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Death Stranding TGS 2019 Gameplay Session Volume 1 gameplay walkthrough | Breaking Down The Gameplay Video | Gameplay Session Volume 2



Publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Kojima Productions debuted 49 minutes of Death Stranding gameplay during the game’s “Gameplay Session Volume 1” stage event at Tokyo Game Show 2019.

The PlayStation Blog has posted an article detailing the key takeaways from the massive-length demonstration, which features commentary in Japanese from director Hideo Kojima.
Preparation Is Key

First, we see Sam likely preparing for a mission by picking his equipment and balancing his cargo. His loadout isn’t just attached to his back; he seems to meticulously equip his suit and to carefully select attachments for his arms as well. How these different attachments and options affect his capabilities in the field remain to be seen, but it seems like it’ll be worth it to get things just right before setting out.


Plot Your Own Course

Before leaving the facility, Sam also takes a moment to examine the map, which can be shifted into a topographical view that takes all the area’s hills, valleys, and bodies of water into account. Players can place markers to plot a specific course, as well as prepare necessary equipment like ladders, anchors, and boots for the journey ahead.


You’re Not The Only One Exploring This World

While we’re pretty sure you won’t be bumping into direct contact with other players in this world, it seems you may come across things they’ve built or left behind.* There are clear signs of other travelers like yourself using equipment to cross gaps and scale mountains, making you the benefactor of their generous intrepidness. Be sure to leave them a like for their troubles — it’s not yet known what purpose that serves, but at least it will make them feel deservedly appreciated.


Treat Yourself

Given the responsibility placed on Sam’s shoulders, both literally and figuratively, Death Stranding encourages moments of tranquility and recuperation. We see Sam taking some time to rest in the grass, with prompts for him to massage his shoulders, stretch his legs or sneak in a quick nap. He’ll stop to play a tune from a quest-given harmonica or bathe in a Recharging Spring, prompting the BB to respond with appreciative coos and likes.


On The Move

Sam can move at different paces despite being loaded to the brim with cargo and equipment. We see Sam equip an “Active Skeleton” that lets him run faster and farther. He also pulls off some rather epic jumps despite his massive pack of cargo — getting around should be a lot more interesting once you acquire one of these. We can also see Sam steal a MULE truck for a quick escape, and later on, ride a motorcycle, illustrating that traversal in Death Stranding can take many forms.


Lighten The Load

Sam can also equip a Floating Carrier: a hovering palette of sorts that Sam can pack cargo onto, and be pulled along behind him as he walks. This should make a big difference in terms of Sam’s capacity to transport goods, speeding up deliveries and allowing for more flexibility should he come across lost cargo he doesn’t want to leave behind.


That Floating Carrier Can Carry You, Too

Later in the video we see Sam hop onto his empty Floating Carrier to zoom down from his high vantage point and stealthily approach a MULE camp. This sort of speedy, convenient traversal hints at multiple ways to approach a challenge, giving Sam an even more efficient way of getting down beyond the rope and ladders we’ve already seen.


Don’t Be A Drag

Sam finds himself in danger in the second half of the footage, when his sensor alerts him to nearby activity. We see him struggle to shift his weight and break free from the BT’s tar covered grip, and eventually be dragged into combat with a more formidable foe. If running isn’t an option, as it appears in this section of gameplay, then removing packages to keep Sam lighter during combat is. He’ll need to move swiftly to lob Hematic and EX Grenades (we’ll let you guess what those are made from) or use the Anti-BT Handgun from a distance. Should you survive, don’t forget to grab your discarded cargo.


Make Meaningful Connections

Sam isn’t alone in the world of Death Stranding. We see him complete a couple deliveries throughout the new footage, one to return lost cargo and the other in which he approaches a larger facility and is met with a hologram version of one of its residents. Upon delivery completion, each facility representative greeted Sam to thank him for his trouble and allowed him to add their base to a larger sprawling Chiral Network. It seems these forged connections are at the heart of his journey.


Edit 1: Massive info

Mista Mista

Might be worth adding the following to the OP:

Note : all the demo takes place in the real world with Sam. No Hades, no Beach, No Cliff or other characters except a bit of Die Hard Man. This is only about delivery, travel mechanics, multiplayer and what kind of stuff you can find in the world.

