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COMICS! |OT| October 2014. Witches, wytches, and things that go GROOT in the night.

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Jedeye Sniv

Been going through several event comics that I haven't before, particularly on the DC side. Should I read Infinite Crisis first or Final Crisis?

Infinite but with caveats.

Infinite is best when preceded by the 4 minis - something about OMAC, something magicy, something villainy and the Rann Thanagar War. These flow pretty well into Infinite Crisis.

Then read 52.

Then read Final Crisis.

But really, my advice is to not read any of these. There are waaaaaay better comics out there.


I wasn't defending it, $4.99 cape books are going to be a reality.


Basically, it goes back to the Lights Out event where Kyle trapped Relic in the source wall. The New Gods find out that the source wall was penetrated by a mortal wielding the full spectrum of the rings. High Father believes this is the key to the Life Equation which is the key to defeating Darksied. HF had his people go grab each color of ring and makes the ring bearers look so weak, even Sinestro. Puts all the rings in a gun and test it out on a primitive planet and nothing happens. Then High Father realizes, yo, the color white is actually all the colors of the spectrum, there must be a white ring. Then it shows Kyle flying around and a to be continued for 3 months across all the Lantern books.


I'm a filthy trade waiter, so I always feel left out with everyone's voting and weekly pick-up lists. :(

There's defuntely nothing wrong with that. Stories flow so much better in trade, I wish I had that kind of restraint for all my books.At least Marvel and Image release trades in a timely manner.



Basically, it goes back to the Lights Out event where Kyle trapped Relic in the source wall. The New Gods find out that the source wall was penetrated by a mortal wielding the full spectrum of the rings. High Father believes this is the key to the Life Equation which is the key to defeating Darksied. HF had his people go grab each color of ring and makes the ring bearers look so weak, even Sinestro. Puts all the rings in a gun and test it out on a primitive planet and nothing happens. Then High Father realizes, yo, the color white is actually all the colors of the spectrum, there must be a white ring. Then it shows Kyle flying around and a to be continued for 3 months across all the Lantern books.

So basically, nothing interesting happened?

Basically, it goes back to the Lights Out event where Kyle trapped Relic in the source wall. The New Gods find out that the source wall was penetrated by a mortal wielding the full spectrum of the rings. High Father believes this is the key to the Life Equation which is the key to defeating Darksied. HF had his people go grab each color of ring and makes the ring bearers look so weak, even Sinestro. Puts all the rings in a gun and test it out on a primitive planet and nothing happens. Then High Father realizes, yo, the color white is actually all the colors of the spectrum, there must be a white ring. Then it shows Kyle flying around and a to be continued for 3 months across all the Lantern books.

This is going to be a 3 month long event..........They really need to stop the multiple month long events with GL.



Basically, it goes back to the Lights Out event where Kyle trapped Relic in the source wall. The New Gods find out that the source wall was penetrated by a mortal wielding the full spectrum of the rings. High Father believes this is the key to the Life Equation which is the key to defeating Darksied. HF had his people go grab each color of ring and makes the ring bearers look so weak, even Sinestro. Puts all the rings in a gun and test it out on a primitive planet and nothing happens. Then High Father realizes, yo, the color white is actually all the colors of the spectrum, there must be a white ring. Then it shows Kyle flying around and a to be continued for 3 months across all the Lantern books.

I can see the complaint.

The event was built on 'seven rings forming the Life Equation.' Which is a good hook for a book. Then they grab the rings with ease. And the device doesn't work. So now they... want to kill all the Lanterns, I guess? For reasons. And then take Kyle's ring because they think that'd work better?

I'm in for the event because I tend to enjoy GL ones, but it's a tad too 'War of the Green Lanterns' for me so far. That event, like this one, always felt ridiculously complex. Like they didn't have an actual plot so much as lots of random stuff happening for reasons (like an issue of Guy and Hal fighting pointlessly' before remembering Krona was the villain. This might go that way. Then again, I don't recall any side getting so thoroughly owned in Part 1 of an event before, so maybe it'll go somewhere interesting.

Long and short, Godhead feels rushed so far AND I'm not sure what the story is.
Infinite but with caveats.

Infinite is best when preceded by the 4 minis - something about OMAC, something magicy, something villainy and the Rann Thanagar War. These flow pretty well into Infinite Crisis.

Then read 52.

Then read Final Crisis.

But really, my advice is to not read any of these. There are waaaaaay better comics out there.

I love 52 and Final Crisis. One day I'll own the 52 omnibus edition... Final Crisis is incredibly divisive, or so I've found. You either love it or hate it, no middle ground. I love it, I've read it many times and still find new details to appreciate.

I agree that there are many better comics out there, but 52 and Final Crisis are the exceptions to that rule.
I can see the complaint.

