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Denuvo Servers Go Down Leading To Some Games Becoming Unplayable On Steam

Bullet Club


Denuvo Servers Go Down Leading To Some Games Becoming Unplayable On Steam​

Denuvo is one of the leading DRM solutions on PC and for games on Steam and the servers for the DRM are apparently down leading to issues.

It has been reported all over reddit, social media, and REE! that the Denuvo servers are facing issues that are leading to some games becoming unplayable. One of the recent examples is Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy but several other games also use the service to offer protection from cracks on PC.

One of the users who shared about the DRM issue confirmed that one of the games that are affected by this outage is Shadow of the Tomb Raider. That user has also shared a screenshot that reveals the extent of this error.


If you are trying to play games now that have Denuvo DRM protection, you might receive the following error message. “The server is not reachable. Check your internet connection and click ‘Retry’.”

This error has more to do with the outage being faced by Denuvo DRM than anything else. One of the supposed origins of the issue is related to DNS renewal which could have led to this problem according to a tweet.

If you are facing issues with playing games on Steam that use Denuvo DRM, your best bet is to wait for a fix. If you have any other games that are unplayable, let us know in the comments below.

Source: Twisted Voxel
See this is why Denuvo is meant to be a TEMPORARY thing, remove that shit out of your game after 3-6 months! Your main customers have bought it at full price by then.
Absolutely. With how frontloaded the gaming industry is, this is the best possible use of a measure that is bullshit to begin with.


If pc players stopped being scum sucking salty sea dogs, maybe there wouldn’t be a need for scum sucking copy protection.

Edit: the above was a joke. But in certain territories where copyright is seldom enforced, these sorts of measures likely do increase early sales. Basic, the drm tech used is another matter.
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Denuvo itself doesn't affect performance, it's the devs that implement it.


Edit: For some reason, picture links keep dying. No I hate Denuvo, I cancelled my Back 4 Blood pre-order cause I found out they snuck that shit in.
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I wish they'd have an outage for a week, during the busiest season.

I own 1700 games, of which to use Denuvo. One, I bought against better judgement, the other, I was gifted.
The people who bought the games seem to be in the same situation as the would be pirates right now, even though they paid full price. 😔
Not really, these games are cracked for ages now. So actually that pirated the game can play it right now, while legit buyers can't.
At the very least they should patch out this DRM the moment the game gets cracked imho. It's doing nothing positive at that point.


I think some PC gamers would be more accepting of Denuvo, or atleast more understanding, if studios removed Denuvo when a game has been cracked. I mean some studios do, but its very much the minority.
In the end you get to the ironic stage of the pirates getting a better version of the game than the paying customers.


I think some PC gamers would be more accepting of Denuvo, or atleast more understanding, if studios removed Denuvo when a game has been cracked. I mean some studios do, but its very much the minority.
In the end you get to the ironic stage of the pirates getting a better version of the game than the paying customers.
I think the same. Maybe publishers want to feel like they're squeezing every ounce of worth from their games, regardless of the effects on the consumer or the actual efficacy of the product
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This is crazy they don't always remove denuvo past the release window.
I know console games are almost worthless without internet connection but I can still put the disc and play. Maybe it's false security but it's there.

I've been waiting for late night to play visage from gamepass in pc and my internet provider cut off the internet (probably night maintenance)... and I could not launch he previously downloaded and checked games. So the whole wait was a waste of time


Why does denuvo have to keep checking in anyway? Can't there be a single check encryption that unlocks on the first play?
This is what I don't understand, you bought the game legitimately and activated on first launch, why in the flying fudge dragon does it have to check-in with Denuvo every time you launch the game?? Will the user all of a sudden replace the legit copy with a pirated one... I just don't get the whole premise.


The only reason I became SOMEWHAT more tolerant of Denuvo's existence over the years is that more and more studios/publishers started to remove it from their games some time after the release.

That aside, it remains what it's always been: unwelcomed, harmful bloatware.

Denuvo itself doesn't affect performance, it's the devs that implement it.

Bullshit. This is a weird myth from Denuvo apologists.
"Devs" do NOT implement Denuvo. They submit the candidate executable to the company which ties it to the DRM for them.

Also, more often than not even when the DRM doesn't cause an immediately measurable drop in framerate, it still increases the chances of uneven framepacing/stuttering and it causes a noticeable increase in loading times.
So even the "It doesn't affect performances" narrative is very misguided and suspiciously apologetic of this malware.
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This is what I don't understand, you bought the game legitimately and activated on first launch, why in the flying fudge dragon does it have to check-in with Denuvo every time you launch the game?? Will the user all of a sudden replace the legit copy with a pirated one... I just don't get the whole premise.
If it didn't had to check 2nd time, it would just be a copy free to be pirated


I think some PC gamers would be more accepting of Denuvo, or atleast more understanding, if studios removed Denuvo when a game has been cracked. I mean some studios do, but its very much the minority.
In the end you get to the ironic stage of the pirates getting a better version of the game than the paying customers.
That's always how it's been though - by definition, adding additional layers of shit that do nothing the end-user would consider useful to software is going to have an effect that is in the best possible case null, but probably harmful.

I can't be the only person here that can remember having to download no-CD cracks for a game I had just bought because otherwise it wouldn't run.
If it didn't had to check 2nd time, it would just be a copy free to be pirated
Doesn't Steam itself stop this? Or at the very least make it difficult enough where most people don't do it? I agree that the common sense approach here is that Denuvo itself should stop checking once it's confirmed its a legally purchased game. Security isn't only about stopping theft, it's also about being safe and well, secure. If someone who bought your game legally can lose access to your game, that's crap. I bought the game, you checked that I legally bought the game, now leave me alone.


If pc players stopped being scum sucking salty sea dogs, maybe there wouldn’t be a need for scum sucking copy protection.
lmao haha this made me laugh. i stopped pirating cause of denuvo, so now i buy every single triple A day one....i have a monster pc so i dont owrry about stutters and dumb shit like that, but denuvo is kind of whack if they cant even let you play the game when you bought it and pirates can. at least have a way out of this kind of situation, imagine buying the game on launch an du cant play it cause of this shit...theres gonna be a lot of refunds on steam and devs are gonna get fucked cause denuvo cant do its job properly. i am all for DRM if done correctly, and while denuvo can be whack, not being able to play wha tyou bought cause they cant get their shit together is a whole new level of dumbfuckery.


I can't be the only person here that can remember having to download no-CD cracks for a game I had just bought because otherwise it wouldn't run.
oh yeah, i'd do this due to disks getting scratched, or most recently because my pc doesn't have a disk reader anymore.

Doesn't Steam itself stop this? Or at the very least make it difficult enough where most people don't do it? I agree that the common sense approach here is that Denuvo itself should stop checking once it's confirmed its a legally purchased game. Security isn't only about stopping theft, it's also about being safe and well, secure. If someone who bought your game legally can lose access to your game, that's crap. I bought the game, you checked that I legally bought the game, now leave me alone.
Steam's drm is fairly low key and easy to bypass. That said, its true its more than enough to stop casual users who don't know better

Honestly, i'd say the type of heavy handed DRM denuvo employs is largely pointless, mainly because the people pirating the game more often than not aren't really potential buyers. You also have plenty of real life examples on 100% drm-free games selling bonkers regardless, like that very cyberpunk 2077.
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Publishers should really just remove DRM checks (other than those from steam ... origin, ...) after the game is out for a few months. It is really ridicules that old games have problems to run on new platforms (e.g. the new intel processors) because of the copy protection.
After a few months cracks are normally out and the basic steam/origin/... service protections should just be enough. Other systems really don't make sense from that point on.
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