Lore details:

  • Civilians live underground, in buried shelters or whole cities. Above is too dangerous, that's why they need a delivery man. Port Knot City for example has more than 50,000 inhabitants.
  • Connecting the chiral network allows Bridges not only to connect with settlements but also to somehow recover data about history and life on Earth before the Death Stranding. Maybe they are looking for Wikipedia pages.
Being Sam:

  • Many gauges : Movement Speed; Stamina/Fatigue Resistance; Balance; Carrying Capacity; Rugged Terrain Resistance; Resistance to falling unconscious; Sync Level; Lung Capacity; Battery Capacity
  • If you find a hot spring you can bath to recharge your stamina and other gauges (depending on the hot spring)
  • Walking progressively destroys your boots (on rugged terrain even faster). When they are out you'll start losing stamina and blood.
  • Drinking from the Canteen allows Sam to recover Stamina. The canteen refills automatically when it rains (even Timefall) or when crossing a river by filtering the water. Water has been replaced by Monster Energy drink though, for dubious marketing purposes.
  • Sam can jump on a Floating Carrier and use it like a Hoverboard from Back to the Future. That's rad.
Private Room:

  • In every Bridges facility you get access to your private room.
  • You can choose your suit : Blue, Orange, Red and even a Black one. What's specific to each color is still unknown.
  • You can use a fancy 3D printer to fabricate equipment. The printer needs connection to the Chiral Network.
  • You can fabricate Tools (ladders, ropes and even dummies), Gears (boots, exoskeletons), Weapons and Vehicles.
  • Every equipment has a Resources cost : Resin, Metal, Ceramic, Chemical substances, Special Alloys or Chiral Cristals (those golden hand-shaped things that grows in Timefall areas).
  • You can take a shower and use the toilet. This may be a way to refill your EX grenades, but need confirmation on that.
  • You can check your miniatures collection (same green figures used to illustrate Amelie's story in the Briefing trailer).

  • Once you have selected your delivery boxes and equipment, you need to load them all on Sam (there is a weight limit).
  • You can stack on the backpack, shoulder pads, leg pads or carry it by hand. Some equipment can also be carried without the box (like boots, ropes) or spread into small pouches (like grenades, repair sprays).
  • To help you balance the cargo a yellow circle on the floor shows how Sam is leaning. An unbalanced load will make Sam prone to fall and require the player to shift the weight more often.
  • Sam has to transport various items, from weapons to medical stuff but also cryogenized sperm and eggs.
  • You can have up to two Floating Carriers to carry more stuff. They just follow you like drones.
  • You can find lost cargo in the world and decide to pick it up and deliver it to the owner. Doing so will get you special rewards.
  • Timefall progressively damage cargo, except those protected by a Chirallium layer.
  • The Likes you get upon delivery depends on the state of cargo, time and other factors.

  • Keep balance : sometimes Sam will loose his balance when running or going up/down a slope and the player has to quickly shift the weight left or right using L2 or R2 buttons. Failure was not shown in the demo.
  • Crossing a river: the scanner shows the water level. Blue is knee to waist deep and fine to cross; yellow is waist to chest deep and will drain Stamina to fight against the current and keep your balance; red is too deep, Sam will be washed away and will have to recover by paddling left or right (L2/R2) until he reaches low level waters and be able to stand up. Cargo can be washed away and recovered.
  • Touch panel is the Communication button. This allows Sam to call in order to locate and/or activate communal objects dropped or built by other players (see Multiplayer).
  • Take a rest to save the game. While resting you can massage your shoulders or stretch your legs (but it doesn't seem like it does anything). You can also sleep to slowly regenerate blood.
  • While grabbed by BTs you need to push Square to try and shake them off, as well as L2/R2 if they put you off balance. If you fall, they get you.

  • When looking at a point it shows not only the distance but also the elevation graph.
  • The scanner shows wet terrain in blue, slippery terrain in yellow and rugged terrain in red. It also shows the depth of the rivers: blue, yellow and red.

  • You can trace a route on the map by placing checkpoints.
  • The map features a basic 3D mode to check elevation.
  • Signs placed by other players appear on the map (see Multiplayer).

