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Days Gone PC Pages Up - Ultrawide Support, Unlocked Frame rate, Improved Graphics


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
puke GIF

glad to see more ps games on pc but why start with the bad ones?


I’m actually going to get this game on PC, only because I could not finish the game when I had my PS4. The game is amazing in story.


This game is a recent example of the rift between reviewers and consumers. Partly reviewers aren't to blame for the 70 metacritic, the day one, three, and five patches fixed a lot of the technical issues with the game and reviewers did not have access to those beforehand.

That being said, most people love this game, and it was one of the best selling games the year it was released.
Seems like a nice game to get when its hugely discounted.
This is a criminally underrated game by the media. I put 50 plus hours in it and loved it even with the flaws it had on ps4 pro. They've done some amazing things with it since launch and it's a must own imo on ps5 and assuming this port is as polished as it is now on ps5 then i have high hopes for it on pc. I'm really happy Sony is jumping in more on the PC side of things. maybe one day will come where i can actually only have a nintendo and PC. xbox network already works perfectly with pc and i don't play mplayer games on playstation.
Nintendo, you're our only hope now.

Okay no, enough exaggeration, we're adults here and Sony has obviously proved that they're not doing it for the fans so there's no point in crying and fueling console wars. The game isn't great, it's pretty mediocre on a gameplay level, it's literally all just one big shooting gallery.

But it's open world, it's fun, and it's another Sony TPS that fans deserve a sequel for, I don't mind buying the Steam version and even picking up a physical copy down the line. I really am not liking these PC ports as far as principles go but the crying and moaning won't solve anything.

If Bloodborne does hit PC then as much as I don't like it I'm double dipping on that too.
I'm double dipping even if it's $60, idgaf. Some of the best open world combat around and the game already looked gorgeous on PS4 Pro. Can only imagine on PC.


Gold Member
It's definitely worth more than a tenner. I'd be surprised if Sony titles will ever go that low on PC. Many big titles no longer go that low anymore.
It probably will in a few years, thanks to price dropping together with discounts

This dude does a SWOT analysis before buying games.
Between "game i'm mildly interested in for $60" and "game i'm mildly interested in for $5", i don't really see why i'd pick the former over the later. Its not like i can just play everything with time and inclination constraints either.
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2019 was 5 - 10 years ago!
Did I get dusted by Thanos?

P.S 3K Computer? Maybe during chipageddon otherwise a 2 - 3 year old computer should run this just fine......its Unreal Engine 4.
You see that's the problem with PC users today they can talk that shit but as soon as you respond they have to get all emotional and shit. The last I remember PC heads were screaming for Sony to release Bloodborne, GoW, UC, Killzone so, umm, yea it's pretty accurate .
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Fuck it, I'll bite.
Imagine thinking people spend 3k on hardware to wait for PlayStation games,because there aren't other games in the world.
Id say its a win I can buy games for 399 usd instead of having to buy a console only to play a handful of games.

If you say these games suck in five to ten years, then they aren't really worth a penny now if they don't age like fine vine.

Besides, who tf pays 3k for a machine?

Unless you have the answer to my question, don't reply to me. Don't want to lose my account because of you ty.
Imagine people who can't take a fucking joke. Not a good look PCMaster race, not good at all. :LOL:


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
You see that's the problem with PC users today they can talk that shit but as soon as you respond they have to get all emotional and shit. The last I remember PC heads were screaming for Sony to release Bloodborne, GoW, UC, Killzone so, umm, yea it's pretty accurate .


You can go and dont forget your 🤡 shoes.


You can't go wrong with 10 bucks. I wouldn't pay more, it had a lot of flaws / bad design choices in my opinion.
10 bucks? Its a great game with plenty of content, I thoroughly enjoyed it on ps5. The writing early game is a little cringey, it gets better pretty quick though. It's well worth full RRP.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
10 bucks? Its a great game with plenty of content, I thoroughly enjoyed it on ps5. The writing early game is a little cringey, it gets better pretty quick though. It's well worth full RRP.

