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Carly Fiorina confirms it: she is considering challenging Sen. Tim Kaine

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I'd give even odds he loses. Virginia isn't deep blue and democrats don't vote in midterms. Trump's base is also HIGHLY energized by what's happening.

Kaine won his last senate race by like 6% which was more then obama won virigina by in 2012. Trump's voters were also highly energized in the recent presidential election but hilary still easily won Virginia.


I won't say she has no chance. But what does she have going for her? Trump shits on her, she is associated with Ted Cruz a guy who's own family doesn't like him, she is responsible for murder, small children are creeped out by her, and she has the charisma of a 3 day old used adult diaper.
Break that Virginia glass ceiling Carly! I'm with her! Virginians are all sexists that have never elected a female Senator!

I'm joking, but it is kind of funny and true. Even my home state of KS has had 2.
As a Kansas resident, you shouldn't be pointing to this state as an example of anything. KS probably won't have another female senator for 50 years at the rate things are going.
Lol, stop doing this guys
I mean there is something to be said for overconfidence but Fiorina's chiefest accomplishment was getting 4% of the New Hampshire primary vote. It's not like Trump had been a repeated failure at winning things before he ran.

Like if she wins a blue state in a backlash midterm as a carpetbagger the Democratic party should cease to exist.


If the Democrats are in the position of having to play defense on Tim Kaine's seat after two years of the Trump Administration, they might as well not even be a party anymore.

The point of the story is more "don't take anything for granted." If it ever looks like we're running the score and humiliating the GOP in "easy" races in the future, it's because we'll remember for the rest of our lives the time Mighty Casey struck out and fucked up the country for the first half of the 21st century.

From now on, fight every election like you're down by 5 in the polls. If that leads to a "stop, he's already dead" situation, so be it.


Come on. Don't respect her like that.

It's Former Vice Presidential Running Mate for Ted Cruz's Failed US Presidential Campaign of 2016, Carly Fiorina.


She'll win too

White people on the warpath.

And by that I mean white people are literally militarizing because they have perceived that they may be losing a fraction of their power because a half-black guy was President and "PC culture" (also known as attempted empathy) was becoming a national movement.

Nelo Ice

After the election I'll just use BvS shitty logic "if we believe there's even a one percent chance that he is our enemy we have to take it as an absolute certainty... and we have to destroy him.".

There's a 1% chance she could win so Virginia do everything you can to stop her.


She'll probably win too because why the fuck not. America continues to piss on its better angels, don't see why Kaine doesn't get drenched too.


After last year, the game is unpredictable.

The 2018 virigina senate race is pretty predictable. Unless tim kaine's approval rating drops signficantly he should easily win his senate seat again. Northern VA should prevent him from losing.
I'm from California, trust me, you can always laugh at Carly.

Like the time she launched a senate campaign with the worst political website ever

Let's not forget her amazing ad.

Is it typical to go back and forth between senate (now in 2 different states) and presidential runs (without being an incumbent senator defending their seat)? If so, that's one heck of a hobby.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
My downstairs neighbor worked at HP for a few decades and got laid off during her shitshow of a tenure as CEO. He hates her about as much as it's possible to hate someone.


At the people Lulzing, did you forget what happened a few months ago already? Man all these crazy rich people can smell the blood and want a piece.


Gold Member
All of you boasting that she doesn't have a chance seem to forget the election we just had. Her past failures do not necessarily indicate future failure.

If you don't live in Virginia, you don't really understand that this state isn't as "blue" as the presidential elections would have you believe. We still have GOP majority General Assembly and our Democrat governor only won by 56,435 votes over a hardline Tea Party candidate. Since the Trump win, the VA Republican Party has been on a warpath, preparing for the 2017 Gubernatorial election and preparing to challenge Kaine in 2018 and Warner in 2020. They are already running media and social media campaigns challenging them and painting Kaine as a Hillary surrogate because he was on her ticket. Edit: And let's not forget that Governor McAuliffe's connections to the Clintons was heavily used against him during his 2013 campaign for governor and the VA GOP will undoubtedly dust off those attacks to paint future VA Democrats running for Governor as part of the same "swamp" as Clinton and McAuliffe.

