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Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

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These specs don't mean much without Nintendo hardware to compare it to.

How does the Switch, both docked and un-docked, stack up to the Wii U? Better, worse, or same?

To the 3DS? How much better? Leaps and bounds?

That's all that matters.

Undocked is equal if not faster than Wii U.
Roughly 30 to 40 times faster than 3DS. 6 to 10 times faster than Vita.

Docked is roughly 2 to 3 times faster than Wii U.
90 to 120 times faster than 3DS and 20 to 30 times faster than Vita.
These specs don't mean much without Nintendo hardware to compare it to.

How does the Switch, both docked and un-docked, stack up to the Wii U? Better, worse, or same?

To the 3DS? How much better? Leaps and bounds?

That's all that matters.

It's about on par with Wii U when in portable, slightly better when docked. Games are still going to be vastly Wii U-grade, just slightly more uprezzed. (Think the gap from GC to Wii).

Compared to the 3DS? Leagues ahead, not even comparable. Almost like a two generation leap.


I'm glad the general public don't care about specs and cores and graphics. From reading this thread you'd think this thing was DOA.

LOL they care about games and with the way AAA games have been selling and the bases that have AAA games, the switch might not do well


Come. On. Let's bring a bit of logic here : what we saw during the Switch reveal trailer was the special edition.The LKD leaks were talking about the special edition. The most recent version, and the only one that makes sense to be ported, is the special edition.

Same for DQXI, why would that be anything else than the UE4 version ? Unless they're developping a whole new version, with a completely different look, but we have no basis for that claim. The Switch is running UE4, so it will runs the UE4 version. The 3DS is not running the UE4 version because it's not powerful enough, so they had to make a different version. That's like saying that the Smash bros port will be a port from the 3DS version. That makes zero sense from any perspective.

These are not facts, but nothing in this thread is a fact either, it's either all of them or nothing.

Don't set yourself up for disappointment.
This console is way less powerful than the Xbox One that is not exactly known for being a powerhouse in first place and in handheld mode it belongs to the PS3/360/WiiU generation.
UE4 compatibility doesn't mean anything, you can make a mobile game with basic 3D graphics using the UE4. UE4 support is about having compatibility with certain development tools, not about the kind of graphics you can push.
Nintendo has not been about hardware power since the Gamecube days and 15 years have passed since its introduction....it's time to move on and accept that Switch isn't changing that given these specs that are taken from a devkit.
Surface Pro and many laptops have no issues having a fan. Although it is a moving part of the part only moves when the system is stationary and not when portable it's probably easier to include the fan in the system rather than the dock.

All the laptops I've ever owned have eventually failed due to moving parts, including fans and hard drives. It could be the case that it's only run when in docked mode, but even so everything about those specs tell us that active cooling isn't even needed in docked mode.

Yes, everybody except you (oh, smart one!) was expecting a portable PS4.


Haha why even keep count? I don't suppose you want to go back into the Venture Beat thread to count up all of those posts too?
Regardless of the specs are people really expecting this to come in at $200 or $250?

The 3ds xl and small models are still nearly $200 save for the limited time BF $99 promotion on the small model.


The fans running in portable mode certainly is strange if these clocks are accurate. I mean even at the docked rate you likely could get by without fans if there are only 2 SM.

Perhaps these clock rates aren't max rates for portable and docked but minimum?

And if devs need to they can increase rates to a max rate that EG does not have information on?

Otherwise yeah best case we are hoping for 3-6 SM

There shouldn't be any maximum or minimum clock speeds, the CPU and GPU clocks will be constant (while running games anyway, the OS is a different matter).

I wouldn't even consider 6 SMs as a best case. Consider it a "better than best" case.

I'd be kinda shocked if a fan needs to run in portable mode. That sounds rather noisy for a handheld gaming device. Plus, more moving parts would make the Switch more fragile than handheld systems in the past.

I mean, do any phones or tablets out there need a fan? (I'm genuinely asking).

Occam's razor says that among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. I'm just saying...

