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Crystal Dynamics claim 'relief in sight' for bored Avengers players

You have The Avengers franchise which is basically the biggest movie franchise of all time. And this is what you make of a game based of it, a half assed GaaS with tons of corporate greed.

I mean they almost rival EA in fumbling a big franchise, like they do with Star Wars.


Honestly feels like they designed the opening of the game that was in the Beta and then just fired the staff and replaced them with 1000 monkeys. That birdge part was a tease making you think ok this is what the game is going to be like playing as the avengers kicking ass in big set pieces.

Then bam you play as some nobody chick and 50% of the game is walking simulator. The locations are all lame. Utah Badlands? Snowy Tundra? Non descript city? The only one cool is the Hellicarrier, but you spend to much time "fixing it". And instead of playing as the Avengers as team most of the game you are Khan or 1 other Avenger. You never really get to mix and match them and play as an entire team.

And I will take the blame but one of the reasons I bought the game after the beta was because I saw the character list and saw the content in the Beta and thought ok there is going to be a ton of content. Instead we get drip feed of missions and more characters. Even Spidey isn't here for another couple of months and they are giving us 2 people no one really cares about in Hawkeyes.

And finally the enemies are just copy and pasta and the same ones. For the grunts its a little understandable, but why is there only 2 bosses? There should be all kinds of MCU villians in this. Every mission should end with fighting some Marvel villian, especially the online. Through in some sub bosses instead of adaptoids.

I will still play the game until Cyberpunk comes out. The fighting system is still fun even if its repetetive and the levels and enemies are samey. Keep in mind I only have 2 of em above 100. I could imagine more hardcore players that have leveled up everyone would be even more bored of the game than I am.

All this needed to be was Marvel Ultimate Alliance with these graphics and fighting system. Let me have a big roster of guys that I can chose from with villians and locations from the marvel universe. And why are there no combo moves? I should be able to combine Thors ultimate with Iron Mans ultimate to create a super ultimate, even 2 a 4 person combo.

If this was Generic heros the game it would be panned even more than it is, it probably would not have even been made. The only reason there was any attention is because they slapped bad versions of the avengers into this game. Sucks because finding players on PS4 is getting harder and harder and I can imagine within a few weeks it will be pretty much DOA. Hawkeye's is not going to get people excited and then after that we probably gotta wait till Jan/Feb to get the next character drop. Wouldn't surprise me if in 2021 it starts drying up and the drops of new content get further and further spaced apart. I see a big push in about 6 months to repackage and try and resell this game on Next Gen consoles.


Honestly feels like they designed the opening of the game that was in the Beta and then just fired the staff and replaced them with 1000 monkeys. That birdge part was a tease making you think ok this is what the game is going to be like playing as the avengers kicking ass in big set pieces.

Then bam you play as some nobody chick and 50% of the game is walking simulator. The locations are all lame. Utah Badlands? Snowy Tundra? Non descript city? The only one cool is the Hellicarrier, but you spend to much time "fixing it". And instead of playing as the Avengers as team most of the game you are Khan or 1 other Avenger. You never really get to mix and match them and play as an entire team.

And I will take the blame but one of the reasons I bought the game after the beta was because I saw the character list and saw the content in the Beta and thought ok there is going to be a ton of content. Instead we get drip feed of missions and more characters. Even Spidey isn't here for another couple of months and they are giving us 2 people no one really cares about in Hawkeyes.

And finally the enemies are just copy and pasta and the same ones. For the grunts its a little understandable, but why is there only 2 bosses? There should be all kinds of MCU villians in this. Every mission should end with fighting some Marvel villian, especially the online. Through in some sub bosses instead of adaptoids.

I will still play the game until Cyberpunk comes out. The fighting system is still fun even if its repetetive and the levels and enemies are samey. Keep in mind I only have 2 of em above 100. I could imagine more hardcore players that have leveled up everyone would be even more bored of the game than I am.

