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Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator |OT| Thirsty for Pop


I don't know, it's also kinda shitty how many people with big followings/ verified accounts are bombasting people expressing disappointment, no matter how benign their disappointment is. Like, it is kinda annoying to wait as long as they did, while doing a live stream, only to hear we're delaying it with no time frame. I support them not killing themselves over it, but they could have and should have said something earlier. I'll still play
if Brian's datable
, but they handled the delay poorly, and the language they're using is weird.

Yes this is totally reasonable


If they released a broken game, you guys would just be whining about how it's broken and still not being able to play it.


That is so ridiculous. No one told them to stay up for a video game. I understand disappointment, but this entitlement is completely absurd especially for a game you haven't even bought yet.


Honestly I see more comments trying to shame people for being disappointed/upset than I see actual negative comments like that pirating one. It's reached the level of ball washing at this point the concern trolling over the devs' well being.

It's fine the devs are human and have needs; but they are the one who set this release date/schedule.They are the ones who programmed it bugs and all. They still tried to rush it out, hence all the delays.They are the ones who made the decision to not communicate basically all day yesterday to their fans. There is a lot to be upset about how they handled the non-launch yesterday.

I don't want to see anyone tire themselves out over programming a game. But most of this is still on them in how they've handled things. So I'm not really seeing a reason to absolve them of any blame or shield them from fans who are disappointed after they went silent.


I just think both sides of the argument are being a bit... extreme about things. It's just a game, you know? No one should be yelling at each other or losing sleep over it, including the devs themselves.

I realize this is the gaming community though, so there's a lot of people that are just... extreme. :/

Also #TeamIThinkBrianIsDateable


Maybe they got wind yesterday that people want to fu... date Brian and so they are like; 'Shit, uh... make Brian datable, hurry, hurry hurry!' and that's why the game got delayed? xD



Maybe they got wind yesterday that people want to fu... date Brian and so they are like; 'Shit, uh... make Brian datable, hurry, hurry hurry!' and that's why the game got delayed? xD


The thought crossed my mind but mind but tbh I think he's always been dateable from the beginning

It would be ridiculous not to have the bear dateable


I'm not here for this bearphobic BS.


i'm joking

unless he's actually undateable and then i'm serious


As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?


the piano man
Brian, Robert and Hugo are all appealing to me.

I'd probably make a better pair wth Hugo out of the three, to be honest, just based on profile.
Oh wow, this is probably the first time I've seen a Steam page for a game a day after the page says it came out, and it's still unavailable. I'll be surprised if it doesn't initially get bombarded with negative reviews solely based on this bad launch.
Everyone can stop worrying!

I confirmed with PR that Brian is dateable. :)
Wait, like the band???

As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?

Well, there's definitely a community for it as you can see in this thread, haha.
As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?

Bear here, am gay, can confirm: yes.

On topic- I'm not mad at the delay or the way they communicated it tbh. They did their best and were hoping to make a timely release, but it just wasn't in the cards. Sucks, but it happens. I also understand the disappointed people, I was planning to stream it last night after work myself and it sucks I couldn't- but if the game is better for the delay, then we're all better off.
I'm not here for the release controversy, I'm here to simply announce that this is the best thread title ever posted on Gaf. That is all.
As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?
would consider myself a bear and am gay and yes very sought after.
Question for the gay dudes in this thread: would you only be interested in dating sims that had explicit sex scenes? I'm curious because dating sims targeting women are largely PG-rated.
Nah. I'm interested in literally any game with mlm options or even LGBT characters in general. I couldn't care less if there are explicit sex scenes in a game.
This just happens to have a romanceable character in it that I'd actually be into in real life (Brian) which makes me especially interested.
Nah. I'm interested in literally any game with mlm options or even LGBT characters in general. I couldn't care less if there are explicit sex scenes in a game.
This just happens to have a romanceable character in it that I'd actually be into in real life (Brian) which makes me especially interested.
Same. But I won't say no to explicit scenes 🌝
Question for the gay dudes in this thread: would you only be interested in dating sims that had explicit sex scenes? I'm curious because dating sims targeting women are largely PG-rated.
While it is preferred and I hate to prove the overly sexual stereotype to be true but I love things like these and i feel that others would still enjoy it too or at least I hope. I would still be interested in a dating Sim minus such content given I have some kind of connection to some characters in general and I'm easy to please.


As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?
Yup, I'd say you could be a way bigger slut with other dudes than you typically could with women.

I wouldn't mind some lewd scenes, but they don't even need to be overtly pornographic. I just think it'd be less fun if the game only skirted around the idea of you actually "dating" these guys. I wouldn't say I'm "only" interested in that, though.
Nah. I'm interested in literally any game with mlm options or even LGBT characters in general. I couldn't care less if there are explicit sex scenes in a game.
This just happens to have a romanceable character in it that I'd actually be into in real life (Brian) which makes me especially interested.

