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Diablo 3 getting Necromancer (paid), remaking Diablo 1 in D3, new zones (free)


The delusions from D3 fans are sad. They love to stuck with a failing game, that has people playing D2 more then the new title.

How many people are still playing D2 since you seem to have total awareness of the population? Also, the number of people playing either game does little to alter my enjoyment of the franchise. But hey, enjoy your dead game. The rest of us will be playing brand new Diablo content.
yeah we won't agree on POE either, I'm not a fan of it.

Is Lineage Eternal a sequel to the original Lineage games? I did enjoy those when they were out but didn't play a whole lot of them since they were MMO's

This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwGhqnfcJ0s is LE (iso arpg, korean though)

How many people are still playing D2 since you seem to have total awareness of the population? Also, the number of people playing either game does little to alter my enjoyment of the franchise. But hey, enjoy your dead game. The rest of us will be playing brand new Diablo content.

Yes all that brand new content....lol the delusions continue.

I rather enjoy the really amazing content from 7 to 10 years ago. From a team that cared, then from a studio that cares alot more about their other new brands.


Presentation, challenge, endgame, community, trading.

You could matchmake 8 player games in the year 2000. In 2016, there's not even a matchmaking service for specific runs.
A bi of that is just your opinion but I'd say there's just as much challenge, and more for endgame there's far more in d3 than d2.

This is objectively wrong. If Diablo 2 is a 10 Diablo 3 is a 8 at best. Diablo 3 has fun elements and killing monsters is very satisfying but the goofy voice acting, the story, the music, the items, the levels and the skill trees are no where near anything in D2.

Here's D3. Hey, here's a skill. You like that skill? Okay well instead of being able to increase it's damage we'll let you add fire, electricity, frost or some other garbage to it. Want to up the damage, find a higher damage weapon as a sorcerer. How idiotic. I enjoy many parts of Diablo 3. Diablo 3 is a great game, it's just not a great Diablo game. The atmosphere, the music, the skill tree, the danger. It's all wrong. In old games when you died it was terrifying. All your loot dropped on the ground! It was a very intense experience. Diablo 3 is all about spamming. If you die who cares. Added depth of managing health and mana? Ehhh we'll just throw some orbs on the ground. Keep spamming and have fun picking those up.

Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Diablo 3
Honestly a lot of that stuff you listed isn't objective, but rather subjective. I'm not going to argue with you though because you seem to be set in your nostalgic way of if D3 isn't cookie cutter D2 it isn't a diablo game. I'll just say i played plenty of D2 back then and I never felt 'terrified' because my loot dropped on the ground and there's still resource management, and don't act like there wasn't just a bunch of spamming in D2. And again, subjective, but I don't have a problem with the skill tree, I kinda like how it can augment the skill to a different way or build, rather than be set on a path and have to make a new character to try a different build.


I like D3. I'm still in shock they didn't announce a new expansion for it. A new class, 2 new zones. Make a small act or something. Don't make us run through all of D3 again with a new class. Oh well.


D2 was great when it came out and you can argue it is better than D3 but mechanically it is so dated I can't believe some games still follow (Borderlands comes to mind) that when D3 is mechanically superior.

The point of skills scaling on weapon damage mean that the point of Diablo - a loot ARPG - can work for every class because how would you theoretically get stronger in a loot game? Better loot. It's right there. It makes about as much sense as a talent that does nothing but gives you 5% bonus damage.

To be honest I don't miss the days where you have a stupidly large talent tree where each rank of something does nothing but increase your damage or something else by some marginal percentage and anything interesting takes a ridiculous amount of investment. Sorry but I'm not in high school anymore. I don't have time to reroll a character just because I misclicked a talent allocation and the devs decided respecing is for casuals.

What you're saying makes sense but there WAS fun loot to find in D2 if you were a mage. You had specific items that leveled up certain skills, ie +3 to raise skeleton, +1 to all skills in a certain tree, etc. More mana, things like that. The items in D3 don't matter. You pick up whatever has the higher number. There is not as much strategy as there was in old games. Mana really doesn't matter. It regenerates at a high level for each character and health doesn't matter either. Again, you choose the item that has the highest number on it.

