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DigitalFoundry: X1 memory performance improved for production console/ESRAM 192 GB/s)

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Flops are flops, now they're supposed to be different??

Here's a good one:

DDR3 bandwidth =/= GDDR5 bandwidth, therefore cannot be compared either... amirite?


Flops are flops, now they're supposed to be different??

Here's a good one:

DDR3 bandwidth =/= GDDR5 bandwidth, therefore cannot be compared either... amirite?

I'll let others talk for me:

Fist of all, flops are the just the number of basic floating point operations per second. That just roughly means the number of numbers you can crunch each second. Computing floating point numbers is not everything that the gpu does, but if you are comparing the same operation, there is no such thing as exchange rate, cuz you are comparing the same thing.

Nope. Architectures are different.

That's tough to say. That's something a person would IMO have to look at benchmarks of varying, comparable AMD/nVidia cards to try and form a ratio to try and get an idea. Take 680 benchmarks vs 7970 benchmarks. AMD/ATi seems to have improved the performance of their GPUs compared to comparable class GPUs from nVidia, but they still lag behind when looking at the FLOP rating.

The 7970 is rated at ~3.8 TFLOPS and the 680 at ~3.1 TFLOPs. Yet in most benchmark comparisons I've seen (including the ones in the following link), the 680 still edges out the 7970 in most tests.


And as I've seen it nVidia's FLOP rating has been considered "real world performance" or more accurate.

Then of course the GPUs in the consoles won't be on par raw power-wise with a 7970 or 680.

We're left wondering how unoptimized are these demos when using a 680 and depending on what the console GPUs are (PS4's seems to be the best so far), how long will it take to fully optimize usage with their GPUs.

I don't think it's a meaningless question, by going with an average over a lot of games/graphics benchmarks you can at least arrive at a ballpark number.

Since the Kepler (the 600 series), I'd say the exchange ratio is about 4 : 3 or slightly better, in favor of NV. Before Kepler, it was closer to 5 : 3 in favor of NV.

As for recent developments, Kepler went broader in terms of SIMD (and thus lost some efficiency in exchange for more FLOPs per transistor count) while AMD ditched VLIW which increased their resource utilization for most workloads.

This also means that a modern non-VLIW 2.4 TFLOP AMD GPU will be more than 10x as fast in most realistic scenarios as the 240 GFLOP Xenos in 360.

Short answer is that different GPU architectures make the flop comparison not very useful. So you'd have a point if the two consoles had different GPU architectures, but they don't, so you don't.

Don't be upset.


Gold Member
Why is this spin? I don't see any concrete evidence to say that, just speculations.

Im guessing he is referring to the general response from various users saying this is PR Bullshit..

Which would be ridiculous to think that MS would bullshit their own devs in regards to what the machine could do.. I mean do any of you know the implications of something like that?


where is your proof this isnt tho?

Hm... Let me think. Looking at the accurate articles from DF in the last years... I'm inclined to trust them.
Looking at the track record of maltrain... Nothing.

Why should I swallow some random comment from a gaffer over a detailed article from a reliable website?


May 2013

June 2013 with this new update Xbox one has

192GB/s eSRAM
68GB/s Main RAM
30GB/s bandwidth between the CPU and GPU

=290GB/s bandwidth

So Xbox one has 290GB/s bandwidth, just following their math people.

lol that's not math, that's a fairy tale. It's like saying I can benchpress 200 pounds, squat 300 pounds, and deadlift 500 pounds, THAT MEANS IM STRONG ENOUGH TO LIFT 1000 POUNDS.


Reading that article it seems that the only information coming out of Microsoft is this:

Now that close-to-final silicon is available, Microsoft has revised its own figures upwards significantly, telling developers that 192GB/s is now theoretically possible.

They appear to have arrived at that number by combining peak theoretical read/write speed, so I think you guys are right about them downgrading the ESRAM to 96GB/s, else they would surely be telling developers 204MB/s? the 88% has probably come from the EuroGamer editor seeing the 102>192 increase without knowing about the rumoured downgrade?


Junior Member
So MS now tries to fool it's own devs with some PR? Why can't you accept this information as a given? Where is your proof that this is pure PR bullshit?

