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Derek Smart just had his manhood taken by RSI's lawyers (Star Citizen)


Rumor has it he tried to apply to CIG after the kickstarter and was turned down. Could be true considering how fucking petty Derek sounds.

Also, apparently now Derek Smart is handing out ultimatums to Chris Roberts.


His lack of success combined with his narcissism appears to have caused him to go completely insane.
A "resolution" to what, exactly? Has anyone at CIG even acknowledged his ranting at all?


Just released his new article that he said is "likely to burn everything down".

Based on what I've read....no, still no evidence, still tons of speculation, still lots of butthurt.

This tidbit made me burst out laughing:

Ahead of this second missive, even after what my friends and sources were telling me, on July 7th, I created a private thread on Facebook, then added all our common industry friends to that thread. This was the opening statement.

I then unfriended Chris in order to send a clear message to him, and express my complete disappointment.


I don't know who this character is but choosing a game engine which has problems with big empty spaces to create a space sim was pretty stupid, he isn't incorrect there.
I find him fascinating. Also, nothing that he's said in relation to the mess of Star Citizen is unfounded. It's a highly troubled protect with quite severe sustainability issues.

It's worth checking out some recent Smart interviews. He's still Derek Smart, but an older, somewhat less thorny Don Quixote.
I'm not familiar with the guy or his work, but he's bitter that someone's trying to realise a similar concept to the game he made 15+ years ago and thinks they'll fail because they're using the wrong game engine?
And there is an epic thread on steam forums about it:


So much fun! :D

derek smart said:
The fact here is that, my games get finished, and released. And by the time the dust settles on the Star Citizen disaster in the making, our game will still be here.


the game is released for English language only. It's not localized, will NEVER be localized, and have no interest in supporting ANY other language other than English.

Well, that's just rude. Oh, how so many gamers will miss out on this masterpiece.

*continues to dig for something resembling shiny*
If you think that Derek Smart is the most notorious independent game developer of yesteryear then you obviously haven't heard of Cleve Blakemore. Or have sensibly excised him from your memory.


Also, nothing that he's said in relation to the mess of Star Citizen is unfounded. It's a highly troubled protect with quite severe sustainability issues.

Ugh, this noise again.

So Star Citizen is a "highly troubled project with severe sustainability issues" is it?

What the hell are you talking about exactly?

I think you have no clue about the game and you're just simply parroting the negative narrative that Star Citizens detractors want you to.
Ugh, this noise again.

So Star Citizen is a "highly troubled project with severe sustainability issues" is it?

What the hell are you talking about exactly?

I think you have no clue about the game and you're just simply parroting the negative narrative that Star Citizens detractors want you to.

Classic. I most obviously have a vested interest in seeing this project tank. Yes. I'm that kind of person. I'm also a fan of feature creep. And seeing people not get the game they helped fund.

Get out of town, buddy. I want this game to succeed like nobody's business. The heritage of both developer and genre are formative gaming elements.


Given that there are countless drive-bys in every single Star Citizen thread spouting the same types of accusations you did with absolutely no evidence to back up those claims, you may see why I assumed you were part of the professional Star Citizen Haters Club. I'm actually surprised you replied. I dunno, maybe I'm too sensitive. I didn't mean to have a go at you personally, but as your comments are not dissimilar to those types of shitposts based on outdated ramblings of the games official haters I just assumed the worst.

I know these haters exist. I have witnessed Star Citizen hate in the wild. A year or so ago, a few months *before* the Hangar module was released, I found a new job. At this new job I met another new employee who was in his 50's and was an avid EVE player. My eyes lit up at hearing this as it's always great to meet another gamer who likes space-sims. I asked him about Star Citizen thinking that I'm dealing with a mature individual, but... his eyes, those eyes.. They flared up with the indignation of a thousand Derek Smart's. He fucking despised it - No clear reason as to why, he didn't explain it, he just hated it for the sake of hating it. I can only assume that his group perceived it as a threat to EVE or something. Just like Derek Smart no doubt knows that he'll never ever top what CIG will come up with. That douche spouts so much lies. Lies like that development has lasted four years already, but in reality it has only been two-and-a-half years in active development (the first few were for the initial demo, which is not the game in any way shape or form), but I digress..

And anyway this whole "feature creep" argument is getting stale. No-one ever states specifics when they accuse Star Citizen of feature creep. Like NO-ONE. People still accuse them of this despite no new "features" or stretch-goals being added for some time now. It's just sad that we finally have a company that isn't held back by publishers and has the budget to do something fantastic, and yet now it's the gamers that are now saying "no, no this is too much fuck you", and it's just mind boggling to me. Yes I understand how "feature creep" can be a problem. Yes I understand that people have contributed money and want to ensure that they get what they paid for. What I don't get is why building an ambitious game like no other is a now bad thing that needs to be reigned in. I mean, fucking why? Armchair critics and haters I tells ya. I'm seriously starting to think that people just like saying "feature creep" like it's just something cool to say.

I'd still like to know what you mean when you said the game has "severe sustainability issues". If you can demonstrate in any way that this is grounded in reality I'd be most interested in hearing what you have to say.


