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Digital Foundry Face-Off: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC/PS4/XB1)



The game looks way better in motion...neither of these two stills looks all that impressive.
Low, or even below that according to them.

Edit : According to DF here are the settings used on PS4 :

Settings seem right. The only thing that bothers me is the low number of background characters. This is kind of off-putting in the bigger cities where occasionally you only see a few guards wondering around. I did just finally finish AC Unity (shitty game) so maybe that's affecting me a bit.


What exactly is worse on the XboxOne besides the resolution? Ive read a lot of hyperbole in this thread. Its amazing.

Business as usual: exaggerating the difference between the two competing consoles and playing down the difference to pc version. People just love what they bought and aim for.


An even bigger difference is the amount of people on screen. Maybe a coincidence?

I'd hazard the guess, but I made no pretence to be a maven, that it may have a little something to do with the Jaguar cores.

Maybe, possibly, who knows.

It's a bit random though. There's definitely more NPCs than that when I just stood there, plus the ones that are walking through the scene on a path to somewhere else. Not as many as the highest PC setting of course, and not as dead as that screenie implies.
The game looks way better in motion...neither of these two stills looks all that impressive.

It's a gif. Of course it's horrible.

What exactly is worse on the XboxOne besides the resolution? Ive read a lot of hyperbole in this thread. Its amazing.

Well, the resolution makes everything look a lot worse...

Business as usual: exaggerating the difference between the two competing consoles and playing down the difference to pc version. People just love what they bought and aim for.

As exemplified by yourself in this very post, I assume.

Piper Az

PC Ultra setting looks superb. Sharp textures, good shading - looks similar to what I expected from looking at target trailers. And that 60FPS! Looks amazing. Definitely the way to go, if you have the right setup.

Both PS4 and XO look good too, but compared to PC, they're downgrade for sure


The Xbox One suffers for running at 900p so much...



I actually never understood these zoomed in shots anyway. Of course the lower resolution looks way worse if you zoom in on it like that but you will never play like that. So what's the point.

900p is slightly blurrier that's it. These shots are not reflecting real life gameplay. It just shows a higher resolution will still look sharper zoomed in than a lower resolution, but is that news to anyone anyways?


Business as usual: exaggerating the difference between the two competing consoles and playing down the difference to pc version. People just love what they bought and aim for.
You know the consoles are much closer to each other in terms of power yet the differences are there. The race with PC was non-existant, if you are looking for it then you are looking at the wrong place.
Wow, never seen them rag on xbone so much.
Ah, its not a Leadbetter one, fair enough.
NOt only that... The author had the decency to actually point out that their budget PC (750Ti and low intel CPU) puts up comparable visuals to the PS4 version.

i welcome this degree of honesty in the Digital Foundry article.

On Demand

Lower resolution means lower quality textures, IQ, etc. So you can't just say "the only difference is resolution."

Both look like shit compared to the PC version though......


Impressive Xbox One port. From what I've seen, its framerate always seem to be higher than PS4's even when both versions dip. They really need to fix PS4 framerate. 20fps is just too low.


I think these PC gamers are really grasping at straws to try and validate their expensive hardware purchases. Aside from shadows, LOD, crowd density, textures, and framerate there really isn't a difference here.

Reminds me of PS4 gamers desperately convincing themselves that there is a huge difference between X1 and PS4 versions. The cycle continues. :)


I actually never understood these zoomed in shots anyway. Of course the lower resolution looks way worse if you zoom in on it like that but you will never play like that. So what's the point.

900p is slightly blurrier that's it. These shots are not reflecting real life gameplay. It just shows a higher resolution will still look sharper zoomed in than a lower resolution, but is that news to anyone anyways?

So you're telling me you need to zoom a screen to tell a difference between 1080p/900p ?

take a look at those screens then, tell me you can't see it :






You know the consoles are much closer to each other in terms of power yet the differences are there. The race with PC was non-existant, if you are looking for it then you are looking at the wrong place.

This thread and others tell a different story. And whether both consoles are close in terms of power or closer is also very subjective and there is no general consensus on this.
I will be building a PC in the fall. Hopefully I can snag a 980ti and build an awesome rig. Sometimes I wish there was a way get trophies on PC. The things I'm missing out on adds so much to the atmosphere of the Witcher 3.


I think these PC gamers are really grasping at straws to try and validate their expensive hardware purchases. Aside from shadows, LOD, crowd density, textures, and framerate there really isn't a difference here.

Aside from everything, there is no difference.

