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Denis Dyack is working "on an IP that's our most requested" for the next generation.


Silicon Knights will have a lot to celebrate. Blood Omen was followed by three more successful games: Eternal Darkness: Sanity Requiem, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and Too Human. And the company will release its much anticipated X-Men: Destiny in September.

But, Dyack may be too busy to do much celebrating. He's working on his latest epiphany: becoming his own publisher.

"Within a few years' time, gamers won't be buying games in boxes at stores," says Dyack. "Digital distribution and cloud computing are changing all that – and it represents a huge opportunity for content creators and providers like us to be our own publishers and communicate directly with our fans."



Jealous Bastard
i'm imagining what this COULD be in my head, and it's really so wonderful. so few games tread even a tiny piece of the same ground that ED did; if SK elaborated on the parts of ED that were really special, focusing on atmosphere and seeing locations evolve and using your past knowledge of them to solve puzzles in the future, this could be SO good.

high apple pie in the sky hopes.
It can't be anything ELSE but Eternal Darkness, cuz it's literally the only thing Silicon Knights ever did that people care about.

And no, Legacy of Kain doesn't count, because they legally can't work on that franchise.
Eternal Darkness 2 with the vitality sensor would be incredible!

Wasn't there a rumor that said that Retro Studios might be working on Eternal Darkness 2? I tried to search but I didn't find anything... maybe it was all in my mind...

Also I wouldn't mind a "Twin Snakes 2" in the form of Metal Gear Solid 2 with 7th/8th gen graphics, MGS4 gameplay and most codec cutscenes upgraded to full CG (especially considering that there were a LOT that happened between two characters in the same room....)

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Nintendo Patent the Insanity Effects or something along those lines?


I'd buy Eternal Darkness 2, I'd buy Too Human 2.

Just, as someone else said, don't change ED into a fucking TPS or something.

And, if it is Too Human 2... 4 players CoOp!


Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Nintendo Patent the Insanity Effects or something along those lines?

They patented insanity effects insomuch as being an actual gameplay mechanic, rather than scripted bits.

Well, you probably know what I mean by the difference there.


Eternal Darkness was one of my favorite games on the GameCube.

It would be really great, but somehow I can't imagine Nintendo publishing it (if they would, they'd already have done it imo...)


Do they conclusively mean WiiU as the "next-gen" system?

They've yet to receive dev kits of other next-gen systems unless they work together with either Sony or Microsoft. Only high calibre studios have received dev kits, right?


No surprise if it's ED2. They teased it in the first game already, pretty much


I absolutely loved the first Eternal Darkness. Played through all three versions of the storyline for the true ending.

I'd also like a spin-off where Maximillian Roivas takes a stroll through Revolutionary War-era America, visiting the local baker to stock up on bread, humming a patriotic tune and winking at the ladies all flirty-like.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Shame if it is Eternal Darkness. The tricks and madness thing would be seen a mile away by gamers (and all of the tricks would be spoiled months in advance). It would then have to rely completely on gameplay and SK is sourly lacking in delivering in that department. I can't give this studio the benefit of the doubt when the two games they have released since 2004 (Too Human and X Men Destiny) have been so piss poor.

Just release an Eternal Darkness HD remix or something and concentrate on actually releasing a finished game for once.


They've yet to receive dev kits of other next-gen systems unless they work together with either Sony or Microsoft. Only high calibre studios have received dev kits, right?

Also, Dyack has been talking about this game for at least a year now which makes it even less likely that they would have a dev kit other than a WiiU one.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
They patented insanity effects insomuch as being an actual gameplay mechanic, rather than scripted bits.

Well, you probably know what I mean by the difference there.

I don't understand how you can do that really. I do remember Atari trying to patent scrolling in games back when gaming was in its infancy and that didn't pan out. Probably two different things, but if you can patent gameplay mechanics then what's stopping other companies from patenting regenerating health, third person cover system, etc etc?


Shame if it is Eternal Darkness. The tricks and madness thing would be seen a mile away by gamers (and all of the tricks would be spoiled months in advance). It would then have to rely completely on gameplay and SK is sourly lacking in delivering in that department. I can't give this studio the benefit of the doubt when the two games they have released since 2004 (Too Human and X Men Destiny) have been so piss poor.
I didn't give a shit about the madness effects, the story and the historical scenarios were the cool things of the game for me.
Honestly I hope it's Too Human. The first was quite 'meh' but I could see them making some tweaks to the formula and turning it into a fun multiplayer RPG.


