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Developer explains FFXV's "pre-beta" state: Playable start to finish, half polished


I hope they're taking advantage of that new PS4 CPU core available for games.

1080/30 with no visual compromises would be a dream.


Neo Member
Welcome to development. If all devs were as open as Squenix is being you'd think all games were a mess. There is something real, it's the demo you mentioned, and it's fairly good of them to keep updating it to let us know where the gameplay is.

Just look at how much "junk" is often left om the disc when the game gets shipped. Every company goes through more then just one iteration of there game before the final product. Just before now we rarely got told stuff got changed. The only way to know was digging through the files and hope they left stuff there that gave hints.


Usually, "everything playable from start to finish" is called "beta"...
Isn't "feature-complete" more of a beta than a game just being playable from start to end? They could still have some unfinished & unimplemented features even though the playable content of the game is otherwise more or less done (though unpolished/-optimized).


『Inaba Resident』;187531536 said:
I just want a locked framerate.
I think they talked about this at PAX but I'm probably remembering incorrectly.

They stated again this week its framerate > resolution.


I wouldn't expect nothing mindblowing graphics-wise.
Hmm? Ramuh, Adamantoise, Titan, the possible Shiva attack & such are already pretty mind-blowing graphics-wise and even Episode Duscae had awe-inspiring moments like an enemy airship dropping enemies to attack you at night that showcase some top-of-the-line visuals. The Leviathan battle throughout the city will be mind-blowing if that actually makes it into the game in even remotely similar a state as the E3 trailer showed (which I'll remain somewhat doubtful of).
The game will be ready for fall 2016, and then SE will realise that even the biggest JRPG franchise in the world can't compete with the usual big-hitters that always occupy the months of October and November, with Rise of the Tomb Raider serving as a painful reminder, so they'll release it Q1 2017.

That's my prediction.


Yes the game has gone past alpha, the next stage is beta, so yeah the game is pre-beta.

The way you worded it makes absolutely zero sense. If the next stage after the Alpha is the Beta, and it has gone beyond the Alpha stage, then call it what it is: Beta.
The other way to look at it is that it's still in the Alpha stage, it's just nearing the very end of it.

I mean, if we're going to actually use "pre-beta" as a legitimate term, why stop there?

Conceptualizing > pre-Alpha-pre-Alpha > pre-Alpha > Alpha > pre-Beta > Beta > pre-release candidate > release candidate > pre-Gold > pre-packaging > pre-order money in our pockets >pre-shipping > pre-launch day dollars in our pockets.


So I guess pre-beta means that the game can be played from start to finish but the game is not feature complete and isn't optimized I guess?


The animations and lighting are spectacular, probably the best I've ever seen yet in a game of this kind, but the image definition and framerate were wonky in Duscae at best. If they can lock the framerate and introduce some kind of AA to eliminate them jaggies I would be very pleased (and surprised to be honest).




The way you worded it makes absolutely zero sense. If the next stage after the Alpha is the Beta, and it has gone beyond the Alpha stage, then call it what it is: Beta.
They already explained earlier why they called it pre-beta. They still have to kind of go through everything and see if there's anything bigger that needs to be done before they'll "officially" consider the game to be in beta. So it's pretty much literally in between an alpha & beta, hence: pre-beta. It's a big project so there are a lot of moving parts, so they'll just go through everything thoroughly one more time before they move on to beta phase and all that entails.


They already explained earlier why they called it pre-beta. They still have to kind of go through everything and see if there's anything bigger that needs to be done before they'll "officially" consider the game to be in beta. So it's pretty much literally in between an alpha & beta, hence: pre-beta. It's a big project so there are a lot of moving parts, so they'll just go through everything thoroughly one more time before they move on to beta phase and all that entails.

What you described is still the Alpha stage.

