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Dusk Golem: Street Fighter VI delayed out of 2021


yurinka yurinka Wow greatly appreciate the detailed clarifications on Ono! This makes a lot more logical sense than Dusk's rumors.
You're welcome. Regarding all the things I mentioned about Capcom/Ono saying they would continue supporting SFV for a while and that SFVI was still far away, it's mostly from Brazil Game Show SFV Q&A panel (there's a video but they had a translator to Brazilian Portuguese instead of to English), a EGX SFV Q&A panel and a couple of post EGX Ono interviews.

And even if Ono was lying with all that I mentioned above, and if with SFVI they weren't follow the same patterns I mentioned that SFV and SFIV had, we now know SFV will still get content until at least late 2021 and that Capcom 2020 will be done in early 2021, and that after that in their season V schedule they confirmed that we'll have SFV in Capcom Cup 2021 (if it doesn't change again it would be early 2022) and Capcom Cup 2022 (if it doesn't change again it would be early 2023).

So again a release in at least early 2023 makes sense, which would fit with the SFIV+SFV patterns and Ono's words mentioned last year. There's a lot of official information pointing to that. Pointing to a 2021 release we only have a tweet from a leaker who was right a few times but way more times has been wrong and in that SFVI information almost everything else he says in that SFVI supposed leak are lies. And an assumption based on a Capcom Cup rule change out of a million other changes they did, both when announced that change and after it. And that rule change may have been done for other reasons, maybe because they want to move Capcom Cup to a team based competition as their SFL or their Olympics tournament, or maybe because they want to split the classification method into regional competitions.

Some people also wrongly said that way at launch Capcom said they were going to support SFV until 2020, but it's wrong. What they exactly said was that they planned to support it "until 2020 or so, it will depend on player support". And in 2020 they said that due to great player support (they meant great game and DLC sales during recent years) they were going to add more content than expected before. And well, it would have been stupid to promote your game in the Tokyo Olympics with a huge audience and to don't have fresh DLC for it. But covid happened, so things delayed (Tokyo Olympics, related eSports tournament, DLC plans and probably even SFVI too).

SF6 needs to be free to play to begin with. Start small. 8 characters - fuck the story - top-tier netcode. Monthly character releases (free). Just make everything else cost money.
I'd actually prefer if Riot did it first; Capcom needs some legit competition again. Not to say IP like Tekken or Guilty Gear aren't competition, but they're more like "rivals", so to speak, on much more friendly terms.

Capcom and SF need something that'll actually be more savage/threatening and is clearly there to usurp them, it would maybe motivate Capcom to provide genuine value in a new Street Fighter on a timely schedule (i.e actually good netcode, plentiful single-player modes/content from Day 1, etc.).
To move SF into F2P is a slow process that Capcom needs to do carefully and step by step. With SFV they moved the game to a GaaS approach that partly works as a F2P, and the very toxic FGC and Capcom fanbase throw a lot of shit to the game because of it, even if it meant that with this approach new game modes, balance updates, new mechanics were free for all, having all the playerbase from all updates of the games in a single online multiplayer platform, and several of the new characters were unlockable by playing or buying them separatedly instead of being forced to keep all these things behind a $60 or $40 paywall with split userbases.

The FGC and Capcom fanbase hate big changes, but after some time are getting used to the GaaS approach and it's mostly accepted. So maybe with the next SF -or maybe in the last years of SFV-, SF can go F2P or at least to release a permanent F2P version, which would also need related additions: at least a rotating free character every month, to allow to play for free all not unlocked or bougth characters in the Training Mode, to have a ton of paid (and unlockable) DLC ready to buy since the start to make it profitable, etc.

Regarding Riot, I think they will add a ton of players from their LoL fanbase and will to a great netcode. But we already have games with great eSports budget, netcode like that one with the ponies or KI and nobody plays them. We also have a fighting game from a super popular IP (Dragon Ball FighterZ) and it did sell a bit more than SFV in total -it did sell great at launch- but didn't last for that long in sales or active players, it now is way less played than SFV. We still have to see if Riot is able to make an appealing game for the FGC regarding gameplay and cool characters in the long term.