No phones, but some tablets do. This is a little different in that it's designed both for stationary and portable use, though.

Thanks for the write (I'll pretend I understood what you wrote, but it does sound more positive than what others have been saying).

Two questions:

1. How much higher than Wii U are we talking here regrading each scenario? Most people are fine with the portable aspect, but it's the home console aspect that is making people weary. How does it compare to XB1 and what should we expect from ports to Switch? Is it merely less graphical fidelity or will it be something more severe?

2. It seems that active cooling is what's not making any sense for the Switch, but then I wonder, what is the possibility of it simply being badly designed? It might seem like crazy talk given that it's Nintendo we are talking about there. But this is really the simplest reason for it.

For question 1, it's difficult to say, as it depends on whether the game is CPU or GPU limited, how well it can use FP16, etc. In terms of third party ports, I'd expect 720p with some effects disabled when docked, and 540p in portable, but that's pretty much what my expectation's been for a while.

On question 2, there's not much "bad design" that Nintendo can do here. TSMC physically make the chips, and Nvidia's GPU architecture is pretty power efficient (certainly compared to AMD). Nintendo isn't really in a position to screw either of them up. It's possible that they were just extra-conservative with heat dissipation when including a fan, but they're usually extra-conservative with moving parts, so I don't feel they'd use a fan unless they really needed to.

Excellent analysis as always, and I agree with that conclusion regarding the fan, though I'm starting to expect that I'll be disappointed again regardless of what I'm hoping for.

But another thing to consider is LKD's report that there is an additional fan in the dock. I know the patent didn't support that report but the patent was filed in June, and adding a fan to the dock is certainly a possible change from the patented specification. 2 fans would be a ridiculous amount of overkill if the clock rates listed are being ascribed to TX1 hardware.

Also, consider the DF article did mention that it's likely that some of the customizations to the SoC were from the Pascal architecture, so it's still certainly possible this will be on a 16nm process. Unlikely I'd say at this point, but possible.

I'm pretty much of the belief that the fan isn't being used in portable mode at this point, as they would have to be using a much bigger GPU than I'd expect to warrant it at these clocks. It is puzzling, though, that as of June they were expecting to have to run the fan in portable mode, as they would have had to know the final GPU config at that point, and even assuming they reduced the clocks since then for some reason, they still shouldn't have needed it at the time.

At a guess the extra fan in the dock may just be for non-final dev-kits with early hardware the runs hotter (although again it leaves us the question of why the power draw would have gone down), but I doubt there's one in the final hardware.

The article actually explicitly left open the possibility of this being a 16nm chip. I'm not expecting it, though, as you could probably double these clocks on 16nm and still be fine (unless we're talking about an enormous GPU).

So regarding the possibility of more SMs:

I believe according to graphs posted here, you get higher performance per watt with more SMs than you do by simply increasing the clock speed. Assuming Nintendo is targeting something like 5 hours of battery life they would be better off using a lower clock speed regardless of the amount of SMs.

So when we look at this from a design perspective, the two cost related variables here are:

  • Die cost/SM cost
  • Battery cost

And two power related variables here which directly affect the cost variables above:

  • # of SMs/CUDA cores
  • Clock of SMs/CUDA cores

It may be possible that Nintendo opted to increase the number of CUDA cores to reach their target performance rather than increase the clock speeds, as increasing the clock speed would require a larger and more expensive battery. Does anyone know how much money a larger battery would cost a console maker relative to an additional SM on the die?

Yeah, that's basically the trade-off you make between more ALUs at a lower clock versus fewer at a higher clock (it's the same for CPU cores in arbitrarily parallelizable tasks). If Nintendo has gone with more than 2 SMs, then it would seem that it's to get similar performance at a bit lower power draw rather than to push the performance ceiling up.

Regarding batteries, they're typically limited by size and weight more than cost. There's going to be a certain amount of free space inside Switch to be filled by battery, and if Nintendo wants more they have to increase both the size and the weight of the device, which is likely a bigger deal than the cost of the battery itself.

