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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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Are Marvel books still shipping twice a month? I'm slowly catching up on X-Men related things, but $4 adds up.

Also I'm tempted to throw $62 at Comixology for Transmet. Worth it?
I feel bad bringing up Morrison again, but reading through all those Morrison posts got me thinking, am I the only one who totally loved Batman Inc? It was by far my favorite part of the whole run. Thinking back on it, there are just so many things I adored about it. Matches Malone, that issue that takes place in the future at Arkham Asylum, the Man of Bats stuff, everything drawn by Chris Burnham... Every time I think about it, I remember something about it that I absolutely loved that I'd forgotten about. It's interesting to me that most people thought that was one of the weaker parts of the run.

I read Batman Inc. and didn't think much of it...but, I read it alone, without any of Morrison's other materials. That was obviously a huge mistake, and I'd like to revisit it someday and read the whole run. It's funny, people like to say you can just pick up any comic and enjoy it...is Morrison the exception that proves the rule? (Of course, Morrison has his own exception in All-Star Superman, which really is chock-full of a la carte comic greatness)

I'm sure I'll enjoy it more the next time through. That cyber-warfare issue though.....eeeeeeesh. There's no defending that disaster.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Can't tell if serious.

...Yes, serious?

I love that book...

I read Batman Inc. and didn't think much of it...but, I read it alone, without any of Morrison's other materials. That was obviously a huge mistake, and I'd like to revisit it someday and read the whole run. It's funny, people like to say you can just pick up any comic and enjoy it...is Morrison the exception that proves the rule? (Of course, Morrison has his own exception in All-Star Superman, which really is chock-full of a la carte comic greatness)

I'm sure I'll enjoy it more the next time through. That cyber-warfare issue though.....eeeeeeesh. There's no defending that disaster.

Yeah, Batman Inc was pretty much the culmination of the whole Batman run. It tied together all the loose ends that had built up through the whole series. So yeah, I'd definitely say reading it alone would make it quite a lot less enjoyable.
And lol, yes. That issue was hilariously bad.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I am 100% not being sarcastic, I swear on my gaf account. That book is awesome.

FINALLY. Someone else who loves the book like I do.
Unless you're still being sarcastic.

I mean, just look at this Frank Millerness:

FINALLY. Someone else who loves the book like I do.
Unless you're still being sarcastic.

I mean, just look at this Frank Millerness:

Lol, I feel like I need to dig it out and take a picture of it so you know I LIKE IT. It's one of my favorite miller books.

I wouldn't swear on my account in vain, I've had it for like a decade. It's more serious than god. If I swore to god, that would indicate sarcasm.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol, I feel like I need to dig it out and take a picture of it so you know I LIKE IT. It's one of my favorite miller books.

Haha. Okay fine, I believe you now.
High five for seemingly being one of the only other people in this thread who's read and loved LATOMWITTFC!
One of the most severely underrated comic books. It's just such a great adventure all the way through and I enjoyed it so, so much. In fact, I think enough time has passed that I can re-read it again very soon.

Edit: Sooooooooo, Freezasaurus, you're getting LATOMWITTFC, right?
COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Martha Washington goes to neogaf

Edit: you know, actually, Frank Miller would be an excellent substitute for Morrison the next time we all want to get into the dirt over a creator


but I am taking tiny steps forward
COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Martha Washington goes to neogaf

Runners up:
COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Martha Washington Saves the Neogaf
COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Martha Washington Stranded in Neogaf

Edit: you know, actually, Frank Miller would be an excellent substitute for Morrison the next time we all want to get into the dirt over a creator

Now that you mention it, it's shocking it hasn't happened yet. I think one of the main things preventing it is that early Miller at least seems to be universally loved. I see great potential in a post-2000-or-whatever Miller feud though.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
COMICS! |OT| June 2014. Martha Washington goes to neogaf

Edit: you know, actually, Frank Miller would be an excellent substitute for Morrison the next time we all want to get into the dirt over a creator

No because there is no real disagreement over Miller's career. He went full retard.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
No because there is no real disagreement over Miller's career. He went full retard.

It has begun.

I thought Martha Washington stayed great all the way til the end, even though Miller supposedly went full retard sometime in there. I'll admit the later arcs couldn't /quite/ match the absolutely incredible first arc, but they were still massively enjoyable in my opinion.

I also enjoyed All Star Batman and Robin quite a bit.

I'm also looking forward to any future Miller comics.

Okay, there. That should get the debate going.