Well, for start... give me a name of ONE DEV who received this info. I don't see any. So we know nothing. I only see "theoretically possible" things that, by logic and math, sounds like bullshit and a reliable media as Digital Foundry shouldn't be on board of this until THEY PROBE the thing for themselves as they usually do.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
So MS now tries to fool it's own devs with some PR? Why can't you accept this information as a given? Where is your proof that this is pure PR bullshit?

pretty sure the only thing anyone is claiming as "unrealistically optimistic" is the 192GB/s number (which even DF provides a much more real world number). As for why MS would provide that type of number when describing the performance gain?? Who knows?


sputum-flecked apoplexy
still finding it odd DF are the only ones reporting this

And I find it odd that DF are linked to continuously for their mythbusting of MS's cloud claims and then when they report something postive they're absolutely definitely in MS's pocket and they're totally lying about it. *shrug* But without any proof or even evidence, the claim is pure, unrefined FUD.


Im guessing he is referring to the general response from various users saying this is PR Bullshit..

Which would be ridiculous to think that MS would bullshit their own devs in regards to what the machine could do.. I mean do any of you know the implications of something like that?

Yeah. And the news says that GPU remains 800MHz.

I don't understand some people make an effort to discredit the information, it seems that the good news bothers them.



I dig your avatar and you seem to be rational. lol

Do not ever post anything that can be construed as any kind of insider info unless you're absofuckinglutely sure. Check it twice, then don't post it. There be sharks in these waters.


Gold Member
lol that's not math, that's a fairy tale. It's like saying I can benchpress 200 pounds, squat 300 pounds, and deadlift 500 pounds, THAT MEANS IM STRONG ENOUGH TO LIFT 1000 POUNDS.

Incorrect analogy.. More like you can flex dumbells of 250 pounds on each arm and squat 500 pounds thus total power of 1000 pounds.
Can people just be happy that there is a possibility that the xbone is a little bit better than before? Can't that only benefit everyone?


I'll let others talk for me:

Short answer is that different GPU architectures make the flop comparison not very useful. So you'd have a point if the two consoles had different GPU architectures, but they don't, so you don't.

Don't be upset.

You were the one talking about that AMD Flops are different from Nvidia Flops... No one doubted that comparing Flops to deduct actual performance is a stupid thing because its mostly about how effective the actual architecture is.


Reading that article it seems that the only information coming out of Microsoft is this:

They appear to have arrived at that number by combining peak theoretical read/write speed, so I think you guys are right about them downgrading the ESRAM to 96GB/s, else they would surely be telling developers 204MB/s? the 88% has probably come from the EuroGamer editor seeing the 102>192 increase without knowing about the rumoured downgrade?

No? It's explained in the next paragraph. But jumping-to-conclusions Is easier it seems.


What the fuck are we talking about? You are coming up with random math as an argument? Seriously?

This is not "random math" - but thank you for the accusation...

102GB/s was the embedded memory peak bandwith up until today.

800mhz*128byte * 1 (read or write operation) =102,4GB/s

800mhz*128byte * 2 (1 read and 1 write operation) =204,8GB/s

DF stating the new peak memory bandwith beeing 192GB/s while maintainig 800mhz clockspeed just doesn't add up...


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
No? It's explained in the next paragraph. But jumping-to-conclusions Is easier it seems.

nothing at all is explained in that article... I mean nothing. this entire thread is assumption based, as is the article itself aside from the 192GB/s number (which is second hand to begin with). Let's not kid ourselves otherwise.

DF stating the new peak memory bandwith beeing 192GB/s while maintaing 800mhz clockspeed just doesn't add up...

This isn't entirely true, just highly unlikely. If MS was assuming a 12% deadlock scenario, or say an 88% likelihood of being able to get an extra read or write in pre- or post- clock cycle, then it's possible that's where they got that number from.. but yeah.. highly unlikely.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I don't understand some people make an effort to discredit the information, it seems that the good news bothers them.

Sure. Still, an increase in "88%" is weird to put it mildly. You can't change the way an interconnect works (or discover that it works differently) by chance. This just doesn't happen. I guess the article oversimplifies the issue, or does not have the whole story. For instance, was bidirectional communication possible before and if not, why not?


Well, for start... give me a name of ONE DEV who received this info. I don't see any. So we know nothing. I only see "theoretically possible" things that, by logic and math, sounds like bullshit and a reliable media as Digital Foundry shouldn't be on board of this until THEY PROBE the thing for themselves as they usually do.

