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China calls for less 'effeminate' men in videogames and bans 'gay love'


Not gonna lie, I only ever see this argument when it involves LGBT+ characters. Harry and Ginny kissing in Harry Potter or the many Disney princess movies that involve the heroine falling in love with the handsome and charming prince? Never a peep. As soon as the characters are gay however, it's "Oh, I dOn'T sUpPoRt AnY kInD oF sExUaLiTy iN cHiLdReN's EnTeRtAiNmEnT rEgArDlEsS oF pReFeReNcE!"

I know it's anecdotal, but I have legit never witnessed anyone complaining about the many hetero relationships depicted in children's entertainment until they get called out on their nonsense like right now, and it's wildly inconsistent. As soon as you bring it up however, they always backpedal and claim that it's all sexuality that they're opposed to. I wonder why that is?

Queer people existing isn't a political agenda. Quit being a snowflake.

It must be because they're secretly gay themselves and are terrified of the existence of queer people. No other explanation.


Gold Member

Fare thee well

It must be because they're secretly gay themselves and are terrified of the existence of queer people. No other explanation.

😄. One of my favorite new terms.



😄. One of my favorite new terms.

Here's a simple thought exercise which is relevant to this thread and any other topic which tends to invite accusations of hypocrisy: instead of trying to find contradictions in the worldview of others, try to find the thread that ties apparently hypocritical views together. Any child can figure out what doesn't belong. They're trained to play that very game from the moment they exhibit conscious thought. It's the cheapest, easiest sort of knowledge to come by--it doesn't cost you anything or threaten your own perspective in the slightest. But the other kind of puzzle is much harder. Finding out what unites apparently disparate viewpoints without relying on some stupid buzz word or irreducible pathology is the key to real insight, which is why people without basic empathy can't hear themselves and can't make persuasive arguments even with near total control over the terms of the debate.
Here's a simple thought exercise which is relevant to this thread and any other topic which tends to invite accusations of hypocrisy: instead of trying to find contradictions in the worldview of others, try to find the thread that ties apparently hypocritical views together. Any child can figure out what doesn't belong. They're trained to play that very game from the moment they exhibit conscious thought. It's the cheapest, easiest sort of knowledge to come by--it doesn't cost you anything or threaten your own perspective in the slightest. But the other kind of puzzle is much harder. Finding out what unites apparently disparate viewpoints without relying on some stupid buzz word or irreducible pathology is the key to real insight, which is why people without basic empathy can't hear themselves and can't make persuasive arguments even with near total control over the terms of the debate.
Probably no way to unite people anymore.



To be honest, I agree with the practice of appropriately guiding aesthetics. Now most Chinese young people are excessively pursuing the "pale and thin" aesthetic, which is unhealthy, and it would be even weirder to ask men for such an aesthetic


Uh… I mean you did enter this thread and gloat about blocking people 🤷‍♂️
Again, no, i didn't .. rational discussion was attempted and failed. GAF has a blocking function to weed out the chafe, saying you've taken advantage of it isn't gloating, its a fucking PSA.

Fare thee well

Here's a simple thought exercise which is relevant to this thread and any other topic which tends to invite accusations of hypocrisy: instead of trying to find contradictions in the worldview of others, try to find the thread that ties apparently hypocritical views together. Any child can figure out what doesn't belong. They're trained to play that very game from the moment they exhibit conscious thought. It's the cheapest, easiest sort of knowledge to come by--it doesn't cost you anything or threaten your own perspective in the slightest. But the other kind of puzzle is much harder. Finding out what unites apparently disparate viewpoints without relying on some stupid buzz word or irreducible pathology is the key to real insight, which is why people without basic empathy can't hear themselves and can't make persuasive arguments even with near total control over the terms of the debate.
Children have a blatant sense of honesty and instinctual takes that are hard to not appreciate and find very amusing. I don't know the total scientific accuracy or value of such experiments unless we get into specifics, or if it's pertaining to studying childhood behavioral growth. I think most would use social capital or confirmation bias to find the answers they were looking for there too. A problem with trying to garner some kind of pure knowledge at a source like that is that our brains learn by immitation. Most children become reflections of their parents, environment, religion, and culture.

Sure, as for buzzwords, you caught me at a moment of cynicism and mockery while you were waxing philophic. Fair enough. But, asside from that, I do think two intellectually responsible people can also reasonably accept a term or concept if being serious. Buzzwords only reach their status when they are used irresponsibly. We despise a term like 'woke,' but at its initation, it was attempting to put value on 'being aware.' Or we see calling someone 'autistic' as an insult when I still treat it as a valid medical term. As much as I kid, I think there are men genuinely and deeply afraid of being labeled 'not masculine enough.'

