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Demo PlayStation VR at Select Best Buy Stores (Every weekend through December)


I'm having a crisis over which demo to try first. What makes the best first impression of VR? (London Heist is not possible, demoing at Best Buy)


I'm having a crisis over which demo to try first. What makes the best first impression of VR? (London Heist is not possible, demoing at Best Buy)

They really need something else with move to demo with. It just adds so much to be able to move your hands.
I keep repeating that, but it's so true.


I'm hoping to try it this weekend. I really wish Robinson was one of the demo titles. That's the game that got me interested in PSVR to start with; I love me some dinosaurs.


So what should I try? I've heard The Shark Demo is impressive as a demonstration of VR, but it's not very interactive.

Eve is my kind of aesthetic. I'm a huge Macross and Star Wars fan so I've always wanted to be inside a space dogfighting game. Plus you can see your body in this demo, which I'm interested in. (I hate the idea of floating hands and no body below your neck. Defeats the purpose of VR for me.)

Then there is Battlezone, which a lot of people say is great, but I'm not in love with the idea or aesthetic of it like I am for Eve. But I think most people agree it's s better game.

Aggghh.. which of the three should be my first?

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Just played super hyper cube and it was dope as fuuuuuuuck!!
I'm so happy. Work granted me the 24th off for the Sandusky, OH GameStop VR showing from 10-3. I really hope there aren't that many people so that I can try out a variety of demos.
Just played super hyper cube and it was dope as fuuuuuuuck!!

When I went to the demo I tried this, Eve and Battlezone. Funny enough, of the three I felt like Super Hyper Cube sold me on VR games the most of the three. When I played the other two I enjoyed the VR addition, but realized you could play them and ignore the VR mechanic entirely (not as fun, but possible). Super Hyper Cube actually required you to move, not as a simple gimmick, but as an actual part of the game.
My wife and I are off to try it again. :)

Just got back. The screen door effect was really noticeable on the soccer heading demo, especially in darker areas.

Think I am going to wait for the second hardware version before jumping in.
Hmm. It must not be a popular choice. I don't think I heard anyone talk about it before.

Obviously, everybody in the lines always hype up EVE: Valkyrie so that's what they put on even though it's the worst of the bunch.

If SuperHyperCube and Headmaster got better promotion or word of mouth people would like it better and be more immersed.


Obviously, everybody in the lines always hype up EVE: Valkyrie so that's what they put on even though it's the worst of the bunch.

If SuperHyperCube and Headmaster got better promotion or word of mouth people would like it better and be more immersed.

Is EVE really the worst? Agh. I'm still agonizing over what to try for my first VR experience on Friday and I was leaning toward EVE.


Is EVE really the worst? Agh. I'm still agonizing over what to try for my first VR experience on Friday and I was leaning toward EVE.

If you're interested in just playing a game and not as much as the depth the tech can go. I'd say play Battlezone?

If you want to see a good example of what PS VR can offer in terms of immersion, go with London Heist if that's available when you go.

I personally did the latter because I wanted to experience having hands in VR. I wanted to be able to test the limits of silly stuff I could do, and games with a controller can't do that as well as a move in each hands can.


Is EVE really the worst? Agh. I'm still agonizing over what to try for my first VR experience on Friday and I was leaning toward EVE.

It's a bad game and it sounds like the PS4 version runs significantly below the native 960x1080 resolution.
I have no idea why anyone would choose Oculus over Vive if they had a capable PC

I chose the Rift over the Vive because:

- More comfortable on my face.
- Rift is smaller and looks way less stupid than the Vive. The Vive aesthetics are extremely off-putting to me.
- Rift has built-in headphones, which I find pleasing. And they can be removed should my mind ever change.
- Rift has better screens IMO.
- I found out that moving around while playing games sucks when I got the Kinect, so I'm not making the same mistake with the Vive. I'll sit and play games all day long.
- $200 cheaper, I like having the option of buying the Touch controllers instead of them being automatically included.

But that's just me.


So that was annoying... I went to my nearest Best Buy on Sunday because the website said their demo was running from 11:30am to 4:30pm and the setup was nowhere to be found. I stopped and asked one of the people working in home theater about it and they said "Yeah, they were supposed to be here at 11:30am and we haven't seen them yet." It was just after 2pm.