The event was built on 'seven rings forming the Life Equation.' Which is a good hook for a book. Then they grab the rings with ease. And the device doesn't work. So now they... want to kill all the Lanterns, I guess? For reasons. And then take Kyle's ring because they think that'd work better?

I'm in for the event because I tend to enjoy GL ones, but it's a tad too 'War of the Green Lanterns' for me so far. That event, like this one, always felt ridiculously complex. Like they didn't have an actual plot so much as lots of random stuff happening for reasons (like an issue of Guy and Hal fighting pointlessly' before remembering Krona was the villain. This might go that way. Then again, I don't recall any side getting so thoroughly owned in Part 1 of an event before, so maybe it'll go somewhere interesting.

Long and short, Godhead feels rushed so far AND I'm not sure what the story is.

By that rushed feeling, it really felt like the characters lacked their personality. Everything was dumbed down.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
It's already October?
I was legitimately surprised when I saw Spike's post in the September thread saying the new OT was up.

Jedeye Sniv

I love 52 and Final Crisis. One day I'll own the 52 omnibus edition... Final Crisis is incredibly divisive, or so I've found. You either love it or hate it, no middle ground. I love it, I've read it many times and still find new details to appreciate.

I agree that there are many better comics out there, but 52 and Final Crisis are the exceptions to that rule.

Oh man don't get me wrong, I love love love them, I think FC is one of the best comics I've ever read. But unless you like the more metafictional aspects folks might get annoyed at it. But stuff like the
white page and Superman's tombstone
make my toes curl in the sexy way. And the New Gods, the only time I've gotten even a fraction of their power and other-ness from a comic.

52 and FC are especially good for folks interested in the Batwoman/Monty storyline (fuck you DC for writing Monty out) - 52 > Crime Bible > FC Revelations is Rucka's secret backdoor Batwoman pilot arcs.

I just think these stories land a lot better when the reader has some context as well, so I figure them as Advanced Level superhero books.


By that rushed feeling, it really felt like the characters lacked their personality. Everything was dumbed down.

From what I've read, that sounds par for the course for the Venditti/Van Janson era of GL. Not a surprise that they can't write the New Gods either.


By that rushed feeling, it really felt like the characters lacked their personality. Everything was dumbed down.

I understand why they did that (new readers, sense of peril) but... well, I don't give a rats ass about the New Gods and putting them this strong over the various Corps just makes me shrug a little. Especially as, like they noted, humanity beat Darkseid and yet these guys are basically one-shotting various Corps members?

It's a weird, weird start to the event. Course, Lights Out started weirdly too.


From what I've read, that sounds par for the course for the Venditti/Van Janson era of GL. Not a surprise that they can't write the New Gods either.

It's weird because I like the inbetween events stuff. That's really good. And Red Lanterns is excellent. But the events are pretty good. But the GL events peaked with Sinestro Corps War/Blackest Night, and everything since then is all 'uh... those sold so do more.' I mean Rise of the Third Army was an awful event. Wrath of the First Lantern was salvaged by Johns last two GL issues.


Who wrote the issue out of curiosity?

Specifically, Van Jensen and Justin Jordan are on script for Godhead, while Venditti is solo on GL.

e: If you wanna read something metal as fuck with an awesome leading lady, and you want to probably, you should read Vulvatron from GWAR's twitter feed. It's got about as much new story as Thor #1, and it's actually free, which is much better than the 3,99 I paid for "Odin being a sexist asshole, and no answers as to what made Thor unworthy, who the heck is the new lady Thor and what makes her different apart from the obvious: the book". GOD, it even fucking wastes ROXXON ASSAULT SHARKS. How the fuck did that fucking Jason Aaron show up again to crap this out.


Current lunch reading:

I think I'm 6 issues in, and it's.....good? Not great. A little bit confusing for a reader like me who isn't well versed in the DCU. Some of the costumes though....LOL

Also, I got my copy of Absolute Identity Crisis in yesterday. I was able to get a copy from Amazon for $24. Figured it was a good deal.
Oh man don't get me wrong, I love love love them, I think FC is one of the best comics I've ever read. But unless you like the more metafictional aspects folks might get annoyed at it. But stuff like the
white page and Superman's tombstone
make my toes curl in the sexy way. And the New Gods, the only time I've gotten even a fraction of their power and other-ness from a comic.

52 and FC are especially good for folks interested in the Batwoman/Monty storyline (fuck you DC for writing Monty out) - 52 > Crime Bible > FC Revelations is Rucka's secret backdoor Batwoman pilot arcs.

I just think these stories land a lot better when the reader has some context as well, so I figure them as Advanced Level superhero books.