I have a great deal of empathy, but I fear I have little left for people trying to control my consensual love life and sex life. It should be nothing, bit the miserable always come back to try and chip away at the LGBT people of this world. I will do my best to prevent anyone from being another Alan Turing tragedy. I'm not interested in some kind of broad unity of disparate viewpoints anymore. I'm not interested in tackling paragraphs of disingenuous intellectualism that still boil down to 1-3 words of prejudice. I don't even think it's possible. I am indeed just drawing a line in the sand and I own that.
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Children have a blatant sense of honesty and instinctual takes that are hard to not appreciate and find very amusing. I don't know the total scientific accuracy or value of such experiments unless we get into specifics, or if it's pertaining to studying childhood behavioral growth. I think most would use social capital or confirmation bias to find the answers they were looking for there too. A problem with trying to garner some kind of pure knowledge at a source like that is that our brains learn by immitation. Most children become reflections of their parents, environment, religion, and culture.

Sure, as for buzzwords, you caught me at a moment of cynicism and mockery while you were waxing philophic. Fair enough. But, asside from that, I do think two intellectually responsible people can also reasonably accept a term or concept if being serious. Buzzwords only reach their status when they are used irresponsibly. We despise a term like 'woke,' but at its initation, it was attempting to put value on 'being aware.' Or we see calling someone 'autistic' as an insult when I still treat it as a valid medical term. As much as I kid, I think there are men genuinely and deeply afraid of being labeled 'not masculine enough.'

I have a great deal of empathy, but I fear I have little left for people trying to control my consensual love life and sex life. It should be nothing, bit the miserable always come back to try and chip away at the LGBT people of this world. I will do my best to prevent anyone from being another Alan Turing tragedy. I'm not interested in some kind of broad unity of disparate viewpoints anymore. I'm not interested in tackling paragraphs of disingenuous intellectualism that still boil down to 1-3 words of prejudice. I don't even think it's possible. I am indeed just drawing a line in the sand and I own that.

I dont think anyone has any right to interfere with another person at all. It goes both ways. If a person doesnt treat another person with respect, it is their right, they are an asshole but it is their right.

Then there is this whole pronoun shit, it is simply insanity.

Straight, Bi and Gay are enough to describe someone elses sexuality. You either want to stick your genitals into the same sex as you, the opposite sex as you or both. Then there is the whole why you need to address someone by their sexuality, let alone why you need to know someone by their sexuality. He, she or or occasionally Zhe(for the hermaphrodites) is enough.

It is disappointing to me that people look at a persons sexuality first and judge the content of their character based on that these days. Sure everyone did that in the past, but you would think instead of doubling down on that stuff you would have thought society would have tried to look at peoples character first then maybe their sexuality if you are interested in them in that way else not at all, it isnt your business.

/end rant


Children have a blatant sense of honesty and instinctual takes that are hard to not appreciate and find very amusing. I don't know the total scientific accuracy or value of such experiments unless we get into specifics, or if it's pertaining to studying childhood behavioral growth. I think most would use social capital or confirmation bias to find the answers they were looking for there too. A problem with trying to garner some kind of pure knowledge at a source like that is that our brains learn by immitation. Most children become reflections of their parents, environment, religion, and culture.

Sure, as for buzzwords, you caught me at a moment of cynicism and mockery while you were waxing philophic. Fair enough. But, asside from that, I do think two intellectually responsible people can also reasonably accept a term or concept if being serious. Buzzwords only reach their status when they are used irresponsibly. We despise a term like 'woke,' but at its initation, it was attempting to put value on 'being aware.' Or we see calling someone 'autistic' as an insult when I still treat it as a valid medical term. As much as I kid, I think there are men genuinely and deeply afraid of being labeled 'not masculine enough.'

I have a great deal of empathy, but I fear I have little left for people trying to control my consensual love life and sex life. It should be nothing, bit the miserable always come back to try and chip away at the LGBT people of this world. I will do my best to prevent anyone from being another Alan Turing tragedy. I'm not interested in some kind of broad unity of disparate viewpoints anymore. I'm not interested in tackling paragraphs of disingenuous intellectualism that still boil down to 1-3 words of prejudice. I don't even think it's possible. I am indeed just drawing a line in the sand and I own that.

It's not about unity. Who cares about unity? I don't. I'm not saying that understanding the opposing view will engender sympathy or comradery or something. My point is that your worldview comes from a can. You've got some stupid label for a perspective that you can't even describe, not even in the most basic detail, not even for the purpose of criticism. It's pathetic. It's like the whole point of even having an enemy is to do this kind of posturing, "oh I'm drawing a line in the sand, dude". Whatever. You're drawing a cricle.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Given the huge shortage of women over there thanks to decades of the one-child policy, they should be doubling down on "gay love" for the sake of social stability instead of trying to eradicate it.

Instead, millions of delusional incels throw money at e-girls for scraps of attention:


The CCP never fails to create its own problems with these authoritarian measures.


Gold Member
Well mindless describes a lot of CCP actions
I call them very intelligent to be able to control over 1.5b people in their country and influence the long game in the west and beyond.

Madness, sure, but mindless they are not. There is always a method to their madness. They know what they’re doing, wether righteous and in a lot cases not.
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I call them very intelligent to be able to control over 1.5b people in their country and influence the long game in the west and beyond.

Madness, sure, but mindless they are not.

