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Doom Eternal features the series’ first hub area

This will probably imply a lot of replayability, unlockables, and surprises.

Nope mos probably a place where they can put an armour stand so you will be able to see the armour/gun skins you bought in the mtx store.

Edit: Oooh and don't forget a mtx store merchant NPC. One that asks you to buy mtx s every time you pass him.
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Just to change the subject a little bit, I think the Devs announce at some point there would 40+ enemies would appear in the game.
Do you think they will pull another Wolfenstein Young Blood mission variety which you go in the same map again, just with different type of Demons/Angels to fight each time? 🤔


I never even considered doom marine even stopping for food and drink let alone hanging out somewhere. Next they'll tell us his real name is Dave.
So you admit your comment was completely wrong.
Huh? Doom 4 is technically Doom (2016). Many older games had hidden collectibles and challenges. I’m not sure what trap I walked into here, but I’m not wrong unless you have some warped view on what you were talking about that I didn’t pick up on.
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Huh? Doom 4 is technically Doom (2016). Many older games had hidden collectibles and challenges. I’m not sure what trap I walked into here, but I’m not wrong unless you have some warped view on what you were talking about that I didn’t pick up on.
So you have 3 options now

1) You haven't played Doom 4
2) You completely forgot the fundamentals of the game
3) You are being disingenuous on purpose

Which one is it?


I don't see why you couldn't complete the game with the base level of health, armour and ammo, though obviously it would be harder. But as many of the upgrades are on the critical path, there is no reason not to pick them up. I found maybe 20% of the secrets and came close to maxing out my stats and had more weapon upgrade points than I could use. After I had the rune bonus I wanted there was no reason to do further rune trials. So yes some minimal level of exploration is incentivised, but I don't think it is anything oppressive.


I don't see why you couldn't complete the game with the base level of health, armour and ammo, though obviously it would be harder. But as many of the upgrades are on the critical path, there is no reason not to pick them up. I found maybe 20% of the secrets and came close to maxing out my stats and had more weapon upgrade points than I could use. After I had the rune bonus I wanted there was no reason to do further rune trials. So yes some minimal level of exploration is incentivised, but I don't think it is anything oppressive.
Still, you can't get to the standart 200/200 hp/armor pool which has been there since the beginning, you can't use the full potential of all your weapons or suit unless you scour the entire map of every level. I did manage to beat the game on normal by completely ignoring almost everything but I still felt like I was being punished for it because my weapons and suit were very limited. Why not just give the person a weapon without this unlock nonsense? There are still many games that do it exactly like that and get great scores and praise from virtually anyone, or just do the unlocks via your actual performance in game like Shadow Warrior remake did. The more intense combos you can pull the more points you can use to give your weapons a slight boost.


Doomguy is obviously a demon converted to human by a pacifist demon for the sake of reaching peace between the worlds.


Gold Member
All current game designers: “the old way is outdated, we need a HUB”.

Master Chief didn’t have a hub. If it isn't broke, don’t fix it.

I can only see a hub working in one or ways. To access some sorta bonus area or to level select. I bet it’ll be a good game even if they’re trying to “reinvent the wheel” by their ground breaking ideas.


All current game designers: “the old way is outdated, we need a HUB”.

Master Chief didn’t have a hub. If it isn't broke, don’t fix it.

I can only see a hub working in one or ways. To access some sorta bonus area or to level select. I bet it’ll be a good game even if they’re trying to “reinvent the wheel” by their ground breaking ideas.
Quake did it good. Difficulty select screen and episode select screen were a "hub" of sorts. Aside from that I enjoy it very much in "cinematic" games like Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare with the marines watching news about your latest mission, watching them train or repair crews doing their thing lugging cables around and blowing up power boxes. Those kind of hubs I enjoy but it has to be the right kind of game. Shadow Warrior 2 also has a nice hub with great music and scenery.


You can just look at the game and see a lot of things are off. The shoulder flamethrower doesn't feel Doom. Climbing on walls like Spiderman doesn't feel Doom. It's weird. Actually putting heaven/angels/some stupid lore in there instead of vaguely suggesting it is WEIRD.
Also the new plastic toy enemies are out of context.


Also, please take note that this is not the first hub area in an Id Software game:

Also, please note this is not a hub at all.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
Also, please note this is not a hub at all.

Confirmed I just played and beat Quake 1 for the first time and that is not at all a hub.

