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Chess wunderkind Trump threatens Comey on Twitter



You know what would make Trump look good and get all this out of the way?

If he hired an independent prosecutor and if he releases his tax returns. If he has nothing to hide, this would save him.


why hasn't Comey confirmed the hearing? Is he honestly thinking about not testifying? wtf is going on with this shit?
You know what would make Trump look good and get all this out of the way?

If he hired an independent prosecutor and if he releases his tax returns. If he has nothing to hide, this would save him.

I don't think we should ever go down the road of requiring people to prove themselves innocent, even in this case.


He's clearly afraid of what Comey is going to say in his testimony. He fired Comey two days before he was scheduled to appear and testify in front of the Senate. Now that the Senate has asked him to testify after his firing, Trump's trying to warn him off. Trump clearly doesn't want Comey in front of the Senate.

Did you ever think you'd see the day where something this blatant is happening, and the party of impeach over lying under oath isnt touching this with a 10 ft pole? Even being divided on this is asinine. The GOP that stays silent or falling on party lines is a threat to our national security. I'd say treasonous, but that would get wiki'warriors going.

I'm just stunned how 1 horrible party can dismantle the United states. The public needs to be more observant of politics moving forward.
why hasn't Comey confirmed the hearing? Is he honestly thinking about not testifying? wtf is going on with this shit?

Trump is trying to bait comes into saying something he shouldn't. Comey knows that his best move is to not say anything and let the actions of the FBI and IC speak for themselves.

Did you ever think you'd see the day where something this blatant is happening, and the party of impeach over lying under oath isnt touching this with a 10 ft pole? Even being divided on this is asinine. The GOP that stays silent or falling on party lines is a threat to our national security. I'd say treasonous, but that would get wiki'warriors going.

I'm just stunned how 1 horrible party can dismantle the United states. The public needs to be more observant of politics moving forward.

This shit was the inevitable conclusion as soon as talk-radio became popular and alt-right grew on the internet.

To combat the GOP's unwillingness to face facts, you have to first put a muzzle on the biggest liars.
LMAO if Clinton was doing any of this shit right now the Republicans would be lighting the White House on fire. They would declare a state of emergency or something.

Id say there was a 99%, any other administration wouldnt be dumb enough to even start doing what this admin is doing/done. lol


I'm hoping Comey comes last second so they don't have to time to try and obstruct. Those would garner some delicious tweets from El Trumpo
why hasn't Comey confirmed the hearing? Is he honestly thinking about not testifying? wtf is going on with this shit?

Do you realize he was just fired? You can't expect instant reactions from him, he's probably meeting with his lawyers and trying to process everything that has happened

I'm sure he will testify


It's a shitty ass system, everyone even remotely associated with Trump should go with him.

It's not as if there aren't enough fail-safes though, to be fair.

It just so happens that Dems have control of no part of government at all- Even if they just retake the House they'd have some kind of power to get things moving.


Trump is trying to bait comes into saying something he shouldn't. Comey knows that his best move is to not say anything and let the actions of the FBI and IC speak for themselves.

Wouldn't his best move be to testify to the Senate on matters which would incriminate the president with regards to the ongoing investigation and other topics if such information exists? For example, confirming or denying the rumored loyalty pledge.

If he does not agree to the hearing, my first thought would be "he fears for his life" and then "maybe he is complicit".


Do you realize he was just fired? You can't expect instant reactions from him, he's probably meeting with his lawyers and trying to process everything that has happened

I'm sure he will testify
I mean he's also just received a threat from the President of the United States.
Trump is out of his depth. He thinks he can play this out like one of his cheap tabloid tricks. He doesnt understand that there is oversight for his office' behavior. He had no such controls when he was calling in to news with an alias to talk shit about his ex-wives.


No matter how this whole saga concludes, Putin has won.

We're at each other's throats, no one trusts anything, and people are so dug in that they refuse to even entertain that they may have voted for someone who was actively colluding with a foreign power to undermine the election.

It's hard to be excited over all of this (though I'm not above it, I admit I am to a degree) when it's all so fucking sad.

Putin himself may have won, but Russia in general continues to lose. It's economy is still in the toilet, the international sanctions aren't going anywhere, and just about every country on the planet hates them with the exception of puppet states like Kazakhstan. Russia really has very few friends left in the modern world, and if Putin keeps being Putin, it's going to stay that way.

Also, I'm not convinced this isn't simply a temporary victory for Putin. The US isn't going to be in perpetual turmoil for all eternity. We've never experienced something like this as a nation, true, but if we can make it to the other side in one piece (which I'm still convinced we can) then the next time Russia tries their shit, we'll be more prepared for it.


Putin himself may have won, but Russia in general continues to lose. It's economy is still in the toilet, the international sanctions aren't going anywhere, and just about every country on the planet hates them with the exception of puppet states like Kazakhstan. Russia really has very few friends left in the modern world, and if Putin keeps being Putin, it's going to stay that way.

Also, I'm not convinced this isn't simply a temporary victory for Putin. The US isn't going to be in perpetual turmoil for all eternity. We've never experienced something like this as a nation, true, but if we can make it to the other side in one piece (which I'm still convinced we can) then the next time Russia tries their shit, we'll be more prepared for it.

I ultimately agree with you, I think our institutions are strong enough to withstand it, and perhaps even grow from it, on the other side.

But the division between the left and the right has grown so awful at this point that people are now refusing to agree on fact, and that's something that is easy to exploit if we don't address it.
So eeeuhm, with how blatantly evil the White House is, can't they just give tapes that contain damning material to Trumps enemies, and conveniently leave out all the shit that implicates the White House and Trump himself?

Just deliver the good stuff, delete the bad stuff.



To follow up:

(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey is "not worried about any tapes" of conversations between him and President Donald Trump, a source familiar with the matter told CNN Friday, adding that "if there is a tape, there's nothing he is worried about" that could be on it.
The source said of the dinner between Comey and Trump on January 27 that it came at Trump's request and was one-on-one.
The source noted that a few days before the dinner, Comey had already been told by the President that he would stay on the job.
"It is absolutely untrue that Jim asked to have dinner or that he asked to have his job," the source said. "That is a complete fabrication."

The source said Comey knew it was possible he would lose his job, especially when he did not agree to pledge loyalty and later with the fallout over refuting the President's claims that President Barack Obama ordered the wiretapping of Trump Tower, but he didn't expect it when he was fired. The source said Comey thought at least he would get a phone call.
The source said Comey is likely not going to testify next week to Senate intelligence. As of Friday morning, Comey had not responded to the request.



"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
For reals though, how can anyone from the GOP see this shit and still have faith in Trump to lead and serve as President?
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