All this needed to be was Marvel Ultimate Alliance with these graphics and fighting system. Let me have a big roster of guys that I can chose from with villians and locations from the marvel universe. And why are there no combo moves? I should be able to combine Thors ultimate with Iron Mans ultimate to create a super ultimate, even 2 a 4 person combo.

If this was Generic heros the game it would be panned even more than it is, it probably would not have even been made. The only reason there was any attention is because they slapped bad versions of the avengers into this game. Sucks because finding players on PS4 is getting harder and harder and I can imagine within a few weeks it will be pretty much DOA. Hawkeye's is not going to get people excited and then after that we probably gotta wait till Jan/Feb to get the next character drop. Wouldn't surprise me if in 2021 it starts drying up and the drops of new content get further and further spaced apart. I see a big push in about 6 months to repackage and try and resell this game on Next Gen consoles.
I have no issue maintaining that Deus EX HR and MD were two of my favorite games. MD, though suffered from feeling unfinished. I really hope that game get it's well deserved sequel with Michael McCann doing the soundtrack.

It's also totally strange that pretty much the ONLY game SE hasn't re-released is Human Revolution on current (and next) gen consoles. Seriously.
MD was disappointing but still enjoyable. I want a sequel :(
You can almost feel sad for the guy. That did not read at all like something they expected to write at this point in the game’s lifecycle with all the money they poured into it.

You can imagine in the Mirror Universe his doppelganger is on post release vacation because him and his team made an amazing story driven, AAA bombast extravaganza that's selling on par with spiderman right now. Instead he's having to damage control and wonder how in the absolute fuck is he gonna salvage the nigh unsalvageable.


This game won't recover like Destiny or The Division.

It will suffer the same fate as Anthem.

And this is fine. They will learn from this experience and improve in the future. CD should go back to single player story driven games.
Lmao Destiny and The Division did fucking gangbusters compared to this shit. Both of those games lasted for years and maintained a decent audience.
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It always stank that they half arsed DX:MD and then blamed consumers when it didn't land well, pointing at bullshit narrative about immersive sims being limited etc. What's limited is intentionally cutting content to put it in as DLC later, and cutting short stories to make space for it.

I'm at the point where I wouldn't be excited by a DX announcement now. They've fucked up Thief as well.


Lmao Destiny and The Division did fucking gangbusters compared to this shit. Both of those games lasted for years and maintained a decent audience.

Mmh. Yes. That's what I'm trying to say. This game is not like those, it's closer to Anthem.

I'm a The Division fan and I have played Destiny too.

No my type of game but at least I can tell the difference between a reasonably good loot game and a bad one.


Mmh. Yes. That's what I'm trying to say. This game is not like those, it's closer to Anthem.

I'm a The Division fan and I have played Destiny too.

No my type of game but at least I can tell the difference between a reasonably good loot game and a bad one.
I'll admit I thought you were saying that it will fail like Destiny and The Division. I misinterpreted it. I realized a little after the fact.
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They need to do a lot of work to right the ship. The core gameplay for each of the characters is great and character building is fine but the poor mission design and them constantly nerfing the loot makes it hard to appreciate any of that.

The other problem is people were expecting:

But what we got was:



Censoring a Captain Marvel poster in the game didn't work!?
I thought this was going to bring in 500 000 female players.

Squads was well received as well.

I'd say that it has been mixed, it's a tiny game tbh 40 euro is too much imo 30 euro would be more reasonable but maybe even less. And the game has serious technical problems that shouldn't even be there on day 1.
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It's an okay game (for now), the SP campaign story was good, combat is fun, loots are not that interesting, missions are mostly repetitive, end game contents are not there yet.

I still played a couple sessions of the Avengers initiative once in a while, just to crank up my characters level. Hopefully, the developer manage to release the clear roadmap soon.

At the moment, I would give it a 6.5 -7 score. But hey, it's Avengers! Hehehe


Gold Member
Right. I really don't think there's anything they can do to bring people back, and make people excited about jumping back in. What's done is done.


