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Deep Rock Galactic |OT| Rock & Stone Brother! (Early Access)



Basic Info:

Release: February 28th, 2018 (Early Access)
Platform: PC (Steam Early Access), Windows 10 Game Preview, Xbox One
Website: https://www.deeprockgalactic.com/
Price: 25.00 USD / 22.99 EUR
Players: 1-4 Co-op
Developers: Ghost Ship Games (based in Copenhagen, Denmark)
Publisher: Coffee Stain Publishing (based in Skvode, Sweden)
Initial Development: April 2016
Engine: Unreal Engine 4


Deep Rock Galactic is a Co-op-First Sci-Fi FPS featuring foul-mouthed badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. Deep Rock Galactic focuses on creating a one-of-a-kind co-op experience with four specialized classes, a plethora of heavy weaponry and high-tech gadgets, and next-level space mining to collect gold, gems, and other precious minerals for your corporate overlords. Hoxxes IV has the highest concentration of valuable minerals ever discovered; however, everything on the planet from the creatures to the fauna is extremely hostile. Good thing Deep Rock Galactic employs the best space miners in the universe, Dwarves! Combining two things Dwarves love most, mining and killing monsters, this is the perfect job for any proud space-faring Dwarf.



As the SCOUT, you are the only one to carry the powerful FLARE GUN, and the entire team depends on you for light. To scout ahead, you are also equipped with a GRAPPLING HOOK, letting you get to almost anywhere. But, while you are carrying an ASSAULT RIFLE and SAWED OFF SHOTGUN, you should still be careful not to get cut off from your team - the caves don't take kindly to lone explorers.


As the GUNNER, your position is at the forefront of any battle, cutting down aliens using you high-caliber MINIGUN and heavy-duty REVOLVER. You are also equipped with an extremely handy ZIPLINE LAUNCHER, allowing the entire team to easily get across almost any chasm of obstacle.


As the DRILLER, you'll be equipped with a set of TITANIUM POWERDRILLS. Your job is to clear any blocked tunnels and obstacles in the path of your team, and in combat you are also a force to be reckoned with: Your drills make short work of most enemies up close, and for longer range engagements you are equipped with a heavy duty FLAMETHROWER.


As an ENGINEER, you carry two essential items for surviving the caves - the PLATFORM GUN shoot climbable platforms onto any surface, and your automated SENTRY TURRETS lay down blistering hails of support fire - if you manage to set up before you're killed. You may not be the sturdiest of the dwarves, but your combat shotgun and devastating GRENADE LAUNCHER still make you a formidable opponent.


Supporter Upgrade:

Price: N/A
So you like Deep Rock Galactic, but it’s just not enough? You want more? Well, then the Supporter Upgrade is for you! Help fuel further development of the game, while getting your grubby mining-gloves on this tasty bag of exclusive treats:

  • The unique Supporter Badge, shown next to your name ingame!
  • An exclusive set of blinged-out armor for each class!
  • Our heartfelt and eternal thanks and gratitude <3

Important note:
By buying this DLC you are first of all showing your support to the game and to us, the developers. The bling-bling in the list above is just icing on the cake!

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I saw this at a game conference awhile ago and then forgot about it. It looks like fun.

I assume I’ll have to purchase through the Windows Store on PC?

So is kind of like Evolve meets Minecraft?
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I saw this at a game conference awhile ago and then forgot about it.

I assume I’ll have to purchase through the Windows Store on PC?

So is kind of like Evolve meets Minecraft?
It's on Steam as well. Though the Windows 10 store and Xbox One versions have cross-play. And somewhat, though it's definitely it's own experience. More like some Left 4 Dead in there as well.
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It's on Steam as well. Though the Windows 10 store and Xbox One versions have cross-play. And somewhat, though it's definitely it's own experience. More like some Left 4 Dead in there as well.


For a co-op game the version with crossplay will probably be best for me.

Are there any hands on impression articles out there? It looks pretty fun
Thanks again.

Just read that it has both performance and cosmetic progression, which is great (Sea of Thieves needs performance progression).

Also just read that it’s 1800p and 60fps locked on One X
I know there is Xbox one/window's corssplay but does anyone know if people who bought it on steam can play with people that bought on Xbox/windows?


I know there is Xbox one/window's corssplay but does anyone know if people who bought it on steam can play with people that bought on Xbox/windows?

This is a very good question. I'd like confirmation as well. I want to buy the version that will have the most players/sustained community. Since I don't own an Xbox console, my choices are either the Xbox Marketplace for the PC version(which I could then cross-play with Xbox users) or "Steam".


Gold Member
I bought it, played it...it's pretty fun with friends. Eerily reminds me of No Man's Sky though when you play solo. Anybody else get that feeling?


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman
Kicking off the content roadmap, some major new additions are being made to the existing Deep Rock Galactic experience. Among the highlights is an "epic Boss monster," a fifth playable dwarf class and updates to other existing systems. All features are set to be added in forthcoming patches, throughout the game's pre-release period.
  • An epic Boss monster that will challenge your cooperative skills.
  • A 5th Dwarf class.
  • An updated Vanity system for much more detailed customization of your dwarf (more beards!)
  • Random Mission mutators to further challenge players.
  • Stats for each player - the company will track your performance as an employee and award you (or punish you!) accordingly.
  • An advanced damage system to add more depth to the combat.
  • A new/updated Class Upgrade system.
  • More enemies, more cave content, more biomes, more fun on the Spacerig, more barrels, more, more, MORE!


