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Destiny 2 Reveal Livestream [Over]

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So all of the P v P modes are 4 v 4 now?

Seems like a strange number. 6 v 6 at least meant two teams of three players could join up on either side.


Can Destiny/Destiny 2 be played pvp only?

I have no desire for the SP/RPG aspect of the game, I only have time to play vs. like a CoD.. is this possible in Destiny? am at a disadvantage gear wise at all if i the rpg stuff?

Almost. You need to do the first few missions in D1 and then you can jump into the PvP side of things. Unknown for D2 at this point.

Yes you are very under geared for most encounters despite Bungie trying to balance things but you get loot as your progress. Depends on how good you are, depends on how quickly you progress.


Can Destiny/Destiny 2 be played pvp only?

I have no desire for the SP/RPG aspect of the game, I only have time to play vs. like a CoD.. is this possible in Destiny? am at a disadvantage gear wise at all if i the rpg stuff?
Yes, plenty of players purely play Destiny PvP but Destiny time to kill is very slow when compared to CoD. Playing like CoD like in Destiny will get you killed or hated.


I mained a Titan, the void shield looks pretty awesome.
They need to make this as a gesture for Titans:

This would be hillarious.

*Also Titan Defender, here*
With that tank in the trailer I really hope they have more vehicles in this than just the dumb Sparrow.
Especially considering it is Bungie and they have made some of the best video game vehicles.
It isn't a strict one way direction. In the case of removing abilities vs balancing other abilities to compete for utility, I argue for the latter. But that doesn't mean you only go down the road of buffing everything, thats ridiculous. You nerf and buff, you see what the community is doing, you see how its effecting the way the game is played, you get feedback, you test. You don't say its either one or the other and then act like you can only do one or the other to nerf or buff all abilities because its easier to do rather than actually understanding that the game will always be an ebb and flow of tweaks and balancing.

And again, my suggestion would give you the most optimal way of varying playstyles because it'd be giving players the opportunity to select actually unique abilities that all offer similar utility as opposed to "all abilities are glorified dps". If anything, I'd argue that route is far more constricting because youre suggesting that everyone gets the same type of abilities or at least very similar (kill all enemies with button press). Thats not giving players choice thats funneling them into different abilities with the same function.

Further, while we cannot be sure, from the one boss we did see of destiny 2, the argument that theyre spending the development time focusing on making the encounter interesting as opposed to giving player's branching avenues for how to approach him, falls on its face considering the strike boss is literally just more of what we got in Destiny 1. A giant bullet sponge who walks around shooting at you (the enivornmental change was cool but not anything that changed the boss's behavior). If the final game comes out and every boss has some crazy encounter design and behvarior mechanics then I'll walk back my comments and agree that thats the direction they were aiming for.

You're spot on about nerfs and buffs in a generalized sense. However we're talking, very specifically, about balance at End Game.

Your suggestion doesn't give more options because the same Utility on a different skill is literally just giving everyone the same roles. Hard roles is not something that Bungie was looking to have in this game. It's a shooter. People who play it are presumed to want to shoot things. That means everyone being ok with being DPS is a reasonable assumption.

I also find the idea that all the supers being different flavors of DPS a bad thing, while everyone having supers that are different flavors of the same Utility a good thing, in-congruent. I'm not sure if that's your intended meaning but that's the way I'm understanding it as you're expressing it. Which suggest that Utility is better than DPS empirically. Which I disagree with. Feel free to correct me if I'm misunderstanding you on this point.

The goal here was not to force roles in such a manner that DPS would be non-existant to anyone. So they made the overarching classes have soft roles. Hunter is DPS. Warlock is Utility. Titan is Defensive. Self Res didn't offer great utility for reasons I've stated in multiple posts previously It requires the player to fail in order for the super to be useful. Titan's Bubble offered too much protection AND had Utility in the form of the buffs provided, which made that Class AND that Sub-class more valuable than other classes in general. It was too much. So they reworked it. Removed Self-Res and shifted Bubble buffs to Warlock. Made Titan's Bubble a wall instead, so it's more situational while retaining the Protection motif. But there is then still an imbalance in that it was tied to supers that only one sub-class has access to. So they untethered those abilities from Supers, freeing up the player to choose the sub-class for flavor or feel, rather than for one specific ability. Giving more choice. Not less.