In any case, I'm pretty sure Riot will add many things that will help Capcom to learn from to improve SFVI on top to the things Capcom may have learnt -as they said- from SFV: to don't start with very little content and game modes (it was a big SFV mistake), to have a great netcode and input delay, at launch, etc.

Regarding the SFVI online multiplayer experience, we have to consider that most players, more than the half as Harada confirmed the other day, play with wifi their fighting games. And most FGC games are played on PS. Right now the most PS4 in the market are base PS4, which have shitty wifi hardware specs (2.4 GHz). No netcode can fix that. PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro already had 5.0GHz wifi, which means that base PS5, which which will mean most of people playing fighting games in the next gen, will have a way better connection, and on top of that Sony mentioned they will highly improve PSN infrastructure.

This means that even with the current netcodes, the online experience in most cases will be way better than now (but always there will be guys playing with a McDonalds wifi while downloading porn torrents at the same time).

So with what Capcom learnt from SFV+PS5 hardware and PSN infrastructure improvements+whatever they learn from Riot+next steps from Capcom on moving SF to GaaS/F2P I'm looking forward to SFVI.
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Someone in the know here please help me out, what all has Dusk Golem gotten wrong?
I've seen his name thrown around a ton but the only "leak" I've actually read from him was the Resident Evil Village one, which turned out to be 100% accurate. Does he have a bad track record outside of that?


Gold Member
Yeah......Dusk Golem was right about the RE stuff but that twitter thread of his just screams fake news.

You're welcome. Regarding all the things I mentioned about Capcom/Ono saying they would continue supporting SFV for a while and that SFVI was still far away, it's mostly from Brazil Game Show SFV Q&A panel (there's a video but they had a translator to Brazilian Portuguese instead of to English), a EGX SFV Q&A panel and a couple of post EGX Ono interviews.

And even if Ono was lying with all that I mentioned above, and if with SFVI they weren't follow the same patterns I mentioned that SFV and SFIV had, we now know SFV will still get content until at least late 2021 and that Capcom 2020 will be done in early 2021, and that after that in their season V schedule they confirmed that we'll have SFV in Capcom Cup 2021 (if it doesn't change again it would be early 2022) and Capcom Cup 2022 (if it doesn't change again it would be early 2023).

So again a release in at least early 2023 makes sense, which would fit with the SFIV+SFV patterns and Ono's words mentioned last year. There's a lot of official information pointing to that. Pointing to a 2021 release we only have a tweet from a leaker who was right a few times but way more times has been wrong and in that SFVI information almost everything else he says in that SFVI supposed leak are lies. And an assumption based on a Capcom Cup rule change out of a million other changes they did, both when announced that change and after it. And that rule change may have been done for other reasons, maybe because they want to move Capcom Cup to a team based competition as their SFL or their Olympics tournament, or maybe because they want to split the classification method into regional competitions.

Some people also wrongly said that way at launch Capcom said they were going to support SFV until 2020, but it's wrong. What they exactly said was that they planned to support it "until 2020 or so, it will depend on player support". And in 2020 they said that due to great player support (they meant great game and DLC sales during recent years) they were going to add more content than expected before. And well, it would have been stupid to promote your game in the Tokyo Olympics with a huge audience and to don't have fresh DLC for it. But covid happened, so things delayed (Tokyo Olympics, related eSports tournament, DLC plans and probably even SFVI too).

To move SF into F2P is a slow process that Capcom needs to do carefully and step by step. With SFV they moved the game to a GaaS approach that partly works as a F2P, and the very toxic FGC and Capcom fanbase throw a lot of shit to the game because of it, even if it meant that with this approach new game modes, balance updates, new mechanics were free for all, having all the playerbase from all updates of the games in a single online multiplayer platform, and several of the new characters were unlockable by playing or buying them separatedly instead of being forced to keep all these things behind a $60 or $40 paywall with split userbases.

