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Do you think "walking segment" should be skippable?

How do you think "walking segment" should be handled?

  • It should be skippable in the first playthrough after retry

  • It should be skippable in the first playthrough without retry

  • It should be skippable only in second playthrough

  • It is a part of the game, its fine as it is

Results are only viewable after voting.


I'm open to unlimited options for a player to enjoy a single player experience in whichever way they want. Makes no difference to me.
i say more walking sequences, more escort missions, and more unskippable tutorials while i self-flagellate.



Where is the "They shouldn't be in most games to begin with" option in the poll?

Just make it a damn cutscene. I'm fine with those.
Because this post is not about whether they should exist or not, its about when certain type of game that do require them as developer's intend or vision, what is the best way to handle them. If you don't like that sort of game to begin with, please understand that there are in fact a lots of people that do, you might want to save yourself some money/time and skip the entire game, play something else and let other people actually enjoy it have their fun.
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Biggest part of 99% of openworld games is walking, should we skip it too?
I think the people thr complain about walking in games have adhd or some type of attention deficits. I don't mind sight seeing in a game alot doesn't have to have twitch cod gameplay
Walk and talk moments absolutely have their place by providing not just a quiet time during the game but extra character development. Having a cutscene would rip you out of the moment.

If we can't have more choices like difficulty settings in other games due to their "creative visions", then tighten up those laces, son, and git scootin'.
Walking segments are usually paired with exposition dumps so if you remove them then developers would need to find another way of telling their shitty stories.

Probably not a bad thing.
It hinders the speedrunning experience.


Nah, levels where you have to beat them with "only X, Y and Z" allow for a greater ability to make fun levels and interesting challenges. It's the same as games with multiple characters that require you to beat certain levels with certain character.

in an arcade style game sure.
but we are mostly talking about more grounded games here.

also you can always contextualise stuff like that in-universe.

like in Tears of the Kingdom, some shrines take away all your weapons and clothes, but that's more or less contextualised by ancient magic that takes them away from you until you beat the shrine.

what I'm talking about is shit like in basically every modern AAA game, where one moment you're shooting people, climbing, sprinting and jumping around... and the next moment suddenly you can't jump, can't climb, can't even walk your normal walk speed.

THAT is dogshit gamedesign, especially in games that claim to trying to be "immersive". there's nothing less immersive than having jarring limitations kick in without any reason.
nothing kills immersion more than suddenly feeling like your character isn't reacting to your inputs anymore. the immediate disconnect between you and your character is jarring as fuck.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Speedrun is about traversing fast enough to not let the characters finish talking. The actual segment isn't a barrier at all. What you meant is the static talking where you work on speech bubbles, which is not what this thread is about.
Most walking and talking segments take away your ability to do things like run, there is no traversing faster.


How else am I supposed to learn about some useless substory that writers forced in so they can explain to me how a Greek god who murdered all the Greek gods and his father is useless and needs a whiney little viking child to explain to me that he needs to learn how to "feel". Definitely does not need a skip button we need all the extra fluff to increase game time.

Angry Hawaii GIF by ION
The carriage rides in Red Dead Redemption were exactly this. You could sit there through the entire thing if you wanted to bask in the atmosphere and characterization. If you didn't care though, you could just skip them. The only downside is that Rockstar has one of the few writing teams that's worth listening to.

All the film school wannabes, on the other hand, are convinced that their overwrought, overlong dialogues are absolutely essential to the experience of their games, hence cinematic slow walking.
Those were weird in red dead 1. Because usually you are driving or something in GTA games where you need to go. And then the dialogue will stop once you reach your destinition. That makes sense lol rdr1 was weird and took complete control away frok you. Weird design choice and to this day dont understand why some prefer rdr1 over gtaIV
Speedrun is about traversing fast enough to not let the characters finish talking. The actual segment isn't a barrier at all. What you meant is the static talking where you work on speech bubbles, which is not what this thread is about.
No, I mean specifically walking segments in games. Resident Evil 3 Remake has literal speed running trophies/achievements yet with each run, I had to do the intro segment in the apartment section, then the intro moments with Nemesis, and then crawling under the wreckage in the street. Resident Evil 4 Remake also had the unskippable walking moment near the end where you had to carry Ashley to the cure machine while Leon hallucinates and has multiple stops on the way.

For each game, instead of letting you press a button to skip these segments, they added the time of these segments into the speedrun clock so that these moments wouldn't make you go over in time. As a fan of both games even I can say it's a bit ridiculous when you take a minute to think about it.
On a side note without naming names (y'all know who you be). I've seen some people rave about Alan Wake (finally started it the other day for the first time), whom have criticized certain exclusives that are by far less jank, still third person, story driven, even with trees!!! (and AW has a lot of same same copy/paste tree levels) and guilty of said walky talky forced scenarios.

Dude also has the stamina of a sloth, I can see why Alice 86'ed him so far. (Left off on Episode 5, Chapter 1 last night)

But all in all, I'm having a good time with it story wise and how they made it episodic like a TV series. Will definitely dive into AW2 when it releases. I don't expect a massive amount of change in the sequel either. Story driven and will have much of the same scenarios.
I'm trying to replay it right now and holy lord it's like a Everything Annoying At Once simulator.

