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Dragon's Crown (Vanillaware PS3/PSV) Sorceress Trailer


Why is everytime someone complains about an element of the game, the first response is don't play it? It's perfectly normal to bitch about specific elements of a game you find faulty, especially when the rest looks so good. I didn't like the covenant system in Dark Souls, doesn't mean the game wasn't fantastic. I think the combat is garbage in Skyrim, still fun entertainment though.

I don't need a game to be realistic or PC, not at all. However, there is a big difference when talking about violence in video games between games like Manhunt vs Arkham Asylum. Just like there is a difference between making the female characters attractive, vs having their super attack being shooting milk. Yes, it may be all a spectrum of the same thing, but just because I complain when someone is setting the dial to 10, doesn't mean I'm not allowed to play the game or that I'm not allowed to not complain if a game has the dial set at 6.

Look, all I'm asking for is that if someone walks by me playing a game. I don't want to be ashamed socially, morally, or ethically about what's on the screen. If the character art for the Sorceress is up on my big screen, I would be. If I was fighting Rathalos in Monster Hunter, I wouldn't be. It's not because I'm some white knight or anything like that. I'm ashamed of it intellectually, it insults my intelligence and my dignity that someone thinks "this is what appeals to the gamer demographic". I'm not some champion of Feminism or Peace, I just want to have a hobby I can play in the living room and not be ashamed of.
Then don't play this particular game. If you're worried that people will judge you negatively because there are large breasts on a character, and that negative judgement upsets you, avoid it. Personally, I'd imagine those same people will probably judge you for enjoying the act of hunting a fictional 'monster', but I could well be wrong.

It's the same with film, TV, music, and pretty much everything else. Play things you feel comfortable playing, avoid things that make you feel ashamed. Watch the things you feel comfortable watching, avoid the things you don't.

I feel bad for all the people with judgemental partners. I'd hate to think that my missus would avoid consuming certain media in case I disapproved of it.


The muscular men are there to play into the whole male "power fantasy", (where's that one webcomic strip about superheroes?) There isn't a male equivalent of the sorceress here.

edit: Also who gives a shit about what's playing on a handheld? People that try to peak at your iphone/gameboy/laptops are fucking space invading creepos anyways.


Maybe gaf complain enough for major media pick up the story, Atlus will shrink 50% of the size for western.
I don't think anyone is buying the game just for that appeal.


Quite a versatile array of moves compared to Muramasa, and the overall art style is gorgeous, as expected. But yeah, I'll be skipping this one. I roll my eyes at a lot of the feminist threads (at least the ones that suggest simply swapping out established male leads for female ones, with no creative justification, I.E. the "Clockwork Empire" thread). But this... This is just degrading to women. The sorceress is completely objectified, to a degree obscene even by videogame standards. Enough's enough.
There are games for everyone.

This game doesn't appeal top you for whatever reason..fine.

People you won't pl;ay this game because of the design...cool. I didn't buy Arcana Hearts because I'm not into the MoeMoe stuff (and it is still 30 fucking dollars...wtf). But I didn't run up in Arcan Hearts threads claiming it to be sexist or shameful to my hobby.

I am perfectly fine with there being games for everyone.

I'm just tired of everything being so damn serious around here...the whole we must take a stand against sexism in games stuff is really tired. Do we really have to take a stand against everything we don't like? This game is this game. Not every game is has the same character design.

The don't play it answer is just because honestly, life is too damm short to fret over goddam videogames. If it bothers you that much, understand that it's not gonna change, Understand that some people like what you don't like, and be cool.

The subtle insults (sexist, perverted, blah) and snobbery (I'd be ashamed to play this game) is just annoying..


Have we begun to bring out the torches to burn Disney to the ground for designing Jessica Rabbit? Because I'm sure there were a lot of people hating on that design. Oh wait, there wasn't. I swear these things pop up in gaming way too often because people feel like it keeps gaming from being truly mature or art in their minds. Sex and representations of it are natural as the sky is blue, it's in every facet of media out there one way or another. In the end if you feel a games design or play style isn't for you hey no problem, no ones forcing you to play it, there will be other games to enjoy.


Neo Member
Game looks great and will make a for a great pickup on my Vita.

Regarding the whole proportions thing, I'm actually more bothered by the fact that the Knights sword is small and looks like a dagger. Which to me looks more out of place than the Sorceress because at least her exaggerated proportions are even throughout her design. *shrugs*
Quite a versatile array of moves compared to Muramasa, and the overall art style is gorgeous, as expected. But yeah, I'll be skipping this one. I roll my eyes at a lot of the feminist threads (at least the ones that suggest simply swapping out established male leads for female ones, with no creative justification, I.E. the "Clockwork Empire" thread). But this... This is just degrading to women. The sorceress is completely objectified, to a degree obscene even by videogame standards. Enough's enough.