The FGC and Capcom fanbase hate big changes, but after some time are getting used to the GaaS approach and it's mostly accepted. So maybe with the next SF -or maybe in the last years of SFV-, SF can go F2P or at least to release a permanent F2P version, which would also need related additions: at least a rotating free character every month, to allow to play for free all not unlocked or bougth characters in the Training Mode, to have a ton of paid (and unlockable) DLC ready to buy since the start to make it profitable, etc.

Regarding Riot, I think they will add a ton of players from their LoL fanbase and will to a great netcode. But we already have games with great eSports budget, netcode like that one with the ponies or KI and nobody plays them. We also have a fighting game from a super popular IP (Dragon Ball FighterZ) and it did sell a bit more than SFV in total -it did sell great at launch- but didn't last for that long in sales or active players, it now is way less played than SFV. We still have to see if Riot is able to make an appealing game for the FGC regarding gameplay and cool characters in the long term.

In any case, I'm pretty sure Riot will add many things that will help Capcom to learn from to improve SFVI on top to the things Capcom may have learnt -as they said- from SFV: to don't start with very little content and game modes (it was a big SFV mistake), to have a great netcode and input delay, at launch, etc.

Regarding the SFVI online multiplayer experience, we have to consider that most players, more than the half as Harada confirmed the other day, play with wifi their fighting games. And most FGC games are played on PS. Right now the most PS4 in the market are base PS4, which have shitty wifi hardware specs (2.4 GHz). No netcode can fix that. PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro already had 5.0GHz wifi, which means that base PS5, which which will mean most of people playing fighting games in the next gen, will have a way better connection, and on top of that Sony mentioned they will highly improve PSN infrastructure.

This means that even with the current netcodes, the online experience in most cases will be way better than now (but always there will be guys playing with a McDonalds wifi while downloading porn torrents at the same time).

So with what Capcom learnt from SFV+PS5 hardware and PSN infrastructure improvements+whatever they learn from Riot+next steps from Capcom on moving SF to GaaS/F2P I'm looking forward to SFVI.
Agree with you on the 2023 stuff but as someone who likes the offline modes(store etc.) in fighting games SFVI going F2P sounds absolutely awful. GAAS in general is probably one of the worst things to ever happen to videogames. I'd rather they give you the base game for a set fee and then charge for new costumes/characters etc.

Outside of good netcode, I'd rather Capcom not copy Riot in any way, shape or form. The price for individual skins/characters isn't great in SFV but I'd take that over what Riot charges for some of that stuff. MTX is way out of control in this industry and I'd rather Capcom not go the F2P route.


Yeah......Dusk Golem was right about the RE stuff but that twitter thread of his just screams fake news.

Agree with you on the 2023 stuff but as someone who likes the offline modes(store etc.) in fighting games SFVI going F2P sounds absolutely awful. GAAS in general is probably one of the worst things to ever happen to videogames. I'd rather they give you the base game for a set fee and then charge for new costumes/characters etc.

Outside of good netcode, I'd rather Capcom not copy Riot in any way, shape or form. The price for individual skins/characters isn't great in SFV but I'd take that over what Riot charges for some of that stuff. MTX is way out of control in this industry and I'd rather Capcom not go the F2P route.
Yes, I agree. I'm also more of a single player guy. I'd prefer them to include a ton of single player content from the start. I'd love -and hope- they put all the game modes already available in SFV at SFVI launch.

This, with a roster of 24 (4 of them would be DLC) characters. each one with a related stage would be ok for me to start the next game. I'd prefer to be regarding pricing an so on like in SFV: you pay the $60 bucks and get all these modes, 20 chars and stages with a rotating free DLC character (it would have 6 DLC chars per season/year and would start with some of them), and all the non-unlocked/purchased characters would be playable on the training as a test. The game would be multiplatfom and crossplay (PS5/Series X/PC/Arcade) and its netcode would be a fixed rollback.

And then, if they want they can release a F2P version where you have let's say 8 characters + a free rotating one more unlocked. The DLC monetization would be like in SFV: same pricing of chars, season passes, costumes, colors, stages, etc. being like in SFV many of them unlockable by playing.