It's probably just Dyack being delusional and thinking anyone wants a sequel to Too Human.

I'd totally buy Eternal Darkness 2, though, and I never buy horror games. Except Eternal Darkness 1. :p


I don't understand how you can do that really. I do remember Atari trying to patent scrolling in games back when gaming was in its infancy and that didn't pan out. Probably two different things, but if you can patent gameplay mechanics then what's stopping other companies from patenting regenerating health, third person cover system, etc etc?

I think it has to be a very specific implementation in order for it to be OK'd for patent purposes. Example: Mark of Kri's enemy targeting system. There's been plenty of games to utilize lock-on targeting before and after that game, but using the right analog stick to assign buttons to different enemies is certainly specific enough for Sony to obtain a patent for it.


I could care less about the sanity effects. The thing that made Eternal Darknes work and would be just as strong in a sequel is the sense of true, unrelenting EVIL that can appear anywhere at anytime and has been laboring for millennia to destroy the world, something you really appreciate the gravity of since you play multiple characters in various points in history, many of which die horrific deaths, and it's all framed by a modern-day hub where subtle changes occur every step of the way, telegraphing the approach of something terrible. I seriously dreaded returning to the Roivas estate after each chapter; I would carefully check each room to see if something changed, and shit like the
hanged body
and the
body in the bathtub
made it an excruciating exercise in suspense. THAT'S what made the game so special. :)


I believe that's a sanity effect. Just like the one where the game tells you that the player reached the end of the demo version :p

We don't know what he's been talking about. They've worked on various titles and prototypes. One of them was canned last October when the publisher dropped out at last second.
Sega would have been the publisher right? Regarding that project I mean.



That image is just an insanity effect.

Also, Dyack has been talking about this game for at least a year now which makes it even less likely that they would have a dev kit other than a WiiU one.

We don't know what he's been talking about. They've worked on various titles and prototypes. One of them was canned last October when the publisher dropped out at last second.


lol, it would be Legacy of Kain or Soul Reaver 100 times before ED.


Metal Gear Solid 2: The Triplet Snakes.
Please be Eternal Darkness 2 for the WiiU... Please be Eternal Darkness 2 for the WiiU... Blood Omen would be fine too but Please be Eternal Darkness 2 for the WiiU...
This would be a good thing IMO. Its why I wished the "steambox" Valve console rumor had been true. If you cut out the need to pay for physical manufacturing, art, boxes, and distribution then suddenly people can make games WAY easier. Not only that but anyone can publish their own title directly to a console. Its why Indie games have taken off so hard with PC and Steam. If all consoles were digital I'd miss the disc as well, because I like collecting, but it'd greatly increase profits and it would allow companies to push more content into games.

Its going to happen just like he says. The industry just can't afford to keep taking losses in the market and this is the fastest way to force a profit back into things. Plus it really kills the used market they so complain about these days. So long as they remember how important Steam sales have been in keeping profits up it'll be a great thing for gamers too because sales on digital games make used game sales look pathetic. You can get 48 sega games for 7 dollars on amazon right now and I got for $30 over a dozen solid titles at Xmas on steam this year. Bring on the digital age. My wallet and the industry's is ready.
The majority of the money goes into developing the games not the packaging or the distribution. Even with DD this reality will remain that for larger projects someone will need to fund them and pay the wages of the 10s of people working for several months to develop one game. For the immediate future only small and more manageable projects will be viable with the self publishing method. The reason devs are bleeding money is typically bad management and inflated budgets nothing more.


Silicon Knights will have a lot to celebrate. Blood Omen was followed by three more successful games: Eternal Darkness: Sanity Requiem, Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes and Too Human. And the company will release its much anticipated X-Men: Destiny in September.

But, Dyack may be too busy to do much celebrating. He's working on his latest epiphany: becoming his own publisher.

"Within a few years' time, gamers won't be buying games in boxes at stores," says Dyack. "Digital distribution and cloud computing are changing all that – and it represents a huge opportunity for content creators and providers like us to be our own publishers and communicate directly with our fans."