I hear it's gonna be TITS though


Sketchbook Picasso
So you support a double standard, then.

I don't have anything more to say to such an argument.

Who are you to tell me that I have to like the way strong men are portrayed in media?

What a company does, and what people do, are 2 different things. A creator and a recepient see the purpose of the recieved result in different ways. You have to take context into account to determine the intent of something.

I hear flicking up a middle finger in Australia is a way to hitchhike for a ride. In the US, it's "F-U!"

And, err, who told you anything? I just said it's ridiculous to pretend that the general consesus is the same for both side. If it's the same for you, great. But I don't think a man is going to get the same punishment for walking topless on the street, as a woman, y'know?
Quite a versatile array of moves compared to Muramasa, and the overall art style is gorgeous, as expected. But yeah, I'll be skipping this one. I roll my eyes at a lot of the feminist threads (at least the ones that suggest simply swapping out established male leads for female ones, with no creative justification, I.E. the "Clockwork Empire" thread). But this... This is just degrading to women. The sorceress is completely objectified, to a degree obscene even by videogame standards. Enough's enough.




Have we begun to bring out the torches to burn Disney to the ground for designing Jessica Rabbit? Because I'm sure there were a lot of people hating on that design. Oh wait, there wasn't. I swear these things pop up in gaming way too often because people feel like it keeps gaming from being truly mature or art in their minds. Sex and representations of it are natural as the sky is blue, it's in every facet of media out there one way or another. In the end if you feel a games design or play style isn't for you hey no problem, no ones forcing you to play it, there will be other games to enjoy.

Dude, Jessica was a parody of Betty Boop and Veronica Lake. She was intended to be seen as absurdly sexual and over the top in a movie intended for an adult audience. It's not an analog for why the Sorceress has a broomstick jammed up between her ass cheeks in her character art. I don't fault anyone for liking it, hell I kind of like it, but like it honestly. You guys could shut this argument down right now by admitting that it's salacious and kind of pervy but that you enjoy it, rather than trying to say it's a blow for freedom and sexual egalitarianism. Embrace that it's trashy.


Have we begun to bring out the torches to burn Disney to the ground for designing Jessica Rabbit? Because I'm sure there were a lot of people hating on that design. Oh wait, there wasn't. I swear these things pop up in gaming way too often because people feel like it keeps gaming from being truly mature or art in their minds. Sex and representations of it are natural as the sky is blue, it's in every facet of media out there one way or another. In the end if you feel a games design or play style isn't for you hey no problem, no ones forcing you to play it, there will be other games to enjoy.
Empathy, man. It just gets tiring seeing the message of "big boobs" constantly sent out to women. I'd prefer they be able to play games without suffering self-esteem issues as a result. It's nothing to do with gaming being "serious" or "art."

Also, Jessica Rabbit's design was justified by the narrative, since she played the detective seductress trope. It even factored into one of her punchlines: "I'm not bad -- I'm just drawn that way."
Quite a versatile array of moves compared to Muramasa, and the overall art style is gorgeous, as expected. But yeah, I'll be skipping this one. I roll my eyes at a lot of the feminist threads (at least the ones that suggest simply swapping out established male leads for female ones, with no creative justification, I.E. the "Clockwork Empire" thread). But this... This is just degrading to women.The sorceress is completely objectified, to a degree obscene even by videogame standards. Enough's enough.

Empathy, man. It just gets tiring seeing the message of "big boobs" constantly sent out to women. I'd prefer they be able to play games without suffering self-esteem issues as a result. It's nothing to do with gaming being "serious" or "art."

Also, Jessica Rabbit's design was justified by the narrative, since she played the detective seductress trope. It even factored into one of her punchlines: "I'm not bad -- I'm just drawn that way."

What is the message being sent out by the Amazon?


Empathy, man. It just gets tiring seeing the message of "big boobs" constantly sent out to women. I'd prefer they be able to play games without suffering self-esteem issues as a result. It's nothing to do with gaming being "serious" or "art."

Also, Jessica Rabbit's design was justified by the narrative, since she played the detective seductress trope. It even factored into one of her punchlines: "I'm not bad -- I'm just drawn that way."

The other two female characters have more modest bustlines though.


Her tits are just fucking ridiculous, I don't think anyone would mind if they toned it down a tad bit.