This is gold. Pretty much how every DF or PC performance thread has become. Don't even know why console owners are so upset. Hell I only own an Xbox One, even I know it will be absolutely shit on by PC every time, and I still get excited to see what PC maxed settings can do. It's simple facts and numbers. PC has the superior hardware available, it will almost always look better in every observable area.
I don't buy multiplatform games on PS4 and I am not seeing that change anytime soon... PC version for this game is awesome, along with superior controls and shortcuts.


Nobody says there is no difference because there measurably is. Doesn't mean he will see it, though.

He won't see it if he doesn't compare it to other versions of course.
But the difference is clearly visible if you compare them, X1 is much blurrier, you lose all the vegetation internal details.


Maybe I'm just more sensitive to these things having spent a good deal of time gaming on both PC and console alongside each other.

Yes it's exactly this. It's not a conspiracy, people aren't lying to you. They honestly can't tell much of a difference.

It's the same way that members in my family say there isn't much of a difference between SD and HD TV. It sounds insane to me but they believe it. Me? If I try to watch SD anything I start getting a headache and have to turn it off after awhile. That's not hyperbole. Didn't use to be that way obviously, but now it's what my eyes want.

As strange as it sounds it's one of the reasons I'm not chasing the top of the line graphics that PCs can offer. I'm content with what the PS4 is capable because I "don't know any better". But I know if I start PC gaming I'll never be satisfied with lower graphics again and I'm just not in the financial position to try and stay on top of the latest pc hardware year after year.
Unfortunately this doesn't stop a lot of PS4-only folks from trying to make the gap between high-end and PS4 seem smaller, or PC-only people from forgetting about how above the so-called console wars they are supposed to be.
Some people do have shameful agendas! XD

But even been a mud slinging post, the one you linked, it does have a point. We have seen many Console only warriors do a 180 once they enter the PC arena. As of now, a PC is a better investment for gaming than a PS4/X1 are, even if the initial cost is somewhat higher. Both consoles haven't reach a point where the amount of exclusives make a difference.

Speaking in terms of exclusives, if a person enjoys Nintendo games to some degree, then a PC/Wii U combo makes more sense.

The wisest thing right now, is to wait for better prices for X1/PS4 and more robust libraries. Just buy multiplatforms in PC which are cheaper until we reach that point.
As strange as it sounds it's one of the reasons I'm not chasing the top of the line graphics that PCs can offer. I'm content with what the PS4 is capable because I "don't know any better". But I know if I start PC gaming I'll never be satisfied with lower graphics again and I'm just not in the financial position to try and stay on top of the latest pc hardware year after year.
And as had been said thousand of upon thousands of times, YOU DON'T NEED TOP OF THE LINE PC HARDWARE TO GET BETTER QUALITY THAN CONSOLES.

This was pointed out pretty clearly in the very same article linked in the thread. XD


Reminds me of PS4 gamers desperately convincing themselves that there is a huge difference between X1 and PS4 versions. The cycle continues. :)
There is no need of convincing, there are huge differences (except some corner cases). And there is a bigger difference between the PC and PS4 versions.

This thread and others tell a different story. And whether both consoles are close in terms of power or closer is also very subjective and there is no general consensus on this.
There is nothing subjective about the difference of power of the consoles and the PC.


So you're telling me you need to zoom a screen to tell a difference between 1080p/900p ?

take a look at those screens then, tell me you can't see it :





I didn't say I can't see it. Of course you can see it. I said if you just zoom in on a specific detail it doesn't represent the actual gameplay experience. You would never do that in real life. You will always have the full screen view. These shots just blow this stuff out of proportion.

I have a high end PC, PS4, X1 and WiiU and I know how gaining looks like on each platform. I do appreciate every detail but some people just pretend it's a completely different game on the X1 compared to the PS4 just because of 900p vs 1080p. This is like crazy talk to me when you switch between all platforms on a daily basis. That's all I wanted to say.

I am interested to read and talk about the differences, though. That's why I come to these threads.


I made these amendments to the config file.



Many of these are set to 1 on Ultra, so in some cases I've tripled or quadrupled. My performance hit is heavier for that reason. But lower values (still higher than ultra) aren't bad. Check the Geforce tweak guide for examples.

These settings look really nice, except when in motion. My initial impression is that Pop in seems to be much more apparent with these settings.


There is no need of convincing, there are huge differences (except some corner cases). And there is a bigger difference between the PC and PS4 versions.

There is nothing subjective about the difference of power of the consoles and the PC.

True, but perception is certainly subjective. One person might look at those comparison screens and the differences are numerous and obvious while another looks at them and it basically looks the same.