Unfortunately, multiple people are saying that the leaked specs are correct other than clock speeds. It's 2SMs. 3 SMs matches the rumored reports of its performance perfectly, as I said earlier in the thread, but that just doesn't seem to be the case. If it were 3SMs I'd be extremely satisfied with these clocks, but it just isn't.

I don't understand it, though! 2SMs just doesn't make sense unless NVAPI is the greatest graphics API in history or devs have quickly taken to FP16. It just doesn't make sense in my head and I can't reconcile it.

I don't think we've had a single reliable report that has told us the final GPU configuration (a number have recited the TX1 specs, but nothing more), and even in this article they specifically say that they don't know the number of "Cuda cores" the GPU uses. The "leaked specs" are simply a recitation of the TX1 specs from someone who a week prior had insisted that Nintendo weren't using Nvidia, and we know they've got both CPU and GPU clocks very wrong, so I don't know why we're putting much stock in them.


Regardless of the specs are people really expecting this to come in at $200 or $250?

The 3ds xl and small models are still nearly $200 save for the limited time BF $99 promotion on the small model.

Yeah... people expecting $200 are going to be in for a shock after the reveal I think. What a legendary thread that will be.


I thought people knew "thraktor"was John Carmack's alias on NeoGAF?
It's not...that I'm aware of

Not sure he works in the industry but it's safe to say he's educated on the tech side of things. :)


The most likely scenario is that Nintendo went with 2 SMs, lower clocks, and a smaller battery to reach the lowest costs possible. Whether Switch is using 2 SM or 3 SM, we're looking at 150 GFLOPS or 230 GFLOPS (portable). I doubt Nintendo puts much value on 80 GFLOPS, especially if they're getting the same CPU/RAM either way. If a game can run well on 230 GFLOPS GPU, it can almost certainly be scaled down to run on 150 GFLOPS. No sense spending more money if that's the case.

I'm not entirely sure why they would bother to deviate so much from the preexisting Pixel c X1 frequency configurations except to make concessions for battery longevity.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Regardless of the specs are people really expecting this to come in at $200 or $250?

The 3ds xl and small models are still nearly $200 save for the limited time BF $99 promotion on the small model.

You act as if Nintendo can't instantly drop the price of the 3DS.
LOL they care about games and with the way AAA games have been selling and the bases that have AAA games, the switch might not do well

And you can't predict what will be a success. Minecraft as sold over 100 million. Which doesn't need a PS4 pro to run.

Selling a console is not just about power. It is about the whole package. I would say Nintendo know that more than anyone, but they even cocked that up with the Wii U. But the point still stands, What we seen of the Switch so far as been really well received. Trailer, and when it was shown on that tv show people were like yup that is really cool.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Basically to Wii U what Wii was to the Gamecube. I think that's a good sign.

It's yet another new Generation.
So the correct statement would be that having better hardware is indeed a good and important thing even for Nintendo.

And that's what you've got.

After all these years, people still expect Nintendo to come out and make the most powerful console on the market. It will never happen, they aren't out there to compete with Sony/MS.


Junior needs to be powered up to "member" for this one! OMG 😂 😆 One of the best Nintendo gifs ever!!!

Thanks mate, I've been waiting on becoming "member" for a while now, I sucks not to be able to create threads... hopefully soon :)


Another great piece of analysis Thraktor, this should be added to the OP.

Seconded - though I'm struggling to understand a lot of this. I'm going through so many crash courses on YouTube about processors and cores and... embarrassingly basic things to the rest of you, probably. We need a layman's middle-man here to translate for the rest of us.

We don't need this in DBZ terms or "how many ____ duct taped together," but it would be nice to have an intermediate "I just built my first gaming PC" level explanation if someone can give us a rough summary.

From what I understand:
- This is still a big step up from the Wii U even in portable mode, and the aggressive underclocking is meant to prolong battery life primarily, as in portable mode, the Switch only has to process / render a fraction of the pixels.
- CPU speed is consistent docked and undocked, which should assure consistent performance
- We're not sure why the Switch needs active cooling in portable mode at these speeds, so maybe there's something we're missing?
- A 16nm chip still makes a lot more sense than a 20nm chip
- Not going to get XB1 levels of performance by a long shot, but Nintendo and Nvidia very likely have some very clever optimizations and workarounds in place that we don't know about yet, and third-party publishers still seem excited for the Switch.