I liked AW back in the day but tlit's just painful to play with my current tastes. The amount of cutscenes and walk/talk/press button to move story just going into Chapter 2 is asinine.


Gold Member
The real question is WHY are there even "walking sections" in games? I can't imagine someone ever saying "yeah, this was a cool relaxing moment, this is GOTY", but can remember many people saying how shit they are all the time.


"Walking segments" are just glorified cutscenes. Just cut out the middle man and do a cutscene instead.
If you can't do your super important story beat in gameplay without wresting controls from the player, don't even bother. At least cutscenes can, at a minimum, be paused or skipped.
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Gold Member
Not really. If they're there, they're there because the game designer wanted you to experience them. So if they should be skippable, why shouldn't also combat encounters and everything else be? "I like combat but not story exposition" is not a valid answer, someone else might feel the opposite.
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Games should always let you skip these parts. If it’s a story I’m interested in, I’ll sit through it and listen, if it’s not, let me get back to the parts I enjoy.


Not all of them.

But that RDR2 starting sequence in the snow should be a crime. It probably gave PTSD to some people.


I actually like Walking sections. I don't think any game has crossed my internal tolerance level. Starting RDR2 again came close.

No wonder I liked Death Stranding also after a while.


Gold Member

That way people with small attention span that have to press buttons every 5 sec to stay alive can ignore them like they probably do with cutscenes etc.
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Yes and also remove the running between jumps in Mario and the running between shooting in Halo
Sooo boring ADHD is killing me


If people have no interest in narrative, why the hell are they playing narrative focused games? Stick to multiplayer or something that lets you twiddle your adhd addled thumbs into oblivion since that's clearly more your speed? I mean, yeah you should be able to skip these segments if you want to, but if you're not interested in the story of a story based game why are you even playing them?
Yeah, it seems to be a hard concept to grasp... such a shame.
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Shouldn't respond to the thread but : "Replace all walking segment by a cutscene". Skippable or not I don't care.

It brings nothing but frustration to suddenly limit the move of your character. You can run, jump, attack, use items etc... and then 1 second later you can't do anything except walking. Immersion breaking to the highest point for me.

You want to tell a story ? Either make a cutscene or find an interesting way to tell it in a gameplay section. But "remove all interactivity but pushing your left stick forward" is not a good option for me.
Office Space No GIF

Edit: to not just be a meme post.

Achievements, some game modes and Metroid in general kinda rely on speedrunning being part of the design.
Having certain aspects if any is very different from having speedrunning in mind at it's core when designing it. You might as well say get rid of dying too since it fucks with speedrunning.
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Lmao, this doesn't even make sense.
It makes perfect sense. There are devs and video games that promote forms of speedrunning and/or sequence breaking. I've listed 2 of them above and ssringo ssringo listed one as well. The statement you've said previously:
Speed running should never factor in for game designs. Ever.
Implies to me that since you are making this declarative statement, the amount of games you've played must have been limited in scope and genre. Because of that, in your worldview, it doesn't make sense. Thus, you have to play more video games for it to make sense.
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They shouldn't be in games at all. The only game I've ever seen with skippable walking segments was Code Vein, it was nice, but then you have to endure 2-3 loading screens.


Fafracer forever
For video game especially narrative driven ones, the non play loop section or as many would call it "walking segment", how do you think dev should handle it?
I don't think this is about play/non-play.
I might sound controversial here - but Lots of narrative driven shooters/action-games would be greatly improved if I could skip through some of their shooting/action sequences as well (or at least, summarize them with a quick recap that's maybe 1/20th the length of actual play).
The same could be extended to other genres too - basically what it boils down to is that many (possibly - most, especially in bigger budgets) games - could benefit (often, greatly) from being *edited down* much the same way books, movies etc. are before release - irrespective of whether that's applied to playable, non-playable, or non-interactive segments of the game.

So to answer the thread - I don't really think this is much about options, it's that editorial pass practically doesn't exist for games, and it shows.
However - with as much as some types of games are trying to be like movies (or especially, hollywood movies) having the option to skip/forward/backwards through 'everything' would indeed be kinda nice. Maybe as a game+ option to keep purists from getting upset.
It makes perfect sense. There are devs and video games that promote forms of speedrunning and/or sequence breaking. I've listed 2 of them above and ssringo ssringo listed one as well. The statement you've said previously:

Implies to me that since you are making this declarative statement, the amount of games you've played must have been limited in scope and genre. Because of that, in your worldview, it doesn't make sense. Thus, you have to play more video games for it to make sense.
I don't have a problem with teams wanting to design their games with it mind, but I do disagree with having those parameters in place for all games including those who don't. I'll take the fault there for my wording.


I am personally of the opinion that these and cutscenes should be skipable anytime, first playthrough or not. Not everyone gives a shit about them, and may just want to play the game, so give them the option to skip it if they want. Give everyone the option to enjoy it how they want IMO.


Anything should be skippable if I want it. I don't like to waste time and there are parts of every game that you dont like
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