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Do you smoke weed?


You know that old dude on the $1 bill? He grew and smoked some dank ass weed.
Nah man. It can contribute to dementia and I've seen the direct effects of long term marijuana use on people (neighbors next door cultivate it). Brain damage is a given.


No, and very likely never will. I am frequently drug tested in my line of work and would never compromise that and honestly I have no desire to even try it.

lil puff

You should be only doing 20-25 mg in edibles. Anymore and that's too much. Even veterans who do it every day cannot go over that or you're gonna be come a potato.
I don't do the math on them. But, omg i even take a little and then BOOM, i get hit!

I'll stay away from that

I have been smoking since 12 years old. I'm now 42. Going strong.


I used to smoke a lot in my teens (at least an 1/8th a day percy but sometimes an oz to myself). I grew it, sold it and made a bit of pocket money.

It had a severe detrimental effect on my mental health and my best mate at the time. He would suffer bouts of psychosis and paranoia and eventually killed himself by strapping gym weights to himself before walking in to a local lake.

I had given up a few years before that happened because of the extreme anxiety and depression it caused, but the experience of my mate’s death sealed it for me. Just because it’s natural doesn’t make it safe.


Genuinely Generous
At night when I want to relax. It's like melatonin to me, knocks me out. I wake up refreshed.
It's illegal here though, but everyone smokes it anyways.

It's not like our country's political system is corrupt or anything. :messenger_unamused::messenger_pensive:
Never have, never will. I don't need drugs to change my mood or perception of the world. I always found using drugs to be a sort of weakness, that you can't handle life, emotions without using something to suppress them.

I'm in favor of legalization, mostly hoping people will stop making such a fuss about it after that. At the very least the entire country will start benefiting from others' bad habits through taxes, like with a certain other drug.


Never have, never will. I don't need drugs to change my mood or perception of the world. I always found using drugs to be a sort of weakness, that you can't handle life, emotions without using something to suppress them.

I'm in favor of legalization, mostly hoping people will stop making such a fuss about it after that. At the very least the entire country will start benefiting from others' bad habits through taxes, like with a certain other drug.

I love when someone who’s never used something proceeds to tell you about it.

Smoke an indacoucha when off work and vegging. A 50/50 sativa to indica with a coffee if going out to do stuff. The trip is nice, food nice, conversation nice, although it can go to unexplored areas.


Aye I usually have a joint and a can of lager after dinner. Weed is everywhere here. It used to be that when you went to somebody's house the first thing they'd offer you was a drink, now it's more likely to be a joint.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I used to when I was much younger, but I was never a regular smoker of weed. The majority of the time I only used it when with friends in social situations, hanging out, concerts etc. These days I’ll be lucky if I smoke it once a year. Usually if someone offers it to me, the situation suits and I feel like it.

I intentionally never got into smoking it everyday as I didn’t want to get hooked like some people I knew who had to smoke it just to function and be normal. It was hard though, because where I live has always had the best weed in the country.


Gold Member
I like smoke once in a while, i want it legalized, but with some regulations, for example 21 age, and you got to own a, how do you call it in USA? Social security number? I think young dudes, specially those in vulnerable situations don't have to use drugs
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From time to time, not as much as I did some years ago tho.
But it is/was a social thing for me, meaning, enjoyed smoking alongside/with friends and not alone in my room or anything.


Neo Member
Yeah, my wife and i, everyday, at least 3 or 4 times.

It help's me more than get me any trouble. It's illegal is my country, but worth the risk.
Help's with my illusstrations, help's me with stress and sleep problem's.


I've tried it 4 times. For the first three, I felt absolutely nothing. The fourth time I got dizzy and got a really dry mouth for hours.

I don't get it, it's just not working for me I guess.

Sticking with drinking.


yes i smoke, for maybe 15 years now. i used to suffer from depression, i would lay in bed all day, i would have suicidal thought. weed has helped alleviate that. it puts me in a good mood. it makes me want to do things i enjoy, like listening to music or playing videogames.

frankly it's been a godsend, i just wish it were legal here (Bible belt). not fretting that it isn't cos it's not that hard to find.


Nah man. It can contribute to dementia and I've seen the direct effects of long term marijuana use on people (neighbors next door cultivate it). Brain damage is a given.