Well if you want this dev fired, ask DF to out him... I really recommend to read the whole article.
Hm... Let me think. Looking at the accurate articles from DF in the last years... I'm inclined to trust them.
Looking at the track record of maltrain... Nothing.

Why should I swallow some random comment from a gaffer over a detailed article from a reliable website?

Let's go through this logically, I'll lay it out so everyone can understand.

Previously MS engineers though read/write was only unidirectional, and the APU to ESRAM bandwitdth was pegged at 102GB/s, the reality was that it was bidirectional, regardless of what they thought which meant it was actually 204GB/s which lines up perfectly to 800MHz for the GPU.

Now we have information saying that MS engineers have discovered that information is bidirectional (not that it is now, just that they found out it is) and the consolidated read/write bandwidth is 192GB/s which is 96GB/s in each direction. That figure is lower than the old 102GB/s figure and it implies a GPU clock of 750MHz.

So yes, 192 is higher than 102, but it is not comparable as the latter is unidirectional bandwidth and the former is bidirectional. The fact that MS engineers didn't know or realise that you could run read/write operations simultaneously is irrelevant because it was still possible, this is not a new addition, more a new discovery. Think of it like a scientific discovery, just because an apple fell on Newton it doesn't mean he invented gravity, it existed before that, he just discovered it.

So we've actually gone from 204GB/s to 192GB/s or on the old measure, 102GB/s to 96GB/s, it's not that hard to understand. Leadbetter has this one wrong and he should try to correct it.
nothing at all is explained in that article... I mean nothing. this entire thread is assumption based, as is the article itself aside from the 192GB/s number (which is second hand to begin with). Let's not kid ourselves otherwise.

That's what he's not getting, and what I assumed DF was above.
his statement was wrong... but his intent is still true. Nvidia compared to AMD is pointless in numbers like FLOPs because of architecture differences.. but that's not what's happening here. This is basically comparing a 7770 to a 7850.. i.e. same basic architecture.. and when comparing say the Radeon family (usually in a price to performance comparison) the FLOPs within the family are an easy "at-a-glance" comparison tool. of course most sites at that point just use FPS regardless.
It's not like Ps4 and Xbone gpus are exactly the same either. Ms deliberated decided to trade gpu processing power for more onchip memory. That alone gives differences in architecture that could unbalance the flops to performance ratio.


And I find it odd that DF are linked to continuously for their mythbusting of MS's cloud claims and then when they report something postive they're absolutely definitely in MS's pocket and they're totally lying about it. *shrug* But without any proof or even evidence, the claim is pure, unrefined FUD.

sis i think its more some of this stuff just isnt adding up. seems more speculation/rumor than confirmation to me. after all that has happened surely you cant blame ppl for being skeptical


This is not "random math" - but thank you for the accusation...

102GB/s was the embedded memory peak bandwith up until today.

800mhz*128bit * 1 (read or write opreation) =102,4GB/s

800mhz*128bit * 2 (1 read and 1 write opreation) =204,8GB/s

DF stating the new peak memory bandwith beeing 192GB/s while maintaing 800mhz clockspeed just doesn't add up...

They never said the ESram is completely bi-directional.
Apparently, there are spare processing cycle "holes" that can be utilised for additional operations


lol that's not math, that's a fairy tale. It's like saying I can benchpress 200 pounds, squat 300 pounds, and deadlift 500 pounds, THAT MEANS IM STRONG ENOUGH TO LIFT 1000 POUNDS.

Thats the beauty of the math. You can buy 3 Toyota Camry rated at 268hp each, add them all together and they will be more powerful than a Pagani Zonda Revolucion.
You were the one talking about that AMD Flops are different from Nvidia Flops... No one doubted that comparing Flops to deduct actual performance is a stupid thing because its mostly about how effective the actual architecture is.

I was explaining to the poster that comparing flops on two different architectures is a fools errand but that comparing flops on two extremely similar architectures is not so much.


What exactly are you suggesting then, that the esram is useless? If it can't be used for even a routine such as "moving a hand", what do you think it can be used for?

Please elaborate.

esram especially if its only 32mb is irelevant these days

It could be used for a ping pong game running one algorithm based on a single C++ class file. But for complex gaming having1000s of things on screen , it is basically useless

I am sure that before responding to me , you do realize that whenever a thread unloads its resources or is killed by kernel , then there is cache penalty and we are talking a meagre 32mb which cant be used concurrently by all routines.