Look, Doom 2016 was a great game. There were some minor collectibles and weapon and armor upgrades. In my view I thought they were all fun and acceptable. But, lets be honest, do you trust game companies to do the right thing? I dont. The way they are announcing this seems suspect, like they dont want to talk about it. I am happy to wait and see but I am not going to assume this is going to be cool.


Gold Member
Also the new plastic toy enemies are out of context.
Just like the miniture Doom Guy toys you found in 2016. They're there for the sake of adding collectables and secrets. That's it. 🤷‍♂️

I wouldn't really say Q1 contained a hub. It existed for the sole purpose that the player could select episodes. You didn't engage with anything or anyone there. I really loved that concept though, and I would've loved to have seen it done a bit more. If anything, maybe it could be considered the birthplace of a hub?

Also, I understand the want and demand for a "I do nothing but run and gun" kind of experience, and in my opinion 2016 (and Eternal) is/will be just that. However It's also a full priced AAA title in 2019, so there's going to be a few other things to make the $60 price point feel just. That being said, it feels silly to compare a game from 94 to a game in 2019. I mean, you COULD, but of course things are going to be different. Gaming has changed monumentally, for the better in some ways, and for the worse in others. I just can't help but imagine that a new DOOM game that worked like an updated version of the original (almost to a "T" and with nothing else) wouldn't really bode well with the majority. We're in a period where people care more about lore, replayability, specific gameplay mechanics, etc.

Personally I would be stoked to have an updated DOOM experience with multiplayer and co-op, and that's it. But it wouldn't be for everyone unfortunately. I'm sure a lot would think it's shallow, repetitive, boring, etc. With 2016 and Eternal, they're trying to captivate the old heads and the new heads, which isn't a small feat, and I think they're doing an outstanding job personally.

But I must admit, I miss my arena shooters. :( I was really looking forward to the new Unreal Tournament, and it got shelved because of Fortnite/Battle Royales' success. It sucks! I'm also sad that while 2016's multiplayer wasn't the greatest (I enjoyed it for what it was outside of the loadout nonsense), that it's been removed from Eternal. I'm sure Battlemode will still be fun. It's just hard to think of DOOM without straight up deathmatch. It's honestly weird.

What I'm honestly hoping for is a proper remake of the first Quake, Lovecraftian influences and all. With a co-op campaign, and multiplayer. Just straight forward.

I wish Quake Champions was getting better treatment. :(

Also, I realize this was kind of a dragging post, my apologies, lol.


Confirmed I just played and beat Quake 1 for the first time and that is not at all a hub.

Look, Doom 2016 was a great game. There were some minor collectibles and weapon and armor upgrades. In my view I thought they were all fun and acceptable. But, lets be honest, do you trust game companies to do the right thing? I dont. The way they are announcing this seems suspect, like they dont want to talk about it. I am happy to wait and see but I am not going to assume this is going to be cool.

Not mincing words here. Every time I see someone from id discuss Doom it's embarrassing. They're trying SO hard to make it some dudebro thing when the original two games never really were.

Ohhhhh mannnn I just executed some demon let's HOOT LIKE BABOONS. Ohhhhhh man don't you love this POWER FANTASY, BRO. Ohhhhhh brother don't you love that DOPAMINE RUSH when you see a bunch of neon ammo icons bounce around the level, BRO? Isn't this COOL, BRO (actually no, it isn't)? Look at this. It's so cool (yeah actually it isn't). This is SO METAL, BRO (face turning red from embarrassment for them at this point).

Fucking pathetic.

The original two Doom games weren't "power fantasies" at all, actually. It's just painfully obvious that they're clueless, stumbled ass backwards into Doom 2016, and still don't actually understand the magic of the original games.
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So you have 3 options now

1) You haven't played Doom 4
2) You completely forgot the fundamentals of the game
3) You are being disingenuous on purpose

Which one is it?
I'm confused here, did you like the challanges or not? I played the hell out of the game on both Xbox and PC. I enjoyed the flawed MP and armor and weapon unlocks. I also enjoyed the campaign and building up my character with Praetor tokens, succeeding at the rune challanges, the sense of dread when cracking open a Gore Nest, and the overall intensity of the game. But I also loved the fact that it was more than just a generic FPS in the sense that it had some platforming in regards to finding secret areas and weapons and whatnot. It was a great game which I played on Nightmare but never tackled Ultra-Nightmare. I'm not sure why you are being so hostile. You're being a dick for gatekeeping Doom and somehow assuming I never played it..
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I am a virgin
Not mincing words here. Every time I see someone from id discuss Doom it's embarrassing. They're trying SO hard to make it some dudebro thing when the original two games never really were.