I had other stuff I needed to do in the area (it's a half hour from home), but still, kind of miffed that I wasted my time.
So that was annoying... I went to my nearest Best Buy on Sunday because the website said their demo was running from 11:30am to 4:30pm and the setup was nowhere to be found. I stopped and asked one of the people working in home theater about it and they said "Yeah, they were supposed to be here at 11:30am and we haven't seen them yet." It was just after 2pm.

I had other stuff I needed to do in the area (it's a half hour from home), but still, kind of miffed that I wasted my time.
I don't get why Sony is having a lot of no shows.


Need advice again...

I wear glasses to see things at a distance. I've heard that seeing thing in VR mirrors your real eyesight. So should I wear my glasses when I play? If I don't, will things far in the background be blurry?
Need advice again...

I wear glasses to see things at a distance. I've heard that seeing thing in VR mirrors your real eyesight. So should I wear my glasses when I play? If I don't, will things far in the background be blurry?

Really depends, experiencies are varied depending hows your eyesight, some people see better in VR without their glasses others don't.


Well it finally happened. I finally tried PSVR. Met all my expectations. It was pure awesome.

Literally the only bad thing I noticed was the field of view. But once the game starts you tend to forget about it.
Well it finally happened. I finally tried PSVR. Met all my expectations. It was pure awesome.

Literally the only bad thing I noticed was the field of view. But once the game starts you tend to forget about it.

Did you try it with or without glasses?

Curious to know which made you feel better :)
I tried PSVR today. I played the Heist demo. It was my first time using Move controllers as well. My only other VR experience has been Gear VR.

Sadly, I walked away thinking "meh". The novelty of picking objects up and throwing them wore off after 1 minute, and I didn't think the shooting felt good at all. Graphically, it was OK. Resolution was a bit iffy for sure. There's no way I'm spending like $700 Canadian on this. I'd maybe spend about $300 to play some of the more fleshed out games. I feel I would get bored of the little bite size experiences very fast.


On my way home from work today, I FINALLY got to try PSVR...

I tried two demos, PSVR Worlds (the undersea shark cage) and Eve Valkyrie. The one thing that was consistent between both demos was that I was taken aback by how immersive it was. In the shark cage, the sense of depth under the water was insane and even though I knew it was all an illusion, I jumped when the shark first bumped the cage and flinched when it started attacking. By the end, I was actually relieved when the cage started to be dragged back up.

The Eve demo was a little less "wow" to me, if only because I'm not big on space dog fight games. The targeting was a little frustrating too, I felt like trying to hit anything with my shots was a chore and the supposed "lock-on" was anything but precise. But my complaints could also be from those sorts of games not being my forte.

I don't know if it was the resolution, the focus on the headset or what, but the picture quality wasn't great. I mean it was good enough, but not having the fidelity of a good 1080p display does dampen the impressiveness a hair, but overall, I was pleasantly surprised.

All told, I'm kicking myself for cancelling my preorder. Especially knowing it's coming out around the holidays and so there's a snowball's chance in hell I'll be able to find one on store shelves for a while. I'm hoping that maybe retailers get updated allotments and open up for more waves of preorders, but I'm not holding my breath for that.


I jumped when the shark first bumped the cage and flinched when it started attacking. By the end, I was actually relieved when the cage started to be dragged back up.

The Eve demo was a little less "wow" to me, if only because I'm not big on space dog fight games. The targeting was a little frustrating too, I felt like trying to hit anything with my shots was a chore and the supposed "lock-on" was anything but precise. .

Ha. Did you get that uneasy feeling when the shark ripped the door completely off?

I'm not sure it was just you with the Eve demo. I found the gameplay really lacking. If you get a chance to try it again Battlezone is the one that is a fun game, not just a neat VR experience.


All told, I'm kicking myself for cancelling my preorder. Especially knowing it's coming out around the holidays and so there's a snowball's chance in hell I'll be able to find one on store shelves for a while. I'm hoping that maybe retailers get updated allotments and open up for more waves of preorders, but I'm not holding my breath for that.

There's not going to be any more pre-orders for release. But they also want to have enough boxes available in retail stores. So you might have some luck there if you go there early enough on the 13th.


weird, its way better than GearVR in the SDE department, and that seems to be the consesus. Actual engine resolutions and AA is a different story though.

Agreed, the optics are so much better than Gear VR (which I own), and the general fidelity and clarity of the image was a step above. I'd actually decided to cancel my preorder before I tried a Battlezone demo, but immediately after the demo, I re-preordered with the helpful sales rep. Can't wait for the 13th.
Agreed, the optics are so much better than Gear VR (which I own), and the general fidelity and clarity of the image was a step above. I'd actually decided to cancel my preorder before I tried a Battlezone demo, but immediately after the demo, I re-preordered with the helpful sales rep. Can't wait for the 13th.