If you think that Derek Smart is the most notorious independent game developer of yesteryear then you obviously haven't heard of Cleve Blakemore. Or have sensibly excised him from your memory.

I didn't recognise his name but I recognised his game when I googled him. I need the full story on this guy.


What Star Citizen's Chris Roberts thinks of Derek Smart

At Gamescom, our very own Jeremy had a chance to sit down with Chris "Star Citizen Megabucks" Roberts and talk all things space and spaceshippy. Towards the end of the interview, Jeremy broached the question of internet opinion-haver Derek Smart and his recent conflict with RSI and Star Citizen. If you've not kept up and don't feel like that lengthy read, the Cliff Notes version is Smart wasn't pleased with the direction of the game and advised backers to contact the US Federal Trade Commission if they weren't either. A few days later, RSI refunded his pledge and nuked his account.

Smart then spoke to us in that interview, explaining that he didn't want a refund, he wanted "accountability." He ended up calling for Roberts' resignation and issuing what could be taken as threats of legal action. Naturally, we're intrigued what Roberts had to say on the matter.

When Jeremy initially brought the subject up, Roberts crossed his arms and said, with a slightly humourous tone, "What do you want to ask me about Derek Smart?"

Jeremy asked for Roberts' "perspective" on the situation:

"I try not to get into any of that. I think people who talk about other people's work... I don't know what to say, other than, if someone spent so much energy focusing on their own stuff, maybe people would like their own stuff better. I don't particularly pay much attention to him because it seems like the more people pay attention to him... I think at the end of the day the game is gonna speak for itself, the content speaks for itself. There's plenty of people who say, y'know, you can't do certain things and I don't listen to them. Especially, y'know, I mean, you have to listen to people who have actually been able to do stuff and that you respect. That's not the case [here]."

He continued, "We have a lot of people who work really hard on this, they're very passionate about making everything possible for people that have backed it. Maybe it's taking a bit longer than people want it to, but I think it's going to be really good and it's also expanded in terms of scope. I'm pretty confident that [none of the backers want] some small limited scope game. And the only person who probably would want that is someone who doesn't want to have a game that's significantly better than the one they're making.

"I think that's the problem with today and the internet: people that are willing to be keyboard warriors and be loud have a platform they wouldn't have had in the past. Then of course everyone likes sensationalists and people slinging mud around. I think the game's going to speak for itself. I definitely know that what people care about is a good game more than anything else. At the end of the day, if it's a bit late and it's great, that's what counts. If it's crap and you push it out the door, it's crap forever."

We'll have more on Star Citizen after the reveal event on Friday. We've seen what they've got coming up and you won't want to miss it.


I didn't even know this was happening until I read the announcement about his demand letter.

Heck I'm a bit bummed out about the game taking a long time to make but I haven't thought about a refund once. Figured I was in it for the long haul when I backed it at a high level years ago. I should probably go hang out in the dedicated thread sometime.


The demand letter is hilarious coming from Smart



Also some of the comments he's getting

Go Derek Go! Get those lying thieves. I want to see justice for what they are trying to do. I’ve lost nearly $600 on this “game.”

Mr. Smart. I am a CIG backer with over $3k invested into the game. I am very glad that you wrote this article and are taking the action(s) you are.


The level of hate are really starting to creep me out. Not here, but elsewhere. I mean I've always been familiar with the guy, but this is becoming weird.


The level of hate are really starting to creep me out. Not here, but elsewhere. I mean I've always been familiar with the guy, but this is becoming weird.

Yep, people sure do suck.... Derek is just bum-hurt that Chris is making his dream game without him. It's pathetic.

I don't know why he keeps saying they've been lying and dishonest. His argument seems to be based around that the game isn't fully out yet, delays don't suddenly mean they've been lying about everything. Getting more money despite saying they could do it for less doesn't change anything either, as that money is being used to improve things.

It's clear from several of the things he's said that he doesn't really seem to know much about the project at all - saying it was going to be like Freelancer 2.0 when it was first announced, thinking the FPS gameplay isn't important, saying the FPS module has been cut along with parts of Squadron 42, saying the Multi-crew gameplay demo shown recently somehow supports his claim that there isn't an actual game, he keeps saying RSI is the developer when that they aren't etc.

For example, buying equipment for making propaganda style broadcast videos, spending money on travel to do motion capture shoots and similar ... None of which have anything to do with the “development” of Star Citizen.

How does the motion capture not have anything to do with the development? They're using that motion capture for the animations.

He's also said the game can't be made, but then said elsewhere that he could do it for $25 mil, and that his most recent game already has all the features of Star Citizen.

What the game is going to be has not changed at all from what was originally pitched. A few features have been improved and some more ships added, but the core of the game is the same as it was at the start.


I don't know why he keeps saying they've been lying and being dishonest. His whole argument seems to be based around that the game isn't fully out yet, delays don't suddenly mean they've been lying about everything. Getting more money despite saying they could do it for less doesn't change anything either, as that money is being used to improve things.

Also his arguments apply much more to his own games.