It is pretty disappointing to see gameplay that looks really fun and design choices you really hate.

And lol at the idea that not liking such designs makes you a prude.
It's amazing how an entire thread can revolve around a character's tits. Almost 400 posts devoted to tits. Can't wait for the Amazon's trailer, so that we can have a ten page discussion regarding the pros and cons of her gigantic angular ass.
Don't own a PS3 or Vita, but will happily buy a copy just to spite the Holy Order of the Blanched Stallion and its never-ending crusade against meloncentrism.


People are talking as if this was meant to be a game for a mainstream audience; it's a niche otaku game, like Code Princess or Senran Kagura. There are better targets for RIGHTEOUS RAGE.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The sorceress and amazon are both exaggerated to the point of parody, chill the fuck out.

The ONLY characters you can say are "pandering" at all are moe uguu archer with the chun li thighs and pretty boy wizard, because they actually have practical proportions.

And this is Kamitani we're talking about here, this is nothing new.

(Do NOT click those links at work, except maybe the first one)


I work at a bank, which is one of the most PC and conservative places on Earth and I'll still play this shit on my lunch break. Some of you are way too self conscious.

Also, Jeremiah is great guy (for real, not kissing ass) but his post reminds me of the many derpy posts we've seen from Devs lately. What's the deal? Next gen development made them go crazy.

Some of them need to just sit down instead of bringing unnecessary venom towards themselves over non isues
Then don't play this particular game. If you're worried that people will judge you negatively because there are large breasts on a character, and that negative judgement upsets you, avoid it. Personally, I'd imagine those same people will probably judge you for enjoying the act of hunting a fictional 'monster', but I could well be wrong.

It's the same with film, TV, music, and pretty much everything else. Play things you feel comfortable playing, avoid things that make you feel ashamed. Watch the things you feel comfortable watching, avoid the things you don't.

I feel bad for all the people with judgemental partners. I'd hate to think that my missus would avoid consuming certain media in case I disapproved of it.

i agree with this. however, if big screen is too much of an exposure, then you know it's time to get a vita ;)


God forbid any of your daughters ever end up with big breasts or thigh muscles that could snap someone else in two. Exaggeration apparently is not relished when it has to do with sexual or physical parts I take it?


It is pretty disappointing to see gameplay that looks really fun and design choices you really hate.

And lol at the idea that not liking such designs makes you a prude.

You're correct. But I hope you don't consider people who DO like such designs as sexist, immature, perverted...

There are differences in artistic taste. I don't see why this is controversial all of a sudden.


It's not "righteous rage." People are expressing why it's difficult for them to enjoy this game. The character designs are literally the only thing marring it... In particular the sorceress. Everything else looks wonderful. It's just a bummer when something looks so awesome, yet one design element is so obnoxiously degrading to the point it's distracting.

The Amazon, I don't mind so much. Not because I'm an "ass man," mind you, but because her warrior-like muscularity doesn't seem entirely out of place in a combat game. It certainly doesn't seem there "just for sex appeal." Not in the same way as massive tits spilling out of the sorceress.


Come on people, she's like a high fantasy Jessica Rabbit. It's completely overblown and awesome because of it.
I mean, have you guys even seen the other characters?


Street Fighter IV World Champion
So another Asian big tits game.

It's clear from the screenshots that the artists put *a lot* of effort in animating the breasts.


And, err, who told you anything? I just said it's ridiculous to pretend that the general consesus is the same for both side. If it's the same for you, great. But I don't think a man is going to get the same punishment for walking topless on the street, as a woman, y'know?

Sorceress isn't topless. She has large boobs. Some women actually have boobs that large. Are you saying those individuals have no place as a video game hero? You sound kind of discriminatory if you ask me.


The sorceress and amazon are both exaggerated to the point of parody, chill the fuck out.

The ONLY characters you can say are "pandering" at all are moe uguu archer with the chun li thighs and pretty boy wizard, because they actually have practical proportions.

And this is Kamitani we're talking about here, this is nothing new.

(Do NOT click those links at work, except maybe the first one)

Great art~ Remind me how i love character design for Odin's Sphere ,especially Gwendolyn and Velvet. Wings on the side not at the back like 9000 others wings design really refreshing.


Sketchbook Picasso
I think you need to get off your high horse perhaps? Your moral standards do not belong to every other person in the world.

Oh, and I don't even know where you're pulling this part from. My whole conversation in this thread has kept in mind the different viewpoint of not only different sexes, but also different nationalities.