I can absolutely see how people can enjoy Diablo 3. I enjoyed it, but NOWHERE near as much as D2. It's Diablo light as far as I'm concerned. They dumbed down everything that was fun about customizing your character in previous games. Blizzard being part of activision (didn't mean to imply I work for them. I don't) I understand why they have to dumb down the game so it can hit mass appeal. Everyone bought it, played it for a few months then dropped off. They got their money. Mission accomplished.


you still want dumb and time consuming aberration of old and not refined game UI/design. (bad side of conservatism to sum up)
i play h&s since diablo (for thousand and thousand of hour) and i much prefer repsec on the fly and no trading system.
but yeah small niche communities are really vocal and will never end to cry because they are niche and game data collection will save us from what is to me nostalgia dumbness.
What's the downside of a trading system? Honest question. I don't mean the auction shithouse, I mean genuine bartering.


This https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwGhqnfcJ0s is LE (iso arpg, korean though)

Yes all that brand new content....lol the delusions continue.

I rather enjoy the really amazing content from 7 to 10 years ago. From a team that cared, then from a studio that cares alot more about their other new brands.

Your salt is hilarious, but come on, no companies give a shit about you. You're just a dollar sign to them. A new class is objectively content. I'll play a while with the new class then go play other games. Diablo doesn't need to be a lifestyle or something. It's a fucking game, buddy.
Being part of activision I understand why they have to dumb down the game so it can hit mass appeal. Everyone bought it, played it for a few months then dropped off. They got their money. Mission accomplished.

Hope you have a better job now, with a little more morals...

But yeah World of Diablo 3 is exactly was it is. Diablo lite the casual game, with the added "hardcore" spice of ROS.


People called Romanes they go the house?
It's interesting how in this part of your post new areas arent worth anything yet a single quote later they're a worthwhile value add. As for solid content, well I suppose its subjective, but stuff like Kanai's cube, unique effects for nearly every legendary item, new legendaries which expanded the number of viable builds for all classes, etc. feels like solid support for a game that came out several years ago. Most "One and done" games have patches for a while as post launch content and then nothing. Yet apparently D3 should keep providing free content...because?

What I find interesting is where you assume I demand content for free, despite my lack of doing so.

Also interesting that I pointed as new areas as a PART of a greater expansion 'feel', rather than being just 'inserted' into the game by themselves, which does affect perception of value (which, to be fair, is subjective overall).

I said it previously that I don't necessarily mind the Necromancer being priced instead of free, but Blizz is up against their own expectations in terms of content-value for what is being offered.

Underwhelming, or even the subjective 'feel' of nickle-and-diming =/= 'I demand free content'.


formerly sane
What you're saying makes sense but there WAS fun loot to find in D2 if you were a mage. You had specific items that leveled up certain skills, ie +3 to raise skeleton, +1 to all skills in a certain tree, etc. More mana, things like that. The items in D3 don't matter. You pick up whatever has the higher number. There is not as much strategy as there was in old games. Mana really doesn't matter. It regenerates at a high level for each character and health doesn't matter either. Again, you choose the item that has the highest number on it.

I can absolutely see how people can enjoy Diablo 3. I enjoyed it, but NOWHERE near as much as D2. It's Diablo light as far as I'm concerned. They dumbed down everything that was fun about customizing your character in previous games. Being part of activision I understand why they have to dumb down the game so it can hit mass appeal. Everyone bought it, played it for a few months then dropped off. They got their money. Mission accomplished.

Not if you enjoy zdps or certain builds that aren't based purely off CHD, CC and your main stat. If I need area damage, attack speed, or cool down you bet your ass I will be grinding for it anticpating a solid roll. The same applies for 2nd affixes and people who go throrns. Either your full of crap in how much you have played D3 cause no one currently solo in high grs is skipping on resistances they need for their class or you don't know, either is bad. Good luck pushing the high ones without proper resistance cause you will be instantly one shot for the most part. I say that having a monk, wizard, and wd worth a damn the last 3 seasons. Wizard literally had a bug build with fire last season where you avoided dps and went for survival stats, still managed to hit like a truck and punch above GR100. Your crowd can stop with the nonsense cause it's not based on actuality at this point.