Eh, lets see how it works out for them first.

This stiff they are trying to pull now is plain stupidity


Gold Member
Eh, lets see how it works out for them first.

This stiff they are trying to pull now is plain stupidity
All one has to do is look up both China and Russia’s military recruitment videos of today, and compare it to the new US ones. They’re playing a long game. They always have been.
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All one has to do is look up both China and Russia’s military recruitment videos of today, and compare it to the new US ones. They’re playing a long game. They always have been.

They've waited far too long to try regulating video games and entertainment media. You cant just put that back in a box at this point.

Streisand effect works regardless of region.
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Gold Member
They've waited far too long to try regulating video games and entertainment media. You cant just put that back in a box at this point.

Streisand effect works regardless of region.
It’s not hard to shape and influence the social norms in a mere decades time, regardless of the current state, especially in a more locked down country. The much more open US alone is a testament to that.
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It’s not hard to shape and influence the social norms in a mere decades time, regardless of the current state, especially in a more locked down country. The much more open US alone is a testament to that.
Id argue that took a whole lot longer than a decade for the US. But otherwise I agree, I suppose.

Still, this will only serve to bite then in the butt eventually


The notion that western development are going to go back to archaic standards of depiction merely for the sake if China in video games is pretty silly in this day and age. Vast majority can get sales without them


Gold Member
This is will be great for our developers who are obsessed with market share. Now they have to choose between the Communist China or the raging liberals.
They’ll continue to lecture us in false virtue, while caving to the kanji kremlin.

As they’ve been doing for years now.
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Lol, you’re absolutely not. I don’t see Tifa, Jessie or Yuffie removed from FF7 Remake, and I live in a western country. None of the fake ass chicks that you think are “real” woman are removed by anyone, anywhere. You’re delusional.
You're just a an asshole calling beautiful and fit women fakes and non-existent.
On the right is what real/most women look like, on the left are exaggerated depictions to make them look ugly.

Sorry to burst your bubble homie, but most women are actually really fucking ugly. Most men are really fucking ugly as well. I don't know what kind of fantasy land you're living in, but if you ever decide to step out of your house and go to any Walmart out there, you'll realize that attractive people make up 10% of the population at best. You may call it cynical, I call it realistic. Most people look a little rough around the edges, and that's a fact.


Sorry to burst your bubble homie, but most women are actually really fucking ugly. Most men are really fucking ugly as well. I don't know what kind of fantasy land you're living in, but if you ever decide to step out of your house and go to any Walmart out there, you'll realize that attractive people make up 10% of the population at best. You may call it cynical, I call it realistic. Most people look a little rough around the edges, and that's a fact.
Not where I live.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
Not where I live.
Give me your ZIP code because I want to live in magical model land alongside you. That or give me the name of whatever drug that you take on a regular basis.

Because you either have incredibly low standards, you live in an area that is made up exclusively of supermodels, or you are incredibly high all the time.

Either way I want a piece of that pie.
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Give me your ZIP code because I want to live in magical model land alongside you. That or give me the name of whatever drug that you take on a regular basis.

Because you either have incredibly low standards, you live in an area that is made up exclusively of supermodels, or you are incredibly high all the time.

Either way I want a piece of that pie.

I used to live in Eden prairie MN, one of the richest zips in America and let me tell you going to the local shops, including a target, was funny. Seeing all the trophy wives with these HUGE rings working, basically for something to do to get away from their kids, was funny. I used to date a nanny for one of these robots and the kids first words was her name. Let that sink in.
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I used to live in Eden prairie MN, one of the richest zips in America and let me tell you going to the local shops, including a target, was funny. Seeing all the trophy wives with these HUGE rings working, basically for something to do to get away from their kids, was funny. I used to date a nanny for one of these robots and the kids first words was her name. Let that sink in.
I don't doubt it, but I sincerely doubt with all of my heart that this person lives in one of those areas and or the area that he is in is exclusively made up of incredibly attractive women.

It's literally not possible lol


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I’m sure you’re just taking the piss. People can’t be that ugly where you live.
You underestimate the power of Texas.
Its N_I, he is nothing but a low quality troll. Just ignore him. He loves to be contrarian for contrarian's sake.
It's also known as joking to most people. But hey. You do you if it makes you feel better.


Sorry to burst your bubble homie, but most women are actually really fucking ugly. Most men are really fucking ugly as well. I don't know what kind of fantasy land you're living in, but if you ever decide to step out of your house and go to any Walmart out there, you'll realize that attractive people make up 10% of the population at best. You may call it cynical, I call it realistic. Most people look a little rough around the edges, and that's a fact.

Actually I'd say that in my zone the average for girl is about 8.5 and for man about the same (personal opinion obviousely), I only know 1 person under 50 that doesn't go to the gym and is in shape, Now that I think about it I'm the only one on my group of friend that doesn't have a six pack (can't manage to make my lower abs to come out... thanks alchool..)

But I agree that if I move just 200km it is kinda different, but still I'd say the average is way better than western developers try to make me believe.

I live in central Italy.
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