I don't know why he keeps saying they've been lying and dishonest. His argument seems to be based around that the game isn't fully out yet, delays don't suddenly mean they've been lying about everything. Getting more money despite saying they could do it for less doesn't change anything either, as that money is being used to improve things.
They asked backers when they got to 20m if they wanted to stop funding. Backers said no. I mean, if people want to give you more money, why would you stop accepting money? No one, not even DSmart would refuse people's business if they wanted to buy his stuff (which no one does).

Also his arguments apply much more to his own games.

Seriously, it's so ironic I'm surprised it's not intentional. He even has different levels of backing, so people can P2W if they have extra money.


Can't copy paste. It's a 2.1 page document, photocopied. I'm sure someone transcribed it on the RSI forum somewhere.
It's funny watching washed up game devs try to attack actually successful games and pander to the Gamergate crowd to stay relevant. It's like when an actor starts complaining about vaccinations


Seek victory, not fairness
That's legit? Where'd you get that link?

Because it's incredible.

Posted on his site:

Link text was "They exceeded my expectations. Here, please read their response which attorneys received on Aug 28th, and which I got to see on Sept 3rd."

His response to that letter (... "our Sept 14th response") reads exactly like one of his blog posts:
As usual, it says "dictated but not executed" at the end, so I think this mean's the firm is just relaying a dictated message on his behalf. I'm not sure exactly - no one else phrases it that way. It's usually "dictacted but not read".


Ah no worries then, I'll read it when I get home.

Hold on, some websites can convert it. Pls frgv autogenerated errors, I only cleaned it up a bit:

August 26, 2015
Mr. Keith L. Cooper De La Pena & Holiday LLP
One Embarcadero Center, Ste. 2860
San Francisco, CA 94111

Re : Derek Smart - Your letter of August 21, 2015

Dear Mr. Cooper,

With respect to your above referenced letter, we are certainly aware of your client's rants on his internet blog and other internet message boards with his false and defamatory allegations. He has also released personal address information for some senior executives of the company, and our counsel are reviewing in this regard various legal actions for defamation and cyber stalking.

Your client backed the "Star Citizen" project in 2012 with a pledge of $250. He commenced his defamatory actions in early July 2015 by alleging on his blog -without any basis or backup, and with many links to his own game in development -that the "Star Citizen" project was a fraud and that it was never going to be delivered. He pointed to "buggy" performances of the modules released as well as other deficiencies.

We were surprised about his claims, because our records indicate that he actually never downloaded and installed the game. He also unsubscribed from our email list very soon after having backed the project. Nonetheless, and in response to his eagerly promoted postings, we contacted him via email to advise him that given his concerns we were gladly refunding him his pledge (see Exhibit 1). In his response, your client thanked us for the refund and advised us of the address to which the refund check should be sent (see Exhibit 2). The refund check was mailed promptly (Exhibit 3).

Our regular accounting audits revealed after 30 days that the check had not been cashed while it had not been returned as undeliverable either. We researched the address and had to find out that the address given by your client does not exist. We contacted your client again via email„ only to find out that he indeed had provided us with a false address. He claimed that "streets had been renamed" (see Exhibit 4) but there is certainly no record of that. We have to assume that your client deliberately tried to prevent the refund from reaching him so that he would be able to continue his unfounded claim of being "aggrieved." Be that as it may, we have put a stop payment on the first check, and a second check has been sent today, this time via tracked courier shipment.

Your client's defamatory claims are entirely without merit and include unfounded allegations that the funds raised for the project were used improperly, even fraudulently. In this vain, your client is now asking for a "forensic accounting" to be made available to him. Firstly, there is obviously no legal basis for your client's request and your letter cites no such authority. Secondly, the ample information provided regularly on our extensive website, including monthly progress reports from each studio, published headcounts and the like, would enable any person familiar with the cost of game development to assess the proper spending of the funds raised. Your client claims to be such an experienced person, so we are a bit perplexed about this demand coming in particular from him. However, your client's past career performance, including struggles with tax liens and a bankruptcy proceeding, begs the question what makes him think that he is even qualified to review and properly assess the information demanded by him. The complete absence of any functioning or successful game having ever been released by him in his 20+ year "career" of game development further raises the question why he would consider himself qualified to cast any judgment on "Star Citizen." Unlike his endeavors in the game development field, "Star Citizen" and the modules and work released to date have received enthusiastic responses in the game community and press, a success that continues unimpeded despite your client's desperate efforts to harm it for his own publicity gains.

In the internet age every successful venture will have to deal with trolls. Your client's online communications combine baseless allegations with personal insults while at the same time promoting himself and his nascent and not yet functional game - the facts speak for themselves. We are certainly more than ready and willing to respond to any legal action that your client wishes to instigate.

In sum, your client's allegations and demands are completely without basis and hereby rejected in their entirety.

Nothing in this letter is intended to be, or is, a waiver of any rights of the Company or its senior executives who have been subject to abuse by your client. All such rights are expressly reserved. Thank you.

Ortwin Freyermuth
Co-Founter, Vice-Chairman
& General Counsel

cc: William P. Donovan Jr., Esq., Cooley LLP
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