I had a long in-depth discussion with my Literature Professor about the metafictional aspects of Final Crisis. It's one of the few texts I've encountered that is rewarding on so many levels. That sexy feeling is something I'm familiar with. Grant Morrison is the only author who has sold me on the concept of the New Gods and the 4th World. There was so much weight to their presence. I've not had an opportunity to discuss my appreciation of Final Crisis with someone who loves it as much as I do. Definitely "Advanced Level" superheroism, certainly transcends the medium.

Batwoman is my favourite DC hero, if my display pic didn't give it away. Her arc, or backdoor pilot, was exceptional. She has come so far since 52. I'm still not sure whether for the best though.


I do have to say, the one good thing I have going with budgeting in regards to comics is that I at least have a good friend who buys way more than me and likes to share. So at least for now it feels wasteful to me to buy anything he owns, so that holds me back on a lot of stuff and prevents it from getting out of hand.

On the other hand it's probably his fault I ever got into comics enough to want to purchase so much in the first place...
So far I've read 11 of the Futures End gimmick books I got in from DCBS,, think I got 17 or so.
They have mostly all been pretty good actually. Kind of surprised.
I've enjoyed all the Bat books alot,, haven't read Batwoman, Batwing or Catwoman yet.

Jedeye Sniv

Current lunch reading:

I think I'm 6 issues in, and it's.....good? Not great. A little bit confusing for a reader like me who isn't well versed in the DCU. Some of the costumes though....LOL

Also, I got my copy of Absolute Identity Crisis in yesterday. I was able to get a copy from Amazon for $24. Figured it was a good deal.

Mate, I've been reading DC for over 20 years and Crisis confuses the hell out of me :p

I had a long in-depth discussion with my Literature Professor about the metafictional aspects of Final Crisis. It's one of the few texts I've encountered that is rewarding on so many levels. That sexy feeling is something I'm familiar with. Grant Morrison is the only author who has sold me on the concept of the New Gods and the 4th World. There was so much weight to their presence. I've not had an opportunity to discuss my appreciation of Final Crisis with someone who loves it as much as I do. Definitely "Advanced Level" superheroism, certainly transcends the medium.

Batwoman is my favourite DC hero, if my display pic didn't give it away. Her arc, or backdoor pilot, was exceptional. She has come so far since 52. I'm still not sure whether for the best though.

I love Morrison for that meta stuff and he's been doing it all along in his DC work ever since Animal Man with the idea of Limbo and Buddy realising he's in a comic. Actually, the whole 2d universe thing is fascinating thinking material if you really go with it. To the inhabitants of 2d universes we're time travelling omniscient voyeurs, able to skip around in a person's life as easily as flipping pages. I also like the idea that the universe is sentient (New 52 just gave the DCU a lobotomy though ;) ) - I think any work with enough independent authors ends up with it's own momentum and life beyond those authors. It's a living being, cross sectioned into 20 page chunks.

What Morrison utterly nails in FC (on top of Turpin's transformation into Darkseid) is the idea of extradimensional beings and how they are 3d extrusions into our universe of much larger and stranger entities. tbh this was why I was a bit miffed when it was revealed that there are alternate New Gods in all the other 52 earths - I think it would be way cooler if they were singular entities who could exist across the multiverse, like if I had ten shotglasses with my fingers in all of them at the same time.

And yeah Batwoman, loved her immediately, was deeply saddened by the downward slide over the past few years. To me, she is Rucka's character, as much his as Tara Chase and anybody else he's created. To see him leave without wrapping up the plans he had was disheartening. It felt like he was going somewhere new with it. I like Andreyko better than Blackman/Williams but even then, his current stuff feels like a lesser version of his own Manhunter run.

Oh well, we'll always have Elegy :)

Jedeye Sniv

So far I've read 11 of the Futures End gimmick books I got in from DCBS,, think I got 17 or so.
They have mostly all been pretty good actually. Kind of surprised.
I've enjoyed all the Bat books alot,, haven't read Batwoman, Batwing or Catwoman yet.

Did you read last week's Superman? Legit good. Thanks Lee Weeks!


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I'm glad Southern Bastards made the list. Deadly Class was all right but in the bottom half of my top 10.

Disappointed in the lack of new avengers 24.
So far I've read 11 of the Futures End gimmick books I got in from DCBS,, think I got 17 or so.
They have mostly all been pretty good actually. Kind of surprised.
I've enjoyed all the Bat books alot,, haven't read Batwoman, Batwing or Catwoman yet.

I'm catching up on the series and at about 18 it actually gets pretty interesting.
I had a long in-depth discussion with my Literature Professor about the metafictional aspects of Final Crisis. It's one of the few texts I've encountered that is rewarding on so many levels. That sexy feeling is something I'm familiar with. Grant Morrison is the only author who has sold me on the concept of the New Gods and the 4th World. There was so much weight to their presence. I've not had an opportunity to discuss my appreciation of Final Crisis with someone who loves it as much as I do. Definitely "Advanced Level" superheroism, certainly transcends the medium.

