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DF: Control PS5 Vs Xbox Series X Raytracing Benchmark


Gold Member
We need a 120Hz mode in the photo mode now. Please, Remedy, do it. Static photos at buttery-smooth frame rates! :messenger_heart:
They'd have to drop the resolution for that to happen. But 1080p/120Hz photo mode would be fucking sweet, you're right.
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Now THIS, is the most curious to come out of this video.

Edit: 3:47 into the video, had to check myself incase it was shopped, its not.
Could that be a bug? Because everything else in that shot is exactly the same. Surely if the RT was worse on the XsX, then the whole scene and every screenshot should highlight this no?

The second XsX shows ANY sort of advantage of ANY SORT, no matter how irrelevant (you don't play a game in photo mode, and you don't play a game with no enemies on the screen, like all the examples in this vid), The Sony Hive just goes fucking berserk.

Calm down.

It's okay.

This is an interesting example of how the XsX's GPU shows that slice of extra power in certain scenarios. It's worth noting, but really not worth shitting your diaper over.


This game is being Held up by the developer. Remedy Decided to keep the game on a even playing field. Otherwise known as parity with the playstation 5 version. Photo mode shows that the xbox has more in the tank. Those frames could have been used to add more detail to the X.
You could just not play the game ;)
Another piece of the puzzle of performance. Doesn't quite explain everything on Xbox side as to why we keep seeing FPS be more inconsistent compared to PS5 but either way enjoy photo mode everyone.
Taking pictures. Only represents photomode, not gameplay. PS5 has a slight advantage in gameplay, which is exaggerated by the stutter that occurs on Series X.
The only reason why PS5 has a slight advantage in game play mode is because the developer has not properly optimised for the XSX. Playstation 5 does not get faster when nothings going on on the screen. Remedy has gimped the xsx and Photo mode shows it.


Yeah people quick to deny the bottleneck talk yet DF questioned it in their own video.


Gold Member

The second XsX shows ANY sort of advantage of ANY SORT, no matter how irrelevant (you don't play a game in photo mode, and you don't play a game with no enemies on the screen, like all the examples in this vid), The Sony Hive just goes fucking berserk.

Calm down.

It's okay.

This is an interesting example of how the XsX's GPU shows that slice of extra power in certain scenarios. It's worth noting, but really not worth shitting your diaper over.

Think the overzealous reaction of the results works both ways.


I still consider DMC5 the best GPU benchmark we've had for these consoles. Native 4K mode with fixed settings and framerate unlocked.

Well it's good that they do this across multiple titles, graphic modes and framerate modes. From what I'm gathering and I've not watched the video yet, but the photo mode makes it easier to make sure the same thing is happening on each screen on each console. I'll have to watch the video in full, but I'll be happy for DF to do as many of these comparisons as possible.

I have no preference in console, I'm just interested. As far as I'm concerned the numbers are just the numbers. I agree I enjoyed the DMC analysis.


Could that be a bug? Because everything else in that shot is exactly the same. Surely if the RT was worse on the XsX, then the whole scene and every screenshot should highlight this no?
It probably is, but i find it strange they kept the footage in and dont even mention it. They should know their audience by now, and how details like this will be brought up.


This thread is something else, there is denial, cringe, fierce warriors, awesome spins, etc, etc

Regarding the video, this is a very limited comparasion between both, it's basically a pure gpu test and it confirms the obvious since both console specs were announced, XSX has the GPU advantage and in GPU heavy scenes it will probably perform better in most cases.
It hasn’t been obvious at all after the launch, the 12TF full RDNA 2.0 talk has essentially seemed like theoretical PR bullshit and lower CU count at higher clock has seemed like a better strategy.

As far as I know this is the first time we see XSX show a clear GPU advantage.

The XSX CPU runs faster as well but that hasn’t been seen yet, the scene where DF say might show a CPU limitation basically runs exactly the same on both consoles.

Where is this corridor of doom btw? I want to try how Geforce Now handles that.


