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COMICS! |OT| January 2014. Another year of nothing will be the same ever again. EVER.

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DCBS updated their ordering for March stuff.

Are you guys sold on X-Men No More Humans? I'm picturing the book being rather slow with lots of deliberation over whether or not to bring back the humans.
I never even heard of Charles Soule up until like 2 months ago and now he's suddenly writing every comic book. Is that really a good idea? What exactly did he write that landed him so many high profile books?
If li guys are sleeping on Nowhere men, wake up. Bed comic image is producing by far. A better manhatten projects

Nate bellegarde's plus bellaire colors is a deadly 1-2 punch .

lots of good backmatter that help build the world


I never even heard of Charles Soule up until like 2 months ago and now he's suddenly writing every comic book. Is that really a good idea? What exactly did he write that landed him so many high profile books?

Soule must have have tons of dirty material on Alonso and DiDio, maybe he got access to Liefeld's secret stash after he left?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Probably. But I don't think they'll just throw out the more popular characters that came out of the EU. Mara Jade and the Solo kids especially. They can't, unless they want to drive away all existing Star Wars fans and focus on making it for kids. How horrible that would be.

Perhaps it'll be like New52 or any other reboot, using various characters and concepts in a new continuity.


Hello guys! I would like your opinion about Marvel Unlimited.

Definitely go for it, but it does go on sale a couple times a year if you're not in a hurry. There are some gaps in some series, but there are also a lot of complete runs. Updates are a little slow, about 14 issues a week of 6-month-behind modern titles. MU ios app works great, the android app is screwed up.


Definitely go for it, but it does go on sale a couple times a year if you're not in a hurry. There are some gaps in some series, but there are also a lot of complete runs. Updates are a little slow, about 14 issues a week of 6-month-behind modern titles. MU ios app works great, the android app is screwed up.

Well. Sales are probably for annual subscription. I prefer paying monthly.

Android app doesn't work? I have Galaxy S4 and Galaxy Tab :(
They are going to need a lot of new creators to pump out Star Wars books. Its going to be like the New World. They were a lot of opportunities for Disney books but they dont care.
They are going to need a lot of new creators to pump out Star Wars books. Its going to be like the New World. They were a lot of opportunities for Disney books but they dont care.

I wonder how hard this is going to hit Dark Horse. Tney've been depending on the Star Wars license for a good long time now.


Some good stuff on sale on Comixology just now. Days of Future Past, Infinity Gauntlet, Civil War, WatXM volume one and a few other collections for $3.99/£2.49 each.

I'm first getting back into comics after many years. Which ones from this sale are recommend?


I'm first getting back into comics after many years. Which ones from this sale are recommend?
Days of Future Past and Infinity Gauntlet are both classics and I highly recommend them, especially the former.

That Wolverine and the X-Men volume was part of one Marvel's best series at the time, it's really, really good.

Spider-Man: Big Time is a good jumping on point for newcomers as it's basically the beginning of the current run and introduces a lot of new characters.

New Avengers is similar to the above in that it kick-started the modern era of Avengers. Popular characters like Spider-Man and Wolverine are added to the new team, as well as ones that hadn't been used in years (Luke Cage and Spider-Woman). I lead to them taking over from the X-Men as Marvel's top team book.

Civil War gets a lot of hate due to some of the character assassination going on, particularly with Iron Man, but that's thanks to Mark Millar being the writer. This event was a pretty big deal at the time and had a lot of ramifications which affected most of the main Marvel comics over the next few years so I'd say it's worth reading for that. The art is really good as well.


march dcbs order almost done! I've narrowed it down to 29 issues and 2 trades:

50% off:
Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspell OGN
Daredevil, Moon Knight, Silver Surfer, Sovereign #1s
Rat Queens TPB for $4.99

Batman, Forever Evil 7 of 7, Justice League, Superman Unchained 8 of 9, Trillium 7 of 8 RES, Wonder Woman

Black Science, East of West, Invincible , Walking Dead 123, 124, Revival, Lazarus

Amazing X-Men, Avengers, Avengers World, Cap, Hawkguy, Ms Marvel, New Avengers, She Hulk, Superior Spidey, Thor, Uncanny Avengers.

Borderline titles i might add: X-Men No More Humans OGN 12.49, Adv of Superman digital trade thing 7.49, Secret Avengers #1 by Kot, WATXM relaunch 1 and 2, Buffy S10 #1, and................MARK MILLAR STARLIGHT #1.