Alpha is the stage when key gameplay functionality is implemented, and assets are partially finished. A game in alpha is feature complete, that is, game is playable and contains all the major features. These features may be further revised based on testing and feedback. Additional small, new features may be added, similarly planned, but unimplemented features may be dropped. Programmers focus mainly on finishing the codebase, rather than implementing additions. Alpha occurs eight to ten months before code release, but this can vary significantly based on the scope of content and assets any given game has.

It seems like a translation error more than anything else.


Usually, "everything playable from start to finish" is called "beta"...

"everything playable from start to finish" is what Alpha is IMO. The game may not be able to play continuously from start to finish in this stage, but at least every feature is there.

Beta is when your game can be played pretty much as a whole, with game balance and such done. Only some bug fixing are required before certification.


What you described is still the Alpha stage.

It seems like a translation error more than anything else.
What is the source of that? I dunno, that's just not how I've understood alpha. The way I've understood it is that alpha is basically the game when it's playable to a certain extent but NOT feature complete and alpha (usually) ends when a game IS feature complete. Beta stage is then (usually) just getting rid of bugs, optimizing the game to run well, gameplay balancing & polish as well as finishing some possibly unfinished assets and such, though it can also include some (usually more minor) feature additions as well as cutting content/features if required for whatever reason. Though the definition of an alpha & beta really isn't set in stone & there can be some variation on its usage based on who's using the terms (see: relatively finished "betas" that stay in beta forever while some major new content & features are still added).

So FFXV seems to mostly be feature complete & playable through 'n through (as in, it's in beta), but they are just going through a final pass of what they have before moving on from alpha to beta & are calling it the pre-beta phase.

That said, I'm not sure why you are so hung up on some kind of "correct" usage of the terms or claiming pre-beta is some kind of a travesty of a concept. They can call it whatever they want.
I am excited.

"everything playable from start to finish" is what Alpha is IMO. The game may not be able to play continuously from start to finish in this stage, but at least every feature is there.

Beta is when your game can be played pretty much as a whole, with game balance and such done. Only some bug fixing are required before certification.

I think he is right. Alpha means the game is not feature complete, but Beta means it is.


Really they put the "please be excited" thing?

Also...pre-beta? What does this mean? I read the article, but of course a beta is a beta, is not the final product so it's clear it needs to be polished and bugs ironed out. This pre-beta thing is stupid, so I call it an Alpha Plus.*
The more I hear about this game, the more I think it will be a mess.
And I love FF franchise (well, excluding Fabula Nova), so I'm not a hater or whatever.
*I don't want to give SE ideas, knowing them they could sell a FFXV Alpha Plus version with the same area of Episode Duscae but with Moogles on.
Of course I'm not calling it a mess because of this article, but because the game was/is in development from a HUGE amount of time, they keep changing stuff even now (and plot related, not only the character design of the king, how can you change a plot related thing with no impact on the story?), they keep updating the demo etc.
This is my opinion, of course, and I hope the game will turn out to be great because I'm really interested into it, but for now, until I see something real (and no cutscenes and redux version of cutscenes), I am pessimistic.

Jesus, being so pessimistic must be exhausting. The changes to Regis were obviously part of the general story revision that has been going on around the time Tabata took over in 2014, they just revealed his new look a year later. The same with Stella who we saw at TGS 2014 for the first time and then only something more substantial again at this year's TGS.

Yeah, pre-beta is not a common term and basically means late Alpha. The game's coming along. Have trust in the team. They seem super ambitious and motivated to deliver something special.


I think when this releases we are going to see a lot of patches and bug fixes over the course of a few months or so after the games release, though I personally am fine with that.. Critic scores may not be so kind early on.
I think when this releases we are going to see a lot of patches and bug fixes over the course of a few months or so after the games release, though I personally am fine with that.. Critic scores may not be so kind early on.

What makes you say that ? The game has nearly a year of polishing time now.