Next time this goes on sale I'm getting it. I was planning on waiting for release but I want to try it already.


I’m loving it. I’ve been playing with two friends and the game is a constant source of hilarity. It looked fun from the trailers, but it surpassed all of our expectations.

i started recording some of our games. Here’s one match, though it’s not one of our more exciting missions.



This releases out of early access today. Excited to see how much this grows in the coming years. Ghost Ship games seem really passionate about their game and the community around it.

I played it a bit when EA started. Was fun but needed a much more fleshed out sense of progression. Has that been addressed?

I picked it up around 2 months ago and I think there's a reasonable amount of carrots to be chased. There's a skill tree for weapons and armor that allows you to customize your loadout beyond simply what weapon you want to use. Alternate weapons to unlock for each class. 5 hazard/difficulty levels to progress through as you level up. There's an entirely different endgame tier of missions called "deep dives" that allow you to unlock powerful overclock mods for weapons. There's a good amount of cosmetic items to unlock via leveling each class up - as well as cosmetics that you can randomly find while on dives. I don't know how much of this was in game last you played - but I think it's well fleshed out with plenty of goals to focus on. My group has played for probably around 20-30 hours and we're still not even close to being able to attempt the end game deep dives.


I bought the game a month ago and already put 100 hours in it. The game is a modern classic of coop, its simply great.

The map generation tech they use is some genius creation, the maps are all different and diverse every time you play.

The graphics is really impresive, especially the lightning. The art is great, the music is great, the voice acting for dwarves is superb.

I recommend everybody to buy it, its one of the best, if not the best coop experience imho.


Such a shame people prefer to argue about flops and SSDs these days instead of actually having fun. This is one of the best games I've played in years.
I bought the game a month ago and already put 100 hours in it. The game is a modern classic of coop, its simply great.

The map generation tech they use is some genius creation, the maps are all different and diverse every time you play.

The graphics is really impresive, especially the lightning. The art is great, the music is great, the voice acting for dwarves is superb.

I recommend everybody to buy it, its one of the best, if not the best coop experience imho.

Thanks for the feedback, I will try to jump back into it soon and check out what has been added since it first launched on EA. I wonder what the playerbase is like on Steam currently
I bought the game a month ago and already put 100 hours in it. The game is a modern classic of coop, its simply great.

The map generation tech they use is some genius creation, the maps are all different and diverse every time you play.

The graphics is really impresive, especially the lightning. The art is great, the music is great, the voice acting for dwarves is superb.

I recommend everybody to buy it, its one of the best, if not the best coop experience imho.
Hmmm how is the destruction? It looks approximately like Gmod from Red Faction.

Co-op, procedural generation, hordes, survival elements like limited ammo... sounds right up my alley.


Hmmm how is the destruction? It looks approximately like Gmod from Red Faction.

Co-op, procedural generation, hordes, survival elements like limited ammo... sounds right up my alley.
You can dig in any direction any place, everything is destructible. As far as i remember geomod from Red Faction was much more limited.
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Jesus this really is the game that keeps on giving. Didn't expect them to be able to commit to all these post-launch updates as well! Me likey.
I've put like 53 hours in the span of like 1.5 weeks. The game has me hooked for sure. It's such a well balanced co-op shooter with a great sense of humor and solid art/music direction. It's a fantastic game.

Are you getting matched with other players pretty quickly? I haven’t played since the beginning of Early Access


Love this game. I've been waiting for over a year for it to emerge from early access, and man was it worth the wait.

It's fun, gorgeous, addicting, technically impressive, uncommonly well-polished, and beaming with character and charm. It feels like a game the creators loved making, and I love playing it.

I can't recommend it highly enough.

Review from Gamingbolt

The most impressive thing about Deep Rock Galactic is how much it packs in to try and keep you engaged and invested in the long run. Apart from the central self perpetuating gameplay loop, you have different mission types, taking place across different subterranean biomes (though visual variety within a given cavern can be minimal, which can make navigating them extremely difficult; the poor in-game map does not help here either).

It’s also surprising how polished it feels. The game is now out of a long early access period, which means it’s had a long time to iron out any kinks and issues, but that’s true for a lot of games that still launch feeling half-baked and janky so many times. Deep Rock Galactic is extremely polished, however, from its UI, to its visuals, to the excellent music, and the great voice acting.

"Once you’re back from your mission, you can use the resources you gathered to upgrade your gear – creating an almost Monster Hunter style loot driven experience that further makes you want to keep at it."

The Good

Smart and witty writing; extremely compelling gameplay loop, alternating between meticulous planning and blind panic; combat and navigation can become a thrilling exercise in resource management; extremely polished; packed with content, and extremely varied

The Bad

Tunnels can look samey; in-game map borders on being useless; co-op can make things far too easy

Score - 8 out of 10
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