People should be allowed to be passionate but the sniping does get old. That said it's not a community thread, if people want to revisit tired arguments forever and ever at the expense of everyone else then so be it. It'd be nice to move past the lame ad hominem crap but I'm not holding my breath.

The price of hanging in the general OT is we get to revisit stuff like this sometimes, especially when there is a bubble of interest caused by external factors (it should be obvious to everyone that Quitely and Morrison are going to be hot topics this summer thanks to a certain blockbuster release). It's annoying, but it's hardly thread-wrecking behavior. Honestly the thread is so active these days, it'd be hard to read every post anyways...that stuff is easy to skip. I see Quitely and breeeeeeeze by, getting to be that way for Morrison too.

It's kind of a weird thing to complain about, the more I think on it. Sniping has always gone on here...you can't expect a new person to come into this thread and see people constantly shitting on Ann Nocenti or Dan Didio or Messi's taste and think that that's okay but it's not cool to start a war over Frank Quitely's faces. Newbies can't be expected to know where those lines are drawn, and this should remain a newbie-friendly environment.

I see what you mean, I try to keep myself as friendly as possible, and most of Comics-GAF does too. You're right though, less sniping might be something to aim for.

I have made my dislike of and hope for new senior editorial staff (Marvel/DC) pretty obvious, I try not to bring that up too much but sometimes my frustration with the system still gets to me haha. It's a matter of keeping your passion in check and relaxing I guess.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Isn't there a defense force for everything on neogaf? Surely someone will stand for The Dark Knight Strikes Again and the goddamn Batman.

I still need to read DKSA... I don't have much doubt that I'd still like it quite a lot though. I kinda dig crazy Miller.
Sure, the Batman he writes isn't really close at all to the Batman that everyone knows and loves, but he's well aware of that and just does whatever the hell he wants.

Oh, and speaking of Miller and Sin City, just a month and a bit until Big Damn Sin City comes out! So excited.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Guys, what if Miller's original pitch to have Batman in Baghdad kicking terrorist ass was approved. It could have been great. All Star Batman and Robin levels of great.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Okay, I'll be honest, from what I've read of post-2000 Miller, he did go quite a ways downhill, but I don't think the stuff is the putrid garbage people make it out to be, so I do defend it a little. I feel like the newer stuff is like the older stuff but way less restrained. It's just everything that was unique about Miller but amplified massively. And probably quite a bit less clever, too. But still.
Keep in mind, I haven't read everything Miller's done, so my view is skewed from getting what is probably uneven sampling of Miller.

And also, even with that said, I meant every word when I said I didn't think Martha Washington got bad towards the end but rather stayed great.
I still maintain Frank Miller should write a Judge Dredd story. It's perfect for him and I think that character works in such a way that it's actually even more perfect for post 2000 insane Frank Miller.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Ugh. I don't know how it happened, but comics has become a major hobby for me within a couple of months. I used to love getting/collecting comics, but I got out due to the expense (and clutter). Now, however, I've discovered how fun it is, and it's probably going to stay a hobby in some capacity.

Anyway, I'm really into DC at the moment (and Turtles, but that's only one series), so what is DC's best series right now? What is Marvel's?

I know this is opinion, but I'm trying to gauge what series I should give a try.


Miller is defensible all the way to Holy Terror, which is still aesthetically interesting despite its ideological worthlessness.

I don't think he would work well with Dredd, though. I've been reading 2000 AD for the last few months and I can't imagine him doing it right.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Sounds like someone needs to read Holy Terror starring fake batman , fake catwomen and fake comisoner Gordon .
I flipped through it a bunch of years back in the store and the only thing i'll say is that it looked interesting, if not sloppy and simple from and art perspective. May have to give that taliban fsce punching book another shot.
Anyone picking up Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 tomorrow? I'm thinking about it... What should I expect? I didn't know about it until I saw Marvel's new releases this week.
Ultimate X-Men issue 90 whatever I don't care anymore

What the fuck. All this build up with Apocalypse. All the shit with Sinister and constantly hinting toward Apoc and bringing Sinister back with little mentions and easter eggs and shit and finally Apocalypse comes in. I'm expecting epic stuff. I'm expecting awesome stuff. I'm expecting deaths and destruction.

Jean Grey goes all Phoenix and defeats him three issues after he's introduced? And then miraculously fixes everything? Like not even a cool final fight? Xavier shows up with Cable in some goofy ass gundam suits and they get beat no problem, but then Phoenix just destroys him without breaking a sweat? The hell? What a joke. These writers are terrible at building tension. This should have lasted longer and at least made it seem like a fight.

What horribly insignificant payoff. Just a terrible result. What the hell. Come on. Come on.

