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Denuvo fails: Mafia Definitive Edition, Death Stranding & More have been cracked




Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
I understand not liking the software because it effects performance of games but celebrating the ability to pirate the games is just...


You've unlocked a hidden feature that replicates the driving in the original Mafia release. They should have titled the first game "Italian Driving Simulator" because, good God, you had to do a lot of slow driving for the majority of that game.
:D True!

Actually the issue was very simple to solve and also quite obvious, other than being totally not related to denuvo; I was running out of gas with some of the cars I had in the garage, so I needed to drive to a gas station, that's all.
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Gold Member
I understand not liking the software because it effects performance of games but celebrating the ability to pirate the games is just...
Yeah, who gives a fuck about game owners not being able to play their legitimate copies when denuvo servers are down.
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DRM In games is like a good lock on a door. It will be cracked, it’s all about slowing the attacker down. They prob got most of their sales


So poor they have gaming PCs ?

No, they don't, they just have a pc. Either one they got from school, a leftover from a family member or friend.

I feel like some people here have just never been in a really poor country/community. I have a friend that plays games on a used 660 that I gave him years ago.

Playing games on PC doesn't mean you're playing at 4k 120fps with everything turned to ultra.
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Kinda amazes me people still use warez these days when Trojans and other malware can do so much damage.
Exactly my feelings on it. I used to pirate games a lot when I was a young dude in the early 00s but I stopped by 2008 because I was now making my own money and didn't want to deal with all the viruses. It sucks ass that often times pirates get a better experience than paying customers but fuck all that noise with viruses and having to worry all the time.


No, they don't, they just have a pc. Either one they got from school, a leftover from a family member or friend.

I feel like some people here have just never been in a really poor country/community. I have a friend that plays games on a used 660 that I gave him years ago.

Playing games on PC doesn't mean you're playing at 4k 120fps with everything turned to ultra.

They have some old leftover PC that's running Death Stranding?
I'm not talking 4K 120fps but even running it at 720p needs more than some old laptop with an integrated graphics card.

I'm from South America, not exactly the richest place around. If it's kids and teens then sure, I get it, I pirated everything back then too. But for people with a job the whole "I can't afford it" thing ends up being an excuse the vast majority of the time.
The key element they love to ignore is that you don't need to own every game at launch, if you wait a bit gaming can be quite affordable, specially on PC. Metro Exodus which just came out last year is literally $5.46 on GOG right now thanks to regional pricing.

Now, sure, maybe there's some people that for whatever reason happen to have a gaming capable PC but are also struggling economically to the point that $5 is more than they can afford to spend on a game. In that instance I guess I get it, but let's not pretend that's the reality of the majority of people pirating games.

Honesty I don't really care if people pirate, got plenty of friend that pirate everything from movies to books and games. But let's be honest, the vast majority of people pirate because they simply don't want to spend money on games or they don't want to wait for them to get cheaper.


Gold Member
They have some old leftover PC that's running Death Stranding?
I'm not talking 4K 120fps but even running it at 720p needs more than some old laptop with an integrated graphics card.

10-5 fps? Who cares. If it runs, game on
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They have some old leftover PC that's running Death Stranding?
I'm not talking 4K 120fps but even running it at 720p needs more than some old laptop with an integrated graphics card.

Again, a gtx660 will play death stranding, it plays red dead redemption, yeah you'll be playing at 30fps but who cares.

Edit: Also, I had a friend that beat the entire mass effect series at like 20 fps. So yeah people will play the games at shitty performance if it means they atleast get to play it

I'm from South America, not exactly the richest place around. If it's kids and teens then sure, I get it, I pirated everything back then too. But for people with a job the whole "I can't afford it" thing ends up being an excuse the vast majority of the time.

Most piracy is committed by people who don't have disposable income though.

Sure there are some people who should be buying and don't, but they're a minority.

In that instance I guess I get it, but let's not pretend that's the reality of the majority of people pirating games.

Well I argue that yes it is.

People need computer for school and work. That doesn't mean they have disposable income to buy games.
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mafia done. not bad game but not best as i wished. others i bought anyway .
i played all witcher 3 with all DLC's on 720p laptop 840m gpu it was running on 15-25fps and i beat it all no problem. now on gtx 1060 laptop much better
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People that pirate video games don't intend to purchase them in the first place(in most cases), it is inaccurate to assume that x amount of downloaded copies equals y of a lost profit.

