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[Digital Foundry] New Scorpio Spec Leak: ESRAM Gone, GPU Features Revealed

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Ps4 Pro seems very rushed and messy with games running worse on Pro than reg Ps4, and no real infrastructure to explain the differences to consumers on a game by game basis. I dunno, you can spin it whichever way you want. It's more likely they both saw 4k coming and knew they could leverage it to keep charging high prices for hardware while discounting their base models and making up for how weak the base consoles are.

Have you been paying attention to the Pro and it's games? They run fine and outside of one or two cases run better.
For hyping Scorpio as the next big thing this is underwhelming as fuck.

This alone wont save shit for this year. Gotta have the games.

We have plenty of reasons to be skeptical about Microsoft's game output outside of third parties, but this leak doesn't confirm or deny anything on that front.


Seriously 100% this. If all you care about is power then get a PC or let someone help you build a PC. These companies can't keep up. They can't keep up with PC and have it at an affordable price.

We see this with PS5 speculation as well. It's fun to speculate, but I'm not holding my breath for Sony to essentially yell "High end CPU! High end GPU! A butt-load of RAM! $399! We out!" *mic drop*

There will be serious compromises, just like with Scorpio.


Ps4 Pro seems very rushed and messy with games running worse on Pro than reg Ps4, and no real infrastructure to explain the differences to consumers on a game by game basis. I dunno, you can spin it whichever way you want. It's more likely they both saw 4k coming and knew they could leverage it to keep charging high prices for hardware while discounting their base models and making up for how weak the base consoles are.

Rubbish man. So one or 2 devs have had game pacing issues (Japanese)....its a dev thing. Note is all Japan devs.

Ubisoft (watchdogs 2), EA (Titanfall 2 / BF1) and Activsion (Infinite warfare) all nailed pro perfectly, as most big western publishers have already got to grips with all the new techniques.


What in the world are people in here talking about? I read through the article.

There's NOTHING that is disappointing or not what was expected.

It looks like the system is on target for 6TF at the minimum. It's a huge step up from Xbox One and significantly more powerful than the PS4 Pro.

I'm not sure if I'll buy it...with my PC already being more powerful, but I see the hyperbole arrived and took off.

The truth comes out.

The truth about what? The exact thing any sane person expected and was told. It's on target to be a 6TF system that is capable of 4k, or other enhancements.....just as they said it would be.
Fixed that for you, it will still control and play like a 30 FPS game no ? Double frame rate but 30 FPS control kinda negates the whole 60 FPS benefit IMO

Still I think Ps4 pro is great and nice for MS to have an Xbox scorpio pro Elite, it will allow devs to fine craft dynamic scaling / checkerboard and the like (Infinite warefare / Watch dogs 2).

not all animations have to be 30hz
just like Halo 5, where just the AI enemy animations are 30hz, while your animations and co-op player is still 60hz
Sounds like Scorpio is PS4 Pro, just a year later. Not inspiring imo. Maybe Sony caught MS with their pants down with a mid-gen refresh, MS had to do some secret sauce hyping with regards to Scorpio power?

Going by the specs, it's definitely more powerful than the Pro.


Lmao, if those specs turn out to be true then this Spencer guy is even more full of shit than I originally thought.

If we are looking at it from total flops perspective, the percentage jump from XO to Scorpio will be bigger than the jump from 360 to XO.


So I'm not up on AMDs architecture. What advantages does Zen have over Jaguar? Additionally, what would moving to Zen benefit them above and beyond shrinking and overclocking a Jaguar chip?


I think MS would be mad to not have the Scorpio, the PS4 was already 40% more powerful than the Xbox One and now the Pro is out there is an even wider power gap. I think the Scorpio will do decently for MS once released, provided it isn't hideously expensive. It'll help their sales if Xbox is where multiplatform console games look and perform best.