What other basic takeaways am I missing here? Is any of the above incorrect?


Regardless of the specs are people really expecting this to come in at $200 or $250?

The 3ds xl and small models are still nearly $200 save for the limited time BF $99 promotion on the small model.

Clock speed doesn't affec price. Nintendo are still paying for the same chip

This will be $250/£200 for basic SKU as the rumours suggested.

$300/£250 for the Premium SKU with more internal memory and Splatoon port.


Junior Member
You act as if Nintendo can't instantly drop the price of the 3DS.
We've already heard rumors of a $250-300 price tag for the Switch, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for a 3DS price tag (especially if Nintendo wants to maintain the illusion of the 3DS still being worth the purchase in 2017).


Its funny how nintendo rumors are always:

If its negative:
"Haha, holy shit what are you thinking nintendo, preorder cancelled"

If its positive:
"No way they would do this. SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!"

In this thread, please observe the former.


Gold Member
Yeah, this is along the lines of my lowest expectations. Disappointing, but not shocking. That said, €250 for this thing (the base version, if those rumors are true) would be a damn robbery. Alas, I'm still gonna have to get one, as I simply must play BotW (and also the new Mario, at least if it turns out to be more like SM64 or Galaxy than 3DW). €200, and I'd be pretty happy, although I'd rather have a more powerful machine for €250 or €300. Actually, what I would have preferred even more is an actual home console. They can say whatever they want in their marketing, but this is absolutely a dockable portable first and foremost, not a home console with a portable mode. I will say that being able to play all Nintendo output on a single machine will be nice, but that's about the only positive about this for me.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
We've already heard rumors of a $250-300 price tag for the Switch, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for a 3DS price tag (especially if Nintendo wants to maintain the illusion of the 3DS still being worth the purchase in 2017).

I'm well aware of the rumors.

I mean they could but they've gone from $99 back to $179 with the announcement coming in less than a month. Just seems like a lot of price volatility in a very short amount of time.

Doesn't matter. Other companies do the same thing. New product comes out, instantly slash the old one.
Are you just ignoring cpu performance?

I mean, the cores inside the highest end smart phones diarrhea all over the cores in the current crop of "high" end consoles. If you want to continue to look at things with your troll-face on.

Movalpolos said:
They are basically just trying to reboot their hardware by calling it something different but keeping low powered.

I know I shouldn't expect much more given your post history, but that's not at all the case. Not even remotely.
Well at least I know now that there won't be a worthwhile upgrade for Zelda. Wii U version it is. I'm in no hurry to get a Switch now. They are basically just trying to reboot their hardware by calling it something different but keeping low powered.

I doubt we'll see many games (including 1st party) that just couldn't be done on Wii U. They are basically just abandoning their loyal customers who supported Wii U to rebrand.


Its funny how nintendo rumors are always:

If its negative:
"Haha, holy shit what are you thinking nintendo, preorder cancelled"

If its positive:
"No way they would do this. SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!"

In this thread, please observe the former.

nintendo has earned that reputation thanks to the wii u


Its funny how nintendo rumors are always:

If its negative:
"Haha, holy shit what are you thinking nintendo, preorder cancelled"

If its positive:
"No way they would do this. SHOW ME THE RECEIPTS!"

In this thread, please observe the former.

That is the difference between having faith in Nintendo and not.

In the Wii U generation, that's a pretty fair way to respond.

Hopefully they can restore that faith moving forward.

nintendo has earned that reputation thanks to the wii u

To put it more succinctly.


So, is this thing less powerful than a WiiU? Has Nintendo learned nothing?

Not directed at you but people in general. If anyone is at all suggesting that then they should be ignored because that's just plain stupid. A troll comment and should not be feed.
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