They also made changes to Hunter but they appear less drastic only because Hunter was always just DPS. But moving Shadestep away from one Sub-Class is huge. I ran Nightstalker always specifically because of that, despite liking Gunslinger's flavor and Super more. Bladedancer was troubled all around so they reworked that too. But we haven't seen it truly yet, so it's unknown how good, or bad, a change that will be.


I have no desire for the SP/RPG aspect of the game, I only have time to play vs. like a CoD.. is this possible in Destiny? am at a disadvantage gear wise at all if i the rpg stuff?

You should be fine, maybe there will be a few mandatory 'tutorial missions'. But with Destiny 1 you could max out with only PvP. You do limit the possible loot pool tho.


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.
Now that I've seen a decent amount of footage that Youtubers/Press recorded and uploaded, I think one of my issues is how different the story mission feels compared to them. Without actually being all that different anyway.

Like, you have Zavala and Ikora with you (Even if they are more scripted than AI NPCs) and that at least seems to give off a different feel than any other Destiny mission in the past. So why not have a strike be like that in a way? This is just a quick idea and not necessarily a perfectly fun game play idea. But why not have a strike with a segment of keeping an AI or two alive while they move throughout the level?

The footage I've seen of the new strike certainly looks ok, but it looks just like any old good strike post Taken King. This is particularly why I was more on the fence of the game looking different than Destiny 1 at first, but now I've been drifting more to the "Ok yeah this does look really similar". It's the same exact Strike formula we're used to. Hell we don't even have that much more story stuff either, I was kind of hoping for Destiny to take more Borderlands ideas. Even something as simple as more enemy chatter/story taking place, other than your Ghost making a joke or comment every now and then.

I'm really interested and hopeful for the Patrol stuff to be overhauled, since they did talk about NPC/quests in it. If Strikes just stay the same, while everything else gets changed I guess that'll be fine.


A few more general observations about Destiny 2, based on what we saw and played today:

  • No more Primary / Secondary / Heavy weapons: Bungie is reworking weapon loadouts in Destiny 2 — Now you'll equip a Kinetic weapon, an Energy weapon, and a Power weapon. I saw Sniper Rifles in the Power slot, Hand Cannons in the Energy slot... it's all different!
  • New weapon types: Submachine guns work similarly to the HMG familiar to D1 players, but less powerful and tailored for closer ranges. Grenade Launchers... well, they're pretty self-explanatory.
  • Class Abilities: A new, third rechargeable icon next to your melee and grenade. Warlocks can hold circle to create a small rift on the ground that either heals or empowers allies. Hunters get a dodge ability (a la Shadestep, but on a cooldown) that will refill your melee charge if used near enemies. Titans can create a small barrier in front of them to protect themselves and teammates. As this barrier takes damage, it displays a cool ”shattering" effect so you can tell at a glance how close it is to breaking.
  • Reworked Subclasses: One of the big stars today was the new Warlock subclass: Dawnbreaker. This is a solar subclass with a flaming sword super, kind of a cross between a Raze Lighter (because fire) and a Bolt Caster (because projectiles). Hunters and Titans will each also have a new subclass: Arcstrider and Sentinel, respectively.

  • Smaller teams: Countdown pitted teams of four against each other, leading to more intimate firefights and an increased need for team coordination. We don't yet know what other modes will be available or what their player counts will be.
  • Callout locations: No more trying to remember whether you died in ”Hallway" or ”Alley" — callouts are now baked into the game, displayed in the top-left corner of the screen.
  • New HUD elements: You can now see which Guardians are down, which ones have Supers ready, and when somebody picks up Power ammo.
  • Time-to-kill felt longer: This could be the weapons we were using, or it could be (and likely is) my relative lack of skill, but it felt like it took significantly longer to take down hostile Guardians in the Crucible.
With that tank in the trailer I really hope they have more vehicles in this than just the dumb Sparrow.
Especially considering it is Bungie and they have made some of the best video game vehicles.