Ohhhhh mannnn I just executed some demon let's HOOT LIKE BABOONS. Ohhhhhh man don't you love this POWER FANTASY, BRO. Ohhhhhh brother don't you love that DOPAMINE RUSH when you see a bunch of neon ammo icons bounce around the level, BRO? Isn't this COOL, BRO (actually no, it isn't)? Look at this. It's so cool (yeah actually it isn't). This is SO METAL, BRO (face turning red from embarrassment for them at this point).

Fucking pathetic.

The original two Doom games weren't "power fantasies" at all, actually. It's just painfully obvious that they're clueless, stumbled ass backwards into Doom 2016, and still don't actually understand the magic of the original games.
Man I don't know where you grew up but it was totally the Halo of my area back when

Wolfenstein? "Pfft, for history nerds."

Killing demons in Hell? "That's manly af."

I dunno man, kids are weird and my group of friends back then was weirder.
And the theme back when was totally thrash metal, during Metallica's reign of the radio


Not mincing words here. Every time I see someone from id discuss Doom it's embarrassing. They're trying SO hard to make it some dudebro thing when the original two games never really were.

Ohhhhh mannnn I just executed some demon let's HOOT LIKE BABOONS. Ohhhhhh man don't you love this POWER FANTASY, BRO. Ohhhhhh brother don't you love that DOPAMINE RUSH when you see a bunch of neon ammo icons bounce around the level, BRO? Isn't this COOL, BRO (actually no, it isn't)? Look at this. It's so cool (yeah actually it isn't). This is SO METAL, BRO (face turning red from embarrassment for them at this point).

Fucking pathetic.

The original two Doom games weren't "power fantasies" at all, actually. It's just painfully obvious that they're clueless, stumbled ass backwards into Doom 2016, and still don't actually understand the magic of the original games.
Speaking of trying hard...
All current game designers: “the old way is outdated, we need a HUB”.

Master Chief didn’t have a hub. If it isn't broke, don’t fix it.

I can only see a hub working in one or ways. To access some sorta bonus area or to level select. I bet it’ll be a good game even if they’re trying to “reinvent the wheel” by their ground breaking ideas.
Halo 3: ODST was fantastic, and the hub worked well. It also gives you opportunities to go back to the previous areas with upgraded abilities to find more secrets or weapons.

Not mincing words here. Every time I see someone from id discuss Doom it's embarrassing. They're trying SO hard to make it some dudebro thing when the original two games never really were.

Ohhhhh mannnn I just executed some demon let's HOOT LIKE BABOONS. Ohhhhhh man don't you love this POWER FANTASY, BRO. Ohhhhhh brother don't you love that DOPAMINE RUSH when you see a bunch of neon ammo icons bounce around the level, BRO? Isn't this COOL, BRO (actually no, it isn't)? Look at this. It's so cool (yeah actually it isn't). This is SO METAL, BRO (face turning red from embarrassment for them at this point).

Fucking pathetic.

The original two Doom games weren't "power fantasies" at all, actually. It's just painfully obvious that they're clueless, stumbled ass backwards into Doom 2016, and still don't actually understand the magic of the original games.

It has the old games speed and all the enemies are fairly faithful recreations of the original, mostly featureless, game. The map design was very similar to the old design and not just A to B styled maps. They added a few things but the overall tempo was pretty much the same. Doom and Doom II were great games, but by todays standards, they're quite dated. Doom 2016 was fantastic.
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I'm confused here, did you like the challanges or not? I played the hell out of the game on both Xbox and PC. I enjoyed the flawed MP and armor and weapon unlocks. I also enjoyed the campaign and building up my character with Praetor tokens, succeeding at the rune challanges, the sense of dread when cracking open a Gore Nest, and the overall intensity of the game. But I also loved the fact that it was more than just a generic FPS in the sense that it had some platforming in regards to finding secret areas and weapons and whatnot. It was a great game which I played on Nightmare but never tackled Ultra-Nightmare. I'm not sure why you are being so hostile. You're being a dick for gatekeeping Doom and somehow assuming I never played it..
Because you quoted me saying "You don’t have to collect them" in regards to secrets, collectibles, etc. despite the fact that you DO HAVE TO. Those were my first few posts in this thread that you never bothered to read the others and just quoted the first one without even understanding my point. So you made yourself look ridiculous by saying "hurr, just ignore them" despite me saying already that the game was built around scouring for upgrades which are tied to collectibles, secrets and rune trials, so you are practically forced to look for secrets unless you want to be stuck with low hp, low armor and low ammo threshold with shitty guns and no suit upgrades. Luckily you can finish the game that way on normal with minimal issues, like I said earlier, but I don't like it when a supposed ultra-fast action game forces me to look down every nook and cranny in hopes of finding a secret and thus another token to upgrade myself, which I already mentioned if you would bother reading any of my posts.