Yea, but after hearing about them jaguar cores, I'm surprised MS did not pull an Xbox 360 move and release a new gen in 2018 with higher specs (especially on the CPU side of things). They are still doing well with XBO, not great or pack leader, but well enough IMO where they could have possibly waited a year longer especially of there were going to try and become serious in VR space.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Ps4 Pro seems very rushed and messy with games running worse on Pro than reg Ps4, and no real infrastructure to explain the differences to consumers on a game by game basis. I dunno, you can spin it whichever way you want. It's more likely they both saw 4k coming and knew they could leverage it to keep charging high prices for hardware while discounting their base models and making up for how weak the base consoles are.

No game runs worse on Pro. That was some early games which have been fixed.

You should have a look at this thread


Gold Member
Here he claims to know "things" and says Scorpio shooting for 8TF and $399:


DocSeuss claims to work in the industry and says Scorpio plans to be a new gen and not a mid-gen refresh:


This is the guy who said the US was the only market that really mattered, and that all the other markets combined (aside from China) couldn't even come close to its size.

I wouldn't take what he says at all seriously.


This is old info, and even then it's still a substantial chunk more powerful than a PS4 Pro, which slaps around an Xbox One. If the target here is Xbox One owners, it's a huge upgrade for them, and will still allow significantly better visuals than a PS4 Pro.

I don't get the outrage here.


Dreams in Digital
It's not going to sell as good or better than the XB1S.

It will launch at $400 while the XB1S will be $200-250 depending on holiday price cuts.

Sorry, I meant it will sell better than the PS4pro initially; not that we should really be breaking the XB1/PS4 division up like that. After all, it is just a revised version of an existing console and not a new generation.


if we get incremental updates from MS/Sony every 3 years, then basically we'll never see 'big bang' console releases again. Even moreso if the two interleave their releases like this - you'll have maybe two years between Scorpio and whatever Sony call their next one

If that is the case, and if they stick with an x86 based architecture, then IMO it makes business sense to have full BC from here on out, and then you simply leave which consoles to support down to publishers. If EA sees it make sense to have a PS5 game that works on PS pro and PS4 due to numbers, then let them do it. Others may choose to just support PS5/PS pro and drop PS4 (or get a porting house to make a separate version for that platform). Likely the platform holder will do that too.


Disappointing if it's not that much better than a Pro, I thought they would really go all in especially launching a year later. So is Scorpio going to struggle running games at 60fps if it has a Jaguar CPU then?

What struggle? Titanfall 2, BF1, IW, Overwatch, Forza, Halo, biggest and most popular titles already running 60fps on Xbox one.
4.5X more power console will only perform better, why are we so hung up on what CPU it use when the old one already get the job done.


Can someone add Phil Spencer to this?



What in the world are people in here talking about? I read through the article.

There's NOTHING that is disappointing or not what was expected.

It looks like the system is on target for 6TF at the minimum.

Because fans wanted Ryzen, 8TF and HBM due to posters like Senjutsusage hyping them up lol.


Looks like this leaked white paper follows what's been hinted or indicated all along.

They've stated before that games that reach 1080p30/60 on XBO should be able to reach 4k30/60 on Scorpio. So it'll be interesting to see if any developers use checkerboard rendering instead to give them some wiggle room to improve the quality of effects instead.

Well *IF* true, a big let down. I was expecting a noticeable increase in performance-at least 1-2 times as powerful as a PS4 Pro.

I'm stuck deciding between an Xbox One S and PS4 Pro now.

What lead you to believe or hope Scorpio would be 2x the power of the Pro? Everything known so far has pointed to a 40% leap in performance.


Power, nice graphics, and fun, why cant we have it all ?

They are not mutually exclusive.

I assume thats what Sony did already with Pro and got 2.1 with Jaguar. Maybe MS will go further with a big ass cooler ?

Oh, I know, it just seems to me like every day I come up here or other gaming sites, all people seem to be talking about is how many pixels can be pushed, or how many TFLOPS something has, or what framerate games run at, and it gets tiring. I'm probably in the wrong thread to be voicing these concerns in though haha


But compared to the OG Xbone, it is a large upgrade

What in the world are people in here talking about? I read through the article.

There's NOTHING that is disappointing or not what was expected.

It looks like the system is on target for 6TF at the minimum.