  • MULES try to steal you equipment and gear. They'll even take your shoes. Their camps are full of Resources.
  • MULES area is marked with red poles. They won't chase you beyond that.
  • Non Lethal take out is possible using the Strand item: sneak up to a guy and tie him up unconscious. The Bola Gun does the same from a distance, but is loud.
  • You can hijack vehicles GTA-style. However a Shock spear will shut it down immediately.
  • You can throw cargo boxes at the enemies to stun them, but it will destroy the content.
  • BTs are vulnerable to bodily fluids. You can use blood grenades against them.
  • The Bola Gun can also be used to immobilize BTs. And then pissing on them until they vanish is probably an option, but that was not shown in the demo.
  • When BTs grab you, they drag you to the mini-boss nearby. This area is a potential crater, should Sam end up being eaten and trigger a Void-out.
  • To defeat the mini-boss, just dodge the attacks and shoot as many blood/piss ammo you got at it.

  • When connecting an area to the Chiral Network you get to see and use items built or dropped by other players.
  • You can “Like” an item and see how many Likes each item received.
  • For big constructions like bridges or repair towers, many players can help building or upgrading by spending Resources on the build.
  • Players can place signs. Danger signs, info signs, all kind of signs.
  • Players can build shared lockers (Postbox) and put items inside other players can take.
  • Players can dismantle communal items for Resources but not take and re-use.
  • Players can find other players lost/dropped cargo, repair it, and deliver it to a Postbox to see what's inside. You can then leave it there or take it.
  • It was not stated if you can tweak the number of communal items you see, limit to Friends only or even turn the whole multiplayer system off to avoid your surroundings being littered with garbage and signs.
  • During combat against BTs, a player can call for help. Other players can answer by giving items or cheer. They'll show up as white characters in the black substance.
  • I could be wrong on that one, but I think white strands in the sky point to communal builds and black strands point to where a player is fighting a mini-boss and may require help.

  • I'm pretty sure Edgar Wright is Nick Easton in the game, manager of the Capital Knot City distribution center.
  • Daichi Miura is the Musician (just a civilian, like the Ludens Fan).
  • Patrick Claude is Viktor Frank, manager of the Port Knot City distribution center. Note that Patrick Claude was a Corpse Disposal Team member in the third trailer. No idea if that's the same character later in the story or if there was a cast change.
All from the following reddit link:

Edit 2: Death Stranding TGS 2019 Gameplay Session Volume 2 gameplay presentation

Following the first gameplay presentation on September 12, publisher Sony Interactive Entertainment and developer Kojima Productions debuted another 30 minutes of Death Stranding gameplay during the game’s “Gameplay Session Volume 2” stage event at Tokyo Game Show 2019, this time focused on protagonist Sam Bridges’ Private Room.
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Seems like a excellent and original third person adventure, those graphics are incredible, you can say whatever ypu want about Kojima but the man has a lot of experience creating new gameplay mechanics.

Its so sad is not coming to Pc or Xbox, it looks like a game completely different from what we have seen lately like Gears, Borderlands or every open world rpg.


I can see that the game will not be for a majority of the audience since it is not a combat heavy game. From the 50 minutes demonstration we had at TGS it seems that Kojima edited it heavily to avoid any story spoiler for the sake of the audience going blind and immerse themselves in this twisted version of post apocalyptic world where the phenomenon of The Death Stranding blurred the fine line between the world of the living and the world of the dead. The thing here is that this move can be a double edge sword since a lot of people were waiting for more gameplay and story bits to see if they will give this game a shot. I know that I will but this was a dangerous gamble by Kojima.
Looks awesome!

I had no idea of the online multiplayer! Now I got the idea of death stranding. But, we can’t play it offline? Is gonna lost all the meaning .

Again, being able to see and use all items other player left is cool!


Still not sold.
I don't have 40 minutes to watch this but skipping around a bit, the vast majority of this video he seems to be alone walking around a big empty area.

The boss battle looked fun though
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Looks like something i will get bored easily with, i'm really not a fan of open world games and if they look empty and there is almost nothing to do but traversal for most of the game or worse there are survival elements that's even worse. I still want to stay open minded so i might give it a go if it ever gets a pc version.


I think it looks incredible, the level of interaction seems like a huge step forward.

I could foresee people saying some of the things they are...'boring', 'walking sim' etc. but chances are most of the same people praised BOTW for similar design philosophies.

The traversal options, scenery and overcoming obstacles looks very varied and will make the gameplay more interesting imo.


