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Cyberpunk 2077 Dev Currently Has No Plans For PS5, Xbox Series X Versions


Gold Member
Probably wants those double dips.

"We are going with the same plans that we set," CD Projekt Red joint CEO Adam Kiciński reiterated. "[Cyberpunk 2077] was always designed for [PS4 and Xbox One]. We are thinking about the next generation, but for now, we are focused on the current generation. That plan is still valid."



I’m calling bollocks. Yes the focus for now is getting the current gen versions out but we all know that a next gen version is also in the plans

If there is an opportunity for us to launch Cyberpunk for another generation, we would want to do this probably.
Yeah it’s going to happen
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I’m calling bollocks. Yes the focus for now is getting the current gen versions out but we all know that a next gen version is also in the plans

Yeah it’s going to happen
Of course it is. They’ve never skipped an entire generation with one of their major games.
They clearly care about the current-gen sales.
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Well no wonder they're saying that now, with such a big delay so close to the launch of the new consoles many people might seriously want to skip the old gen version altogether and wait. That would damage their sales considerably.
And the worst is that to avoid this outcome and get double dip sales the next gen versions will end up being artificially delayed as well :/


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.

Ivory Blood

Bullshit, they lie through their teeth now, so that they won't lose on current gen pre-orders. Watch them announce next-gen versions at E3 2020.

Damn, how did CDPR went from the only company I placed my trust in unconditionally to this? This deal is getting worse all the time.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Bullshit, they lie through their teeth now, so that they won't lose on current gen pre-orders. Watch them announce next-gen versions at E3 2020.

Damn, how did CDPR went from the only company I placed my trust in unconditionally to this? This deal is getting worse all the time.
E3 2020 is too soon - that'd give people time to cancel their pre-orders on existing systems. We're expecting the next generation consoles to launch around late October / early November and this is coming out in September now.

So I suspect we won't hear anything until (at best) a few weeks before they drop on next-gen hardware.


Gold Member
Yeah, I think it's safe to say we can expect what was mentioned above. They may just wait to bring it to next gen until all the DLC is out or whatever. It won't be there at launch, but it won't be long enough for the Cyberpunk hype to die out I'd imagine.


In fact 50%+ of games released this year will probably get a next gen release. Its alright people thinking about BC but why release a BC patch when they can do an actual release for money?.


Ok, I can wait. The Witcher games bore the shit out of me, so they haven't bought my unquestioning loyalty to their new project yet.
What have you actually enjoyed? (Apart from Death Stranding) 🤔

It’s either you have a very hard taste to please or you just simply don’t like anything
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Absolute bullshit, but of course they're going to say that at this point in time.
I’m calling bollocks. Yes the focus for now is getting the current gen versions out but we all know that a next gen version is also in the plans

Yeah it’s going to happen

Same. I've already said it in the other thread but this is absolute bullshit and even if its true they have not said anything about the new gpu's coming from Nvidia which also guaranteed affected the delay decision considering this will be the first true open world game featuring RTX. No way nvidia isnt going to market it with their new gpus.


It will be BC most likely.
They might do a fancy next gen patch like studios have done with the X/pro.

I seriously hope they just go straight into building a next-gen witcher game. Witcher 3 is basically perfect, but I could see them making things more dynamic, better visuals, raytracing....especially given how successful the show is, I can't see them not trying to get something out in 2 years or so (I imagine they have people working on it already).


Well no wonder they're saying that now, with such a big delay so close to the launch of the new consoles many people might seriously want to skip the old gen version altogether and wait. That would damage their sales considerably.
And the worst is that to avoid this outcome and get double dip sales the next gen versions will end up being artificially delayed as well :/

I absolutely am skipping it unless they let us know prior we‘ll get the upgrade for free. They’ve made the “next gen” assets for PC anyway. Don’t be stingy. Your game comes out only a couple months before the next consoles now.... just throw us a bone.


Isn't that + Caucasian male leads their fetish?
Open world, big, bigger, biggest - yet they don't want to take advantage of available power?


What have you actually enjoyed? (Apart from Death Stranding) 🤔

It’s either you have a very hard taste to please or you just simply don’t like anything
I like a lot of games, but none of them have The Witcher in their title.

RE2 and DOOM 2016 are 2 examples of games that I thought were so fantastic that I am ready to blindly purchase the next iteration. The Witcher games, while I'm sure are very high quality, did not do that for me, personally. So I can easily wait for the proper next-gen release of this one as I have no reason to be hyped in the first place. They haven't earned my loyalty that way.
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I like a lot of games, but none of them have The Witcher in their title.

RE2 and DOOM 2016 are 2 examples of games that I thought were so fantastic that I am ready to blindly purchase the next iteration. The Witcher games, while I'm sure are very high quality, did not do that for me, personally. So I can easily wait for the proper next-gen release of this one as I have no reason to be hyped in the first place. They haven't earned my loyalty that way.
Okay, was just making sure you’re a normal human.


By time this game comes out, it will be next gen. I mean, I guess they could release the game for last gen, but...

They will definitely re-release like everybody else does.


Writes a lot, says very little
Oh trust, they will have that remaster version, GOTY version, definitive edition version etc

Grinchy Grinchy I don't hate the series, but I can't even put any of the 3 games in some top 20 best games I've ever played. They are not bad RPGS, but they are not at the top of any list of the best for me either.