Kinda weird innit, people pay a fortune for hardware and components only to be cheapskates when it comes to the content they play on it... And then they wonder why its so rare that anyone actually invests in actual PC exclusives.


Gold Member
10 bucks? Its a great game with plenty of content, I thoroughly enjoyed it on ps5. The writing early game is a little cringey, it gets better pretty quick though. It's well worth full RRP.
eh, looks like your normal open world stealth action with crafting/survival so many games do, and doesn't even really looks better than others. Doubt the story is anything to write home about too with what i've seen other people talking about it.
In other words, feels like a bargain bin type of game after all.

Kinda weird innit, people pay a fortune for hardware and components only to be cheapskates when it comes to the content they play on it... And then they wonder why its so rare that anyone actually invests in actual PC exclusives.
Many people on pc will gladly pay full price for a game, if the game deserves the price-tag.
Its just not the case here. This game has bargain bin written all over it.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
eh, looks like your normal open world stealth action with crafting/survival so many games do, and doesn't even really looks better than others. Doubt the story is anything to write home about too with what i've seen other people talking about it.
In other words, feels like a bargain bin type of game after all.

Many people on pc will gladly pay full price for a game, if the game deserves the price-tag.
Its just not the case here. This game has bargain bin written all over it.

Its a great single-player game. Plays really well, long campaign, NG+, additional challenge modes, good story and character-work.
Most of all though, no DLC or GAAS bullshit like virtually every other AAA open-world game.

Its a real throwback to how games used to be, and its glorious.
God, I love it when people say dumb shit and when they get called on it they pulled the "it was a just a joke" line to fall back on.

Not a good look but hilarious.


It's amazing how whenever these Sony games are announced for PC you have (like clockwork) people in droves on these forums saying that they were nothing to write home about. Happened with the David Cage games, Death Stranding, HZD, and now Days Gone. I am going to save you guys some time and write down a couple of lines for you to have at hand for the upcoming releases:

- God of War: Nice game but I liked the old hack & slash games better. The gameplay is mediocre and the camera annoying.

- Ghosts of Tsushima: Ubisoftian run of the mill open world game. Also can be quite inconsistent visually.

- Bloodborne: Great game, but it has no replay value and the chalice dungeons are terrible. The Dark Souls games were better and specially Demon's Souls (remake only) That's the best game of the series by far for some reason.

- Last of Us: Nice cover shooter, but brings nothing new to the table other than some half assed survival mechanics. Also the cutscenes drag on forever.

Of course, those could be valid opinions but every single one of those first party games is labeled as the second coming and the pinnacle of the genre before and months after release... maybe for list wars purposes?
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It's amazing how whenever these Sony games are announced for PC you have (like clockwork) people in droves on these forums saying that they were nothing to write home about. Happened with the David Cage games, Death Stranding, HZD, and now Days Gone. I am going to save you guys some time and write down a couple of lines for you to have at hand for the upcoming releases:

- God of War: Nice game but I liked the old hack & slash games better. The gameplay is mediocre and the camera annoying.

- Ghosts of Tsushima: Ubisoftian run of the mill open world game. Also can be quite inconsistent visually.

- Bloodborne: Great game, but it has no replay value and the chalice dungeons are terrible. The Dark Souls games were better and specially Demon's Souls (remake only) That's the best game of the series by far for some reason.

- Last of Us: Nice cover shooter, but brings nothing new to the table other than some half assed survival mechanics. Also the cutscenes drag on forever.

Of course, those could be valid opinions but every single one of those first party games is labeled as the second coming and the pinnacle of the genre before and months after release... maybe for list wars purposes?

Bloodborne is amazing. Will def play Ghosts when it comes to PC. Actually always wanted to try Days Gone.
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not the kind of game i'm interested in but appericiate the fact that sony is bringing their games to pc, the more people get to play these games the better.