Shit, never expected there to be that many dips on PS4. Hopefully this get's patched, doesn't make any sense given the noise surrounding PS4 (relatively) higher compute number count.

And no, not a single platform looks like shit, you must be either blind or ignorant to think that. This game is gorgeous. Period.


I'd be in the dick
Shit, never expected there to be that many dips on PS4. Hopefully this get's patched, doesn't make any sense given the noise surrounding PS4 (relatively) higher compute number count.

And no, not a single platform looks like shit, you must be either blind or ignorant to think that. This game is gorgeous. Period.
I mentioned this before but sometimes reloading a save can fix the big framedrops on PS4. There's still hiccups here and there but one point during a mission with fire, a storm, and tons of NPCs the framerate was down to low 20s. Died and on the replay it was back up to 30. Hopefully they can make that the standard.


Impressive Xbox One port. From what I've seen, its framerate always seem to be higher than PS4's even when both versions dip. They really need to fix PS4 framerate. 20fps is just too low.


Reminds me of PS4 gamers desperately convincing themselves that there is a huge difference between X1 and PS4 versions. The cycle continues. :)
Say the person who seen fps is always higher on xbone when it's just because it uncapped. In any case fps it's quite stable on ps4 in the gameplay. There are some occasion where drops because swamp area and rain combined or other strange reasons, I don't know the hell you seen so many 20 fps drops in the video, honestly.


I might have the money to upgrade my 660 GTX at some point, but for now it's probably quite similar to the experience I'm having on PS4, where most of my friends are anyway.

I can understand evangelizing the best possible version, but unless you've got a monster PC I really don't think it matters. Great game is great.


I mentioned this before but sometimes reloading a save can fix the big framedrops on PS4. There's still hiccups here and there but one point during a mission with fire, a storm, and tons of NPCs the framerate was down to low 20s. Died and on the replay it was back up to 30. Hopefully they can make that the standard.
This sounds very interesting. So under similar conditions, the frame rate goes back to 30FPS after restarting?


And as had been said thousand of upon thousands of times, YOU DON'T NEED TOP OF THE LINE PC HARDWARE TO GET BETTER QUALITY THAN CONSOLES.

This was pointed out pretty clearly in the very same article linked in the thread. XD

I do know this. But I really don't need to, because as I explained, I'm quite content with what the ps4 is capable of and really prefer the simplicity consoles offer as well.

What I am more referring to is not simply wanting to "beat consoles". Once I started down the road of trying to get the best graphics, I wouldn't be content without constantly upgrading. Might not makes sense to everybody but it's the way my mind works.

I will add though that I already have my eyes on some steam machines, it's certainly possible that in 2-3 years the ps4 will seem outdated enough to me that I might upgrade.


Play on whatever you want. These days I'm playing on my PS4 because I'm enjoying the couch setup and HDTV. It's not only about resolutions, framerate and textures. Sometimes it's also important to play on what that feels more comfortable to you and plays best.

I won't deny that my budget is more healthier spending on consoles than PC gaming overall. You have to expect worst IQ image, that's all. Gameplay is still there.

Off to enjoy my copy of Witcher 3 on PS4. :)


Great comparison from DF, as always it was pretty obvious the PC version would be the best, but can we can stop shitting on the current gen consoles with various comments like "underpowered", "weak", "sub par" etc etc, when they clearly aren't to most people who own them.

Being able to run a game as vast as The Witcher 3, and this is prior to any patch to further improve on it, is great for the fact consoles are going for at least £299, and it's hitting medium - high settings, not bad at all.

We all know why Sony & MS didn't go power hungry with the consoles.

If you want to put consoles down to make yourself feel better go ahead, but the majority of us are just enjoying the The Witcher 3.


Great comparison from DF, as always it was pretty obvious the PC version would be the best, but can we can stop shitting on the current gen consoles with various comments like "underpowered", "weak", "sub par" etc etc, when they clearly aren't to most people who own them.

Being able to run a game as vast as The Witcher 3, and this is prior to any patch to further improve on it, is great for the fact consoles are going for at least £299, and it's hitting medium - high settings, not bad at all.

We all know why Sony & MS didn't go power hungry with the consoles.

If you want to put consoles down to make yourself feel better go ahead, but the majority of us are just enjoying the The Witcher 3.

Don't worry, I don't think the consoles are going to get their feelings hurt.
This thread lol...

Here I was constantly in awe in how beautiful the game is playing on my PS4, I'd be liable to think it's the worst shit this gen going by these posts. Embarrassing.
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