Dude, the Alzheimer's Society is stating that cannabis can be used to treat symptoms of dementia.
There has been some research interest in the role of the endocannabinoid system as a potential target for treatments for Alzheimer's disease. Some studies have shown that components of cannabis, including THC, appear to remove the Alzheimer's hallmark amyloid clumps from nerve cells grown in the lab. A study that gave a combination of THC and CBD to mice that showed symptoms of Alzheimer's disease found that the mice had improved learning and had less evidence of amyloid clumps in their bodies. Other researchers believe that targeting the CB2 receptor could control the activity of microglia, preventing the potentially harmful overactivation of the immune system in the brain.

And some of the newer information coming out is pointing to HSV-1 being a major risk factor in developing dementia and alzheimer's.
The virus implicated in Alzheimer’s disease, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV1), is better known for causing cold sores. It infects most people in infancy and then remains dormant in the peripheral nervous system (the part of the nervous system that isn’t the brain and the spinal cord). Occasionally, if a person is stressed, the virus becomes activated and, in some people, it causes cold sores.

We discovered in 1991 that in many elderly people HSV1 is also present in the brain. And in 1997 we showed that it confers a strong risk of Alzheimer’s disease when present in the brain of people who have a specific gene known as APOE4.

The virus can become active in the brain, perhaps repeatedly, and this probably causes cumulative damage. The likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease is 12 times greater for APOE4 carriers who have HSV1 in the brain than for those with neither factor.

So pot use may help with dementia, and 80% of the population has HSV-1.

And I'm sure you have seen the long term uses effects of one type of use. Daily frequent use of marijuana is definitely detrimental. But the same can be said with alcohol, and would you really look at an alcoholic and say that is the norm for anyone that drinks?

Brain damage is not a given unless someone is engaging in heavy use. (Heavy use is generally specified as 2-3 joints a day every day) Or use when young.


I love when someone who’s never used something proceeds to tell you about it.

This is an annoying dismissal. I've heard this when arguing about gun laws, people ask me if I've ever owned or used one (I have not), and I've been told until I have used one myself my opinion is irrelevant.

His stated opinion here is no less valid than a drug user's is. He merely told us why he doesn't choose to use them, and even is in favour of legalization.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
For about half my life, since I was a younger teen. I'll always smoke now and again, but I recently stopped the regular use after a few years of a joint a night before bed. Found that overall it was making me lazier - I'd still go to work on time and do my job, do the chores around the house etc. but found I was exercising less, eating worse, reading less, generally a little more tired.

Still, that's just me, and I hate blanket statements on weed from both parties. "It is this" and "it is not that" is such horseshit for a substance that one person can smoke all day, yet would make another person sick to their stomach to smoke a pinch of.

There's zero excuse not to legalise it in countries where alcohol is readily available in a thousand flavours at your local store, it's just nonsense.


This is an annoying dismissal. I've heard this when arguing about gun laws, people ask me if I've ever owned or used one (I have not), and I've been told until I have used one myself my opinion is irrelevant.

His stated opinion here is no less valid than a drug user's is. He merely told us why he doesn't choose to use them, and even is in favour of legalization.

Bullshit. He proceeded to speak upon what his perception of cannabis is, how it effects people. His stated opinion is entirely less valid, due to him having no clue about the drug or it’s effects.

You can be anti-weed, anti-gun, but a smart person at least can recognize their ignorance in real world use.


Bullshit. He proceeded to speak upon what his perception of cannabis is, how it effects people. His stated opinion is entirely less valid, due to him having no clue about the drug or it’s effects.

Are you telling me that as a sober person in a bar, I am unable to perceive alcohol's effects on people, and that any opinion that I have of that observed behaviour is invalid?
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Are you telling me that as a sober person in a bar, I am unable to perceive alcohol's effects on people, and that any opinion that I have of that observed behaviour is invalid?

Yes that’s exactly what I’m saying. Cannabis is not alcohol, it’s not a net effect drug, it effects everyone differently. I’m also not saying your opinion is invalid, just considerably less valid than a user, particularly an experienced, intelligent user.


Most drugs affect people differently. That does not mean there are not commonly associated behaviours related to that drug use.


Most drugs affect people differently. That does not mean there are not commonly associated behaviours related to that drug use.

No they don’t actually. Alcohol has pretty much the exact same effect on everyone, the only variance is size and weight to the amount you drink. Same with opiates, methamphetamine. It’s almost identical in the pattern of addiction and behavior. Cannabis is just a different thing.