So in the end I returned Dark Satanic Mills for Lighter Than My Shadow, an autobiographical tome by Katie Green depicting her battles with anorexia and sexual abuse. While the illustrations aren't perhaps the most detailed one can imagine, they never lack any charm or character. I'd definitely recommend this.
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations. I pretty much stick with TPBs and the last things I read that I loved were Remembers run on The Punisher and Jeff Parkers Thunderbolts. I guess I like fun anti-hero stuff so stuff like this would be good


Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations. I pretty much stick with TPBs and the last things I read that I loved were Remembers run on The Punisher and Jeff Parkers Thunderbolts. I guess I like fun anti-hero stuff so stuff like this would be good

Did you ever read Warren Ellis' Thunderbolts that came before Parker's? That's a favorite of mine.

vvvvvvvv I forgot about Simone's Secret Six, that's a good recommendation.
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations. I pretty much stick with TPBs and the last things I read that I loved were Remembers run on The Punisher and Jeff Parkers Thunderbolts. I guess I like fun anti-hero stuff so stuff like this would be good

Venom (Remender run)
Secret Six
Transformers: Last Stand of the Wreckers
Quantum & Woody (the new series)
Thanks guys

I've actually been really interested in Secret Six but the only reason I haven't read it is that some of the TPBs are out of print.

Ill definetly check out Warren Ellises run on thunderbolts, is the ultimate collection all I need?


I've actually read Volume 1 of Remenders Venom and loved it, the only reason I didn't continue it is that issues 6-9 are all collected in that Spider Man:Spider Island book. Should I pick up that book or just track down those issues by themselves?

Quantum & Woody looks interesting, I'll have to look into that
yeah, just the ultimate collection for Ellis/Deodato Thunderbolts will do.

No idea why Secret Six is out of print, that was a great book. Wacky DC trade division strikes again
yeah, just the ultimate collection for Ellis/Deodato Thunderbolts will do.

No idea why Secret Six is out of print, that was a great book. Wacky DC trade division strikes again

not being able to complete collections because of out of print TPBs is the worse thing ever. I have the first 2 Ultimate Collection Cable and Deadpool books but can't get the 3rd one and now the 3rd Hack/Slash Omnibus is out of print so I can't complete that collection


WATXM #38: The issue read like a relaunched #1. Lots of recaps in the dialog to set the book up, introductions to relationships and characters, a tour of the school. I didn't dislike it, but it felt odd to be so close to the end of Aaron's run and WATXM Omnibus being solicited, it's going to make for a weird collection.


Unconfirmed Member
Can anyone give me some recommendations on essential Cosmic Marvel reading? I've read the first half of Annihilation and I'm waiting on the omnibus for that.


I never even heard of Charles Soule up until like 2 months ago and now he's suddenly writing every comic book. Is that really a good idea? What exactly did he write that landed him so many high profile books?

I'll take a little known writer over Lobdell, who has been writing way too many books for a long ass time now.
Spent the day rereading the first three trades of Morning Glories so I can now read the next three I have sitting new haha. I really do love that series. After a month or so without reading it I can forget how much I like it and get annoyed with the prolonged mysteries, but when it's actually there in your hands, reads like one of the best books on the stands. I also find it incredible the gulf between it and Bedlam. How do folks feel about Spencer's Secret Avengers run?


Nothing really in this sale I don't already have. Except Days of Future Past, which has now been remedied.

I was amazed at how shitty Civil War was.
Hey guys I was wondering if I could get some recommendations. I pretty much stick with TPBs and the last things I read that I loved were Remembers run on The Punisher and Jeff Parkers Thunderbolts. I guess I like fun anti-hero stuff so stuff like this would be good
You need to check out Hitman.


Spent the day rereading the first three trades of Morning Glories so I can now read the next three I have sitting new haha. I really do love that series. After a month or so without reading it I can forget how much I like it and get annoyed with the prolonged mysteries, but when it's actually there in your hands, reads like one of the best books on the stands. I also find it incredible the gulf between it and Bedlam. How do folks feel about Spencer's Secret Avengers run?

i dropped Morning Glories recently in my pull purge, but i am tempted to buy the OHCs. I loved the book, but reading it monthly is madness.
Can anyone give me some recommendations on essential Cosmic Marvel reading? I've read the first half of Annihilation and I'm waiting on the omnibus for that.

If it's DnA you want (and you should), you'll need this chart. Most of it is out of print though.

How do folks feel about Spencer's Secret Avengers run?

Least favourite of the NOW-era Avengers books. I felt they were just spinning their wheels to see if Agents of SHIELD took off on TV, then they'd replace the Avengers in a relaunch of the book. I might check out the Ales Kot series though.
march dcbs order almost done! I've narrowed it down to 29 issues and 2 trades:

50% off:
Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspell OGN
Daredevil, Moon Knight, Silver Surfer, Sovereign #1s
Rat Queens TPB for $4.99

Batman, Forever Evil 7 of 7, Justice League, Superman Unchained 8 of 9, Trillium 7 of 8 RES, Wonder Woman

Black Science, East of West, Invincible , Walking Dead 123, 124, Revival, Lazarus

Amazing X-Men, Avengers, Avengers World, Cap, Hawkguy, Ms Marvel, New Avengers, She Hulk, Superior Spidey, Thor, Uncanny Avengers.