I would love if they gave us more options for traversal. Sparrows are fun and all, but I would love a transport vehicle that seats like 4 people, just in case you wanna mob around the Cosmodrome (or whatever it will be in D2) with your buddies.
I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.
Great post and it echos many of my own sentiments.
I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

Damn... Great post and I couldn't agree more.


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

Absolutely man. I wish there were more posts like this to remind me that I'm going to be having a blast with it despite everyone picking it apart.


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.



I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

Hear hear :)


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

Many feel that 30fps is a big limitation of almost HD gen. It's a valid criticism to have, not a 'bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down.'


I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

How I felt after reading this:

Hand Clap!


Gold Member
Catching up on the posts from last night and just wanted to add my thoughts to the back-and-forth regarding the removal/changes to Sunsinger Warlocks (and, to a lesser extent, Defender Titans).

As a Warlock main since beta back in Summer 2014, I'm absolutely stoked by these changes. When the game launched, I loved (and still love) Voidwalker. It fits how I like to play a mage archetype class. But as soon as I hit VOG, it became apparent that end game was built around having self-res. Nova bomb was limited in usefulness and sometimes a liability in close quarters. For ALL of year 1 end game content I was pigeonholed into playing Sunsinger even though I didn't prefer it. I didn't even really like it.

While everyone else was being useful at Atheon (post-push off exploit) with their supers, my super was just sitting there as insurance. More often than not, I didn't get to even use mine. Not even as we were learning encounters because while learning it was often better to wipe and restart to save everyone else's supers rather than blow self-res and try to keep an encounter going. It literally became only useful for 1-5% "oh shit" boss wipes.

Taken King started to change this up a bit. In King's Fall, Stormcaller was an amazing choice because one Stormcaller could act as roaming add killer and allow the team to focus on everything else. In the Oryx encounter even Voidwalker was useful because a vortex grenade + a nova bomb could almost obliterate an ogre by itself, freeing the team to focus on the other three locations. The same was true for Wrath of the Machine. HOWEVER, if I was the only warlock in the group - something that happened all too frequently - I was expected if not sometimes required to play Sunsinger for self-res, again, just as insurance.

There's nothing fun about being pushed into a spec for a highly situational super. The Ignite/Viking Funeral support of Sunsinger was not even remotely close to the support buffs of other classes.

A VERY similar argument can be made for Titans. It didn't take long in VOG to see that the only real viable option for Titans in end game was bubble, because multiple Titans running a blessings/weapons bubble chain was infinitely better than anything Striker offered. The same thing was true for Sunbreaker. The amount of damage done by Hammer of Sol, even pre-nerf, was nothing compared to the usefulness and extra whole-team damage provided by a Weapons bubble. Hell, regardless of the Nightfall elemental burn, it was almost always best to run as a weapons bubble titan and rely on elemental weapons + Weapons bubble extra damage than busting out Hammers or Fist of Panic. So like my experience as a Warlock, too many Titan players were effectively pushed into a spec even if they didn't like it because it was the most viable - if not only viable - way to play.

I find myself increasingly excited by the lack of bubbles and self-res. It gives players more flexibility in how they want to play and it gives the encounter designers more freedom of design rather than assuming things like "ok, we're ALWAYS going to have self-res, so what do we do to balance around that"?
I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

It's entirely possible that is what they are doing. However all we can go off of, is what we are seeing. Generally a new game in a franchise either makes marked changes and improvemrnts to their system enough that it feels like a step forward enough you wouldn't mistake the second game for the first. Or they take the core, as you said and focus heavily on content. The problem is after D1 and the fairly consistent Dirth of content and depth in at least the first two expansions they haven't exactly inspired confidence in their ability to produce meaningful and varied content.