Anyway, I'm really into DC at the moment (and Turtles, but that's only one series), so what is DC's best series right now? What is Marvel's?

I know this is opinion, but I'm trying to gauge what series I should give a try.

There's no real best book honestly, but there's lots of good stuff all around.

For Marvel I love Hawkeye and Superior Foes of Spider-Man. No prior knowledge is needed to jump in and have fun.

For DC, the current Batman run by Scott Snyder is almost universally praised. I really like Batwoman too, I don't really read a lot of DC ongoings so I'm sure others can recommend more.

Check out some Image stuff too, they're putting out a lot of quality books. Sex Criminals and Rat Queens are great.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Does my heart good to see Martha Washington apperciation

Another good man right here.

See, Freezasaurus? Ecoshifting and I aren't crazy. Martha Washington is great stuff.
Okay, maybe I'm a little crazy for kinda enjoying more recent Miller writing. But I'm not crazy when it comes to thinking Martha Washington is fantastic.


Miller is defensible all the way to Holy Terror, which is still aesthetically interesting despite its ideological worthlessness.

I don't think he would work well with Dredd, though. I've been reading 2000 AD for the last few months and I can't imagine him doing it right.

I'd agree with this. 300 and Sin City are great and not too old. Holy Terror, if you approach it as a highly flawed work which is often ideologically ugly, has some interesting parts.
Another good man right here.

See, Freezasaurus? Ecoshifting and I aren't crazy. Martha Washington is great stuff.
Okay, maybe I'm a little crazy for kinda enjoying more recent Miller writing. But I'm not crazy when it comes to thinking Martha Washington is fantastic.

Not really in a mood to pick it up right now, but I'll keep it in mind. What's it about, aside from the broad description of it being her life story?


Ultimate X-Men issue 90 whatever I don't care anymore

What the fuck. All this build up with Apocalypse. All the shit with Sinister and constantly hinting toward Apoc and bringing Sinister back with little mentions and easter eggs and shit and finally Apocalypse comes in. I'm expecting epic stuff. I'm expecting awesome stuff. I'm expecting deaths and destruction.

Jean Grey goes all Phoenix and defeats him three issues after he's introduced? And then miraculously fixes everything? Like not even a cool final fight? Xavier shows up with Cable in some goofy ass gundam suits and they get beat no problem, but then Phoenix just destroys him without breaking a sweat? The hell? What a joke. These writers are terrible at building tension. This should have lasted longer and at least made it seem like a fight.

What horribly insignificant payoff. Just a terrible result. What the hell. Come on. Come on.


Oh man, it just gets worse from there. Ultimatum is THE event where Marvel just gave ZERO fucks for everyone!
(Except Spider-Man, respect for Bendis for protecting us from the Loeb)
Anyone picking up Giant-Size Spider-Man #1 tomorrow? I'm thinking about it... What should I expect? I didn't know about it until I saw Marvel's new releases this week.

It's Spider-Man fluff.

Marvel likes to occasionally throw together an anthology or Giant-Size issue for those who need an extra dose of Spidey. It won't have anything to do with Main ASM story line or have any long term ramifications.

Here's a preview if you want to check it out.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Not really in a mood to pick it up right now, but I'll keep it in mind. What's it about, aside from the broad description of it being her life story?

Fair enough.
Well, like you said, it's her life story, but, in very broad terms, most of her life consists of (gonna spoiler just in case, but I'll keep it in very broad terms)
being in the army, rising through the ranks, eventually doing some space mission stuff, and also fighting against her government.
Sorry if that sounds too generic. Didn't want to get too detailed and spoil more than I had to. It also takes place in the future, and the future Miller creates is very interesting indeed.
I'm sorry, I'm not the greatest at giving reviews or summaries, so if someone else who's read it wants to try and do better, feel free.

As for a non-Martha Washington recommendation to bump you up to free shipping, I'm reading this Jonah Hex TPB right now and I'm really enjoying it.
It's some solid Western stories with that added Jonah Hex weirdness and some pretty great humor.


So a little over a month ago I decided to get into Invincible. After 8 ultimate collections, two trades and 3 digital issues, I'm finally now caught up. I powered through trades 18 and 19 this afternoon and just finished reading issue #111, and I couldn't have picked a crazier time to jump in! It all started after hearing about how crazy issue #110 was on the Comic Vine podcast, and remembering I had always wanted to read it, and deciding to finally pick it up. It's funny,
I had accidentally read about someone getting raped, but holy fuck I never would have guessed it would be Mark!!!!!
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