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Can we pinpoint to a game/franchise that has helped expand gaming to LGBT+ and Minorities audience like we did for women and casuals? Is it Necessary?

Kagey K

I’ve never seen a more desperate crowd, Roberta Williams wasnt begging for attention as the best female lead.

Make good shit and it won’t matter if you are black/white straight or gay.

This need for attention is too much now.

I don’t go to my job as a white male, I go a person doing the work.
I'm gay and have been a gamer since the Atari 2600, I've never felt that I needed a gay character in a game to make me feel like my existence is validated. If and when a main male character is gay I don't want his sexual orientation to be a huge deal in the marketing etc or people acting like the game has to get good reviews because of representation.


Last Bronx - Sega Saturn
First lesbian character... well supposedly at the time

Fear Effect also lol
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I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Nothing will ever be enough for you people.

You people?!

The really stupid thing about the pandering to 'minority audiences' by far left activists, is it's so incredibly myopic and American centric.

Video games are enjoyed worldwide by audiences in countries where white people are a tiny minority of the population, and have been for decades before the Woke Religion became mainstream in the US, meaning representation became a holy commandment.

I'm English, and I've played far more games as an American, Japanese, Black, Oriental, Arab or anthropermophised animal, than I ever have ones with English player characters, and I've never once had it effect my purchasing choice

As for LGBT representation, well games generally don't ever get into relationships and romance anyway, unless it's a specific mechanic or particularly narrative heavy one. Even then it still needs to first and foremost cater to the tastes of the majority audience to maximise sales, which obviously isn't LGB.

Trans people meanwhile are such a small minority in the overall population of even western countries, where they've started to become fasionable, that you may as well ask why there's not more representation for other such conditions.

There's more people born with Downs Syndrome than there are Trans people for instance, s why isn't there a bigger drive to have them represented?

There gets to a point where you go passed realistic representation and end up into fetishism.


Gold Member
Expand gaming? No. There are no metrics or data that support any 'diversity' quota's have managed to grow a target demograph. Which is why it's weaponised so much. Then you have bloggers who deliberately change the reporting criteria to frame their data in the most disingenuous ways like femfreq and shit like this

Headline: Gaming Has Fewer Female Protagonists Than 5 Years Ago
Qualifier: '...at the same time, there’s been a steady increase in the proportion of games where the protagonists are of mixed gender. '
Misdirection: 2020 also had the lowest percentage ever for male protagonist at 26.5%
Actual conclusion: Single male protagonist choice fell by 10%, single female choice fell by 1%, player choice grew by 7%
Data: Were the games random every year? Were frnachses kept consistent for reporting? What if no game existed in that year that was like for like? What does it look like with weighted categories excluded (e.g. sports)

This won't go away, just like all the SJW shit, because there's no outcome or base to work to. Let's say we achieve peak representation, what next? Oh well, that quarter of black players was mainly in sports games and strategy - where are they in the adventure genre etc. It's pathetic and the obsession of those who have nothing going on in their lives. If it was such an issue, if it was the be all and end all, then how do so many 'straight, white males' identify with TLOU II? How do they 'get it' when it's about telling a specific story from a POV. Does it mean they didn't get all the nuance? Does it mean they got less enjoyment? Does it fuck, these people are the stupidest, most ignorant people on the planet, and are basically Michael Scott in this scene:

Michael Scott: What about you?
I.T. Guy: Well if you're going to reduce my identity to my religion, then I'm Sikh. But I also like hiphop and NPR. And I'm restoring 1967 Corvette in my spare time.
Michael Scott: Okay. So, one Sikh, and...


Gold Member
Representation is important, I still remember vividly the first time I played a game as a kid and saw myself on screen and I didn't feel so alone anymore.

Thank you desert strike.

Mine was Monty Mole


I knew then, despite those early years of being an only child, a latchkey kid, a ne'er do well council estate lad, that I had found someone/thing I could identify with. Who shared my struggles and represented all the problems in my life. Without it, I don't think I would have grown up to a left leaning, straight, white male who is married. I imagine I'd be writing poetry in a cold shower while wearing a frayed scarf, using dyed tears as my ink.
Nothing will ever be enough for you people.
Technically, Asians are 59% of the human race. But try and make a game that is 60% Asian and Americans would be the first to complain.
Because Americans are not trying to have the game represent the world; Americans want the game to represent AMERICA, and nowhere else. Hence the complaint that anime doesn't have enough Black people. Americans just want everyone else to be like them.


Because Americans are not trying to have the game represent the world; Americans want the game to represent AMERICA
Lol no. These people whining about games want everything to be black, gay and trans. That shit doesn't represent america at all unless everybody got gay, black and trans overnight.
Lol no. These people whining about games want everything to be black, gay and trans. That shit doesn't represent america at all unless everybody got gay, black and trans overnight.
United States is unusual in carrying out force mass transport of Africans into their country. This during the time when Europe had already banned Slavery. Basically Americans and Americans alone were intentionally creating a mix of peoples who didn't choose to be there. The fact remains that what is "Normal" to Americans is alien to everyone else.


If you mean what games are made specifically for the LGBT+ audience, TLOU2 is definitely the biggest (also why it has such rabbid supporters, no matter how bad the game is). The Life is Strange franchise is as well, don't know what else.