You are seeing like for like settings on both consoles where you are seeing clear evidence of the Series X GPU advantage. And for those speaking about game logic and other stuff, the Series X CPU is faster than the one inside the PS5 also. There's no CPU related reason for why the Series X can't handle what the PS5 is. The game is simply better optimized for the Playstation 5 than it is for the Series X, but that hardware gap is still there. It isn't a make believe gap you are seeing in these unlocked framerates. It's something that's really there. The "corridor of doom" is a small fraction of the larger game, so of course it can't be representative of the overall experience as compared to all other gameplay scenarios.

I'm not saying the PS5 is weak; it isn't. But the Series X hardware edge is there, and it will be showing up in future titles and as more devs come to grips with developing on Series X. Microsoft did create more of a headache with their asymmetric memory design, but wait till when devs start utilizing Sampler Feedback Streaming. That will free up all the memory needed to keep relevant data in GPU optimal memory.
Better optimized? Its probably had minimal time on both.

The cpu is not better than ps5 bar clock. We still don't know about the customisations like caches. The io is a factor in all this performance too. Latency will probably be a big factor. We still don't know enough and real world game play scenarios show no clear winner overall, which is an L for xbox given the power bragging.


It probably is, but i find it strange they kept the footage in and dont even mention it. They should know their audience by now, and how details like this will be brought up.
Indeed. So obviously the RT is the same on both platforms meaning that it is most likely a bug.

If the difference between the two was that stark, then everything would be affected, and it would be impossible to ignore. Unless there is something that I am missing


It hasn’t been obvious at all after the launch, the 12TF full RDNA 2.0 talk has essentially seemed like theoretical PR bullshit and lower CU count at higher clock has seemed like a better strategy.

As far as I know this is the first time we see XSX show a clear GPU advantage.

The XSX CPU runs faster as well but that hasn’t been seen yet, the scene where DF say might show a CPU limitation basically runs exactly the same on both consoles.

Where is this corridor of doom btw? I want to try how Geforce Now handles that.

There is no replacement for displacement. GPU heavy scenes will favour XSX design assuming feature parity between both.

Mister Wolf

Well it's good that they do this across multiple titles, graphic modes and framerate modes. From what I'm gathering and I've not watched the video yet, but the photo mode makes it easier to make sure the same thing is happening on each screen on each console. I'll have to watch the video in full, but I'll be happy for DF to do as many of these comparisons as possible.

I have no preference in console, I'm just interested. As far as I'm concerned the numbers are just the numbers. I agree I enjoyed the DMC analysis.
RE8 will be a good one. Targeting 60, high fixed resolution(4K?) and confirmed to using raytracing, all together. None of the other games in these comparisons have been that ambitious.
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BTW that leave us with some questions.

In Phone Mode where the CPU is doing basically nothing the X GPU shows it power but when in gameplay where the CPU is doing physics and all the things related to gameplay PS5 match or pull ahead.

We are seeing that Series X being CPU bottlenecked? Makes sense if you look at most 120Hz comparisons where the CPU is used way more than on 60Hz and PS5 pull again ahead.
I want the shots to contain alpha effects and particles as well too see what the framerate looks like.


Bottleneck on both?
No, series x, as if ps5 was bottlenecked it'd fall to a similar level below in those other scenes where its closer.

As someone eluded to above when ps5 is in full swing its designed to operate to its max very efficiently. Which so far has wiped out xbox advantage in most games and beaten it in lots.


There's a reason those benchmarks are not used anymore. They are not applicable to real world performance.

I don't know... maybe in an actually gaming scenario just as you would always do when benchmarking hardware?

