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Doom Eternal - March 20!


Go Go Neo Rangers!
God damn it. I just got my vacation approved for that week which was a BITCH to get done.

Oh well...sigh...

Just....God damn it.


It really hurts. I think this was gonna be the first triple A game that released day and date with the other versions.

It is what it is I guess. I'm ok with waiting, I just hope it doesn't slip to 2021...

For what it's worth, I extremely doubt it slips to 2021. That said, that's the kind of thing people speculate when a game goes from having a concrete date to nothing at all. They need to do Switch players a courtesy and at least nail it down to a quarter.


God damn it. I just got my vacation approved for that week which was a BITCH to get done.

Oh well...sigh...

Just....God damn it.

:messenger_pensive: I'm sorry. That sounds frustrating. Still, lemons, lemonade or something like that right? It's still smack dab in the middle of holiday season for games, or maybe you could even do something else to look forward to with the time.


Strange that it takes them so long despite not having too many additions compared to Doom 2016. I felt it was too little too lite even before the delay, now I feel that even more. Or they will have an absolute massive game that they haven't showed us yet but this is not how the industry works nowadays, so...

You'll know once the game's in your hands. I want to believe allot of this is extra polish.

I'm ok with the wait but the drop date is... yikes. Early Spring is so loaded.

Fret Runner

But....rip and tear urge.......urge to rip and tear.....tear urge rip


Gold Member
It really hurts. I think this was gonna be the first triple A game that released day and date with the other versions.

It is what it is I guess. I'm ok with waiting, I just hope it doesn't slip to 2021...
I highly doubt you have to worry about it slipping into 2021, so at least there's that.

I still can't believe they're willing to be out that close to Cyberpunk. I mean, couple of weeks prior, but still. I'm sure there will be people that stop playing it as soon as Cyberpunk drops. 😯
Very annoying since I was planning on getting it on Switch.

I really, really don't get the Doom 64 delay though. Releasing them on the same day was a stupid idea in the first place, so not at least having that by itself then still as a way to tide people over is ridiculous.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Call of Duty gonna continue selling well in November with no Doom counter-programming.

Star Wars has a bit more air to breath now too.


This seems bad. The game looked good every time they showed it. I hope they're not getting caught up on this superfluous new-age stuff that seems to be getting into DOOM, iike hub worlds and whatnot.

Also not a good time to delay to. Too close to heavy-hitters like TLOU2 and FFVII.


I was thinking the other day "What 2019 games could be released in 2020 and be of the caliber that is handled for that year?" Well, my first thought was Doom eternal lol


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Should've been in a January slot. Look at the January games this generation:

Resident Evil 2 Remake (4 million sold)
Monster Hunter World (Over 10 million sold)
Yakuza 0 (Over 600k sold in the west; practically a new ip for most players)
Resident Evil 7 (3.5 million sold)

Publishers don't realize games aren't like movies; people still buy games in January.


Disappointing news but honestly I wish more publishers were willing to do this. If they are delaying it that means the game is not ready.

I rather they take the time they need instead of releasing the game in a unfinished or broken state as we've seen with many other games this gen.

However why the heck is DOOM64 also being delayed?? "Doom Eternal is delayed but to make up for it we're also delaying DOOM64. Please understand."
Meh. Who needs it when you got the
Og doom 64 cart

Sounds like they're changing some things about eternal though. Hopefully less focus on glory kills.
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If you read what they wrote it sounds like the sort of delay we want, the type that ensures the product is of the highest quality possible. Maybe they're even delaying it to include standard deathmatch after the controversy over them not including it? The Doom 64 as free with pre-orders on all platforms is awesome, btw. 2019 was supposed to be Doom Eternal GOTY, now you other games have a chance.


what excuses do they have now for no deathmatch, yer telling me a couple scrubs cannot put together 3 maps

fuck me just gimme the tools and i'll do it


Go Go Neo Rangers!
:messenger_pensive: I'm sorry. That sounds frustrating. Still, lemons, lemonade or something like that right? It's still smack dab in the middle of holiday season for games, or maybe you could even do something else to look forward to with the time.

Doom is life...my life was hurt today. 😂


Sad, and even sadder for Switch owners, wasn't Eternal meant to be released simultaneously just like Wolfenstein Youngblood?


0G M3mbeR
So I guess this means doom 64 on switch is now question mark date due to switch eternal being question mark.
Sucks so bad.


Gold Member
Saddest part about all of this is that I'm sure id is crunching hard and practically had to beg Bethesda for the delay, and I'm sure it really wasn't pretty. But whatever, they got what they felt was best for them and their project and that's all that matters.

Man, screw Bethesda. Seriously. I understand the hassle and cost of having to remake marketing materials to reflect the date, missing holiday season, etc. But still, screw 'em.
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Saddest part about all of this is that I heard that id is crunching hard and had to practically beg Bethesda for the delay, and that it really wasn't pretty. But at least they got what they felt was best for them and their project.

Man, screw Bethesda. Seriously. I understand the hassle and cost of having to remake marketing materials to reflect the date, etc. But still. Screw 'em.

Bethesda is bad these days but when they aren't the devs we still get amazing games like Prey, Wolfenstien, Doom and Dishonored. They got the delay I assume because they have some real clout with how successful commercially and critically Doom 2016 was, not to mention the hold on the zeitgeist it has.


Gold Member
Bethesda is bad these days but when they aren't the devs we still get amazing games like Prey, Wolfenstien, Doom and Dishonored. They got the delay I assume because they have some real clout with how successful commercially and critically Doom 2016 was, not to mention the hold on the zeitgeist it has.
We have for sure. But honestly over the last couple of years, I can't remember anything published by Bethesda that did just as good if not better than DOOM (2016). I think it says a lot about all of the releases that Bethesda has published after DOOM (2016).
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We have for sure. But honestly over the last couple of years, I can't remember anything published by Bethesda that did just as good if not better than DOOM (2016). I think it says a lot about all of the releases that Bethesda has published after DOOM (2016).

Prey should have done close to as well, tbh, it's a spiritual successor to System Shock 2 and legit amazing, people should not have slept on it.
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