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Charlottesville alt-right white nationalist torch rally

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Don't go down that path, those on the alt right would love nothing more than to further the narrative that it's the left who are violent. This is playing in to their hands.

When it comes to nazis, there can't be enough violence. Timing is the only thing that matters.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Ah yes I remember reading something about that in middle school. Along with the that really violent revolution that this less known place called America was founded on.
Someone should be taking high resolution head shots of every single torchbearer, and then posted online for the world to see. The world needs to know your disgusting ideas if you're so proud of it.

Consequences must happen to such brazen fascist, racist and ethnic cleansing views. It should not be tolerated lightly especially when your entire worldview is the wholesale extermination of groups of people. Speech should be free, but it doesn't mean it doesn't have consequences, motherfuckers.
Someone should be taking high resolution head shots of every single torchbearer, and then posted online for the world to see. The world needs to know your disgusting ideas if you're so proud of it.

Consequences must happen to such brazen fascist, racist and ethnic cleansing views. It should not be tolerated especially when your entire worldview is the wholesale extermination of groups of people.

I agree with the entirety of this post

This is the age of receipts and we have the technology to produce them
Who gets to decide who is a Nazi?

...Some of them certianly make it easier than others...
I worry about some of you guys and how much you let emotion cloud rational judgement.
Again, its the internet. Hyperbole and emotion-fuel reactions are what run it. Doesn't make the general consensus of "Fuck these racist, nazi assholes" any less applicable.


How did we solve the nazi problem again?

It was "solved" by half of Europe starting to murder people for several years.
Again, it's not that simple. WW2 wasn't "some bad guys names the nazis starting doing Evil shit for no reason and then America saved the day by killing them all".
Also, todays nazis may have the same idiology as the one back in the day, but this time they're no on a foreign country you can just fight against.

It's a bad idea because white America would be more than happy to stand aside and let more terrible shit happen to historically oppressed people?

Comme on. You know that a civil war would be disaster for the country.
Starting a civil war isn't that simple, and doesn't seem to be what that person was suggesting

Then I don't know what they're suggesting. I can't say I know a solution to the problem myself
Where have i seen that wording used by police before? Hmmm....

This shouldnt come to anyones surprise in this forum.

Fox is basically starting the narrative that the driver was likely afraid for his life because people are throwing things at the car. You know..after he plowed through people. 🤔
This was handled incredibly poorly by the police, to say the least. Letting neo-nazis and antifa fight without intervening, letting people with guns and riot gear to show up in the first place, etc. It's officially domestic terrorism now. Do something about it.
The time for violence is when you believe violence will achieve your goals better than peaceful methods.

If you believe that this attack is going to make the alt right more able to carry out their agenda, then yeah, I suppose you would support the left taking similar measures. But anyone with any skin in the game is trying to distance themselves from the attacks, because the politics of this are horrible, and so would, say, bombing or shooting up the rally before all this happened.

MLK didn't choose nonviolence because he was a starry-eyed idealist.
He did it because he knew that power in America flows from public opinion, not from the barrel of a gun. That might change, at some point in the future, but right now we live in a liberal democracy that is at least partially responsive to the will of the public. Winning PR victories is vastly more important than killing a few grunts.

Get outta here with this grade school history class appeal to MLK. These people who are threatening black people every day don't care about optics or PR.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
It was "solved" by half of Europe starting to murder people for several years.
Again, it's not that simple. WW2 wasn't "some bad guys names the nazis starting doing Evil shit for no reason and then America saved the day by killing them all".
Also, todays nazis may have the same idiology as the one back in the day, but this time they're no on a foreign country you can just fight against.
Just because they aren't German doesn't mean we can't tell them that they aren't welcome here. Nazism is NOT welcome in America, no matter how many moderates say we should give them a platform and not fight back.
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