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Capcom Cup 2014 | Fighting Game Tournament | Dec 13

Maybe if J Wong plays Viper, he'll beat Daigo?

Daigo bodied Uryo's Viper 7-1 at Topanga League.

Some money matches are happening right now


@Evans_SF · 26m 26 minutes ago
And @GL_Valmaster just 3-0'd Bonchan :)

Fact : @GL_Valmaster bodied the 2 EVO 2014 finalist in money match today !

@Evans_SF · 15m 15 minutes ago
Daigo 3 - 1 @GL_Valmaster

Luffy beat Bonchan 3-2
Daigo beat Luffy 3-1
randomly browsing nicovideo and seems like there's a manga about umehara now? lol

There's two of them. The latest one is on Georgia coffee's app for free, but it's coming out in stores this month. The other one came out last year or something like that.

There's another manga on Japanese pro gamers that just came out or is coming out soon. Daigo, Mago, Tokido, Kazunoko, Fuudo, Itabashi, and maybe Bonchan are on the cover.
This Amtrak wifi died, my cell phones data is severely slowing down and my brother won't answer his texts because I'm assuming his phone died and he's too much of a giant fucking irresponsible idiot to charge it.


I'm making it to CapCup one way or another. Just 5 more hours and I'm there.

I just remembered that he has my e-ticket. Oh well. If I can't get in, I'll go drown my sorrows in Gianna Michaels' tits next door.


There's like $25,000 on the line and these guys are playing each other the night before? They're not afraid of getting downloaded?


Does anyone know if this will be viewable on the Xbox One Twitch app? I'm not normally a Twitch user so it may sound like a dumb question.


Does anyone know if this will be viewable on the Xbox One Twitch app? I'm not normally a Twitch user so it may sound like a dumb question.

Yeh you can find it on twitch app, just search by game if it isnt featured.

There's like $25,000 on the line and these guys are playing each other the night before? They're not afraid of getting downloaded?

Seems strange, but if you're not going to make any money tomorrow might as well make some tonite.


If my friend isn't free to watch Hobbit with me tonight I'll catch the stream. I want to see more of Omega mode's madness.


I have three patients to see in the morning tomorrow. I'm gonna blaze through them and make sure I'm home and ready to go by 12:30 lol. Patient care be damned! (jk of course but I don't want to miss too much)


Slayer of Combofiends
This Amtrak wifi died, my cell phones data is severely slowing down and my brother won't answer his texts because I'm assuming his phone died and he's too much of a giant fucking irresponsible idiot to charge it.


I'm making it to CapCup one way or another. Just 5 more hours and I'm there.

I just remembered that he has my e-ticket. Oh well. If I can't get in, I'll go drown my sorrows in Gianna Michaels' tits next door.

I'll be there tomorrow (couldn't say no to a $5 ticket lol).

Should be fun, much like the 25th Anniversary was two years ago in Burlingame.

Taking Bart and going with friends.
Evans latest tweet is that Nishikin beat Valmaster 3-0. I wonder just how serious these guys really are? Sure they could be trying to download each other, but that kind of goes out the door if one of them or both guys are sandbagging during these matches. Which kind of begs the question, how much are these money matches? If it's 10-20 bucks, who cares. 50+ then it should hurt these guys a little.


People have to be crazy if they think there is no sandbagging going on in that room.

That room is all about the mind games. The game outside the game.
Yea people are intentionally showing "habits" that are false. Simple shit like DP/ Not DP on wakeup. Crouch/not crouch teching. And probably doing certain set play/mixups, then tomorrow they do completely different shit.


People have to be crazy if they think there is no sandbagging going on in that room.

That room is all about the mind games. The game outside the game.


"save it for nationals" is still alive. Daigo doesn't like being recorded or uploading his videos for a reason. And best believe everyone else has the same mentality about wanting to take it all.
Pm me if you wanna bet against Daigo. Just say the amount below a hundred bucks and your favorite before the tournament. I'm going to bed soon because I've got to play MTG all day tomorrow.


[QUOTE="God's Beard!";143100661]Pm me if you wanna bet against Daigo. Just say the amount below a hundred bucks and your favorite before the tournament. I'm going to bed soon because I've got to play MTG all day tomorrow.[/QUOTE]

Wo, we split a room at EVO 2011 if I'm not mistaken.
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";143103214]Oh shit what's up man? EVO 2011 ruled![/QUOTE]

I was there to, glad to have met you and whoever else was there(I only remember you out of everybody though). If it wasn't for the fact that I was there with my girlfriend(wife now) I would have liked to hang out with you guys more.



"save it for nationals" is still alive. Daigo doesn't like being recorded or uploading his videos for a reason. And best believe everyone else has the same mentality about wanting to take it all.
Justin Marvelous Wong saved tech for a full year.

He sandbagged multiple majors against ChrisG just so he can keep his shit until EVO and it worked. The level of commitment to STSFN was absurd.

Never underestimate the prep time. I do hope Justin has some shit for Daigo.


He who pursues two rabbits gets two rabbits.
Justin Marvelous Wong saved tech for a full year.

He sandbagged multiple majors against ChrisG just so he can keep his shit until EVO and it worked. The level of commitment to STSFN was absurd.
I'm really happy that that worked out for him, but every time I think about it I wonder how much shit he would have gotten for "collusion" had it not paid off.
I was there to, glad to have met you and whoever else was there(I only remember you out of everybody though). If it wasn't for the fact that I was there with my girlfriend(wife now) I would have liked to hang out with you guys more.
Whoo, I'm the most memorable person on GAF! ...is that good?

Also, congrats! I remember you having to split early, looks like it was the right choice!
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