D3 is a step down from D2 or POE in the amount of affixes and stats for loot to downplay the importance that's just insane.
What's the downside of a trading system? Honest question. I don't mean the auction shithouse, I mean genuine bartering.

Read the PoE reddit/official forums and you'll probably see what's wrong with it. A large part of the issue is the game has to be balanced with trading in mind, by reducing drop rates and forcing players to trade to an extent to progress their characters, but if you don't support trading efficiently, then it leads to people exploiting others and just shitty player interaction in a game that could do without that.

It's not like you can go back to D2 internet stone age time and hope people will be content with a trade chat where people spam all day overpriced shit.


A bit of a letdown for me. Necromancers are cool I guess, but I'm not going to pay to play him in old, boring ass content over and over. D3 isn't even half as good as PoE, and that game is free.


Weird strategy. Fans would be willing to pay (a lot) for a good remake of D1. Instead the new paid content will be a tiny expansion without a new story? This all looks to me like a desperate way to try to keep the players active at low cost for Blizzard.


What's the downside of a trading system? Honest question. I don't mean the auction shithouse, I mean genuine bartering.

there is no downside. it's only personnal preference. i prefer to play and loot my stuff even if there is one.
And there is trading in diablo 3 but only with people you play with.
no trading or be stuff by other if you don't play the game and it's almost an argument against it being unchallenging.
Your salt is hilarious, but come on, no companies give a shit about you. You're just a dollar sign to them. A new class is objectively content. I'll play a while with the new class then go play other games. Diablo doesn't need to be a lifestyle or something. It's a fucking game, buddy.

You'd be surprised how much game studios cared back then. Of course they want to turn a profit, but profit is now the bottom line. Instead of making a great game, that flourish a community.
Still no PvP.

I'm pretty disappointed with these announcements. I was either hoping for a propert D2 remake or D4. I won't find enjoyment going through the same old stale content with a new class.

The necromancer should be free.


Weird strategy. Fans would be willing to pay (a lot) for a good remake of D1. Instead the new paid content will be a tiny expansion without a new story? This all looks to me like a desperate way to try to keep the players active at low cost for Blizzard.

I honestly don't think so. The original Diablo is a tiny game compared to its successors and isn't capable of creating a sustainable community of players in any capacity in the current market. It would have to be far more than remade, it would have to expanded with original design many times over, and that is work that is better spent on a new game.


My only problem with all this is the slow trickle and just one character. A fuller expansion, or content all at once, has the benefit of getting everyone to log in at once for the different features and brings the community back and playing. If we're getting the D1 stuff at one point and then maybe two areas at some other point and then the necromancer some other time the community might tune in here or there or never. When the bigger content, the Necro comes it'll basically just be people who want to check out that class and/or buy it, so everyone and his brother will be playing necro and that kind of sucks. That's one thing I always hated about expanding with only one new character. You want to try it, but everyone else is trying it already.

As weird as it is to scoff at what will be free content, I'd almost rather they lump it all together for one release.


Weird strategy. Fans would be willing to pay (a lot) for a good remake of D1. Instead the new paid content will be a tiny expansion without a new story? This all looks to me like a desperate way to try to keep the players active at low cost for Blizzard.

even without it diablo 3 probably is the biggest h&s community by far....sure it is not the loudest but it' don't need the noise to pretend to be huge


So naive. The Diablo 1 experience in Diablo 3 won't be remotely anything like the original game. This is an example of Diablo 1.


A couple of shitty filters over Diablo 3's art style isn't recreating shit like this.

Agree completely. I'd love for a D1 remake, but I'm not interested at all if it's in the D3 art style. I just don't understand Blizzard these days, but they can get away with anything at this point.