That was phenomenal. I was already sold, but this looks like it going to be my GOTY. Death Stranding is going to be the perfect slow burn game. I love that you're literally traveling and delivering packages lol. The music is so good.

The cargo organizing, the weight shifting, the survival mechanics and resource management, it's all so involved. The amount of mechanical detail is so interesting and extensive. In an open world game the more mechanical agency I have as a player, the better. Some of the online elements are pretty cool. Other players leaving indicators and equipment along the path is pretty neat. You can apparently call for help from other players when in the underworld. Very Soulsborne-esque, I like it. I imagine that ties into the rope philosophy, and the "likes" seem to have this social media element to them.

I really love the UI design, it looks like an evolution of what Koji Pro had for Ground Zeroes/ MGSV. There seems to be an extrapolation of much of the design language from MGSV, which makes a lot of sense.

Some don't like what they see, and more that's completely fair, but I'll never understand why it being a "walking simulator" (even though you're doing sooo much more in the game) is some sort of fault against the game design. That's pretty much a meme criticism at this point. To me it seems some of those people want it to be an action game where you're primarily fighting foes or want it to be another MGS styled title. Kojima has been designing action games for over several decades now, I can totally understand why he just wants to completely switch things up at this point in his career.

I love me a well designed action game or shooter, but this game is unlike anything I've seen in the AAA sector or indie sector for that matter. It's such a relief to see a game like this with a AAA budget, as I find there's just too many and publishers and developers playing it safe with more conventional games, even when they're good. At the end of the day it's not for everyone and that's alright.
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It is a great looking boring traveling game. Well that managed to kill the last bit of interest I had for the game. He really should have aimed for something safer with his first game and then went crazy with his second one, that way it shows that he can create a great game without Konami.


Im wondering if you guys even know what a walking sim is. This is the exact opposite of that. Just for the sake of clarification: in a walking sim there are 2 or 3 mechanics and gameplay elements. This game has shown already like 30 different elements. The walk-sim joke is not even funny anymore.

"Kojima is a risk-taker! He stays true to his vision, whether or not it may alienate people!"
>Death Stranding exists
"Wow, what boring walking simulator trash. How about some real gameplay next time, Kojifraud?"


That boss fight was super disappointing. Just spam grenades and keep away. That's all it takes? Looks like it's gonna be one of those hate it or love it games. Technically speaking, some of the jumping and movement looked really awkward too.


Why so he can specifically cater to your interest? Kojima is making a game for himself, not for you.

I gave you the answer right in my earlier post.

It is a great looking boring traveling game. Well that managed to kill the last bit of interest I had for the game. He really should have aimed for something safer with his first game and then went crazy with his second one, that way it shows that he can create a great game without Konami.

I'm only hoping that he is successful in sales for the game and not creating his vision of a flop.


Can we create a thread for the Kojima haters so they are free to spout their nonsense in one place around like minded individuals?

Isn’t that a bit unfair. Folks have sat through 5 or 6 trailers trying to figure this game out and have given Kojima every benefit of the doubt imaginable.

Obviously many are still confused and/or dissatisfied and Kojima realizes this because he fundamentally altered his original marketing plan by releasing 49 minutes of gameplay (telling his “true” fans to ignore the footage and to follow the original marketing plan to be surprised).

We all just sat through 49 minutes to learn the surprise Kojima is apparently still saving for his “true” fans and it’s largely more of the same stuff.

Some are disappointed (count me among them) but that doesn’t make someone a hater. I think many wanted to be excited for this game but there just isn’t much to be excited over besides graphics.

He really should’ve shown a few cities or a different environment.
Can we create a thread for the Kojima haters so they are free to spout their nonsense in one place around like minded individuals?
I Saw so far many attackers who criticize everyone who didn't like the game

Guys, it's not we must like it at every cost, it's undestandable someone could not like the pacing

Looks very slow and the many things to do and to watch for look overwhelming

Not that I know I Won't buy it, I'll at least Wait for the saturday demo to drop, but...it's too similar to a managing / gdr game for my likings, I was hoping in a more slim and light system and gameplay

I continue to watch it only because the mgsv gameplay is the best I've ever tried, and this will very likely be way better
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Gold Member
Isn’t that a bit unfair. Folks have sat through 5 or 6 trailers trying to figure this game out and have given Kojima every benefit of the doubt imaginable.

