sell less than the games they belong to, that's an inherent limitation of them. The content that comprise Season Passes costs money to make.

It isn't as cut and dry as 'it requires less effort, ergo it should cost less'. It might be a case where investing in the development resources to enable a Season Pass, considering that it appeals to a fraction of the base audience, is only viable if the cost of the Season Pass is adjusted to compensate. Or, perhaps it's more clearly stated this way: the content has a much smaller potential audience than the base game, and therefore may require the premium cost to make it a worthwhile investment.

And the market is at work. People routinely vote with their wallets that they are willing to pay $50 for more Call of Duty. They do it every year.


Of course.

How would be the able to explain to their investors that they abandoned a winning strategy? The season pass concept has to prove untenable first, and with a large audience that are are happy to make that purchase, and no signs of the community split being detrimental to player experience and retention, they have no compelling reason to go with free DLC.

They're making more money from microtransactions than season pass.


if I'm understanding the concept of season pass, it is just preordering dlc?

4 dlc packs seperatly = $60
game + season pass is $60+$50 = $110
Hardened edition is game ($60) + season pass($40) for $100

so you are essentially saving $20 on dlc. But you are going in blind before seeing what it is.
Ugh, you guys. Stop defending a poor corporate pricing structures. You are so conditioned to "gotta have my Call of Duty maps" that you don't even care whether they're giving you good value.

It logically makes zero sense that a full game can be had for $60, yet all you get from a Season Pass are some maps for $50. A tiny fraction of the time and effort went into that Season Pass compared to the full game, yet it is 83% of the cost for consumers?
You can ask for better pricing. You don't have to agree to buy what Activision is selling. That would be the market at work, and I guarantee Activision would reduce the price of the Season Pass or eliminate it entirely consumers required so.

This defeatist attitude of "but that's what it costs" is why they keep charging $50 every year for it, because you'll keep happily paying it.

If you want to keep paying it, that's fine, but understand why others don't see the value there, and why they don't appreciate the $50 pricing of the Season Pass.

I understand that others don't see the value, that's why they don't buy it. But others do. And you were the one making generalizations and treating opinion as fact, not me.

And explaining why there is a value in a season pass for some people is not "defending the corporate structure".


Not really surprising, I'm hoping they chill on the loot boxes, but we all know they won't, won't support it if they continue selling weapons though.


Season pass is fine at this point for COD. Most people who play it are bound to nab it anyways. As a One owner this just means I'm going to be waiting another month for the maps.

I'm more interested in seeing what the bonus mode will be, if it's good, then the wait is gonna kill me. If not, no biggie on waiting for more multiplayer maps.


And it would almost be acceptable were it not for the horrendous amount of micro-transactions.

I get that video games are a business, but Activision doesn't even pretend that they will stop at nothing to bleed every lost dollar they can out of this IP.

I moved on from Black Ops 3 long before the season pass maps even started coming out, and I have yet to touch Infinite Warfare.
I wanted to make this comment about Destiny 2 as well...

It's pathetic that we learn about the promotions and bundles that they want to sell us before they even show us gameplay.

Edit: Ok, sorry It's a leak. And i didn't know about gameplay tomorrow. This is more of a Destiny 2 rant that is overdue.

Is this really happening that much? I hope so, but really?

Just don't preorder. Alot of us destiny players wanted to know that it would be supported properly with new content.
Splitting that 20 million user base. How will I ever find a game of team deathmatch?

You must be out of touch cod doesn't show the number of online players anymore due to how small the player base is. The days of seeing even 100,000 players in matchmaking is long gone. Cod still has a healthy community but its a fraction if the past player counts.

Everytime a map pack comes out connections to player get worse. I have owned every cod and season pass since they started season passes.


Activision will be the absolute last one to ditch season passes. They likely don't give two shits about dividing up the player base either, sadly. Still can't believe they charged for the CoD: MW Remaster map pack that is almost a decade old instead of including it with the game.


Hopefully this is the last one ever. Thank god companies are ditching this. BioWare kicked it off with Mass Effect 3's model.


I am shocked, SHOCKED that the game have a season pass (because fuck the player base and splitting them cause give me money) and I'm severely shook that they make PlayStation user get more time to provide valuable beta feedback in order to fix the game for the purpose that is beta.



would rather see games embrace season passes again and get rid of loot boxes/microtransactions... however..knowing them they will have BOTH...which is ridiculous...

if I want say a metallic gun skin i should either
A) have an objective to unlock it

B) be allowed to directly pay for that

C) included in a season pass

I should not however have to open 40 random loot crates that cost money that give me random crap I never wanted..
AAAAANNNNDD Hype crushed. Keep that shit. So sick of split player bases. Sick of buying packs only to see them empty months later.

COD games are very much the 'flavor of the week' games nowdays, play it at launch before most people run off to another new shooter weeks later.
4 dlc packs seperatly = $60
game + season pass is $60+$50 = $110
Hardened edition is game ($60) + season pass($40) for $100

so you are essentially saving $20 on dlc. But you are going in blind before seeing what it is.
so it's preordering dlc at a discount. but i mean, how is it blind if you know what it is beforehand?
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