But there are some *standards* that a large amount of the world agrees on. That's why they're called standards; they're a baseline which other beliefs closely gravity around.


If this trailer has created so much faux outrage, then y'all should stay away from Uno Makoto's Amazon/Sorceress futa doujin, Lol

People's brains would melt
If people spent half as much time campaigning for a Grand Knights History localization as they will spend complaining about this game's art style over the comings months I would be much happier (and likely playing GKH)
Some of you sound like a blast to be around.

You're correct. But I hope you don't consider people who DO like such designs as sexist, immature, perverted...

There are differences in artistic taste. I don't see why this is controversial all of a sudden.

This is what I'm trying to say. It's okay to not like something for whatever reason. But please drop the holier than thou attitude when you do it.

It's not "righteous rage." People are expressing why it's difficult for them to enjoy this game. The character designs are literally the only thing marring it... In particular the sorceress. Everything else looks wonderful. It's just a bummer when something looks so awesome, yet one design element is so obnoxiously degrading to the point it's distracting.

The Amazon, I don't mind so much. Not because I'm an "ass man," mind you, but because her warrior-like muscularity doesn't seem entirely out of place in a combat game. It certainly doesn't seem there "just for sex appeal." Not in the same way as massive tits spilling out of the sorceress.

That's fine. I get that. But when you begin to use word liek degrading it goes beyond just not liking it.


If this trailer has created so much faux outrage, then y'all should stay away from Uno Makoto's Amazon/Sorceress futa doujin, Lol

People's brains would melt

I know, right? God forbid somebody make something that isn't to your exact specifications. OMG BOOBS THE WORST EVER MISOGYNY. Have some perspective for christ's sake.
Holy shit, what the hell is going on in this
It looks like they're girls synched to mecha.

lol, woops.

I meant the 2011 one.
Oh yeah, that one is crazy, haha.





Probably a little more out there than you were expecting

dude just likes to draw women with huge tits. Fish gotta swin birds gotta fly
Thank you! Indeed, George Kamitani is a professed pervert. If people don't want to play games made by a pervert, they don't have to, but claiming that he's just pandering is ridiculous. The man is only pandering to his own penis.
It's not "righteous rage." People are expressing why it's difficult for them to enjoy this game. The character designs are literally the only thing marring it... In particular the sorceress. Everything else looks wonderful. It's just a bummer when something looks so awesome, yet one design element is so obnoxiously degrading to the point it's distracting.

The Amazon, I don't mind so much. Not because I'm an "ass man," mind you, but because her warrior-like muscularity doesn't seem entirely out of place in a combat game. It certainly doesn't seem there "just for sex appeal." Not in the same way as massive tits spilling out of the sorceress.

Oh, she's most assuredly there for sex appeal, for the same reason the Sorceress is. Some of us are ass men who like muscular women. Oh, yes indeed.

I should be clear here, my beef is with this work being called misogynist. There is absolutely nothing invalid about hating an art style or character design. It might be a bit silly to skip the whole game because of it, but then again if it distracts you too much to enjoy the game, why should you bother?


lol, woops.

I meant the 2011 one.

Looks like an alien ate a naked chick and she went to it's head (literally) all while a naked warrior woman (that is only a head and bust) in a suit too small for her boobs (with well placed glass to show boobs) is there to save fellow head + bust woman (sans suit) from said naked woman swallowing, head alien thing.


I think the "this is offensive" argument would have more weight if all the girls in the title were hyper-sexualized. They have a few different archetypes so you don't have to play as her if you can't handle breasts of that magnitude. Play as the agile archer girl or the giantess. They actually included three very different female body-types in the game(ALL of which are exaggerated in their own way -- because ALL the characters have an exaggeration in their design). If you looked at three random girls in real life, one of them is likely going to have larger breasts than the others.


That's fine. I get that. But when you begin to use word liek degrading it goes beyond just not liking it.
I'm just asking you to picture how you'd feel, as a girl, if you constantly saw stuff like this. The more emphasis male culture places on breast size, the more fragile the self-esteem of women.

There's no way to solve this phenomenon, of course, but sometimes, something so brazenly compounds it that it just becomes difficult to swallow. It's bad enough most girls can't leave the house without "putting on their face," let alone feeling a need to increase their cup size. I've known LOTS of women who have gotten breast implants, and it's sad society made them feel it was necessary.

At the end of the day, it's fine if you want to play it. I'm just saying why it'd be difficult to bring myself to enjoy this. I just find continued depictions of this sort hurtful to women. Not all women will be bothered by it, of course, but it all adds up to hurt quite a few.
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