Same. But I won't say no to explicit scenes ��

That's me. It's more about having guys and scenarios that I find appealing than having explicit scenes. I can't deny that that well done explicit scenes does a lot to catch my initial attention and is definitely appreciated, but most of the process is getting to know the guys story and their personality quirks.

I enjoyed what little I've played of Katawa Shoujo (a Visual Novel that involves romancing various girls at a school for the physically disabled), and the Social Link sides of Persona 3 and 4 were very fun, including the ones that involved dating. I even played through Ar Tonelico: Melody of Elemia, a game that has involves lengthy Visual Novel'esque sequences to power up certain party members and learn more about their internal struggles in the process. I ideally want a game like Dream Daddy to take similar ideas, but with guys that I could find myself eyeing if they were in real life.

No, Thank You!! was a good example of this. It was chock full of well done lewd scenes and I was VERY excited to finally progress far enough in the VN to see my first one (They didn't begin until about 2 chapters/a couple hours into the game). By the tail end of every route though, I was more engaged with the characters of the route and what was being revealed with the overall narrative and would (ALMOST!) be disappointed when an explicit scene came up because I knew I was going to be engaged in a visual treat that was going to last about 15 minutes and have nothing to do with how Haru and the man of the moment were going to resolve the issues that are in front of them.


While it is preferred and I hate to prove the overly sexual stereotype to be true but I love things like these and i feel that others would still enjoy it too or at least I hope. I would still be interested in a dating Sim minus such content given I have some kind of connection to some characters in general and I'm easy to please.

Ah, I didn't mean to bring stereotypes into it, I just don't know much about dating sims for guys. It's my impression that the ones for straight dudes are generally a lot more explicit than the ones for straight women. I don't know of very many that are m/m and actually made for a male audience.

Anyway, thanks for your answers, dudes!


How is Arin friends with people who describe games using terms like "virtue signalling"...

Oney and his crew have always toed the line for me, but shit like this really pushes it over...


Question for the gay dudes in this thread: would you only be interested in dating sims that had explicit sex scenes? I'm curious because dating sims targeting women are largely PG-rated.
Not necessarily. But at least give me some hunky shirtless dudes to enjoy. I don't like stories that establish blatant sexual tension and then stay poised on the edge of a payoff it never delivers.

Just don't blue ball me with winks and innuendo. That's all I ask from dating sims with hot casts.
Question for the gay dudes in this thread: would you only be interested in dating sims that had explicit sex scenes? I'm curious because dating sims targeting women are largely PG-rated.

No, given the medium I think writing and character are most important in keeping me interested. I mean it's a pretty inefficient way to get porn otherwise.

But if it's too chaste then that's kind of boring too.


As someone who would be considered a bear, this thread is making me mourn the fact that I'm missing a lot of attention I'd be getting if I were gay because of the crazy thirst for Brian.

Are bears really that sought after in the community?

I know I never run into this much attention around other gay guys lol.


No, given the medium I think writing and character are most important in keeping me interested. I mean it's a pretty inefficient way to get porn otherwise.

Depends on what kind of porn you're after. If you like your porn with some semblance of a coherent plot, for example, then dating sims are probably a better bet than porn films :p.

Personally, I do think that I prefer these types of games to have explicit scenes but I don't think I'd mind it if one didn't (unless the reason for that was that the creators were censored or felt they had to censor themselves). On the other hand, if the only good thing about the game were its sex scenes and the plot/writing/characters/gameplay/graphics were shit, I very much would mind. It's like sex scenes are a very nice bonus but I don't think that they're necessarily the point of the game for me. (Unless it actually is supposed to be a porn game first and foremost but then I'm not sure if it could still be called a dating sim.)


How is Arin friends with people who describe games using terms like "virtue signalling"...

Oney and his crew have always toed the line for me, but shit like this really pushes it over...

Can you explain this a little more? Is Oney calling this a virtue signaling game


Can you explain this a little more? Is Oney calling this a virtue signaling game

It's from Julian, who was one of the three on Grumpcade when they played Simpson's Hit and Run and is also a member of the OneyPlays group.


Quoted relevant part:

I just don't think anybody cared about creating a quality product while making it because they knew it'd get good reviews for ”virtue signaling" or whatever it's called by people smarter than me.


Neo Member
Yeeeeah the tone of that post set off red flags for me. But even still, there's the fact that the person who wrote it is a gay man, and apparently has done testing for it.

I'm still going to take his words with a grain of salt because 1) different strokes for different folks, 2) people have apparently liked what has been streamed of the game so far, and 3) badmouthing a game and its creators that hard before it comes out really strikes me as having some sort of axe to grind, even before considering the use of "virtue-signalling".


Joseph Christiansen would be my husbando in terms of type, but he's ruined by his commitment to Jesus. So I'd date Craig Cahn, but I'd be thinking of Joseph; and I'd get so emotionally unsettled that I think I'd need to take Amanda and just move somewhere else where there are more dads. Life as an eligible dad-loving-dad is super hard.
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