Hmmm maybe I need to try that demo. Because The Heist has me thinking of cancelling my pre-order. I was not impressed. I didnt find the quality of the image much better than Gear VR.
Agreed, the optics are so much better than Gear VR (which I own), and the general fidelity and clarity of the image was a step above. I'd actually decided to cancel my preorder before I tried a Battlezone demo, but immediately after the demo, I re-preordered with the helpful sales rep. Can't wait for the 13th.

Shouldn't the optics be better on the Gear VR? Using a Samsung S7 Edge you've got a 5.5" screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 and on the PSVR you've got a 5.7" screen at 1920 x 1080. Why would the screen door effect be worse on Gear VR?
Shouldn't the optics be better on the Gear VR? Using a Samsung S7 Edge you've got a 5.5" screen with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 and on the PSVR you've got a 5.7" screen at 1920 x 1080. Why would the screen door effect be worse on Gear VR?

PlayStation VR is a 1920xRGBx1080 screen. Individual red, green and blue sub-pixels for each pixel means less screen door. The PSVR reportedly has great lenses too which helps.


Ha. Did you get that uneasy feeling when the shark ripped the door completely off?

I'm not sure it was just you with the Eve demo. I found the gameplay really lacking. If you get a chance to try it again Battlezone is the one that is a fun game, not just a neat VR experience.
I did! It was way more intense and convincing than I thought it'd be.

There's not going to be any more pre-orders for release. But they also want to have enough boxes available in retail stores. So you might have some luck there if you go there early enough on the 13th.
I don't know. I didn't have to wait in line to try it and my coworker didn't either who went on one of the first demo days, so maybe there's not heavy interest where I live?

On the other hand, I'm sure there's assholes who will try to get one just to flip it. It might just be one of those wait-and-see things where I head down to the store and if I see a huge line, I turn around and go home. I'm not waiting overnight for this, nor will I wait more than an hour or two.
How does this beast hold up against the vive? I have 3 days left to decide whether to keep the vive or return it and purchase the ps set. Anyone here with a vive test out the psvr? Besides the room scale is there any major differences?


How does this beast hold up against the vive? I have 3 days left to decide whether to keep the vive or return it and purchase the ps set. Anyone here with a vive test out the psvr? Besides the room scale is there any major differences?

Everything I've read has told me they are very comparable (if you're not taking into account room scale like you said).

I've only done PSVR, but it sold me on it.
I got to try a PSVR for the first time today. I already have a preorder and I really wanted to get a feeling how good or bad the image quality is. That was my main goal really. I originally chose to see Battlezone but changed my mind last minute to The Heist because I wanted to see how well the move controllers worked.

When he first put the headset on and I was in the blue system menus and the yellow/gold VR Worlds menu room (with the crystals), I was really impressed with the image quality. It was far better that I was expecting based on everything I'd heard or read. I could easily spend a lot of time playing games in VR if they looked and good as this did. When The Heist finally loaded the image quality took a bit of a nose dive and was noticeably worse. The immersion and responsiveness of the move controllers was perfect, never once did it feel like it was getting in the way of me aiming or reloading and it all felt very natural. Because the image quality looked so much better in the menu room than in game its leading me to believe that the hardware/lenses/screens are very capable of great image quality. Its just that the PS4 is being stretched a little to thin with trying to maintain a high frame rate for both eyes. Neo is going to do wonders for PSVR games if they can get games rendering at the native resolution of the screen. I came away very impressed but I think the device is being let down by the PS4. As someone who will no doubt buy a Neo on day one I'm really excited for the potential of the headset.

The guy doing the demo did say that the headset on show today was a slightly earlier one than the retail version and he'd tried one that was slightly better. I doubt this is true and this was more than likely him trying to make a sale.


... Because the image quality looked so much better in the menu room than in game its leading me to believe that the hardware/lenses/screens are very capable of great image quality. Its just that the PS4 is being stretched a little to thin with trying to maintain a high frame rate for both eyes....

Pure speculation on my part, but I would think that the menu probably uses supersampling while the game does not (or at least on a smaller scale). Read somewhere that supersampling works wonders in VR. Maybe someone with more knowledge on this can elaborate.
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