Not only that, if they enjoy the game they might eventually buy it to take advantage of the online play . Without trying the game first that'd not be an option.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
RE3 took fucking forever to crack and someone-who-isn't-me ended up shelling out for a used copy instead.

The problem isn't the copy protections, it's that pirates just go to the used game markets anyway when they can't get their hands on a 5 hour game they're not willing to pay $60 for. Extensive anti-piracy is so redundant.


RE3 took fucking forever to crack and someone-who-isn't-me ended up shelling out for a used copy instead.

The problem isn't the copy protections, it's that pirates just go to the used game markets anyway when they can't get their hands on a 5 hour game they're not willing to pay $60 for. Extensive anti-piracy is so redundant.
I don't think RE3 was cracked, no one was cracking Denuvo at the time. Capcom removed DRM after a few months.


Golden Boy
As always DRM shows time and again thst the only ones it affects negatively are paying customers. Pirates will always wait and find a way to play without paying.
Why do developers still pay for that when they could just implement some weak self-made solutions to protect day one sales and remove it some time later, rather than shoving money down that overpriced pointless garbage-bin called Denuvo.
No, they don't, they just have a pc. Either one they got from school, a leftover from a family member or friend.

I feel like some people here have just never been in a really poor country/community. I have a friend that plays games on a used 660 that I gave him years ago.

Playing games on PC doesn't mean you're playing at 4k 120fps with everything turned to ultra.
I have a cousin who makes $4000 a month, has a $1200 monitor, and a $2000 PC and he still absolutely refuses to pay for games, because how dare they cost money. Gaming is a privilege, you won't starve to death by not playing them, so if you have a good enough config to play a certain game, you should be able to save up for one game, the problem is pirates get used to having hundreds of games available so they want to have all of them. And trust me, I pirated all the way from 2003 untill 2012 when I started making money here and there, ever since then I have most likely bought 90% of the games I have pirated and I only get games that I know I will play.
But hey, whatever makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure you would love to get paid for your work. ( And the whole "the developers are already paid" argument is stupid as shit, if a game fails sales wise a lot of developers loose their jobs, ask the corpses of some of our favorite studios that are no more)


And when that server goes down...

With their previous games they made the games playable offline after they shut down the server.
Also the servers went down twice as far as I can recall. One was forced by the government during a day of silence for the covid 19 victims in China.

You can basically choose a period in which people cannot pirate your game. Then you can just "remove" the drm and that's that.


For the goal of what Denuvo is supposed to do it is a success... stop games being pirated are release... Publisher have secured all the day one sales in all the titles listed due Denuvo.

I’m not sure how the OP tries to spin that in fail lol
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I have a cousin who makes $4000 a month, has a $1200 monitor, and a $2000 PC and he still absolutely refuses to pay for games, because how dare they cost money. Gaming is a privilege, you won't starve to death by not playing them, so if you have a good enough config to play a certain game, you should be able to save up for one game, the problem is pirates get used to having hundreds of games available so they want to have all of them. And trust me, I pirated all the way from 2003 untill 2012 when I started making money here and there, ever since then I have most likely bought 90% of the games I have pirated and I only get games that I know I will play.

Sure, and your cousin is a piece of shit, he should buy games.

Sure, you won't starve, but it's not like people can realistically just work and sleep, we don't lose anything cause some poor fuck in africa pirates a game.

Yeah I pirated games too when I was younger, I didn't have any income, I remember pirating Age of Mythology and played thousands of hours of that game. I still bought the extended edition a few years ago even though I barely touched it. Most of my friends pirated games when they were younger, not they buy them because they can afford it.

But hey, whatever makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure you would love to get paid for your work. ( And the whole "the developers are already paid" argument is stupid as shit, if a game fails sales wise a lot of developers loose their jobs, ask the corpses of some of our favorite studios that are no more)

Most pirates aren't going to buy your game. If a game fails sales wise it wouldn't have succeeded if it had denuvo.
Sure, and your cousin is a piece of shit, he should buy games.

Sure, you won't starve, but it's not like people can realistically just work and sleep, we don't lose anything cause some poor fuck in africa pirates a game.