Want to know why? because people run different CPU's and because even though these flybys look pretty, once the CPU gets involved with real world scenarios such as particles and collision detection, that framerate is going to drop like hot cakes in serious action scenarios or gun fights/explosions, but the cool part is that the PS5 and Series X have the SAME CPU, therefore this benchmark is PERECT to predict what the exact performance of the GPU is, the rest will be up to optimizations for real world scenarios, like Gun fights, explosions, etc. What this benchmark does is actually reveals exactly what the GPU is capable of before CPU calculations and other factors like variable frame resolution algorithms kick in.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Huh? It's an actual benchmark they were able to do between consoles being stress tested pretty much.
Not really a stress test, try taking a screenshot with a lot going on.
All those effects disappear


Think the overzealous reaction of the results works both ways.
I think it’s the “true gamer” that buys both console every gen and wants to play the multiplat on the “best experience possible “ and has to buy a PS for the exclusives. but this gen there’s no advantage so they’re upset they bought 2 consoles for no reason because PS still has to be purchased for the exclusives. That’s where I see the anger coming. People that fall on the PS side don’t feel a need to buy an x. The other side does feel a need to buy PS because of the exclusives and it makes them really mad. so they own it but like to shit on it.

Old Empire.

This game is being Held up by the developer. Remedy Decided to keep the game on a even playing field. Otherwise known as parity with the playstation 5 version. Photo mode shows that the xbox has more in the tank. Those frames could have been used to add more detail to the X.

DF said the versions are pretty much identical during gameplay. DF was testing photo mode to see which console could push more frames if the developer decided to.

The X a clear winner.

The devs decided on parity at 30fps. Neither console can hit 60fps all the time.

Unlocked frame rate the Series would win comfortably.

Control an old release game, not actually a new title, so not really a test of potential power.


Gold Member
Oh lord now we have a narrative the Series X CPU is bottlenecked... :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Thanks for the laugh.
Alex mentioned this was quick little test he didn't want to spend too much time on, but I think a lot of the minutia of these tests will be lost on console gamers who aren't cross-referencing their assumptions against PC hardware.

This isn't to say there are never CPU bottlenecks at these settings, but in-game during heavy combat(Tommassi fight with multiple npcs present) typical CPU usage is around 33% Overall on Ryzen 5 1600. The main game thread hovered between 60-80% usage. Consoles have Zen 2 8c/16t variant, so I highly doubt there's any normal case of CPU bottleneck in Quality Mode.

An additional observation on PC was that Photomode CPU usage didn't significantly vary from Game CPU usage, especially during these static scenes. We're talking 27% vs 31% usage, respectively.

I can also name a few more examples of observations not taken in correct context. It's just a cool little RT benchmark and not up for peer review, so it's kinda "whateva" until it becomes a theme on here.
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Finally a little benchmark
So the xsx is indeed AVG 16% ahead in fps and pretty much matches the PS5 on loading times

Given that minimum fps were identical, it's still the right call to cap both at 30 although I feel like they could have given the xbox a 1600p resolution


Alex mentioned this was quick little test he didn't want to spend too much time on, but I think a lot of the minutia of these tests will be lost on console gamers who aren't cross-referencing their assumptions against PC hardware.

This isn't to say there are never CPU bottlenecks at these settings, but in-game during heavy combat(Tommassi fight with multiple npcs present) typical CPU usage is around 33% Overall on Ryzen 5 1600. The main game thread hovered between 60-80% usage. Consoles have Zen 2 8c/16t variant, so I highly doubt there's any normal case of CPU bottleneck in Quality Mode.

An additional observation on PC was that Photomode CPU usage didn't significantly vary from Game CPU usage, especially during these static scenes. We're talking 27% vs 31% usage, respectively.

I can also name a few more examples of observations not taken in correct context. It's just a cool little RT benchmark and not up for peer review, so it's kinda "whateva" until it becomes a theme on here.
No surprised at all after what i've seen doing quick experiment.
So where is corridor of doom drop coming from ?
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I do not think this game is optimized well and the console are probably more capable than what this game has shown. SX has 18% compute advantage on paper so you would expect it to do better on synthetic benchmarking like this one. But in real world case it is not able to keep up the advantage.