Borderline titles i might add: X-Men No More Humans OGN 12.49, Adv of Superman digital trade thing 7.49, Secret Avengers #1 by Kot, WATXM relaunch 1 and 2, Buffy S10 #1, and................MARK MILLAR STARLIGHT #1.
My DCBS order is going to be huge for that month. All the Earth 2 figures are for preorder that month.
i dropped Morning Glories recently in my pull purge, but i am tempted to buy the OHCs. I loved the book, but reading it monthly is madness.

Haha I couldn't imagine it as a monthly. Obviously I tradewait everything, but specifically MG seems like it would be a brutal experience with the pacing.

Least favourite of the NOW-era Avengers books. I felt they were just spinning their wheels to see if Agents of SHIELD took off on TV, then they'd replace the Avengers in a relaunch of the book. I might check out the Ales Kot series though.

Yea, I'd eyed up Kot's upcoming run as maybe something to read, I don't follow anything marvel right now, but I haven't really followed the Spencer run reviews. Cheers!


Hellboy OT is almost done, just need a few things:
1- Banner, can someone make a banner for the OT using this image please-

2- Could someone provide images for Hellboy, Liz and Abe, preferably by Mignola, since I have them in a 'characters' section

3- Deciding on the subtitle atm I've got
|OT| Son of a-
|OT| Great, the homunculus speaks German now
Visited my LCS today and purged about half my pull list. Gonna miss some of the titles (Ghosted, Rocket Girl, etc.) but I'll be picking them up digitally when they drop after a month.

Here's what I'm pulling:

Harley Quinn
Adventure Time
Black Science
East of West
Pretty Deadly
Sex Criminals

I'm thinking that I'm going to give Deadly Class a few issues also.
Visited my LCS today and purged about half my pull list. Gonna miss some of the titles (Ghosted, Rocket Girl, etc.) but I'll be picking them up digitally when they drop after a month.

Here's what I'm pulling:

Harley Quinn
Adventure Time
Black Science
East of West
Pretty Deadly
Sex Criminals

I'm thinking that I'm going to give Deadly Class a few issues also.

That's a pretty tight list. What else did you drop?
I always kind of ignored Image Comics but am interested in going through there backlog and checking out their noteworthy stuff from any era? I was thinking early spawn, alan moors run on wildcats (which is now owned by DC i guess), and Invincible and walking dead. Anything else?
That's a pretty tight list. What else did you drop?

A few Marvel books (Savage Wolverine, Uncanny X-Men, X-Men), Superman Unchained, God is Dead.

I have a Marvel Unlimited subscription and a few friends that are big into Marvel but not into reading digitally. They generally just give me their digital codes. I also tend to take advantage of Marvel and DC's $0.99 digital sales.

I hate dropping Image titles because they're all really good but have started buying most of them digitally once they drop in price to $1.99. Digitally, I'm picking up Rat Queens, Saga, Revival, Manhattan Projects, Hoax Hunters, Sheltered, Walking Dead, and Thief of Thieves.


Spent the day rereading the first three trades of Morning Glories so I can now read the next three I have sitting new haha. I really do love that series. After a month or so without reading it I can forget how much I like it and get annoyed with the prolonged mysteries, but when it's actually there in your hands, reads like one of the best books on the stands. I also find it incredible the gulf between it and Bedlam. How do folks feel about Spencer's Secret Avengers run?

Does anything actually get resolved in Morning Glories? I loved the first couple of trades I read, but I hate that we just kept getting more questions and essentially no answers. How long are they expecting the series to last?


Does maths and stuff
Anyone else pumped Stray Bullets is resuming? It was one of the first non-mainstream books I collected as a kid and was devastated when I accidentally ripped the cover of issue #2.

Might pick up the omnibus if it's reasonably priced.
Anyone else pumped Stray Bullets is resuming? It was one of the first non-mainstream books I collected as a kid and was devastated when I accidentally ripped the cover of issue #2.

Might pick up the omnibus if it's reasonably priced.

Just read a preview for this. Looks so cool! And I love David Lapham's Juice Squeezers so I'll have to give this a look for sure.
I've actually been really interested in Secret Six but the only reason I haven't read it is that some of the TPBs are out of print.

Are they really? Wow. They really need to print a Secret Six omnibus. One of the best books DC has ever put out.

Ill definetly check out Warren Ellises run on thunderbolts, is the ultimate collection all I need?

It should be, but I would also suggest checking out Andy Diggle's run, which follows immediately after and carries into Dark Reign. That was pretty good as well.
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