Yeah I pirated games too when I was younger, I didn't have any income, I remember pirating Age of Mythology and played thousands of hours of that game. I still bought the extended edition a few years ago even though I barely touched it. Most of my friends pirated games when they were younger, not they buy them because they can afford it.

Most pirates aren't going to buy your game. If a game fails sales wise it wouldn't have succeeded if it had denuvo.

Sometimes the small number of pirates that would buy the game (as it can be seen in all the crackwatch subs) is sometimes all a game needs to hit it's sales goal, obviously a bad game will underperform regardless.
I can't agree with the work/sleep argument at all, games aren't the only form of entertainment, nor did people just work and sleep before the invention of the first video game, so bringing that up as a justification just seems silly. People should pay for their non essential entertainment. Now, in an ideal world all stores would have regional pricing and then little Jimmy in Africa or Vlad in Bosnia could afford to buy games instead of pirating them, but that's a whole other story.


Devs should remove it altogether for their paying users when this happens.
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For the goal of what Denuvo is supposed to do it is a success... stop games being pirated are release... Publisher have secured all the day one sales in all the titles listed due Denuvo.

I’m not sure how the OP tries to spin that in fail lol

Yeah, Mafia is the only recent title there, other than that we have up to the likes of Mortal Kombat 11. Which hasn't been cracked till now.

So, overall recent Denuvo versions have done more than any other copy protection was capable of. Dunno how that's a fail on Denuvo's part. Its just a win for everyone else.

IMO, the best solution is the one Square Enix employed on some titles. Put Denuvo on, prevent cracking for a few months, then remove Denuvo. First month sales saved and then get an image bonus.
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For now, no definitive answers can be given about whether Denuvo has been cracked or not. If CPY or anyone else comes out with more releases in the following period, then we can certainly see a problem for the Austrian DRM system.

This is a nonsensical paragraph.

The problem with Denuvo isn't the ability, but the work required to do so. There's no magic skeleton key to remove it each time.
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Yeah, Mafia is the only recent title there, other than that we have up to the likes of Mortal Kombat 11. Which hasn't been cracked till now.

So, overall recent Denuvo versions have done more than any other copy protection was capable of. Dunno how that's a fail on Denuvo's part. Its just a win for everyone else.

IMO, the best solution is the one Square Enix employed on some titles. Put Denuvo on, prevent cracking for a few months, then remove Denuvo. First month sales saved and then get an image bonus.
CAPCOM removed Denuvo on RE3 after a couple months without it being cracked.


Can’t Git Gud
I've bought all those and have not pirated a game in years but I pity those who will play death stranding offline haha


I am a virgin
The more and more I read threads on GAF about the pirating scene

The more and more I realize GAF has no idea about the pirating scene


It's a shame that PC gaming still suffers from assholes who will spend 2k on a fucking PC and then avoid spending any money on games. Fuck you.


It's a shame that PC gaming still suffers from assholes who will spend 2k on a fucking PC and then avoid spending any money on games. Fuck you.


Most people pirating games are broke as fuck and/or kids.

Most pirating comes from russia, parts of asia, south america and africa.

It's fine to dislike rich assholes who don't buy games, but that's a small minority of people pirating.


Gold Member
Got to say all these game crackers are talented as hell.

Never the less, anyone have an idea how many of these guys do this for fun/challenge, and how many do it to actually profit off it like maybe linking up with some pirate website selling games for $5?


And trust me, I pirated all the way from 2003 untill 2012 when I started making money here and there, ever since then I have most likely bought 90% of the games I have pirated and I only get games that I know I will play.
But hey, whatever makes you feel better, I'm pretty sure you would love to get paid for your work. ( And the whole "the developers are already paid" argument is stupid as shit, if a game fails sales wise a lot of developers loose their jobs, ask the corpses of some of our favorite studios that are no more)

This is almost me right down to the same years even. I'm positive I've bought atleast 90% of the games I did dirty on back in the day.

Got to say all these game crackers are talented as hell.

Never the less, anyone have an idea how many of these guys do this for fun/challenge, and how many do it to actually profit off it like maybe linking up with some pirate website selling games for $5?

One of the big crackers in the scene, says they do it to preserve games for the future when Denuvo servers and the like eventually go down.
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