Let's go through this logically, I'll lay it out so everyone can understand.

Previously MS engineers though read/write was only unidirectional, and the APU to ESRAM bandwitdth was pegged at 102GB/s, the reality was that it was bidirectional, regardless of what they thought which meant it was actually 204GB/s which lines up perfectly to 800MHz for the GPU.

Now we have information saying that MS engineers have discovered that information is bidirectional (not that it is now, just that they found out it is) and the consolidated read/write bandwidth is 192GB/s which is 96GB/s in each direction. That figure is lower than the old 102GB/s figure and it implies a GPU clock of 750MHz.

So yes, 192 is higher than 102, but it is not comparable as the latter is unidirectional bandwidth and the former is bidirectional. The fact that MS engineers didn't know or realise that you could run read/write operations simultaneously is irrelevant because it was still possible, this is not a new addition, more a new discovery. Think of it like a scientific discovery, just because an apple fell on Newton it doesn't mean he invented gravity, it existed before that, he just discovered it.

So we've actually gone from 204GB/s to 192GB/s or on the old measure, 102GB/s to 96GB/s, it's not that hard to understand. Leadbetter has this one wrong and he should try to correct it.

Again - it's not mentioned that the ESRam can now be utilized fully bi-directional.
Apparently, there are spare processing cycle "holes" that can be utilised for additional operations


esram especially if its only 32mb is irelevant these days

It could be used for a ping pong game running one algorithm based on a single C++ class file. But for complex gaming having1000s of things on screen , it is basically useless

I am sure that before responding to me , you do realize that whenever a thread unloads its resources or is killed by kernel , then there is cache penalty and we are talking a meagre 32mb which cant be used concurrently by all routines.

What's so useless about using eSRAM like the eDRAM in the Xbox 360? You put the framebuffer in it, apply effects like anti-aliasing or particles, then pass it off to be displayed.

Edit: I am assuming that it's similar to the 360's eDRAM in that it has logic units surrounding it rather than just being a chunk of fast memory.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
It's not like Ps4 and Xbone gpus are exactly the same either. Ms deliberated decided to trade gpu processing power for more onchip memory. That alone gives differences in architecture that could unbalance the flops to performance ratio.
umm.. the two GPUs are identical architectures.. absolutely. The only "not identical" part are the number of compute units on each GPU and the included on-die eSRAM. Both of those have no bearing on the actual performance of the GPU. It's still X total CU's running at Y clock speed under the same architecture.

edit - and no, they didn't trade processing power for "on-chip memory". They traded processing power for a faster cache to offset the slower ram they had to stick with due to deciding on 8GB very early on.

And frankly, I am ECSTATIC that they decided on 8GB so early.. had Sony's luck not come up and we were looking at 4GB in PS4 right now... almost every comparison thread to date would be a much more interesting and contentious story.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Please explain to me how a "partialy" 88% bidirectional bus works...

This is exactly what I am not getting. I am not assuming that somebody at Microsoft wants to be disingenuous, just that the story the article tells doesn't make much sense, technically. There must be some sort of oversimplification.


Tagged as I see fit
Let's go through this logically, I'll lay it out so everyone can understand.

Previously MS engineers though read/write was only unidirectional, and the APU to ESRAM bandwitdth was pegged at 102GB/s, the reality was that it was bidirectional, regardless of what they thought which meant it was actually 204GB/s which lines up perfectly to 800MHz for the GPU.

Now we have information saying that MS engineers have discovered that information is bidirectional (not that it is now, just that they found out it is) and the consolidated read/write bandwidth is 192GB/s which is 96GB/s in each direction. That figure is lower than the old 102GB/s figure and it implies a GPU clock of 750MHz.

So yes, 192 is higher than 102, but it is not comparable as the latter is unidirectional bandwidth and the former is bidirectional. The fact that MS engineers didn't know or realise that you could run read/write operations simultaneously is irrelevant because it was still possible, this is not a new addition, more a new discovery. Think of it like a scientific discovery, just because an apple fell on Newton it doesn't mean he invented gravity, it existed before that, he just discovered it.

So we've actually gone from 204GB/s to 192GB/s or on the old measure, 102GB/s to 96GB/s, it's not that hard to understand. Leadbetter has this one wrong and he should try to correct it.

Thanks for the explanation, this makes sense.
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