Let’s be happy that more people get to play this underrated game instead of taking the opportunity to shit on others.

To the first timers, the game doesn’t start with a bang.


Sony strategy amuses me sometimes. Make the game free for every PS5 owner, followed up by ps+ gift to PS4 owners while at the same time trying to sell the game.

Seems a touch counterintuitive, even for those without a ps must be looking sideways at the value proposition.

Maybe that’s the double play? You can pay for it here, or pay a little more for an entire new platform?!?


Gold Member
Its a great single-player game. Plays really well, long campaign, NG+, additional challenge modes, good story and character-work.
Most of all though, no DLC or GAAS bullshit like virtually every other AAA open-world game.

Its a real throwback to how games used to be, and its glorious.
This sounds like the description of a 6 - 7/10 game, does basic stuff in order to not suck, while at the same time doesn't really stands out anywhere or is truly good at anything. Generic to the bone.
The exact kind of title deserves to be bought at a discount for 10 bucks.
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Gold Member
You'll get more PS games PC gamers. Sony even said so. Just wait. You can see with Days Gone, the time gap is already down to 2 years. And they are pushing better features and graphics on the PC version.

The only thing you'll just have to accept is their marketing is still PS focused and they don't want to piss off eco system warriors too early, so they aren't going to promote a game coming to PC a couple years out.

You're going to get release date lead times maybe only 90 days out.
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Gold Member
You'll get more PS games PC gamers. Sony even said so. Just wait. You can see with Days Gone, the time gap is already down to 2 years. And they are pushing better features and graphics on the PC version.

The only thing you'll just have to accept is their marketing is still PS focused and they don't want to piss off eco system warriors too early, so they aren't going to promote a game coming to PC a couple years out.

You're going to get release date lead times maybe only 90 days out.
Screw these overrated sony games, I want Atlus/Vanillaware stuff. When are they gonna get their shit together?


Sony strategy amuses me sometimes. Make the game free for every PS5 owner, followed up by ps+ gift to PS4 owners while at the same time trying to sell the game.

Seems a touch counterintuitive, even for those without a ps must be looking sideways at the value proposition.

Maybe that’s the double play? You can pay for it here, or pay a little more for an entire new platform?!?
I love that some of you keep saying that and think its true. If that is what Sony is thinking then they dont understand the majority of PC gamers.
No, Horizon 2 will end up on PC. All PS5 games will end up on PC imo, its just a matter of when.


Sony strategy amuses me sometimes. Make the game free for every PS5 owner, followed up by ps+ gift to PS4 owners while at the same time trying to sell the game.

Seems a touch counterintuitive, even for those without a ps must be looking sideways at the value proposition.

Maybe that’s the double play? You can pay for it here, or pay a little more for an entire new platform?!?

Maybe they just don't think people will buy the one without improved graphics so they are giving it away to entice people who try it and want to play it to buy the improved version at full price?


See how stupid this shit can get........


There are no good pc exclusives. Especially singleplayer ones. I hsve not found one.

Everything is made for twitch streaming.

Thankfully through you get all playstation, xbox switch games
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There are no good pc exclusives. Especially singleplayer ones. I hsve not found one.

Everything is made for twitch streaming.
There are more exclusives on PC than all the consoles combined, numerous times over. What you really mean is you havent found many $100mil exclusives, which is true these days. You have to remember that no one owns PC, like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo do. So who would fund these mega budget games?.
What you DO get on PC is freaking tons of mid budget AA games, and many fantastic ones at that.


There are more exclusives on PC than all the consoles combined, numerous times over. What you really mean is you havent found many $100mil exclusives, which is true these days. You have to remember that no one owns PC, like Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo do. So who would fund these mega budget games?.
What you DO get on PC is freaking tons of mid budget AA games, and many fantastic ones at that.
All budget gaas, twitch, indie crap

The ones that are good end up everywhere
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