Halo 3: ODST was fantastic, and the hub worked well. It also gives you opportunities to go back to the previous areas with upgraded abilities to find more secrets or weapons.

There is no hub in ODST...
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Because you quoted me saying "You don’t have to collect them" in regards to secrets, collectibles, etc. despite the fact that you DO HAVE TO. Those were my first few posts in this thread that you never bothered to read the others and just quoted the first one without even understanding my point. So you made yourself look ridiculous by saying "hurr, just ignore them" despite me saying already that the game was built around scouring for upgrades which are tied to collectibles, secrets and rune trials, so you are practically forced to look for secrets unless you want to be stuck with low hp, low armor and low ammo threshold with shitty guns and no suit upgrades. Luckily you can finish the game that way on normal with minimal issues, like I said earlier, but I don't like it when a supposed ultra-fast action game forces me to look down every nook and cranny in hopes of finding a secret and thus another token to upgrade myself, which I already mentioned if you would bother reading any of my posts.
Oh well I guess I just never thought you had to get them. I just did because I knew they were there. But I can't recall any of the secrets in that game being a necessity, however, it's also been a while since I've played it.


Oh well I guess I just never thought you had to get them. I just did because I knew they were there. But I can't recall any of the secrets in that game being a necessity, however, it's also been a while since I've played it.
They aren't a necessity to beat the game, shit, you can beat the game just with your buggy ass basic pistol if you can stomach its insane glitchiness, but if you want to see the full capabilities of your suit and weapons (you know, the way they were designed) you MUST stop shooting and spend most of your time looking around chasing stupid tokens.

It has the old games speed and all the enemies are fairly faithful recreations of the original, mostly featureless, game. The map design was very similar to the old design and not just A to B styled maps. They added a few things but the overall tempo was pretty much the same. Doom and Doom II were great games, but by todays standards, they're quite dated. Doom 2016 was fantastic.

The Doom 4 is not as fast, Shadow Warrior 2 is probably the closest (maybe even a bit faster) and the tempo of Doom 4 is hampered by the dumb gore nests and other arenas you are forced to endure. The amount of enemies roaming the maps is really really small in comparison. And no, Doom is not dated, it is still the essence on which all modern FPS games are built and therefore will NEVER be dated. The rise of retro shooters in the last years and the crazy huge modding community of Doom is a clear indicator of that. Very few games are as invulnerable as Doom, Age of Empires 2 comes to mind first.
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They aren't a necessity to beat the game, shit, you can beat the game just with your buggy ass basic pistol if you can stomach its insane glitchiness, but if you want to see the full capabilities of your suit and weapons (you know, the way they were designed) you MUST stop shooting and spend most of your time looking around chasing stupid tokens.

The Doom 4 is not as fast, Shadow Warrior 2 is probably the closest (maybe even a bit faster) and the tempo of Doom 4 is hampered by the dumb gore nests and other arenas you are forced to endure. The amount of enemies roaming the maps is really really small in comparison. And no, Doom is not dated, it is still the essence on which all modern FPS games are built and therefore will NEVER be dated. The rise of retro shooters in the last years and the crazy huge modding community of Doom is a clear indicator of that. Very few games are as invulnerable as Doom, Age of Empires 2 comes to mind first.
Ah OK, so basically you disliked some of my favorite aspects of the game. To each their own, but secret hunting was in the original. Again, you didn't need to do it, but it made the game more pleasurable if you did. But it's all player choice, right? I don't see how that's a frustration.


Ah OK, so basically you disliked some of my favorite aspects of the game. To each their own, but secret hunting was in the original. Again, you didn't need to do it, but it made the game more pleasurable if you did. But it's all player choice, right? I don't see how that's a frustration.
You really don't see any difference between hunting secrets in DOOM and DOOM 4? Really?
I didn't catch that while I was watching the stream.
Nope. Fuck no. Hell fucking no. Get the fuck out of here with that.
Doom 2016 was imperfect, and I had some suggestions to improve it. A hub area was not one of them.


Halo 3: ODST was fantastic, and the hub worked well. It also gives you opportunities to go back to the previous areas with upgraded abilities to find more secrets or weapons.