I think when this releases we are going to see a lot of patches and bug fixes over the course of a few months or so after the games release, though I personally am fine with that.. Critic scores may not be so kind early on.
I don't think it will have any more patches than most open world/large games had this year. SE wouldn't ship a main installment of their tentpole franchise in a broken state.
I think when this releases we are going to see a lot of patches and bug fixes over the course of a few months or so after the games release, though I personally am fine with that.. Critic scores may not be so kind early on.
Why? Square has never been known for releasing buggy games in the past, why do you think this would suddenly start now out of the blue?


Fall 2016 it is! Include the FFVIIR demo and this will be the biggest release next year in terms of sales and hype.
Lol, I didn't think of this at all. I was wondering what they could bundle a FFVIIR demo with and only thought of FFXII, which seemed like a strange decision (don't know why, they just don't have any connection), or Crisis Core HD, lol.
Or fully playable female characters.
Seriously? After 9 years you still haven't accepted it?

What makes you say that ? The game has nearly a year of polishing time now.
Why? Square has never been known for releasing buggy games in the past, why do you think this would suddenly start now out of the blue?

To be fair, it is their first "open-world" FF of this huge a scale, which creates a ton of sources for bugs, even more than most games already do, anyway.


What makes you say that ? The game has nearly a year of polishing time now.

This game is very big, every game known to man has some form of glitch.

Open world games are more susceptible to bugs.

There is only 200 or so devs on the team, even one year is not enough to get every nook and cranny.

Maybe the main story could be very polished, but elsewhere who knows what they could miss.

Millions of players will have it one day and one in those millions will find something quicker than the devs could and post it on the internet.

This is their first Triple A Open World ARPG in a while unless i'm forgetting something especially not in this generation


I think when this releases we are going to see a lot of patches and bug fixes over the course of a few months or so after the games release, though I personally am fine with that.. Critic scores may not be so kind early on.

Who knows, but Final Fantasy games have generally been well tested so it wouldn't be surprising to work pretty good. Their PC ports are a different tale but not really related to the launch of XV on PS4.
I think he is right. Alpha means the game is not feature complete, but Beta means it is.
Different companies have different definitions for alpha/beta. At my old company which did mainly work-for-hire licensed games for various publishers, alpha meant what this "pre-beta" is - the game is feature-complete, can be played from start to finish, but doesn't necessarily have all the art and music and effects done, definitely still needs polish and has lots of bugs. Beta meant everything about the game was complete and we were going into 100% bug-hunt-and-fix mode.
To be fair, it is their first "open-world" FF of this huge a scale, which creates a ton of sources for bugs, even more than most games already do, anyway.
Not really - GTA V didn't have a ton of bugs at launch, Xenoblade X doesn't either. Skyrim and Fallout, sure, but that's because of the developer, not the type of game; even Bethesda's non-open-world games are buggy as crap :)


I'm surprised how much they've modernized their development process over time.

They first time they even made a vertical slice was unintentionally Final Fantasy 13's demo, and now they're basically sitting with standard Western development practices for the whole cycle.
Summer to September, do it SE. The characters and story better be amazing though, open world games other than Witcher 3 have put me to sleep after 5-20 hours of playing.


I'm surprised how much they've modernized their development process over time.

They first time they even made a vertical slice was unintentionally Final Fantasy 13's demo, and now they're basically sitting with standard Western development practices for the whole cycle.

The whole Fabula Nova Crystallis really seems to have been a big eye opener to them


Is it bad that after all SE has pulled with this franchise since FF13 came out, I'm having a hard time giving a fuck? This coming from a die hard FF fan since the very first on NES. They've ruined this franchise, and I don't see 15 bringing it back, but if it's a decent game, I'll jump on board I guess.

PS, currently playing FF14 and it's a masterpiece. I wish they could take the talented people who make the MMO's and have them work on the single player games as well. They are the god tier people at SE.
There is only 200 or so devs on the team, even one year is not enough to get every nook and cranny.

This is their first Triple A Open World ARPG in a while unless i'm forgetting something especially not in this generation

The XV team is twice that size.
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