Same goes for the RAM and CPU as well. On paper SX CPU should be faster ? as PS5 has variable frequency and it max is still 100mhz slower than SX. However depending on how the console manage the task like i/o, sound etc. PS5 as some other said does on par if not better on 120fps mode as well. SX should have advantage if games uses 10gb or less RAM but since PS5 has uniform 448gb/sec BW and faster SSD it will have advantage otherwise.
The cpu is faster by 100mhz which is correct. But tell me if im wrong but opposed leaks suggests that the ps5 is the faster cpu due having its cores unified unlike series x
Once in the while I stop by this site and catch same ol' names of desperate manchild warriors ripping eachother apart (they even insult same camp members because they weren't harsh enough towards X)..2k pages of negativity, salty downplays of posts by same users going nonstop..that's basement no life status man. Where do you find the time to play defense round the clock bruh?..shits incredible watching from a distance.

Worlds renowned SSD can't even pull away in loading times 🤭 wha happin? Y'all don't want to go through this for the next 7-8yrs of face offs..why put yourself in that vulnerable position?

It's Inevitable, accept it and Let it go....Xbox is better 🫂


Like I said months / year ago .. more workers / CUS. it’s not for nothing high end cards have more cu’s
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There is no replacement for displacement. GPU heavy scenes will favour XSX design assuming feature parity between both.
Well what I’m saying is that this hasn’t been seen before. We’ve heard about the power but since there are no benchmarks on console we’ve never seen the power in practise. Microsoft needed this. Honestly, I needed this. I’ve been very disappointed in the hyped up XSX power so far but this makes me hopeful for the future.

Now they just need to figure out how to take advantage of the extra power in gameplay as well. This is essentially like cheering over a higher score in 3DMarks on PC...


Maybe Microsoft should have advertised their console more accurately...

"The xbox series x, the most powerful console in the world" **

**Stand still in RT mode and put absolutely no load on the cpu or the io and we have for you the most powerful console in the world in that specific condition.... real world performance in gameplay not included**


No, series x, as if ps5 was bottlenecked it'd fall to a similar level below in those other scenes where its closer.

As someone eluded to above when ps5 is in full swing its designed to operate to its max very efficiently. Which so far has wiped out xbox advantage in most games and beaten it in lots.
Why is it that both are on 45FPS where it says bottlenecked?


Once in the while I stop by this site and catch same ol' names of desperate manchild warriors ripping eachother apart (they even insult same camp members because they weren't harsh enough towards X)..2k pages of negativity, salty downplays of posts by same users going nonstop..that's basement no life status man. Where do you find the time to play defense round the clock bruh?..shits incredible watching from a distance.

Worlds renowned SSD can't even pull away in loading times 🤭 wha happin? Y'all don't want to go through this for the next 7-8yrs of face offs..why put yourself in that vulnerable position?

It's Inevitable, accept it and Let it go....Xbox is better 🫂
The ssd will show advantages once games are coded for it more.

One thing to consider, if DF are reaching out to deva each time ps5 beat series x as they think the series x should be better why don't they with the ssd, seeing as that's not showing its lead in multiplats.

But as said above its because games are not taking advantage of it properly yet.

Also you say xbox is better but thats not back up by real world game results so far, maybe accept that before lecturing others.
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Pretending to miss the point :)))

The thing i find fascinating is ... playstation was always weaker than all its competition, historically. ps1 weaker than n64. ps2 was used as a mop by xbox and gamecube. xbox 360 was doing circles around ps3. The only anomaly was with the ps4 vs xbox one. The way things are now is just the natural order of things. Why are sony fans having so much difficulty coming to terms with this, when this was the situation their entire history ?
That's like asking "why are you mad that I keep shitting on you? I've been shitting on you for years. I just stopped for a few years... get used to it" LOL To that question why are Xbox fans so mad when they don't have as good a games library compared to PS? It's been that way for generations? Cause Xbox gamers want games! Xbox gamers are excited that Xbox has bought up these studios! More studios means more games!

This is the way the generation will go, it's going to go back and forth. The trolls will come out when their side wins a comparison and go back into hiding when they've lost. They'll say, fuck what that exclusive game looks like have you seen this 3rd party game that plays ever so slightly on MY console? :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I agree with what you said tho, PS consoles have never been as powerful numbers wise as the Xbox consoles. Been PS forever, it never bothered me.
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