Witcher 3 having soooooo many issues at launch, having a corrupted save bug that wasted 40 hours of my life and then the team out right lying about the downgrade up until they took people's money was enough for me to be cautious about this team. Agreed with Doom and RE2 remake too! Eternal and RE3 remake are day 1s. Didn't have any issues with their past titles, no major bugs annnnnd the team didn't out right lie to me about the condition of the game. Witcher is one of theses series that you need to basically warn folks about, be like "You can play 1, but it has some bugs and its not for everyone and buy this version on Steam" or with 3 "Ok, so the combat suck, some times your horse can't cross the bridge cause a glitch, but it can maybe be fun at times". I started to realize I was making a massive series of excuses for the whole series. I don't need to do this for other titles I actually like, thus....I realize I only like few things from Witcher series, so few that It can't really be in some top list of what I feel are best games. I get why some folks don't like The Witcher, I play the series and I understand what you mean.
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Guys read the quote properly. You’re making your “lies” etc comments based on the sensationalist headline

The wording of the statement says to me they always planned a PS5 and XSex and nothing has changed or at the very least a Back Compatibility update depending on that feature being available. That was always the plan but they have been developed specifically for the power limitations of the PS4 and Xb1 in mind.

I can’t understand what the fuss is about. I am as pissed as the next guy about the delay. Not so much the delay but the fact that they announce a release date to get pre order cash coming in when they weren’t completely certain to meet that date I dislike those kinds of moves. I’m still all in but disappointed about having to wait longer I feel like I really need a new game to sink my teeth into and the closest thing I care about is TLOU2 now.
Oh please. They are getting paid to announce that Cyberpunk will be coming to next gen at one of the console launches. Until then they will deny it's coming, you know, to surprise you all when they walk onto the Sony or MS stage.


They won’t need to rerelease... they’ll just update the build when you carry the game over to play on your next gen hardware.

I doubt they will do that when they could have an actual next gen release for money.
CDPR has a very good history of updating titles almost a year after any game they release with massive improvements. They did it with WItcher 1 and 2. And the value they added to 3 and the constant updates before DLC even dropped were very consumer focused. I'd bet they'll release on the new consoles and it'll be an almost "play anywhere" type situation. Buy it on Xbone and it'll play on SeX whenever that version is released and there'll be no upcharge. I'd bet they'll put a lot of focus on refining the PS4/Xbone versions as best they can, continue to upgrade and refined the PC version even more and then release the title on the new consoles and port over their PC code.


Oh trust, they will have that remaster version, GOTY version, definitive edition version etc

Grinchy Grinchy I don't hate the series, but I can't even put any of the 3 games in some top 20 best games I've ever played. They are not bad RPGS, but they are not at the top of any list of the best for me either.

Witcher 3 having soooooo many issues at launch, having a corrupted save bug that wasted 40 hours of my life and then the team out right lying about the downgrade up until they took people's money was enough for me to be cautious about this team. Agreed with Doom and RE2 remake too! Eternal and RE3 remake are day 1s. Didn't have any issues with their past titles, no major bugs annnnnd the team didn't out right lie to me about the condition of the game. Witcher is one of theses series that you need to basically warn folks about, be like "You can play 1, but it has some bugs and its not for everyone and buy this version on Steam" or with 3 "Ok, so the combat suck, some times your horse can't cross the bridge cause a glitch, but it can maybe be fun at times". I started to realize I was making a massive series of excuses for the whole series. I don't need to do this for other titles I actually like, thus....I realize I only like few things from Witcher series, so few that It can't really be in some top list of what I feel are best games. I get why some folks don't like The Witcher, I play the series and I understand what you mean.
Ouch, that hurts just to read! A 40 hour save lost would be infuriating. I just got done watching the show and loved it. So the lore connects with me, but ~11 hours of Witcher 1, ~2 hours of Witcher 2, and ~4 hours of Witcher 3 was about all I could take of the videogame form. The combat just did not feel right on any of them, and not knowing the lore just made Geralt so fucking boring to deal with.

But it's like I want to like it. It's exactly like you say. You read a ton of opinions that have to lead with, "Well here are the negatives, but get past those..." which is fine, but I never got far enough for it to click.

The reveal of Cyberpunk had me a little hyped, but to feel so lukewarm toward their entire catalog that made them known doesn't exactly have me in "DAY 1" territory. And I was just expecting a good PS5 version of it at launch since they theoretically would have had time before this delay.


I doubt they will do that when they could have an actual next gen release for money.

Some engines get the boost regardless of having a new build when more available horsepower is there. Its happened on the one x and I would assume series X will also make that an option for current gen games.

I don’t expect next gen transition to be similar to past ones atall. Fortnite is not going to need a next gen rerelease. A lot will just move forward.

Not sure about Sony tho. They still may stick to more traditional methods


Writes a lot, says very little
They won’t need to rerelease... they’ll just update the build when you carry the game over to play on your next gen hardware.


You don't know that, none of us do.

A system being BC is irrelevant to the publisher looking to release a remasters.

PS3 being BC to PS1 didn't stop FFVII from being ported on PSN.


I wonder if the current gen version will even be enhanced on the next-gen consoles. They seemed to be against doing a Pro patch at first and didn't do it until they must have had some contract to do an X patch.

I guess if they at least unlock the framerate and bump the resolution up, it'll be better on next-gen consoles at least. We really need the actual reveals of these damn consoles already.


Yea, I sincerely doubt that. Maybe no plans for launch, but they're certainly considering next gen ports. They have no reasons not to.


Of course not, buy the PS4/xbox edition and wait a few months till their plan changes....

I honestly would just wait for a PS5 / XSEX version at this point....
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