No they don’t actually. Alcohol has pretty much the exact same effect on everyone, the only variance is size and weight to the amount you drink. Same with opiates, methamphetamine. It’s almost identical in the pattern of addiction and behavior. Cannabis is just a different thing.

lol whatever dude, the behaviours common to marijuana use that I have observed in myself and friends over 15+ years of near daily use are figments of my imagination I guess.
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No, you know all about your brother and his experience with it. It’s unfortunate you aren’t able to discern that it’s not a blanket, net effect on everyone. I suspect there is no nuance to your thinking, it’s just drugs.. drugs bad.
And if I'd used it myself, I would have only known about my brother's expierence and my own. Meaning... I'd still be unable to form an opinion on drugs. According to your logic I would need to do research on a sizable group of users before I can say drugs have any particular (negative) effect on people.

Reading other people's posts here in this thread, they have stated why they use and what effect it has on them. I haven't read anything that contradicts my post. People are stressed out from life and find weed allows them to relax. I say good for them. I think it's suboptimal to keep using expensive and addicting drugs that may or may not have damaging side-effects to combat those feelings, but it's up to them. I hope it's legalized for the benefit of all of us.


Nah. Tried it a bunch of times, mostly while already tipsy, but it never sat too well with me. A few times, I just wanted to be completely alone and have it pass in silence. I didn't find it to be very fun.

At this point in my life, I feel like I'm pretty much an expert on gauging the effects of certain amounts of alcohol on my cognitive and physical abilities, and I'm not really interested in introducing anything beyond that (or potentially unpredictable) into the mix.
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Where its not legal we often get what we're given. Thai, weed, hash or skunk. There are a few seed centres about and the product and service is pretty decent and means you know what you're smoking. Legalisation here (UK) would be beneficial as those taxes would fund other areas of the NHS, research into it and measures can be taken to promote the more friendly strains (under 20% thc and cbd heavy).

We still have drugs = bad here unfortunately, but the futures orange so who knows.


It’s illegal here (UK). I tried it when I was younger, 18-20. I’m not clued up on the names of strands etc but my favourite was the type that made you laugh at silly non descript type things. That was a blast, I have some happy memories with that stuff.

I tried weed after already trying ecstasy and coke many months earlier and had most of my experimenting out of my system by the time I was 21. In fact, I don’t think I took any ‘drugs’ from 21-30. I stopped because I got a little problem with anxiety, probably caused by crazy over the top nights out at the time, unhealthy lifestyle and not looking after myself very well.

Anxiety hung around for a long while and I threw weed in with the pile of reasons I thought I should fix. I stopped but the anxiety persisted and over the years I learned most of my family had some type of anxiety issues and all had past problems with panic attacks etc. I paid out for some CBT at 30-31 and self medicated a little with DMT a couple of times. CBT helped me to realise that a lot of my negative feelings about myself were bullshit and that people weren’t always staring at me or judging me. DMT helped me to fall in love with the world again after a long period of feeling quite helpless with a negative outlook.

Anyhoo, no hint of a panic attack wherever I go for 6 plus years. I’ve since been around the world, great nights out with friends, tackled mountains, jet skiing, sky diving, catching up and doing everything fun that I avoided for many years. I would try weed again, but particularly the stuff I mentioned up top. The pills or cocaine, no way. And I only ever took DMT at that point in time many years back. I would do that again, but I appreciated the experiences in a way that I feel I’d need a good reason. I would have to do it out of a place of need and respect rather than just wanting to do it just-because.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
I do not use drugs. In principle, I have no issues with it, among basically all other drugs, being legal, but controlled, highly-taxed and of course only available to adults. But don't smoke near me, I do not want to get lung cancer, thank you.

bad guy

as bad as Danny Zuko in gym knickers
I use it mainly in the evening and it stimulates my creativity alot when drawing and doing gamedev. It also lets me experience my body and mind in ways not possible otherwise. I switched from smoking to vaporizing
(bud) a long time ago and I think it's one heck of a difference.


I use it both recreationally and medically, I have this shitty thing known as cyclical vomiting syndrome (CVS) and weed is pretty much the best thing for dealing with the chronic pain and nausea, it also helps to make me accept the situation I find myself in and even laugh about it.

I just wish it was legal here in the UK, it would make my life so much easier as well as making a fuck load of money.


Doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me, hence I don't. I'm fascinated by other people describing what they go through when smoking it, while I don't have any such bursts of creativity or other effects.
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