Obviously many are still confused and/or dissatisfied and Kojima realizes this because he fundamentally altered his original marketing plan by releasing 49 minutes of gameplay (telling his “true” fans to ignore the footage and to follow the original marketing plan to be surprised).

We all just sat through 49 minutes to learn the surprise Kojima is apparently still saving for his “true” fans and it’s largely more of the same stuff.

Some are disappointed (count me among them) but that doesn’t make someone a hater. I think many wanted to be excited for this game but there just isn’t much to be excited over besides graphics.

He really should’ve shown a few cities or a different environment.

There's a difference between saying "not for me" and deliberately antagonising those who are interested in the game or people who are fans of Kojima's work.

You would think that this is the only game releasing for the rest of this year with the way that some people are reacting to this. It will be ok, there are plenty of other types of games out there that you can enjoy.

Edit: case in point, the post above mine.

There's a distinct lack of maturity when it comes to people discussing things they personally don't like when it comes to videogames. I don't like heavy metal music for example so I'll simply say "I don't like this", not get all sanctimonious and say "how can anyone like heavy metal!?". Big difference between the two.
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As I said on the yesterday's video, this is still sleep-inducing, typical from a Kojima "game". I can't even imagine how the final game will be.


There's a difference between saying "not for me" and deliberately antagonising those who are interested in the game or people who are fans of Kojima's work.

You would think that this is the only game releasing for the rest of this year with the way that some people are reacting to this. It will be ok, there are plenty of other types of games out there that you can enjoy.

Edit: case in point, the post above mine.

There's a distinct lack of maturity when it comes to people discussing things they personally don't like when it comes to videogames. I don't like heavy metal music for example so I'll simply say "I don't like this", not get all sanctimonious and say "how can anyone like heavy metal!?". Big difference between the two.

Totally agree with you. I don't get it, if you dont like the game why even bother posting in a thread about a video game you know you wont like. This is like talking to dumb WWE fans who complain about the product but still watch the show and pay for everything they ?????
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It also looks like it's gonna get the same reception as that movie.

Well, to be fair to The Postman, it HAD a plot before Costner was allow to dip his pen in an do bunch of heavy nodding and rewrites.

Rockstar celeb ruins film... who knew.
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There's a difference between saying "not for me" and deliberately antagonising those who are interested in the game or people who are fans of Kojima's work.

You would think that this is the only game releasing for the rest of this year with the way that some people are reacting to this. It will be ok, there are plenty of other types of games out there that you can enjoy.

Edit: case in point, the post above mine.

There's a distinct lack of maturity when it comes to people discussing things they personally don't like when it comes to videogames. I don't like heavy metal music for example so I'll simply say "I don't like this", not get all sanctimonious and say "how can anyone like heavy metal!?". Big difference between the two.

Do you think reactions would be different if he showed some different environments?

I mean you’re traveling across the U.S. right? So there must be tons of destinations that look like burned out cities...why not show just one of those?

The terrain can’t be the same from state to state right? Well show that then.

His choices don’t make much sense (particularly since this is a 49 minute video intended to move the fence sitters).


There's a difference between saying "not for me" and deliberately antagonising those who are interested in the game or people who are fans of Kojima's work.

You would think that this is the only game releasing for the rest of this year with the way that some people are reacting to this. It will be ok, there are plenty of other types of games out there that you can enjoy.

Edit: case in point, the post above mine.

There's a distinct lack of maturity when it comes to people discussing things they personally don't like when it comes to videogames. I don't like heavy metal music for example so I'll simply say "I don't like this", not get all sanctimonious and say "how can anyone like heavy metal!?". Big difference between the two.
You good sir, is a reasonable human being. I like that. Hope your reply makes some people more sensitive to what others like or don't like. :messenger_grinning:


How can you guys look at these janky animations and say this looks great? The combat seems boring as hell too.

I dunno what animations looked 'janky', they look very similar to MGS animations, probably the same animator and that was never criticized much in that area.... I don't remember any. Maybe cause it was multiplatform?!?

The exclusivity has a lot of people with a target on this...

The same arguments are ubiquitous when sony exclusives come out... janky animations, its a film, no gameplay, canned animation, walking simulator etc etc.
You could set your watch by this shit....
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