Batwoman is my favourite DC hero, if my display pic didn't give it away. Her arc, or backdoor pilot, was exceptional. She has come so far since 52. I'm still not sure whether for the best though.

Mate, I've been reading DC for over 20 years and Crisis confuses the hell out of me :p

I love Morrison for that meta stuff and he's been doing it all along in his DC work ever since Animal Man with the idea of Limbo and Buddy realising he's in a comic. Actually, the whole 2d universe thing is fascinating thinking material if you really go with it. To the inhabitants of 2d universes we're time travelling omniscient voyeurs, able to skip around in a person's life as easily as flipping pages. I also like the idea that the universe is sentient (New 52 just gave the DCU a lobotomy though ;) ) - I think any work with enough independent authors ends up with it's own momentum and life beyond those authors. It's a living being, cross sectioned into 20 page chunks.

What Morrison utterly nails in FC (on top of Turpin's transformation into Darkseid) is the idea of extradimensional beings and how they are 3d extrusions into our universe of much larger and stranger entities. tbh this was why I was a bit miffed when it was revealed that there are alternate New Gods in all the other 52 earths - I think it would be way cooler if they were singular entities who could exist across the multiverse, like if I had ten shotglasses with my fingers in all of them at the same time.

And yeah Batwoman, loved her immediately, was deeply saddened by the downward slide over the past few years. To me, she is Rucka's character, as much his as Tara Chase and anybody else he's created. To see him leave without wrapping up the plans he had was disheartening. It felt like he was going somewhere new with it. I like Andreyko better than Blackman/Williams but even then, his current stuff feels like a lesser version of his own Manhunter run.

Oh well, we'll always have Elegy :)

Shameless, but you guys would love my CBR Final Crisis reviews from back in the day.

Jedeye Sniv

Yeah that was really good.

I want to read some books with Shazam. Haven't read much of him at all but I am really interested in him. Need to make an IST order,, its been toooo long.. Damn statues.

Shazam and the monster Society of Evil by Jeff Smith. It's wonderful.


So it's Freyja? Awesome! I was about ready to scream that they copped out but as I kept reading my jaw kept dropping as I was figuring out what they were setting up.

I wasn't reading Original Sin, whats the secret that Fury told Thor?
Where do you access this Data again? I'd like to see how much I posted.
When you're looking at a thread from the board itself just click on the number of posts off to the right and a popup window will appear with the information.

New avengers 24 not the top comic of the month? Doom isn't anyones second, third, or fourth choice apparently.
The only Avengers book I keep up with is Uncanny

And on the topic of Shazam: the New 52 trade is great. It's a nice origin.


No, and I doubt we will in the near future.

Do you read the Superior Spider-Man Issues that lead to Miguels timetravel? Beside that, I think you should only need the basic knowledge about Spider-Man 2099.

I've never actually read any Spider-Man 2099.

3. Have you read Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remender? It's not a main X-Men book but it's a fantastic run and is worth reading if you like the series.

4. All you really need to know is that Miguel is stuck in our time and he's working for his asshole grandfather under the name Mike O'Mara. It's been fun so far and Miguel is a great protagonist.

I didn't know there was an ongoing Spidey 2099 now, so I guess I've got that to look into! I haven't checked out Uncanny X-Force. I guess I'll try that for getting back into the whole X-Family.
So it's Freyja? Awesome! I was about ready to scream that they copped out but as I kept reading my jaw kept dropping as I was figuring out what they were setting up.

I wasn't reading Original Sin, whats the secret that Fury told Thor?

Is it though?

And we don't know what he whispered yet.

Dauterman, though, channelling Quitely and Burnham simultaneously. Gorgeous stuff.


Re reading Sex Criminals vol 1 on my break. That is some good shit second time around. Reads much tighter. It has such fantastic characters in Jon and Susie. I also can't believe how much of the sexual Gary stuff I missed on first read. It's everywhere.

Best scene/part
fat bottomed girls


but I am taking tiny steps forward
And yeah Batwoman, loved her immediately, was deeply saddened by the downward slide over the past few years. To me, she is Rucka's character, as much his as Tara Chase and anybody else he's created. To see him leave without wrapping up the plans he had was disheartening. It felt like he was going somewhere new with it. I like Andreyko better than Blackman/Williams but even then, his current stuff feels like a lesser version of his own Manhunter run.

Oh well, we'll always have Elegy :)

I haven't read any Rucka nor any Batwoman. You're making me really want to read it.


Is it though?

And we don't know what he whispered yet.

Dauterman, though, channelling Quitely and Burnham simultaneously. Gorgeous stuff.

I suppose it could definitely still be up in the air but I felt they really laid it out there. Then again, it is Marvel.
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