How many people are still playing D2 since you seem to have total awareness of the population? Also, the number of people playing either game does little to alter my enjoyment of the franchise. But hey, enjoy your dead game. The rest of us will be playing brand new Diablo content.
Logged in to check.
"There are currently 24740 users playing 26758 games of Diablo II Lord of Destruction, and 41016 users playing 28607 games on Battle.net." This is over all the realms and the reason for the # of games > # of players is due to runs where the games are longer than 5 mins (or so) nd then leave. The game remains open :)

Also, dead? Not so much.
I can't wait to see the remake. I LOVE the first Diablo, but boy is it hard to go back to now

i wish they also announced controller support for the PC :(

it's far and away the best way to play D3


it is kinda disappointing. i wanted another Reaper of Souls style thing.

still love D3 on PS4 though. it's like Super Turbo Gauntlet.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The gritty style of the originals is nice and all but as one who didn't have years of play logged on them, the controls/menus are janky af. I wonder how many people who play them are new to them since D3 has been out.


Read the PoE reddit/official forums and you'll probably see what's wrong with it. A large part of the issue is the game has to be balanced with trading in mind, by reducing drop rates and forcing players to trade to an extent to progress their characters, but if you don't support trading efficiently, then it leads to people exploiting others and just shitty player interaction in a game that could do without that.

It's not like you can go back to D2 internet stone age time and hope people will be content with a trade chat where people spam all day overpriced shit.
Then take lessons from D2. Ask the ex-staff. Anything. It still baffles me that they thought having no gold/gem/etc sink is an acceptable way to create an economy. So they just said fuck it, no more trading.

I thought trading in D2 was pretty efficient for the most part. Shako = Pul, Arachnid Mesh = Um, Tal armor = Mal, SoJ = Ist. Using SoJ as a currency and sink for a special event was brilliant.


I feel like im the only one excited for the new stuff and the Diablo 1 Rift, won't be enough for me to continue playing after since my mates play Overwatch now but still excited.


I feel like im the only one excited for the new stuff and the Diablo 1 Rift, won't be enough for me to continue playing after since my mates play Overwatch now but still excited.

I want to be excited, but they didn't show shit so I dunno what I'm even supposed to be excited for :p


I was hyped for Diablo 4.
I would have been hyped for a diablo 3 expansion with lots of new content.
I would have been hyped for a shiny HD remake of diablo 2.

What did we get? A pixelated remake of diablo 1 with filters to make it look old and crap.


Fucks sake Blizzard.
I was hyped for Diablo 4.
I would have been hyped for a diablo 3 expansion with lots of new content.
I would have been hyped for a shiny HD remake of diablo 2.

What did we get? A pixelated remake of diablo 1 with filters to make it look old and crap.


Fucks sake Blizzard.

Exactly my reaction. I'm so disapointed.
I'd be very interested in playing a Necro.... But I don't want to have to play through the game 47 times getting them to max level.

Big Chungus

I was hyped for Diablo 4.
I would have been hyped for a diablo 3 expansion with lots of new content.
I would have been hyped for a shiny HD remake of diablo 2.

What did we get? A pixelated remake of diablo 1 with filters to make it look old and crap.


Fucks sake Blizzard.

its all about the esports!


I mean they even went to the trouble of releasing "D4" dice. This is some full scale Final Fantasy 7 HD level trolling here.


I'd be very interested in playing a Necro.... But I don't want to have to play through the game 47 times getting them to max level.

Wife and I started fresh D3 characters recently, and we hit level 70 in the first half of act 3. There's definitely no need to repeat the game to reach max level

I mean they even went to the trouble of releasing "D4" dice. This is some full scale Final Fantasy 7 HD level trolling here.

It was a full set of dice though, which of course includes a D4. Or were they hinting that they're going to continue the series all the way up to Diablo 20?!


I feel like I should install D2:LoD this weekend.

That D1 dungeon remake seems to be made of D3 art assets, looks exactly like D3 without that pixel filter.
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