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Dusk Golem reiterates that the Xbox will be more powerful than the PS5 (Admitted to starting console wars, demodded)


Who gives a crap when 1.84tf has given us the games of the visual quality we've had this gen. At worst PS5 is 5x the throughput on the gpu (not even counting efficiencies gained from updated CU archictecture) and a similarly substantial hike on the cpu side going from Jaguar to Ryzen cores. Then of course there's the overall higher bus bandwidth and the crazy i/o stack and sound subsystems they've implemented.

At some point you have to admit that diminishing returns are going to set-in hard in terms of real-world effectiveness. I get that to enthusiasts you can never have enough power, but your average punter? Very different story.
It's essentially bragging rights for some people. I don't see their being a significant difference in graphics or performance in third-party games.

And even before the Halo reveal I was telling people like Eastwood that Sony has the superior first-party studios, and their games will likely look better than anything on XSX.

I know some will complain about that, but who does Microsoft own that are the same level as Naughty Dog, Santa Monica and Guerilla Games for example.
Yea, can't go into details on that one. But coming from someone at a game studio where engineers have worked with PS5 and then leaving to go to MS and seeing the demos on the XSX. That's all I'll say about that. We'll see if what I'm hearing is accurate. So far though, AC: Valhalla is looking like it's an accurate statement.

Well if the Devs were impressed by what they saw once they went to Xbox how come ms didn't have the courage themselves to show software actually running on Thier hardware in what they showed so far instead of showing stuff running on pc because that doesn't speak confident to me and I'm sure Ive seen stuff saying the opposite from other Devs regarding ps5 Vs xbox completely opposite to what you say
It's silly season with the rumours at the moment .



Hey mr dusk !!!this made from a machine with only 1.8 teraflops gpu
Stop bothered people with this nonsensen 4k bullshits then


I think the PS5 will cost more. I mean, why wouldn't it? The brand is very strong right now and let's face it, the Series X isn't showing anything right now to make Sony quake in their boots. Sony can price it at $600 and it will still sell like hotcakes.


PS5 GPU will not stay at 2.2GHz all the time, so it will be 18% performance gap in the best scenario.

True, it won't. How I currently understand how it works and as simply as I can explain it is thus:

Assuming a dev optimises fully to the electrical power budget it will in simple terms mean the GPU/CPU will reduce clocks on a map screen/simple graphics and run at full clocks during the eyegasm graphics moments. All of this is fluctuating every ~2ms I imagine too.


Junior Member
The 4K bullshit is tiresome. Pac-Man at 4K does little to impress anybody... put complex geometry, shadows, animations at 1080p and lets talk.


Exactly, almost 20% difference is the best case scenario, assuming there's light CPU usage and, so depending on the game the difference can be god knows how much, 25-30%? Plus, let's not forget about VRS, which alone can boost the performance by stupid levels, and elevate the gap even further:

All that to make an attempt at the 9TF fud... you even try to push that "30%" which would put the PS5 @ 8.5TF. Cut it out.


Junior Member
Like most game’s already do and have been for about 10 years?
The hell they do... I put Destiny or Battlefield 5 in an Xbox one and on 5000€ computer and all I get is mostly better framerate and resolution. Maybe some better texturing and shadows. But geometry, animation, global illumination is still the same.
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Gold Member
I mean yeah this was expected just based on the specs, but it's also going to come down to how devs use it and I think that's going to matter more in the long run.

I think at the end of the day though, both consoles will have some killer looking titles 🤷‍♂️
Exactly. The "strongest console" doesn't mean anything, it's what is done with it that matters most. I still don't understand the whole, "HURR DURR CONSOLE I WANT IS BETTER THAN THE OTHER" thing. I mean, if you want to flex about something being the strongest, build a PC and go nanners with the specs, lol.

Both consoles will definitely look great in the long run. It's funny how this topic stirs people up so bad.


Trying to once again steer the narrative towards power is hilarious.

We're midway through August, with tech demos and games unveiling before us, devs chiming in publicly, and some people still trying to make this shit fly.


Gold Member
This guys again? Does he have any credibility left after the last time he had to walk back his comments? If you have to start out by saying "I'm going to hate myself later for responding to this I can feel it..." then maybe don't respond if you are continuing to spread fud. Yes, the Xbox Series X is going to be more powerful. None of us, including "insiders" at this point know pricing. Period.

Maybe I should become an "insider" because I would have about a good a chance of being right as most of the ones out there. I have been saying $500 since they announced new consoles. Microsoft set that target when they launched the Xbox One X. The market (both demand and supply cost) may have pushed it a little above that mark. Power? We have seen the specs. We know the Series X is more powerful so we also know it will have an easier time hitting higher marks in certain situations.
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What's so hard to understand? RE8 will be optimized to run at 4K dynamic on PS5.

PS5 GPU will not stay at 2.2GHz all the time, so it will be 18% performance gap in the best scenario.
It will stay at that frequency most of the time, dropping only under the following conditions:

1. When it's rendering something simple, such as an in-game main menu, in order to avoid rendering such a simple image hundreds of times per second and thus producing unnecessary heat and drawing unnecessary power.

2. When it's rendering something intensive that could cause it to exceed its power budget; in this case, it will drop by 2% to 4% in order to remain within its power budget. Cerny has stated that this scenario will be rare.
Another info, this time from Jeff Grubb...
...but he is probably also Microsoft shill seeking for attention

From 28:30

This literally confirms that it's incompetent and unskilled devs which are the issue, not the technology. Which brings us right back to the 15-18% different not mattering.


I find it amusing that whenever Xbox receive awful news someone comes out with some PS5 "bad news". Such nonsense the gap this gen is bigger than next gen and look at the games. PS5 will have the best looking games next gen just like this gen. If you're bothered about Sony using a checkerboard technique or something similar you must have be wearing a magnifying glass for viewing.