So that's fine that you hold that opinion, but it definitely doesn't mean you should ignore criticism that could potentially be constructive if pressure is applied correctly. By saying these things it's one form of telling Bungie/Activision through use of community to influence public opinion and potentially it passes up the line etc. You can like something and still be critical of it. In fact if you really care about something there are times you should be, as you're saying you care enough about it to want to see it improve.


Catching up on the posts from last night and just wanted to add my thoughts to the back-and-forth regarding the removal/changes to Sunsinger Warlocks (and, to a lesser extent, Defender Titans).
Great post, I totally agree. I'm really excited Bungie is shaking things up.
Catching up on the posts from last night and just wanted to add my thoughts to the back-and-forth regarding the removal/changes to Sunsinger Warlocks (and, to a lesser extent, Defender Titans).

As a Warlock main since beta back in Summer 2014, I'm absolutely stoked by these changes. When the game launched, I loved (and still love) Voidwalker. It fits how I like to play a mage archetype class. But as soon as I hit VOG, it became apparent that end game was built around having self-res. Nova bomb was limited in usefulness and sometimes a liability in close quarters. For ALL of year 1 end game content I was pigeonholed into playing Sunsinger even though I didn't prefer it. I didn't even really like it.

While everyone else was being useful at Atheon (post-push off exploit) with their supers, my super was just sitting there as insurance. More often than not, I didn't get to even use mine. Not even as we were learning encounters because while learning it was often better to wipe and restart to save everyone else's supers rather than blow self-res and try to keep an encounter going. It literally became only useful for 1-5% "oh shit" boss wipes.

Taken King started to change this up a bit. In King's Fall, Stormcaller was an amazing choice because one Stormcaller could act as roaming add killer and allow the team to focus on everything else. In the Oryx encounter even Voidwalker was useful because a vortex grenade + a nova bomb could almost obliterate an ogre by itself, freeing the team to focus on the other three locations. The same was true for Wrath of the Machine. HOWEVER, if I was the only warlock in the group - something that happened all too frequently - I was expected if not sometimes required to play Sunsinger for self-res, again, just as insurance.

There's nothing fun about being pushed into a spec for a highly situational super. The Ignite/Viking Funeral support of Sunsinger was not even remotely close to the support buffs of other classes.

A VERY similar argument can be made for Titans. It didn't take long in VOG to see that the only real viable option for Titans in end game was bubble, because multiple Titans running a blessings/weapons bubble chain was infinitely better than anything Striker offered. The same thing was true for Sunbreaker. The amount of damage done by Hammer of Sol, even pre-nerf, was nothing compared to the usefulness and extra whole-team damage provided by a Weapons bubble. Hell, regardless of the Nightfall elemental burn, it was almost always best to run as a weapons bubble titan and rely on elemental weapons + Weapons bubble extra damage than busting out Hammers or Fist of Panic. So like my experience as a Warlock, too many Titan players were effectively pushed into a spec even if they didn't like it because it was the most viable - if not only viable - way to play.

I find myself increasingly excited by the lack of bubbles and self-res. It gives players more flexibility in how they want to play and it gives the encounter designers more freedom of design rather than assuming things like "ok, we're ALWAYS going to have self-res, so what do we do to balance around that"?

Absolutely the Meta was incredibly stale and restrictive. For classes as well as weapons. This was a good move on their part and why I was completely on board with basically nothing carrying over from Destiny one. I guess I just figured since nothing was carrying over we'd see a little bit more change to characters, weapons etc. I was hoping to see a little more modularization I guess.


It's entirely possible that is what they are doing. However all we can go off of, is what we are seeing. Generally a new game in a franchise either makes marked changes and improvemrnts to their system enough that it feels like a step forward enough you wouldn't mistake the second game for the first. Or they take the core, as you said and focus heavily on content. The problem is after D1 and the fairly consistent Dirth of content and depth in at least the first two expansions they haven't exactly inspired confidence in their ability to produce meaningful and varied content.