I hated the amount of content SFV had at launch, but liked it's GaaS approach: it gave me a ton of free post launch content, and did help to end getting way more content (characters, stages, costumes, etc) than with the traditional approach. It was also more consumer friendly because you were able to unlock some of the traditional paid only DLC, and if you wanted to pay instead of having to pay $60/$40 for a full game update you were allowed to buy instead only the one or two characters you wanted if it was the case.

And on top of that, since all the SFV series were instead the same game, you got all the game modes, UI, gameplay rebalances and so on for free to keep all the players in the same online multilpayer ecosystem to don't leave people behind.

I'd like them to continue the SFV approach but polishing it, like taking their time to make sure that:
1) It starts with enough content single player (I want the same current game modes and at least 20+ chars at launch)
2) It has a state of the art rollback netcode, matchmaking, wifi indicator, allow me to cancel a ranked match if he has shitty connection or uses wifi, etc.
3) Talk with Unreal to make sure their engine doesn't have input delay issues at the start of the generation, something that happened with PS4
4) From Riot I'd only copy the concept of having permanently a free rotating DLC character. For the other DLC characters I'd allow to test them for free in a limited mode (like the training).


never had any poor interactions with dusk that i recall

i think if you are gonna levy this kinda prediction, you should include specifics w / tangible evidence
Probably knows a few low level people (QA tends to have loose lips) with some info but limited perspective.
Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.

Sadly, the entire fighting genre basically ranges from being niche to being on life support. MK11 visually is definitely ahead of the majority of fighters, but games like SF, Tekken, SC and DOA imho have great gameplay that is very difficult to match.


Unconfirmed Member
I'll wait for the 2025 Arcade edition.
Tekken and SF are a dying breed. Only fighting franchise on the upwards is Mortal Kombat having sold more than double compared to the other 2. Wasnt SF almost dead untill SONY jumperd in to fund the project? The Japanese need to step up their game because MK is 60fps and graphically looks a generation ahead of SF or Tekken, using Unreal 3 engine as well.
MK did sell more yes. As horrible as those games control (funny enough they are devs that have over 20 years of experience in fighting games yet they still feel stiffer than a motherfucker) the "normal" people love the gore in these games and buy em every year thinking it is cool to do the same decapitation every single year.


I believe it, first off capcom leaks worse than an old faucet so it's perfectly reasonable this stuff got out unintentionally, the likely plan was probably to release the new season 5 characters by december like they've always done and than announce SF6 at capcom cup for the next year, the inane and inexplainable stretching out of the characters until fall of next year is clearly just to buy time for SF6


I'm quite content still playing SF5, I would rather they delay SF6 and get it right than try to do a rush job and than piss off everyone


Gold Member
Wednesday: Dusk Golem says SF 6 is in the shitter

Sunday: Ono announces he's leaving

Dusk Golem was right and wins. And some people actually think Dusk Golem was BS'ing? Ya, ok.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Dusk Golem is one of the dudes who promised a new Silent Hill game news earlier this year, wasn't he?
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If you had the info, you wouldn't report on it as a reporter of such? It wasn't the case on XSX so why is it stupid?

"Game still in development still requires optimization"

All he did was fan flames, do a load of backtracking when questioned, and then wonders why he got a bad reaction

It was dumb of him
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Great Hair

Why would anyone want this?

To counter:
Stalker 2, Warhammer Left 4 Dead, Scorn, The Medium or Yakuza 7 among others.

Sony needs a proper 3rd party "rebuttal" and not just a silly character in an upcoming game. Or store credits for said game.

Still don't believe anything about the alleged 750million investment. Sony does need to counter in some form, still pissed about Yakuza 7.


Wednesday: Dusk Golem says SF 6 is in the shitter

Sunday: Ono announces he's leaving

Dusk Golem was right and wins. And some people actually think Dusk Golem was BS'ing? Ya, ok.
To be fair, I have no idea which female developer he is referring to that has any cred in the FGC community, I guess there's that one female who helped produce dragon ball fighters I guess
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