Personally i think the ps5 will be more expensive.

They added so much custom silicon, the controller is state of the art with new tech, the best ssd out there by far.
The cooling system has to be more expensive than the xboxs too, i think it's just a better machine in terms of quality or more advanced tech.

Xbox is nice but should be cheaper, i don't want to use the word inferior in quality but it's deftly not as innovative as Ps5,

Xbox should cost less to reflect the difference.

As for fake 4k, bring it on, i did not notice that on ps4, nor did it ruin my experience. Having to be told by someone that it sucks, and that i need to zoom in on something 800% does nothing to me.
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Ah ok so in that case, you must know all his contacts, and the contacts of the contacts. You do realise people have conversations. You do know people who work with one dev, will more than likely have friends working for other devs. People talk.

Yes and if you believ one you tuber, then RGT and RDNA3 rumour must also be correct, and allJason HSchrier stufff, and oh moores law is dead ps5 is better GPU technology.

Believe the you tuber that is aligned with your expectations then all is fine.

I take all you tubers witha large grain of salt, only thing I have read in last week that is real is the Cerny GPU patent compressing GPU vertex and shaders while processing in the GPU logged last week, maybe thats how Sony first party are doing 4K with ray tracing so early.....who knows.....maybe Capcom being 60 % and PC port means they have not used new GPU stuff yet.....

but whatever floats your boat.
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Wait so PS5 struggles with 4K but it's apparently a cake walk for Series X despite the gap in raw power being smaller than it is this gen?


Could be the combination of having 52 CU's and 560GB/s bandwidth compared to 36 CU and 448GB/s... If RDNA 2 scales the same way as RDNA 1 where CU's matter much more than clock speeds, then there's your answer.
I thought this has been established?

Why does it matter by the end of it, however?

X1X most powerful console available today, but where are the first party games utilizing it to it's fullest in the recent years?

XSEX has very great hardware and it should be firmly established that it is indeed the superior hardware, much like the X1X.

Now show me the games.


I thought this has been established?

Why does it matter by the end of it, however?

X1X most powerful console available today, but where are the first party games utilizing it to it's fullest in the recent years?

XSEX has very great hardware and it should be firmly established that it is indeed the superior hardware, much like the X1X.

Now show me the games.

Why do developers keep targeting the weaker hardware wah wah blah blah

*Buys weaker hardware*


All that to make an attempt at the 9TF fud... you even try to push that "30%" which would put the PS5 @ 8.5TF. Cut it out.

"People see what they want to see" - nicy try kid, but I'm not falling for that one - 8.5TF+30% = 11TF, so I don't know, maybe you simply suck at math, or you are indeed frighted, uncertain, and doubtful about your beloved piece of plastic of choice and see everyone/everything as a personal attack, but I don't give a flying fuck about such shitty persons, welcome to my ignore list kid, and get a life it it hurts you so much. Bye.
Are you a bot or just really dimwitted and unimaginative?
To busy playing Halo infinite on dreams to answer. 1st on Playstation, no 12TFLOPS needed. ❤😘😘

Edit: you mean all the guys showing their big .... about the 12 TFLOPS - before the Craig drama - were bots? I can see MS doing that... in a 12 TFLOPS Craig fashion.
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You want to tell me PS5 GPU will stay at fixed 2.2GHz all the time? Games will locked framerate and resolution will not require to run at 2.2GHz clock all the time, however games with unlocked framerate or dynamic resolution will push GPU usage to the max. In such games they will have to downclock CPU, or GPU very frequently.

I do not think you understand how this technology works. Just because a game runs with an unlocked frame rate does not imply that the APU needs to be throttled (however minor) to compensate. Just as an example, a GPU’s stream processors often lie idle during rendering; referred to as ‘bubbles’ or pipeline stalling. Asynchronous compute can help fill those bubbles, but based on Cerny’s talk it sounds like this is unlikely to have much if any effect as far as throttling is concerned. He offers an atypical example, and then says throttling by only a couple percent is plenty to curtail heat production.

Hopefully dynamic resolution scaling is commonly employed, because it is a more efficient method for rendering, allowing spare power to be used elsewhere.


I skipped from page 1 to page 7 and this thread is going exactly as i figured it would.

Xbox will be cheaper and more powerful and offer more value in Gamepass at a lower overall cost to the consumer.

Playstation will be more expensive and less powerful but will offer small niche mechanics the Xbox doesn't have, like being able to blow into the controller.

Both systems are going to have half baked games at launch and in a year or two we will start seeing better games.

Playstation will have some amazing looking first party games but suffer when it comes to third party.

The end.. we can close the thread now.


Hopefully dynamic resolution scaling is commonly employed, because it is a more efficient method for rendering, allowing spare power to be used elsewhere.

Dynamic scaling + CBR should be the way to go if you ask me, just like in Gears 5, when if the game can hit native 4K, it hits it, but if not, then the res automatically drops and CBR steps in, so even if it drops to 1800/1620/1440p it still looks great, it's the best of two worlds really.


Oh. So first PS5 struggles with 1080p, and now narrative shifted to 4k :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:
he is just a 🤡🤡🤡

Exactly! Like come on bro! No game has been shown on the Xbox Series X dev kits yet, but I'm supposed to believe the gap between the two is PS5 can barely do 1080p but the XSX can easily do 4K?!?!

2TF difference > 0.5TF difference. Everything doesn’t work on percentages lol.

Percentages ALWAYS matter. It's how you honestly measure the difference between things.
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No shit, so is one X and yet it didnt do anything in the fight against a weaker ps4. It barely had any noticeable differences in third party games.

You're right...

Here's a fun blind test, lets label these, I bet everyone will have a hard time telling which is which

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