So that's fine that you hold that opinion, but it definitely doesn't mean you should ignore criticism that could potentially be constructive if pressure is applied correctly. By saying these things it's one form of telling Bungie/Activision through use of community to influence public opinion and potentially it passes up the line etc. You can like something and still be critical of it. In fact if you really care about something there are times you should be, as you're saying you care enough about it to want to see it improve.
So much this. There is nothing wrong with having criticisms of a game, no game is perfect and ideally of you like something you would want to see it improve. However, it seems people feel like they're under attack we reading the criticisms about what we're being shown and too many actually constructive posts are being handwaved as just "trolling".


So I felt like it was somewhat confirmed when watching the fireteam chat interview that guided games can indeed be used for nightfalls and basically everything?


So much this. There is nothing wrong with having criticisms of a game, no game is perfect and ideally of you like something you would want to see it improve. However, it seems people feel like they're under attack we reading the criticisms about what we're being shown and too many actually constructive posts are being handwaved as just "trolling".

Well I don't think people are defending it because people have criticisms, it's just that it's frustrating when you love a game, and they reveal a sequel with improvements in almost everything, and everyone just says "LOL it's an expansion, nothing is different". It seems a lot less like criticism than someone just drive-by shitting on it.
I'll stick my 10p in.

Couldn't give a toss about 30fps vs 60fps. Couldn't care less about dedicated servers. It's minutiae. Just a bullet point to shoot a popular franchise down IMO.

In my eyes Destiny is amazing. I've been playing games since the early 80's and i'm Very Jaded on a lot of things, i'll fully admit that.
But Destiny is the best game i've ever played. nearly 1000 hours. I've played it on PS3, PS4 and Xbone.

There is just something about it. Shooting stuff is so much fun and just feels right.

I'm not daft, I know it started out as something less than we expected. But in my eyes they took those expectations and made something unique and special.

I've met so many people through this game. And I've had some of the best experiences I'll ever have gaming. The talk about that in the reveal really resonated with me, And where i work, our Clan has from the lowest level to the top! CSR to Director level (Major UK insurer)

The community is amazing, and some of the things they have accomplished are just mind boggling - and i'm sure Bungie never envisioned.

So i was Salivating at the thought of more destiny, aimed at this gen and PC. Gone are the limitations of the Almost HD gen.

And in my eyes it totally delivered. Taking the core of Destiny and making it better, giving us more. Taking what they have learnt creating this game and moving it forward. i genuinely can't wait to be wearing Gary's ass as a hat.

So you can try and shoot it down all you want. I'll be there having fun whilst the trolls debate on the internet, like they always do.

The frames per second don't define a game. What you do with it does.

So much this. There is nothing wrong with having criticisms of a game, no game is perfect and ideally of you like something you would want to see it improve. However, it seems people feel like they're under attack we reading the criticisms about what we're being shown and too many actually constructive posts are being handwaved as just "trolling".

It's difficult to have constructive dialogue about criticisms when so much less constructive criticism is thrown in the mix as well. This happens a lot as "me too" replies with hot takes. It makes responding even to good critique posts feel more like walking into a waiting dogpile trap and the focus become the hot take aspect of the me too posts.


Seems really wasteful to toss all those assets, especially the Cosmodrome and Plaguelands.

Not really. Those areas wouldn't fit into D2's overhauled playspaces and there's no point putting in content you have no intention of using in any meaningful way.
Seems really wasteful to toss all those assets, especially the Cosmodrome and Plaguelands.
Seems extremely wasteful to ditch all the areas, missions and raids from Destiny year 1, if that's what they're doing here.

Not really. Those areas wouldn't fit into D2's overhauled playspaces and there's no point putting in content you have no intention of using in any meaningful way.
The #1 thing I was and am looking for in a Destiny 2 was in them changing progression/rewards/gating so that all of that content would be replayable and relevant moving forward. Something that would make year 2 expansions fully additive rather than resets.

