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CNN: White house blocking them and other news outlets from attending press briefing!

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Yeah this likely ends with them getting slapped down in court, again

Seems like a move that they didn't really think through, surprise


I imagine their preferred "press pool" consists of Brietbart, InfoWars and Fox.

Still, that's a big cut over. Just bam. Pure scum.
Trump is smart. He's painted the media as dishonest and his supporters eat that shit up.

Now, any credible news story on corruption or anything else can easily be dismissed as fake news.

Meanwhile he can curate whatever bullshit he wants about his numbers, his actions, and spoon feed it to his supporters directly through Twitter.

It's terrifying.


Any news organization that is attending, and not sitting out in protest is the fucking scum of the earth.


This move will surely get the media on his side, way to go Trump admin!

They are not very good at this whole 'Politics' thing are they?
The national press is likely to be among the first institutional victims of Trumpism. There is no law that requires the presidential administration to hold daily briefings, none that guarantees media access to the White House. Many journalists may soon face a dilemma long familiar to those of us who have worked under autocracies: fall in line or forfeit access. There is no good solution (even if there is a right answer), for journalism is difficult and sometimes impossible without access to information.

The power of the investigative press—whose adherence to fact has already been severely challenged by the conspiracy-minded, lie-spinning Trump campaign—will grow weaker. The world will grow murkier. Even in the unlikely event that some mainstream media outlets decide to declare themselves in opposition to the current government, or even simply to report its abuses and failings, the president will get to frame many issues. Coverage, and thinking, will drift in a Trumpian direction, just as it did during the campaign—when, for example, the candidates argued, in essence, whether Muslim Americans bear collective responsibility for acts of terrorism or can redeem themselves by becoming the “eyes and ears” of law enforcement. Thus was xenophobia further normalized, paving the way for Trump to make good on his promises to track American Muslims and ban Muslims from entering the United States.



Welp, they got their weekend-long news until the revised travel ban goes live. Wonder what other vile shit is going to get cooked up over the weekend while we're looking the other way.


If Trump wants to act like a south american dictator, he should learn with us that you should call censorship "democratization of the media" instead of just flat out doing it.
Remember a few threads ago where they were put in rooms with covered windows at Mar-a-lago, and everyone asked them why they don't just rip them down? The journalists responded with they'd be blocked from future events, and people called them cowards...and that the WH wouldn't actually block them, just empty threats.

Well they didn't even rip them shits down and they're getting blocked.


Jesus you guys. Venice was a successful republic democracy for longer than you managed. You need to fix this shit.


C'mon guys, Trump loves the free press. No one loves the free press more than Trump. He tremendously loves democracy, too.


Next stop, abolishing elections.
They will seriously investigate their options to do this if they get beat down in 2018. That'll be the litmus test.
If they can't gerrymander / vote suppress their way to wins then they'll likely find a loophole of some kind to forego the 2020 election.
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