I don't think it has ever actually worked to sell it to a bigger audience, the more the developers make a big deal about it, the less it sells.
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I'm in the Drag/Gay community and all they ever fucking talk about are the Sims and Animal Crossing :messenger_grinning_smiling:

Neither were specifically created for them.


I like Warzone. I also have a penis and like women (maybe this will help your research).

Edit: Natural penis

Edit 2: Penis from birth
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Wait...what stopped the LGTBOPQRST people from playing videogames? I understand games were aimed at "boys" at some moment but I cannot see how games were aimed at not trans not gay people.


Gold Member
It all comes down to people's feral desire to complain about petty issues online.
-Not enough lgbt characters? CONTROVERSY
-Woman with big boobs in sexy clothes? HOW DARE THEY
-Halo infinite graphics don't look next gen enough? LETS MAKE CRAIG WAVES


Believe me I tried to convey a shorter question. Here we go. Let's keep it civil of course.
Tetris and Animal Crossing. It is quite known that these 2 franchises, though not specifically designed for, have helped bring women to gaming. On the contrary, we do have games like Candy Crush that were designed to target a female audience. Bare with me here..

We also have games like Wii Sport and Brain Age that till this day still have elderly people play in retirement home. These games helped expanded gaming to a 65+ causal market.

But today in gaming there is a new "metric", a market that wants diversity, acceptance of sexuality and gender well beyond male and female.

So with that, has there been a game, franchise or series that has appealed to LGBT+ and or Minorities..:
  1. without being specifically designed for (this new market audience)? or
  2. ...designed to target these market directly?

And If not, are we as gamers and developers still trying to find and build such a game?

And if all of this is irrelevant, is it even..... Necessary? Though I feel there should be more diversity in gaming narrative, I don't think the gaming industry needs an "Animal Crossing for LGBT+" or "Black Tetris" but it sometimes feels like the industry is pursuing that.

Unlike what you are saying, Tetris, Animal Crossing and Candy Crush NEVER tried to appeal to women, a female audience was simply attracted to these games, like some women are attracted to other games.

Now the issue of representation is that if you are LGBT, a minority or a woman playing games that pretend they don't exist or even could go as far as representing them in a bad image, can of course frustrate and even alienate them. So this is just about having both an interesting and representative game with interesting characters that reflect the various people that exist in life, which hasn't been the case in lots of media including video games until recently.

I think Overwatch is doing that well although it's doing it in a completely J.K Rowling hypocritical pandering way, but still it's doing it well I think lots of LGBTs and women are satisfied with it.
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Gold Member
Final Fantasy IX had a truly fuckalicious cast. Especially Vivi and Kuja.

What was the question again?
If they claim to be normal, yet cant play games that are made for "regular people", whom have huge variety of personalities within, then they are not normal, but something else:messenger_neutral:

Like if I as straight male can play Tomb raiders and enjoy them without feeling anything weird because Lara is a girl, then why couldnt these LPGTP- people play same games as rest of us?

Cant they diffrentiate their personal sexuality/other features from fiction or what?

Sounds really weird and bit crazy that they would need "special kind of games" when there are literally thousands of games already


Gold Member
If they claim to be normal, yet cant play games that are made for "regular people", whom have huge variety of personalities within, then they are not normal, but something else:messenger_neutral:

Like if I as straight male can play Tomb raiders and enjoy them without feeling anything weird because Lara is a girl, then why couldnt these LPGTP- people play same games as rest of us?

Cant they diffrentiate their personal sexuality/other features from fiction or what?

Sounds really weird and bit crazy that they would need "special kind of games" when there are literally thousands of games already
They can but sometimes it is good to have somebody like you. Most people are not trying to take away straight males from games but just make room for everybody else. Variety is the spice of life. My lesbian cousin loved RDR2 to the point that she was moved to tears but she did feel good that Ellie was a protagonist in a major game.
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always chasing the next thrill
The last of us 1 and 2 made me search for lezzies way more on pornhub.

bless that game and bless ✂️
I'm latino and I liked playing Super Mario Brothers and the Legend of Zelda growing up. It's totally possible to enjoy a medium without specifically being pandered to.
Believe me I tried to convey a shorter question. Here we go. Let's keep it civil of course.

Tetris and Animal Crossing. It is quite known that these 2 franchises, though not specifically designed for, have helped bring women to gaming. On the contrary, we do have games like Candy Crush that were designed to target a female audience. Bare with me here..

We also have games like Wii Sport and Brain Age that till this day still have elderly people play in retirement home. These games helped expanded gaming to a 65+ causal market.

But today in gaming there is a new "metric", a market that wants diversity, acceptance of sexuality and gender well beyond male and female.

So with that, has there been a game, franchise or series that has appealed to LGBT+ and or Minorities..:
  1. without being specifically designed for (this new market audience)? or
  2. ...designed to target these market directly?

And If not, are we as gamers and developers still trying to find and build such a game?

And if all of this is irrelevant, is it even..... Necessary? Though I feel there should be more diversity in gaming narrative, I don't think the gaming industry needs an "Animal Crossing for LGBT+" or "Black Tetris" but it sometimes feels like the industry is pursuing that.

I don’t think it’s necessary imo why ? If they want it so bad ask devs for download packs Or have a setting in games I don’t like seeing that stuff personally-

Mhmmm 2077

I guess Life is Gay Strange and everything since this game from Dontnod qualifies. Is it needed? not at all imo, why the fuck does everything need to be "inclusive" these days?
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