It has the old games speed and all the enemies are fairly faithful recreations of the original, mostly featureless, game. The map design was very similar to the old design and not just A to B styled maps. They added a few things but the overall tempo was pretty much the same. Doom and Doom II were great games, but by todays standards, they're quite dated. Doom 2016 was fantastic.

The original Doom technically has more features than Doom 2016. It has single player, coop, and deathmatch modes.
The original Doom technically has more features than Doom 2016. It has single player, coop, and deathmatch modes.
Doom 2016 had single player, weapons with 2 types of alternate firing modes, upgradeable armor with double jump, multiple multiplayer modes, massive amounts of player and weapon customization, Arcade, and a coop mode (snapmap) with customizable maps, it was both Open GL and Vulkan. Sure, Doom was great for it’s time and offered a large package for that time, but c’mon man.
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it sorta is tho, if it's not a staging area then what is it?
Select difficult. You don't came back every next map and you can't replay previous maps, unless via console, with you can skip by console too.
Besides, rip Quake 64.


Gold Member
The original Doom technically has more features than Doom 2016. It has single player, coop, and deathmatch modes.
Lol, how so? Comparing a title from the mid-90s to a game in 2016 is bizarre. I've already talked about that in this thread, so I don't want to beat a dead horse too bad. That being said, I'm not saying 2016 is a superior game, it's DOOM in 2016, and that was DOOM in 1994, that's really it. Because of the time difference one has a crap ton more content than the other, but that's not it's fault. Expectations changed. Times changed.

I love them both. But by today's standards if an exact remake was made the gameplay wouldn't last, especially as a AAA title. Hell, there are indie/small dev titles that have straight forward FPS titles with retro gameplay mechanics that aren't really that successful. Honestly I think Dusk was probably one of the most successful recent classic throwback FPSs, and even then it had modern twists. I loved the throwback FPSs, but they aren't for everyone.

That being said, I really wish we could go back to the classic FPS formula where FPS titles have a single/co-op campaign, and multiplayer. I miss it.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Lol, how so? Comparing a title from the mid-90s to a game in 2016 is bizarre. I've already talked about that in this thread, so I don't want to beat a dead horse too bad. That being said, I'm not saying 2016 is a superior game, it's DOOM in 2016, and that was DOOM in 1994, that's really it. Because of the time difference one has a crap ton more content than the other, but that's not it's fault. Expectations changed. Times changed.

I love them both. But by today's standards if an exact remake was made the gameplay wouldn't last, especially as a AAA title. Hell, there are indie/small dev titles that have straight forward FPS titles with retro gameplay mechanics that aren't really that successful. Honestly I think Dusk was probably one of the most successful recent classic throwback FPSs, and even then it had modern twists. I loved the throwback FPSs, but they aren't for everyone.

That being said, I really wish we could go back to the classic FPS formula where FPS titles have a single/co-op campaign, and multiplayer. I miss it.

Classic DOOM had two advantages on top of more content over DOOM 2016: aiming and combat scenarios.

Aiming: having some form of auto aim and not having to worry about vertical / diagonal camera movement to aim allowed the player to focus on movement and world positioning and the level designer knew that and created a mix of very large arenas, tight corridors, and mixed maze like structures at time with enemies sparsely hidden around and at other times filled with enemies to the brim.

Combat scenarios: differently from how DOOM Eternal is shaping up to be, the 2016 game was born from a much different structure. DOOM 2016 grew out of a arena multiplayer concept into the game we all enjoy and that grew to be a modern cult game and its origins can be seen in the finished game: most of the combat does not occur organically throughout the level, but mostly inside enclosed arenas (for a big part of the game the “explore, enter arena, activate gore nest, fight inside arena, explore, ...” game loop is quite evident. Thanks to great overall level design, super enjoyable gunplay and combat loop, and the diversity added in the actual combat scenarios by the Hell levels later on in the game... and the amazing soundtrack and sound FX, well the game found its deserved following anyways.
DOOM Eternal feels like taking a bit more from the original DOOM with more organic combat encounters throughout the level and not just in specific arena sections.


Gold Member
DOOM Eternal feels like taking a bit more from the original DOOM with more organic combat encounters throughout the level and not just in specific arena sections.
Very much so. In the demo I played it just felt even better than 2016, and there's much more of a strategic/tactical approach in how you go against specific enemies, when to, etc. Much like the classics. There was one point in the demo that was so chaotic that I felt like I was flailing for a bit, I loved it, lol.
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