Based on the social media comments to mainstream local news outlets regarding Fiorina (and other reports regarding Kaine and McAuliffe), the VA GOP's strategy is working so far. I see comments from people who were diehard Trumpers during the primaries and general election - people who make equally disparaging comments about Fiorina when Trump blasted her - now completely behind Fiorina simply because they equate Kaine to Clinton and think Fiorina is Trump-lite. I'm quoting from some Facebook comments here: "she tells it like it is" and "she was a multinational CEO". All manner of personal attacks are being levied against Kaine, meanwhile any attempt at pointing out Fiorina's failures in both politics and business are brushed aside with the same lame "fake news" or "snowflake" or "librul media" lines of excuses.

Turnout is key. If midterm turn out is low for Democrats across the Commonwealth (which it all too frequently is), then Fiorina will stand a very real shot at winning despite being a carpetbagger.

TL;DR: Virginia is purple, not blue. VA GOP is rallying and their supporters are mobilized. Do NOT be surprised if a Republican wins the Gubernatorial election in 2017 or if Fiorina (or some other Republican) wins Kaine's senate seat in 2018, carpetbagger and corporate failure be damned.


I remember when AmeriGAF was saying that it was impossible for Trump to become the Republic candidate and I believed it.
Then I remember AmeriGAF saying there was no fucking way Trump would actually be elected president and I believed it.

I think I am just going to wait and see what happens with this one.

Trump still lost by ~3 million votes.

Yeah but he is president, so that counts for nothing at all.
All of you boasting that she doesn't have a chance seem to forget the election we just had. Her past failures do not necessarily indicate future failure.

If you don't live in Virginia, you don't really understand that this state isn't as "blue" as the presidential elections would have you believe. We still have GOP majority General Assembly and our Democrat governor only won by 56,435 votes over a hardline Tea Party candidate. Since the Trump win, the VA Republican Party has been on a warpath, preparing for the 2017 Gubernatorial election and preparing to challenge Kaine in 2018 and Warner in 2020. They are already running media and social media campaigns challenging them and painting Kaine as a Hillary surrogate because he was on her ticket.

Based on the social media comments to mainstream local news outlets regarding Fiorina (and other reports regarding Kaine and McAuliffe), the VA GOP's strategy is working so far. I see comments from people who were diehard Trumpers during the primaries and general election - people who make equally disparaging comments about Fiorina when Trump blasted her - now completely behind Fiorina simply because they equate Kaine to Clinton and think Fiorina is Trump-lite. I'm quoting from some Facebook comments here: "she tells it like it is" and "she was a multinational CEO". All manner of personal attacks are being levied against Kaine, meanwhile any attempt at pointing out Fiorina's failures in both politics and business are brushed aside with the same lame "fake news" or "snowflake" or "librul media" lines of excuses.

Turnout is key. If midterm turn out is low for Democrats across the Commonwealth (which it all too frequently is), then Fiorina will stand a very real shot at winning despite being a carpetbagger.

TL;DR: Virginia is purple, not blue. VA GOP is rallying and their supporters are mobilized. Do NOT be surprised if a Republican wins the Gubernatorial election in 2017 or if Fiorina (or some other Republican) wins Kaine's senate seat in 2018, carpetbagger and corporate failure be damned.
Seriously, complacent dems looking solely at externalities in their favor is part of the reason we're dealing with Trump. Take this seriously. Destroy her. Do not sit on your laurels. People shouldn't forget that Mark WRner was predicted to win by a large margin (8 pts-?) and barely won his race.


Gold Member
Seriously, complacent dems looking solely at externalities in their favor is part of the reason we're dealing with Trump. Take this seriously. Destroy her. Do not sit on your laurels. People shouldn't forget that Mark WRner was predicted to win by a large margin (8 pts-?) and barely won his race.