All of that work going into the trash heap is their choice, but it wasn't their only choice.


Gold Member
Seems really wasteful to toss all those assets, especially the Cosmodrome and Plaguelands.

Given Bungie's past predilection for reusing old stuff in Destiny 1, I doubt they're just tossed. We'll probably end up seeing them again in a later DLC or update, possibly as a push to reclaim lost areas. They're probably going to take some time to give Cosmodrome and other areas the once over to bring it up to the same graphical fidelity and get it adapted to the new engine. E: I mean, this is a Cabal oriented DLC from the start so I am virtually certain Mars will make a reappearance.

Though after three years of seeing Cosmodrome in various iterations, if we never see it again I'd personally be fine with that too.

Bold One

Not really. Those areas wouldn't fit into D2's overhauled playspaces and there's no point putting in content you have no intention of using in any meaningful way.

Not sure we know enough about the new play spaces to make that judgement. But, of all the spaces in the first game, The Cosmodrome really struck a chord with me, it was just dripping with history and had so much character and world-building potential here's hoping EDZ does the same and more.


The #1 I was looking for in a Destiny 2 was in them changing progression/rewards/gating so that all of that content would be replayable and relevant moving forward.

All of that work going into the trash heap is their choice, but it wasn't their only choice.

That work was consumed by millions of players. Feedback given pointed towards those areas being subpar. The Dreadnaught was the first explorable playspace that actually had compelling content in it.

Cosmodrome and the rest of the D1 areas can go in the trash where they belong :p

I think once you guys play the new D2 worlds you'll have a change of opinion in regards to wanting Bungie to shoehorn old content just for the sake of it.


What does "dudebro story" even mean in the context of Destiny? Cayde is the most approachable, immediately understandle character and he's reincarnated human consciousness seeded within a robot frame. Destiny itself is only remotely dudebro in that killing aliens with fancy guns is awesome, but thats practically universal. Otherwise its pulpy science fiction and fantasy that would make even the dudest of bros embarrassed to talk about it with company...

"Yo bro, you catch that sweet Tolstoy quote Rasputin popped off while we were killing that Droksis, the Kell of Thorns? Sweet!"
"Yeah bro, or how about that thing Ikora said about the undying hive mind of Vex that have transmogrified the planetoid Nessus? Gnarly!"

dude bro story is exactly that what is revealed in the reveal trailer and not the magic that Destiny 1 had when it launched (many people actually loved vanilla destiny)
I remember countless streams just sitting in the start menu and listening to the soundtrack until the servers went online.

That´s the "magic" and yes vagueness/subtlety that a Dude Bro Story cannot capture as it is plagued with one-liners, straight to face action like e.g. Gears (which is fun but not the journey that Destiny 1 promised)


Bungie fired him actually. And I'm glad there's a new team on Destiny's scpre. Marty does great work, but it's all very Marty. The soundtracks to Destiny Rise of Iron and Taken King are VERY good. They won an award just last week for it actually, but to each their own.

yeah, its subjective but Marty´s done epic work and definitely would have the same status as uematsu or wise if he hadn´t been fired and sticked to Destiny.

The guys from taken king. - not so much

It is documented that activison management put pressure on Bungie and hadn´t had the slightest interest to work this out. He even won a lawsuit against Bungie so yeah there´s that.


dude bro story is exactly that what is revealed in the reveal trailer and not the magic that Destiny 1 had when it launched (many people actually loved vanilla destiny)
I remember countless streams just sitting in the start menu and listening to the soundtrack until the servers went online.

That´s the "magic" and yes vagueness/subtlety that a Dude Bro Story cannot capture as it is plagued with one-liners, straight to face action like e.g. Gears (which is fun but not the journey that Destiny 1 promised)

What does "dudebro story" even mean.

Please. That's one of the worst hot takes I've seen yet.
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