You had people expecting this thing to reign in a new gen and have mind blowing graphics over everything else on the market. You had people expecting exclusive games for this as well.

Plenty of people said not to get hung up on it. What's leaked here is what any rational person was expecting. It'll act just like the Pro. Games will have better iq, textures etc but don't expect games to look drastically different than what you see on the Pro.


What in the world are people in here talking about? I read through all this.

There's NOTHING that is disppointing or not what was expected.

It looks like the system is on target for 6TF at the minimum.

The most powerful console with the best services and backwards compatibility. Plenty of reasons to be excited. As far as games go, it of course will have the best versions of all of the big mutiplats and Microsoft will certainly bring more of their own games to the table as well. They always do.
It has games. Look at the best sellers of last year. All third party. That's what Xbox owners buy.

They like xbox live, they like playing with friends and they like the controller. Now it has the most power.

Were people expecting anything more than Phil announced last year? Because this is exactly in line with what he said.

So it only needs some third party games and be the most powerful? Yeah no


Well, that's sad to hear. MS made it sound like it would be a really powerful console and not "just" a Xbox one pro kind of thing.

Yes, I felt the same way. That Scorpio was going to be a proper high end 4K gaming console that would be substantially more powerful than the Xbox One S and PS4 Pro.

It appears to simply be a Xbox One S Pro


Going by the specs, it's definitely more powerful than the Pro.

Which is a given with the extra year in development.

As it seems for now, if MS is just following Sony footsteps, then im not sure 'waiting' another year is a good move. I say 'waiting' because Scorpio may just be a reactionary step.


So I'm not up on AMDs architecture. What advantages does Zen have over Jaguar? Additionally, what would moving to Zen benefit them above and beyond shrinking and overclocking a Jaguar chip?
Zen CPU Arch from AMD marketing (the CPU was not released yet) is suppose to reach close to actual IPC (instructions per cycle) and power draw of Intel CPUs... something AMD lacks in the last decade being crushed by Intel in CPU performance.

So it everything goes right then AMD will launch a new CPU Arch on par with at least Skylake from Intel.

But that is easy than done and AMD just showed prefabricated demos until now.

Jaguar is like the low tier of AMD lineup from 5 years ago... it is probably weaker than Atom or ARM actually.


Part of me was hoping they'd bite the bullet and pull an Xbox360 - kill the existing system and start the next gen early.


Microsoft have made a power gamble.
Sony have gone for a cut price stop gap while waiting for 4k appetite to increase and technology to become affordable.

Be interesting to see which one pans out for the best.


The most powerful console with the best services and backwards compatibility. Plenty of reasons to be excited. As far as games go, it of course will have the best versions of all of the big mutiplats and Microsoft will certainly bring more of their own games to the table as well. They always do.

How will it have the best versions of multi platform games? If they both do 1080 @60 fps or 1080 @30 locked. Or are you talking 4k?


It is close to same...

PS4 > XB1 +40%
Scorpio > Pro +44%

Pretty much exactly as I expected. Aside from unrealistic expectations how would this be disappointing? If the gap was 'massive' and 'made the choice of systems to play multi-platform games on easy' why would this be anything different?


Part of me was hoping they'd bite the bullet and pull an Xbox360 - kill the existing system and start the next gen early.

And then everyone would be setting fire to it for that. Microsoft is going to get roasted on GAF no matter what they do. It's actually pretty comical at this point.

Kazuo Hirai

I really want everyone to know how much more Titanfall 2 sold than Nioh. It was a staggering amount.
Sorry, I meant it will sell better than the PS4pro initially; not that we should really be breaking the XB1/PS4 division up like that. After all, it is just a revised version of an existing console and not a new generation.

Please add "North America"
Can someone add Phil Spencer to this?


The truth comes out.

They announced the actual FLOPs performance in a giant powerpoint slide on stage at E3 last year. Where is the lie?

Ya'll out here looking for secret sauce in every hardware announcement, even though everyone has switched (ha) to completely conventional architecture with predictable performance. Nowadays, everything is exactly what it says on the box.

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