Thanks for the reminder. Seriously. I had almost forgotten as well and should have included it in my wall of text above. ~18K votes was all that separated Warner from Gillespie. Like people are saying about Kaine today, there was a lot of "Warner can't lose, people in VA love him and he was a good governor!" in the lead up of the 2014 midterms... Then he damn near lost because voter participation in the 2014 midterms was dismal. Only 36.6% of eligible voters bothered casting a ballot.


All of you boasting that she doesn't have a chance seem to forget the election we just had. Her past failures do not necessarily indicate future failure.

If you don't live in Virginia, you don't really understand that this state isn't as "blue" as the presidential elections would have you believe. We still have GOP majority General Assembly and our Democrat governor only won by 56,435 votes over a hardline Tea Party candidate. Since the Trump win, the VA Republican Party has been on a warpath, preparing for the 2017 Gubernatorial election and preparing to challenge Kaine in 2018 and Warner in 2020. They are already running media and social media campaigns challenging them and painting Kaine as a Hillary surrogate because he was on her ticket. Edit: And let's not forget that Governor McAuliffe's connections to the Clintons was heavily used against him during his 2013 campaign for governor and the VA GOP will undoubtedly dust off those attacks to paint future VA Democrats running for Governor as part of the same "swamp" as Clinton and McAuliffe.

Based on the social media comments to mainstream local news outlets regarding Fiorina (and other reports regarding Kaine and McAuliffe), the VA GOP's strategy is working so far. I see comments from people who were diehard Trumpers during the primaries and general election - people who make equally disparaging comments about Fiorina when Trump blasted her - now completely behind Fiorina simply because they equate Kaine to Clinton and think Fiorina is Trump-lite. I'm quoting from some Facebook comments here: "she tells it like it is" and "she was a multinational CEO". All manner of personal attacks are being levied against Kaine, meanwhile any attempt at pointing out Fiorina's failures in both politics and business are brushed aside with the same lame "fake news" or "snowflake" or "librul media" lines of excuses.

Turnout is key. If midterm turn out is low for Democrats across the Commonwealth (which it all too frequently is), then Fiorina will stand a very real shot at winning despite being a carpetbagger.

TL;DR: Virginia is purple, not blue. VA GOP is rallying and their supporters are mobilized. Do NOT be surprised if a Republican wins the Gubernatorial election in 2017 or if Fiorina (or some other Republican) wins Kaine's senate seat in 2018, carpetbagger and corporate failure be damned.

Virgina is like a D+3.3 state right now on the presidential level. It's more purple on the state and congressional level.If trump couldn't win the state in a good year a carly fiona or laura ingraham type candidate can't win in an off year either. A republican can only win VA in non-presidential elections if they are moderate enough. Neither Ingraham or Fiona are moderate enough for the Virgina electorate.The same conditions that make it easier for democrats to win the staqe on the presidential level should help democrats running in gubernational and senate races to win the state as long as Northern VA stays blue enough even with lower turnout. And the 2014 Virgina gubernational election is a bad example to use since you had a libertarian third party candidate siphoning more votes from McAuliffe then his opponent. Unless a strong third party candidate takes part in the senate election in 2018 or the gubernational election in 2017 kaine and the democratic gubernational candidate should have an easy time winning their election


I'd give even odds he loses. Virginia isn't deep blue and democrats don't vote in midterms. Trump's base is also HIGHLY energized by what's happening.

Democrats don't vote in the midterms of a democratic president. It's not some general rule that can be applied. People just think it is because of 2010 and 2014. In 2006, democrats made big gains, same with 1998 and the primary under HW.

What can be said is the opposing party usually makes gains in midterms, the only two exceptions being 2002 and 1998, both with simple reasons. Unless a major terrorist attack happens, expect democrats to make gains. Now, with the senate math looking like it is, it will no doubt be a difficult battle for democrats, and they will probably loose seats. But you should be worried a hell of a lot more for Manchin and Baldwin than you are for Kaine.

Get out and fight, but understand what will be a really difficult challenge and what will be less of a challenge.
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