This would be a good thing IMO. Its why I wished the "steambox" Valve console rumor had been true. If you cut out the need to pay for physical manufacturing, art, boxes, and distribution then suddenly people can make games WAY easier. Not only that but anyone can publish their own title directly to a console. Its why Indie games have taken off so hard with PC and Steam. If all consoles were digital I'd miss the disc as well, because I like collecting, but it'd greatly increase profits and it would allow companies to push more content into games.

Its going to happen just like he says. The industry just can't afford to keep taking losses in the market and this is the fastest way to force a profit back into things. Plus it really kills the used market they so complain about these days. So long as they remember how important Steam sales have been in keeping profits up it'll be a great thing for gamers too because sales on digital games make used game sales look pathetic. You can get 48 sega games for 7 dollars on amazon right now and I got for $30 over a dozen solid titles at Xmas on steam this year. Bring on the digital age. My wallet and the industry's is ready.
if it was indeed ED2 and actually be a GOOD game, then day freaking one on that!!!!

the first was truly one of the best games the GC had, unmatched atmosphere!


I think its a perfect situation for Nintendo. Considering the shaky ground Silicon Knights has been on recently, they were probably able to dictate terms with SK on costs and development of the game, that they otherwise would have gotten push back. Plus, it's another "core" IP that is published by Nintendo.

I'd love if at E3, on stage Reggie says "Oh, Nintendo only makes kiddie games?" then the video rolls: Eternal Darkness 2, Retro Studios game, Monolith Soft next RPG.
I'd love if at E3, on stage Reggie says "Oh, Nintendo only makes kiddie games?" then the video rolls: Eternal Darkness 2, Retro Studios game, Monolith Soft next RPG.

That sounds silly. This quest to show that Nintendo is "mature" died like 10 years ago. Nobody uses that narrative anymore. If anything, "kiddie" games are what sells Nintendo doesn't want to distance themselves from that image. They've embraced it.


That sounds silly. This quest to show that Nintendo is "mature" died like 10 years ago. Nobody uses that narrative anymore. If anything, "kiddie" games are what sells Nintendo doesn't want to distance themselves from that image. They've embraced it.

Maybe, but I still remember Reggie showing the first Metroid Other M trailer at E3 two years ago saying: "could a new edgier game also be coming from us?" And later on commenting on theit Team Ninja partnership that that is a development team with "a proven trackrecord in the maturespace" or something like that. So Nintendo is definitely aware of the so-called kiddie image and do try to please more mature audiences also.


That sounds silly. This quest to show that Nintendo is "mature" died like 10 years ago. Nobody uses that narrative anymore. If anything, "kiddie" games are what sells Nintendo doesn't want to distance themselves from that image. They've embraced it.

Maybe kiddie/mature isn't the right way to phrase it, but Nintendo still has an image problem that it makes casual, family friendly games and nothing else. That's generally untrue, but it'd be great if they can show a handful of Nintendo published games aimed at the adult/core market at E3.

I should also add I hate buzzwords like "kiddie", "core", "mature" and they way they are used. But it is what it is.

Shikamaru Ninja

任天堂 の 忍者
Maybe, but I still remember Reggie showing the first Metroid Other M trailer at E3 two years ago saying: "could a new edgier game also be coming from us?" And later on commenting on theit Team Ninja partnership that that is a development team with "a proven trackrecord in the maturespace" or something like that. So Nintendo is definitely aware of the so-called kiddie image and do try to please more mature audiences also.

Kiddie is something from the early 90's. Nintendo has the biggest pop-culture audience worldwide. If anything they are oldie now with soccer moms and Japanese business men playing games like Brain-Age, Stock Market DS, Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc. Not too mention the huge female audience they have.

They may not excel at making bloody action games for that "dudebro" 16-30 Western male demograph, but they generally design games for HUGE demographic nowadays.


lol, it would be Legacy of Kain or Soul Reaver 100 times before ED.
I don't want Dyack and his team anywhere near the Soul Reaver/LoK reboot. Besides Crystal Dynamics have recently hired a great director. They can do without Silicon Knights fucking up their IPs.
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