I think between all the big names coming in the next month or so CD may be in for a surprise if they think a Hawkeye DLC is enough to bring people back.Time is not on CD's side here.

And yet they put out a message indicating they're slowing down on patching because they considered it "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" when they pushed out that patch that squished 1000 bugs.

It's even a bigger ask for their fans to come back when the game still has several crippling bugs that can ruin a player's save, whether it's corrupting saves or missing skill points.
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No need to rub it in, Cyberpunk 2077 about to take a steaming mud pie on Deus Ex's corpse and all Square can do is watch from the sidelines while remaining Avengers players leave to go play it. Seriously though, Deus Ex could have been as big or bigger than Cyberpunk and they pissed it away.

Square Enix are masters of getting over ambitious, then ruining the game.

I don't think they will take such a gamble with Deus ex.


I wish they would stop making these kind of games.
Looter shooters or games as a service? I'd agree that looter shooters tend to be garbage.

As for games as a service, I think it can definitely be done well if it's not done with the idea of fucking people over with microtransactions. There needs to be balance. The whole game can't be crafted with the idea of pushing people to spend more money.
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Looter shooters or games as a service? I'd agree that looter shooters tend to be garbage.

As for games as a service, I think it can definitely be done well if it's not done with the idea of fucking people over with microtransactions. There needs to be balance. The whole game can't be crafted with the idea of pushing people to spend more money.

If you aint taking the player for everything their worth, then it ain't worth creating.


IDL man, I have fun with it still. Of course, I play with three other regular friends only once a week for a few hours. Thought the story was cool, and it really is fun whooping ass with guys you've been friends with for 20+ years. They do need to fuckin release new characters though - I'm really itching to play as Dr Strange.


I had added this article to the OT. There’s definitely starting to hit a content drought since I’m about to finish my last characters challenge card but I’m eagerly awaiting the new content. New villains, heroes, mission types, mobs, etc. Honestly the game has been out a bit over a month, all you doomsayers need to chill. A lot of new games are coming out over the next couple months so it’ll be interesting to see how this game holds up going into 2021 with the next gen upgrade and new characters and content.
I like how a lot of people just gloss over the fact that Black Panther will be probably coming out in December and by the time Spider man comes out this game will have 6 more characters.

If they don’t come out with the end game dungeon and a character a month...then I will be worried about the game.

The minute they announced Spider-Man on PS4 only...everybody new the pc numbers would be trash.

They need the loot to be less RNG so you can easier make builds.


Even DCUO is better than this and it released in 2011. Even with its out dated graphics, reused assets and micro transactions, still a better product.


even when people shit on games like No Man's Sky and Fallout 76, these games had a weird addictive hook, something about these games were broken in a janky interesting way, so even when it seemed like the gaming community were really against these games people were quietly still playing. Avengers seems possibly too generic and so people quickly just become done with the game.


How can people not look at its trailer and instantly understand what this game has to offer. There are not many "hyped" games that can get away with extreme scrutiny. Don't even game that much and I could tell game is ok-ish AA quality service game.

I was surprised my friend (who only play Dota and CS) was interested in buying this. lol


I just want to point out that this won’t be the devs’ fault, it will be Square Enix forcing them to make this sort of game. It screams “I want some of what they’re doing” from people who know too little about the industry and its customers and not giving Crystal enough to work with. I’m sure CD don’t ever want to put out a failure.


Should've been a single player game and it shouldn't focus on the fangirl character. People coming from the movies expect to play with their favourite Avengers immediately. The microtransactions are also of a different level, with battle passes for each individual character. I mean, wtf were they thinking?! (money, money, money!!)


Good luck to the guy that wrote that and the team.
On launch it is "easy" (for some definitions of easy) to get people excited and hyped and jump on the bandwagon.

Once most players have moved on and are done with the game it is VERY HARD to get them to become hyped and excited again and get them to return to a game that in their minds have already failed. Two new heroes is sure not gonna be enough.
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